December 12, 2006
Every time I read another news article on James Kim I feel myself blinking back tears. Somebody posted a graphic detailing Kim’s journey through that harsh terrain, and seeing the trail leading back towards his family’s car about breaks my damn heart. I wish like hell we could all spin the earth backwards like Superman, and fly to him, a deus ex machina to pluck his still-living body from the cold ground, and return him to safety and warmth and his family’s arms.
I know this world’s got a million sad stories, but this one just won’t leave my head. I hope for peace and healing for the Kim family.
Boy, I don’t even know how to segue from such a sad topic without sounding like an insensitive asshole, so let’s just…move on, together, to the incredibly shallow topic of concealer. Specifically, I need your advice on a good cover-up for my spectacularly unsexy dark eye circles, because you guys know EVERYTHING. Leave me a comment, or shoot me an email, and help me not spend so much time getting up close and personal with Photoshop’s Dodge tool.
And hey, as long as I’m soliciting advice, I need a good book. I keep picking things up from the library that aren’t very enjoyable, and then I feel resentful about spending my practically nonexistent free time on something that is teh suck, so YO, kick down with the suggestions. What’s the last great thing you read?
Work is incredi-busy lately, what with Macworld and a new product release and Workplace’s upcoming semi-closure for several days in a row over the holidays (would you believe I actually argued against that decision? I really am an asshole). I’m pleased to report, though, that I had time this week to write a very stupid blog post that included a photo of one of our employees in a monkey mask, so the next time I have a mini career crisis and wonder if I’m Really Being All That I Can Be, I will remind myself: monkey mask.
I’ve been posting photos of the various Christmas accouterments scattered around the house, and for those of you with really good memories, here’s an old friend: Porny McSquirrelton, He-Who-Wields-Anal-Beads. Speaking of anal, my ass is going to get really fat if I keep doing this.
In other news, this video is oddly wonderful. Rescue many horses, yes indeed! (Thanks, Jilly.)
I don’t know what you like to read so I’ll just throw some out at you that are kinda all over the place:
My Sister’s Keeper (kinda heavy but a good read)
Seabiscuit (I’ve read it 4 times I love it so much)
The Winner (a good mystery-thriller type)
Derailed (the movie sucked btw and the book is WAY better)
Marley and Me (you’ve got a lab so I thought you’d like it)
Straight Man (funny as hell)
Good luck!
The Mercy of Thin Air was an enjoyable read. Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal was the funniest book I’ve read in years and years–maybe ever. Don’t worry, not a religious book or a book to encourage converting to Christianity, just hilarious.
Books! My favorite topic!
– “Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About” by Mil Millington is fucking hilarious, as are his other two novels.
– “Switch Bitch” by Roald Dahl is four of his short stories.
– “Children Playing Under A Statue of Hercules” is a compilation of short stories by different authors, edited by David Sedaris.
– Obviously, anything by David Sedaris.
– “Winner of the National Book Award” by Jincy Willett is brilliant and witty and wonderful.
– Anything by Oscar Wilde
– “Surprised by Joy” by C.S. Lewis is a great one if you just want to feel better about life in general.
– “Middlesex” by Jeffrey Eugenides
– “Gilligan’s Wake” by Tom Carson
As far as concealer goes, I have no suggestions … probably why I always look like the undead.
I recently started using Smashbox concealer and I like it. I’ve never really found a concealer that I love, though, so take that with a grain of salt. Some of my friends swear by the Smashbox.
As for books: I second the “Straight Man” recommendation, very funny. Also, I just finished Zadie Smith’s “On Beauty” and really enjoyed it, she’s a fantastic writer.
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
The Time Travellers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
anything by Christopher Moore, specifically Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal
I normally don’t dig Benefit very much, but their Boi-ing under-eye concealer is great, minus a little creasing. They market it as “industrial-strength” so it should do the trick for anyone. Since I started using it, the “you look tired” remarks have remarkably decreased.
