May 16, 2006

Do you think it’s weird if you’re in the middle of watching The Office finale and one of the characters says something momentous to another character and just for a minute you forget altogether that they are actors on a hilarious show and you practically burst into tears right there on the couch because right now you believe in love, yes, you believe in a love that spans the ages and you believe in Jim and you believe in Pam and my god, my god, hope is a thing with feathers, Jim and Pam, and never stops at all, and –

Uh, it’s possible I’m watching a little too much television lately. (But wow!) It’s probably a good thing that every show I’ve been addicted to is coming to an end so I can free up the mountainous acreage in my brain currently devoted to fuming bitterly over the loss of American Idol’s Chris Daughtry, or endlessly worrying about who’s up next on the Sopranos death-o-meter.

The weather has turned magically delicious so it’s time to turn off the TV anyway, and spend these evenings in the backyard. Maybe do some gardening, pick up a few heaps of dogshit, keep an eye out for Giant House Spiders moseying in the open screen door. We sat out there last night until it was too dark to read, and it was wonderful – I think those are my favorite moments from summer, just relaxing on our own patio, flipping through magazines and drinking tall sweating glasses of lemonade.

I took these photos after watering the plants yesterday:



Also, here is a picture of Dog mid-yawn:


And some recent photos of the boy:




Now let’s go all MULTIMEDIA and shit since it’s been a while since I’ve bored the pants off you with some videos. Ready? Okay!

1) It’s Dog! Throwing her kong around to get the biscuits out. Oh Dog, you are too cool.

2) It’s the boy! When he first learned how to bounce in his bounceamajig!

3) It’s JB! Who is going to kill me for posting this very awesome candid video of him performing for Riley, who is nearing his bedtime and fading fast, but still greatly entertained – as I promise you will be upon viewing this.


Lastly, I decided to update my sidebar whenever I made a new post on Purple Is a Fruit. I’m not sure how interested you are in reading that blog, but I will be updating practically every damn day, so…I hope you visit me there. Leave a comment if you have a minute, I sort feel like I’m shouting into a void right now and it’s making me self conscious and WAHHHHH, etc.


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18 years ago

That video of Riley and JB is AWESOME. I am going to download the rest now. (I love not being on dial-up!)

18 years ago

JB kicks some serious ass. That was fantastic.

Also, I like your idea of updating a link to the other blog. I’m not a mom, so the specific mom sites aren’t on my regular reading list, as it were, but I will for sure come check it out. I sure do love me some Sundry.

18 years ago

Just wanted to comment that over the last few months your blog as prepared me for my experience today. My wife and I are the proud new parents of a beautiful little girl. I am in total awe of her; and all she does is keep her eyes closed and sleep. I can’t wait to feel all the excitement and horror that she is about to “bring forth”. I’m in love all over again. For lack of a cheesier term: “Hooray!”

Thanks for the insight.

18 years ago

The third video = awesome.

18 years ago

Oh yeah, that ep of The Office was … *snif* I hate to say that I might be liking the US version better than the UK version now. The US version has evolved.

18 years ago

I love the video of your two boys :) I always call my hubby fun-time daddy because the kids just love him. Must be some male genetic link to children that allows them to be so fun. Thanks for sharing :)

18 years ago

Wait, did you just quote lyrics from a Trailer Bride song? I think I love you. And you’re not alone about getting all sentimental about Pam and Jim. Remember that episode where Pam was talking about a silly childhood dream she had about wanting to get married and move into a big house with a balcony that she could hang plants from? And then she said she was an adult and was over that, and then she started crying? Yeah, that made me cry like a little girl.

18 years ago

Oh, wait, that was Emily Dickinson, wasn’t it? I’ll just be moseyin’ along now…

18 years ago

I think that last moment between Pam and Jim was honestly the best television moment ever for me. It might be TMI, but I nearly had an orgasm. Seriously.

18 years ago

Hi! I’m a frequent reader who very rarely comments here. Just want to let you know that I’m not a parent, and am not really big on kids, but I am totally loving your new “momblog”!! I’ve been checking there each day to see if you’ve updated. You really have a gift with your writing. Also, I just have to say that I love the pics of Riley (and also Dog!). You have a gorgeous kid, and I’m not just saying it! Keep sharing the stories and pictures with us–we love them!!!

Dawn from PA

Kristen V.
Kristen V.
18 years ago

I love your new picture on Purple is a Fruit. Much better than the old one, and the old one was pretty good.

18 years ago

I’m still mourning the loss of Six Feet Under. I dream about the characters, cry when I think about how the show ended, etc. I try not to tell too many people about it, because they might get a little freaked out by my intensity….
Have duly bookmarked the new site. I’ll check it out at work today.

18 years ago

The look that JB gives you at the end… it’s almost “Oh shit, you ARE going to post that for everyone and their brother to see, aren’t you?”


18 years ago

Those photos are amazing. I shoot both digital and film. Can you let me know what settings you used to capture those images. It looks like it was dark and you used a long exposure, but the droplets would have moved on a long exposure, correct?

Thanks, hey are really cool.


18 years ago

Can I just say that I love your blog? I love stories about your boy and your dog and your husband. I have been poking my nose over at Club Mom lately, as well. :)

Niki P.
Niki P.
18 years ago

I love the look on JB’s face- he looks pooped from all that dancing!

18 years ago

I may have cried when Jim told Pam that he loved her. And then I really wanted to go give him a hug!

18 years ago

I normally do not comment; but I had to say I am a regular reader. I enjoy your humor and candid outlook. I am not a mother or a-mom-to-be, but I have been reading at Purple Is A Fruit. I feel I can benefit from Purple Is A Fruit b/c I am so clueless!! It’s been wonderful to read of your personal growth. I hope, in the future, I can handle everything as well as you!

