April 5, 2007

I feel compelled to update you on the Mystery Smell. I’m sure it’s indicative of some kind of blogging-related dementia when you start thinking the internet really needs to know why your kitchen smelled like Elvis died in the fridge, but, well, I don’t exactly have content standards or anything. Frankly, based on the typos I spot whenever I browse my own archives, there is a distinct lack of quality control around here in general. Shameful.

So! On top of our kitchen sink next to the spray nozzle and the faucet, there is this Thing, a protruding whatsit which seems to have one purpose: to funnel out a stream of water when the dishwasher is running. It only happens for a few seconds, about halfway through the wash cycle, and the water just runs down into the sink. JB happened to lift the cap off the whatsit yesterday, and we discovered that it was very foul indeed—coated black by layers of icky dirty dish runoff. Gross, right? I gingerly swabbed at it with a scrubby brush then doused it with vinegar for good measure, and lo, the Mystery Smell is no more.

Okay, now back to telling me what you’re doing this weekend if you haven’t already. Also, if you have any suggestions for non-irritating teeth whiteners (Crest Whitestrips, which have worked wonders in the past, now make my gums feel like they are being doused with battery acid), won’t you help a sister out? My coffee habit is wearing on my not-so-pearly whites and to my unending sorrow the dodge tool only works in Photoshop, not real life.

Oh, and I would also like to know if the following things are worth their hype, because they are all tempting my wallet right now:

Amy Winehouse
Lululemon pants
Superhero necklaces


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17 years ago

Uck… i found an icky smell in my kitchen earlier and it came from a potato. That’s always weird because they look alright until you take them from the bag and find out the one on the bottom is the consistency of mush. *shudder*

Bleach that little drain of yours too… kill all the yuckiness off!

17 years ago

Amy Winehouse – no idea
lululemonpants – the name alone scares the crap outta me. anything with a name like that has to be worthy of a ‘tell your grandkids’ story so yeah go for it..
Superhero necklaces – only if they have a zombie repeller

17 years ago

Lululemon is a Vancouver-based company (where I live) and I’ve been buying their clothes for years. I can vouch for their outstanding quality. I own five pairs of pants and a couple of very cute jackets.

17 years ago

I can’t speak for yoga pants or Ms Winehouse…….but as to the jewelry….. check out my pal Kathy’s stuff


She makes some stunning beaded stuff, at much more reasonable prices. I have quite a bit of stuff from her.

17 years ago

I’m digging Amy Winehouse right now, worth it. I’ve not heard of the luluwhatever pants or the Superhero necklaces. Tooth whiteners, non gum irritating variety…..I suppose you could try the one that you paint onto your teeth, therefore limiting the amount of contact the goo has with your gums? It’s a pain but it works really well.

This weekend, I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my new Mack Daddy washer and dryer. This purchase kicks off Remodel Hell ’07. I am ridiculously excited about appliances and proud of it, lol. Sunday, we’ll do some sort of Easter-ish bunny, egg, hunting thing preceeding the making of the Devilled Eggs. Which is the only reason we celebrate Easter at all.

17 years ago

I love the necklaces, but I’m not sure what it says about me that I saw “superhero necklaces” and thought – well of COURSE you always need a good Wonder Woman necklace.

17 years ago

YES on Amy Winehouse!

17 years ago

Lululemon – the first 3 times I wore their cropped pants I was asked if I lost weight. Yay! Another three wearings though and they’d already started to pill, and those suckers are expensive. Boo! (They may have improved that aspect though, since I bought them a few years ago.) You be the judge of whether those balance out. I get a fitness intstructor’s discount and I still rarely buy their stuff, but I’m kinda cheap thrifty.

17 years ago

I can’t speak to the first two, but on the third, good heavens those are pricy. You should check out Etsy! There are a ton of indie designers with great stuff for very reasonable prices.

17 years ago

i am loving listening to amy winehouse right now…AS I TYPE… on my way to San Diego…checking your site on my phone while the man drives because you & natural cheetos are like CRACK.
i love Amy & her eyeliner.
have a great weekend.

17 years ago

I tried Lululemon pants after D&D raved about them. I do like them, but I can’t vouch for the other two items on your list.

Do your remodel plans include a new brushed nickel protruding whatsit?

17 years ago

I’ve had my Earth superhero necklace for 5 years, and it is my most complimented piece of jewelry I’ve ever worn. I am sad to see she might be going out of business. I’m ordering the Tropical one just in case.

17 years ago

I, as a habitual lurker, wouldn’t normally tell the world what I was doing over the weekend – I have no delusions about how interesting I am. However, this weekend will be special, so I’ll break the habit. My girlfriend of three years grew up in a hyper-Christian conservative commune, and thus every Easter endured sermon upon sermon about Hell and Christ’s great sacrifice, and was not allowed any remotely secular Easter traditions.

So I organized a big Easter egg hunt for her, put little love notes in the plastic eggs, and put together an Easter basket for her, with silly kids toys and lots of Peeps. :) I can’t wait to surprise her.

Will you be egg-hunting with Riley?