You’ve got two readers named “Bianca”, that’s got to be a good sign for something.
Okay, I know I already recommended it to you, but World War Z! Who cares if it’s not really “holiday” material! It’s ZOMBIES! I say any time of year is the right time for zombies! However, now I’m reading “King Dork” by Frank Portman who is the frontman of the awesome Bay Area punk band, The Mr. T Experience and I’m enjoying it. It references Catcher in the Rye so it’s got to be good.
Also I’m the queen of dark circles and when I say queen, trust me, I’m not fucking around. Except it’s really weird, it’s actually just one dark circle. For some reason my left eye always looks as though it just collided with a doorknob. My recommendation is MAC concealer, not the tube but the tiny little tub that you have to use your own moisturizer with. It’s the best concealer I’ve found thus far. Also, my friend swears by Boi-ing by Benefit and since it is a San Francisco make-up brand, I have to represent and recommend that too.
Good luck!
I like Physicians Formula concealer. The yellow tint does a good job on my under eye circles and the green tint works miracles for redness.
I was brought to tears at work this morning in the breakroom over a story about James Kim and his family. I was still blinking back the tears when I got back to my desk and the BIG boss came to get coffee (my desk is right in front of the coffee pots) and not only was I still sniffling but he hadn’t heard the story (how? I have no idea). It is so sad.
Well, I have shitty dark under-eye circles, and I’m going to take this opportunity to pimp the mineral makeup brand that I use AGAIN. Sunlight Concealer. Works miracles on me, and I know it is scary and yellow but just take my word for it– it works. And it stays. If you don’t want to buy one, you can always just try it out with the free sample kit and pay a few bucks for shipping. I pimp because I love, yo.
Sorry if those links don’t work right, they just redesigned the website and I think this shold work… we’ll see, eh?
I haven’t been reading much lately, no time what with the finals. The last thing I read was “Interview with a Vampire” because I was too young to read it when the movie came out along with everyone else. It was pretty good.
I just read David Baldacci’s “The Camel CLub”. Very good thriller.
I always enjoy Jodi Picoult’s books. The last one I read was “Picture Perfect.”
I strongly recommend the Time Traveler’s Wife!
I highly recommend the book Night by Elie Weisel. It’s a tiny little book but it’s heavy.
Now that I’ve left one comment, I can’t stop myself.
My husband and I have spent most of the last 2.5 years abroad, floating westwards in our little sailboat. I trade books with other sea-going folks, although most people read crap mass-market paperbacks. I’ve learned to choose a book by its paper stock, because actual plot lines would leave me with very little to read on very looong days at sea. But I have found a few like souls out there that can appreciate a good book, so here are a few I actually recommend to those who have a WHOLE library at their disposal.
Into nonfiction? Have learned to love it:
“Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue Sea” by Gary Kinder. People from Norway, England, and America were practically trading punches over who would get to read it next.
“A Fish Caught in Time: The Search for the Coelacanth” by Samantha Weinberg. Who doesn’t love coelacanths?
“The Confusion” by Neal Stephenson. Really meaty, if you have the time for a big book. You’re supposed to read “Quiksilver” first, but I didn’t and still really enjoyed it. Besides, I currently have “Quicksilver” checked out from KCLS, so neener neener.
“Daughter of Fortune” by Isabel Allende. Rich imagery set in the ’49 gold rush.
“Promise Me” by Harlan Coben. If you are ever drawn to mass market mystery thrillers, this one is actually good with some great characters and witty writing. I am almost tempted to check out some of his other books, and I don’t think I’ve willingly picked up a thriller since high school.
MAC Studiofinish is from the makeup gods. It’s as effective as stage makeup but doesn’t make you look like a dockside hooker.
My Life in Heavy Metal by Steve Almond, awesome short story collection (he also co-wrote Which Brings Me To You with Julianna Baggott, which is also quite good)
Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, although you’ve likely already read it (graphic novel and all!)
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, a bit more intense but really well-written and so good
Also, if you buy books, you should totally join Paperback Swap, since it’s just about the best thing that’s ever happened.