18 years ago

I think I may have a crush on your husband now. Because the dancing? And beatboxing? Oh, there are just no words.

And for the record, I totally feel the Chris Daughtry pain. American Idol is just not worth it anymore.

18 years ago

So I wandered over to Purple Is A Fruit, and I was going to leave you a comment about filling a void, but I thought this might be a better place for that type of thing. What with so many mommies hangin around over there. Not that they haven’t had a void filled. I mean you know, metaphorically.
Well not metaphorically cause you know, mommies do “it”. Or at least did “it”, once.

Heh, filling a void.

18 years ago

JB’s baby dance ROCKS the Casbah! Seriously, this is blogging at its best. Does it get any better than putting covert VIDEOS of one’s husband online for the enjoyment of many?

Yea, I didn’t think so either!
Have a good day! (still chuckling at the sweetness!)

18 years ago

Love your home version of dancing with the stars :) I’d give JB and Riley a 12! That is adorable!

kara marie
18 years ago

And, and, then? The KISS. I was an emotional trainwreck the rest of the evening. Because of The Office!

18 years ago

Sobbed during The Office. Full-on had to leave the room to compose myself. Damn TV.

18 years ago

I heart JB! That is an awesome clip. I also love the one of Dog…mostly, because that is exactly what our dog does to get the treats out of his Kong and we, like most foolishly proud puppy parents, thought he was a dog genius!

18 years ago

OMeffing GOD I laughed out loud SO HARD at that picture of Riley in profile as he sits there in his little blue seat. He looks SO DAMN SERIOUS, like there is cold fusion happening over there in that little corner of the yard and he is NOT GOING TO LOOK AWAY because, seriously, he might miss it.

18 years ago

It’s so weird hearing your voice…because I read you all the time, and you have this already imagined voice in my head…
Also? JB is hilarious – any dad that can bust the moves AND the sound effects is awesome…

Lisa S.
18 years ago

Oh, my lord, The Office … I was like, “It’s too bad Jim is a fictional character, because that reduces the odds that I can kidnap him and live in bigamous splendor.” Because everyone deserves to have someone Bring It like he Brought It in those final scenes.

18 years ago

Riley is so ever-vigilant–I love his serious faces, ahh!!! Also, cute shirt (and husband–JB should not be mad about you posting that, it just won him more fans over in Sundry-land. Maybe you should have him guest-post sometime so we can e-swoon and shit.)

18 years ago

How – cute – was – that? Your site is just the bomb. I just love to read what you write no matter what it is. Anyway – the videos are adorable. I see you got Riley the Bumbo! It looks like he is sitting very well in it. Well, that IS it’s purpose but hope it helps him on his way to situponyourownville. I have some new pics up of my boys in their bumbos too. They are a great invention! Thanks for again and always brightening my day!

18 years ago

OMG! We have totally the same voice! I played the clips you posted, and Fergus came running over because he thought it was me talking! hee.

18 years ago

i love your site! i am enjoying the updates at ClubMom as well. hooray for candid moms! you should write a book….

18 years ago

JB is the cutest husband in the world. You lucky lady!

18 years ago

You said there would be dancing, but you didn’t say anything about the beat-boxing. Does he do parties?

(You also didn’t say there would be Office spoilers. *pout*)

18 years ago

Indeed, the very best part of the dance video is the look on JB’s face at the end. It makes me laugh out loud. Adorable, the pair of them.

18 years ago

The Office took me by complete surprise. Complete whimpering, snorting, sobbing surprise.
Also – wanted to give you some obsessive internet love. Because really? I’ve been here every day for almost three years. Love your writing, and your adorable brood!

18 years ago

Love love love The Office!

I thought JB’s dancing had a hoe-down quality, definitely great video…

18 years ago

i, too, adore the look on jb’s face at the end of that video. i think it’s the best thing i’ve seen all day.

18 years ago

Girl, you should videoblog EVERY DAY! Those cracked me up. Now if you could only get Dog, JB and baby in the same frame jiggedyjiggeding to one of JB’s tunes that would be NIRVANA.

18 years ago

PS: If you want good Office, rent the original British series The Office with Ricky Gervais. The American rip-off doesn’t measure up to the riotous, utterly brilliant, and poignant content of the original.

18 years ago

Yeah, I watched all three of these yesterday but the one with JB is like 900 times funnier with sound! Great singing job, JB.

18 years ago

“Good job… nice tongue” cracked my shit UP! Hehe.

18 years ago

Yeah, that ep of The Office seriously brought the awesome. My lovely fiance has kept it saved on the DVR so we can watch it and get our fix of Jim-n-Pam until the new season starts.

18 years ago

Your photos are beautiful, I often use them as my desktop background (the nature ones, not the ones with your family because ah, that would be really creepy). Also, I live in Arizona, and I haven’t seen any green foliage since I moved here from Colorado 10+ years ago.

18 years ago

No worries re: Office spoilers. I haven’t actually seen the American version yet, but I know that I will once I finish the BBC one. How I managed to go fifteen years without accidentally finding out who killed Laura Palmer is a modern-day miracle.

18 years ago

The first picture of the purple leaves is outstanding! Did you do the darkening with the vignette in photoshop or are you just that good? ;)

18 years ago

Hi, I’ve been reading for a while but I don’t comment very often. I just wanted to say that I love reading your words and I’m so excited that you’re posting in two places! Also, Riley has fabulous hair in the first picture. Oh, and I like the instant-as-I-type comment preview you’ve got happening down here.

18 years ago

So I guess it’s definitely a fruit then right?