17 years ago

Amy Winehouse = a resounding YES – her new record is amazing..
and a big YES to lulu’s. I was very hesitant myself of going with the herd on this one, but I am so glad I did. The quality is like none other jogging suit you will every buy…if you were jogging suits?

17 years ago

Love the Superhero jewelery – and I think it would make anyone feel good about themselves when wearing it! :)

I’ve been wondering what the big deal is with Amy Winehouse – she’s all over Perez Hilton….i’m going to check her out right now – by the sounds of it i’ve been missing out!

Pants sound fabulous too…

17 years ago

Been reading your site for ages and am finally commenting.

I have been wearing Lululemon for years now (nice to see the Americans catch on to a Canadian phenomenon), and I have to say YES, get one nice set that keeps you from feeling like a schlub when you go to the grocery store. If you follow the washing instructions (and even do a load of just Lululemon) you won’t see any pilling.

Another suggestion is to find a Roots store (I dont know if you have then in the USA) and they have fantastic yoga gear, I just got 2 suits for 160$ canadian on sale and today I am wearing a pair of four year old roots yoga pants that still look new.

Amy Winehouse -Yes! Great CD We have had it in iTunes Canada for quite some time now and it is nice to see it is becoming popular everywhere. Unique sound.

The superhero necklace. No. Seem really expensive for a couple beads and wire and they may be pretty but really not that great, IMO.

17 years ago

GoSmile is the best at-home whitener I’ve ever used, and I have sensitive gums (and teeth). If you buy a refill pack it’s much less than the starter kit, too. I dig it.

Heather B.
17 years ago

I made the very sad mistake of purchasing Amy Winehouse off of Amazon several months back for the awesome price of $35 and of course now it’s like $8 on iTunes. Awesome.
I say go for it.

17 years ago

Amy Winehouse… just doesn’t do it for me. I don’t know if it’s the bandwagon thing that I hate, or if it’s because I can’t understand a word she says. Meh.

The necklaces are cute, but you can get stuff like that at Target for a LOT cheaper. That’s a lot to charge for plastic beads.

I’m not familiar with the pants, but if I was going to splurge on one of these three things, I’d go with those.

17 years ago

Two tips on the teeth whitening thing. I tried a kit that came with trays and gel. Works very well. Can cause the sensitivity thing too though but that’s where the second tip comes in. Whenever you use teeth whitening stuff then rinse real well afterwords with a flouride mouthwash. The flouride somehow helps eliminate the sensitivity. HEre’s where I got the kit. Price is about the same as for Crest strips but you keep the trays and can always buy bulk gel later for touch ups. http://www.vitabase.com/supplements/teeth-whitening/prowhite.aspx

bad penguin
17 years ago

I like Amy Winehouse. I’ve only heard a couple of her songs, but so far, so good. She is scary skinny though.

Now that I’ve seen the Superhero necklaces, I might have to buy one. That Sea Glass is really pretty.

17 years ago

Hey, bravo on the mystery stank. I can never find strange odors coming from obscure places. But unfortunately I’m at a disadvantage. Like my Grandpa used ot say, I don’t smell so good, if you know what I mean. (I have poor olfactory senses) Fortunately my girlfriend has that bizarre female genome that requires constant scrutiny of all things domestic, and a borderline sterile environment at all times.

I can’t really say yay or neigh (I can spell them however I want, this is the internet, dang!) on the jewelry or the yoga pants. I am gonna point out that if you are doing this at home with nobody else around, why do you need pants at all? But I suppose that’s man logic, and there’s surely some really good reason to spend money on pants that must lengthen your ligaments and massage more blood into your strained muscles and maybe even make you some pink lemonade for after the workout.

I did however download some of this Amy Winehouse lady you mentioned. Now I’m not really into chick music. Most of the stuff I rock to involves men who look like junkie corpses wearing leather and razor wire and spewing fire and occasional lethal projectiles into a crowd who’s ears are bleeding from the intensity of the guitar shreddage. However, I do enjoy a wider range from time to time, and actually found this little English muffin to be quite the ear candy. I still wouldn’t buy any of her stuff though. You know it’s free if you just loosen your moral standards. Bear Share is a good software package, but it disagrees with many internet security packages. I use LimeWire. Seriously, you will never have to pay for music again, unless you want to hear it live. And honestly, I don’t feel like paying people unless they work everyday like me, so they can get my cash when I see them working in person.

17 years ago

Amy Winehouse = totally the MOST soul in popular music right now…and she’s batshit crazy too. Seriously, it’s a real good listen…great music for a Saturday morning.

Lululemon = I bought a pair of their pants and really did like them…. but they are just really good yoga pants…other companies make ’em too! Don’t get me wrong, I like them and wouldn’t say they were a waste..but I’m not sure that they are THAT much nicer and better than any other of my yoga pants. Just sayin’

Superhero Necklace = THIS I would spend money on. Andrea makes beautiful powerful necklaces that really do give you special powers. What modern woman doesn’t need this?

17 years ago

i have some lululemon pants, and i LOVE them. i think they’re worth every penny. i wear them around the house, to walk the dog, and now even while traveling. and yes, they do make your butt look $60 worth of good.

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