I find that actual concealers are too thick and tend to being more attention to whatever you’re trying to “conceal”, so what I do is use a lighter shade of liquid foundation (I use Maybelline Shine Free in Ivory, as I am pretty pasty to begin with) and dot it on with a sponge. Does the trick!
I would go to the ends of the earth to promote BeneFit’s Boi-ing Under Eye Concealer. I cannot stress enough how amazing that shit is – and relatively subtle, as I use powder foundation. LOVE.
Books I would highly recommend:
“My Sister’s Keeper” by Jodi Picoult
“Jesus Land” by Julia Scheeres
“The Dive from Clausen’s Pier” by Ann Packer (not new, but amazing)
“Are Men Necessary?” by Maureen Dowd
Let us know what you choose – the concealer AND the book!
I also immediately thought of My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult which has been suggested earlier, so I guess it gets two ticks.
To the Power of Three, by Laura Lippmanm, if you feel like “a novel of suspense” (that’s what it says on the cover!). It’s got an amazing beginning. I’m only halfway through, but I still recommend it.
I’m pretty sure you’ve read it / mentioned it before, but I’m just about to re-read that classic Christmas tome — A Prayer for Owen Meany. I love the Christmas concert chapter!
At the moment, the only other things I’m reading are “Never Have Your Dog Stuffed,” Alan Alda’s memoir (so funny), and “Beauty Tips from Moose Jaw” by Will Ferguson.
As for brand-new-to-me books, I’m going to come back here for inspiration.
I’m a jerk and I hate Jodi Picault. But I have to second the Christopher Moore recommendation – get The Stupidest Angel for both the holiday goodness and the humor, especially the Ikea zombie scene. My husband and I both will randomly quote from that, like some sort of Monty Python geeks. If you’re going for funny, Janet Evanovich has all those hugely popular, very funny, light mysteries. They’re the kind of books you laugh out loud reading and then hope nobody saw you. For a lighter mystery, I also recommend Ayelet Waldman’s Mommy Track mysteries (stupid series title, funny books). Her other books are a little heavier, but they’re also very good – I’m reading Love and Other Impossible Pursuits right now and it’s really good. I also just read Daniel Handler’s The Basic Eight – he’s Lemony Snicket, the children’s book author. It was a good, disturbing read. Which reminds me of Curtis Sittenfield’s Prep, which is another high school novel that was just awesome. And that, for some reason, makes me think of Melissa Banks’ newer book, the title of which escapes me, but which I enjoyed on the beach this summer. Oh, and just to add to my total literary geekdom, try and, I’ve found a ton of books thru both of them.
(After all that, would you be surprised if I said I have no idea about concealer, I’m just trying to embrace my dark circles?)
I just read “White Masai”, by Corinne Hofmann and highly recommend it. It’s a non-fiction book about a Swiss woman who travels to Africa on vacation and falls in love with a Masai warrior. She gives up her whole life back home to be with this man and the descriptions of their way of life are fascinating, disturbing and, at times, gut-wrenching. After I finished it, I discovered they are actually making a movie from it – and there is also a sequel to it.
I second “My Sister’s Keeper” – just read it and it was fantastic. Heavy, and as a mother it was hard to read parts of it, but it makes you think. I’m currently reading, and loving “The Glass Castle” by Jeannette Walls – a memoir about life with her crazy family. Next on my list after this – “The Memory Keeper’s Daughter” – I keep hearing good things.
And I added a few to my list from your readers’ recommendations. Thanks for asking the question. :) Good luck with the concealer….and if you know of a great foundation with good coverage to hide big pores, but not all makeup-y looking, let me know!
And James Kim. I know. :( Can’t stop thinking of them either. Sad sad sad.
i would also recommend ANYTHING by jodi picoult. who knew how popular she was?
keep up the great writing.
clare (australia)
Nobody’s Fool by Richard Russo is a great book.
I have always been partial to Bobbi Brown’s Foundation Stick, but the caveat is you must apply some sort of undereye cream beforehand- otherwise it’s too dry.
If you do find something you love, will you post or send me an email? These new-mom undereye circles are a whole new ballgame.
I’d recommend Jodi Picoult also, and “The Time Traveler’s Wife” is the best book I’ve read in the past several years. Also “The Secret History” by Donna Tartt. “The Glass Castle” is really good, and I love Bill Bryson’s memoirs- esp. “A Walk in the Woods.” I am reading “The Historian” now, and it’s meaty, but good. “A History of Love” by Nicole Krauss, and “Eat, Pray, Love,’ by Elizabeth Gilbert (I can’t believe they’re making a movie out of that-ughhh). Another good one is “The Dogs of Babel”- I think I’m remembering that title correctly. Your readers have great suggestions- “The Memory Keeper’s Daughter” is also excellent.
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert is excellent if you’re in the mood for introspection with a goodly dose of snort-inducing humor. If you’re in the mood for something lighter and more disposable, I heartily recommend any essay collection by Calvin Trillin (I think this may be the first time Gilbert and Trillin have ever been recommended in the same breath, but there you go).
I read a variety of topics and one of my favorite authors at this particular time is Christopher Moore, “Dirty Job” or “Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal” as mentioned above. He is so HILARIOUS.
One of my favorites is Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palunuik….very twisted
I’ll just list concealer because it would take hours for me to go through books that might be of value to you. If you want to know my long list, hit me with an email at my blog, above.
I swear by Clinique concealer. It’s creamy, but not so thick that it creases. I only realized this when I switched recently to Maybelline, which is so thin it doesn’t cover (ie. it’s blotchy). When I save enough pennies I’m going straight back to the Clinique counter to get some more. Seriously, this shit covers everything, which is nice, because I’ve discovered I have permanent dark circles. So definitely, two thumbs up for Clinique.
Dude. I have the WORST undereye action ever, and the best product I have found is Mary Kay creamy concealer…you have to go through a MK agent but this stuff is totally worth it. Remember, a little bit goes a long way!
AAnnnddd I just finished reading (again) Jane Eyre. Still wiping my eyes over that one, I swear I find a new facet to it with every reading. Happy Christmas!
I read Death of the Beekeeper several months ago, and still am thinking about it almost daily. If that means anything.
Also, on a bee related subject, I’ve been switching over to all Burts’ Bees makeup and skin care products, and oh boy, my face is happy. For the first time EVER. Their concealer is very good, very industrial, but very…invisible, at the same time. Love love love love love it and all Burts Bees products. I can’t rave enough without sounding absolutely batshit insane (more than I already do), but! Love!
I write about books on my blog. A lot. But rather than force you to read my entire blog, here’s a handy tool that I started using recently and love a lot.
My “shelf” is at My “shelf” is (some of) the books that I have read and I’m adding reviews to them. My “reading list” is, uh, books I want to read.
Did you read “Stiff” by Mary Roach about corpses? If so and if you liked it, be sure to pick up “Spook” about ghosts and the afterlife. It’s similarly snortingly funny as “Stiff.”
“Wonder When You’ll Miss Me” by Amanda Davis – so good. It’s very strange and kind of dark, and I love it.
Those cookies look amazing, and the horse video made me happy! My husband and I did have to laugh at one moment – when the horses were being coralled there was a man behind them, and my husband was like, “What is that? The alien from Close Encounters??” and I said, “It’s a man,” to which he replied, “What is he, NINE feet tall?!” I dubbed the guy The Netherland Giant. I don’t know, is it just us? That guy really did look damn tall.
And I use Mary Kay concealer and love it. One of those little tubes lasts for years, seriously.
Um, I kinda suck at reading. My favourite book is Motley Crue – the Dirt so take that for what you will. Its an incredibly rock’n’roll book even if you don’t care for the band, kinda like Jenna Jameson’s book.
Oh, I saw someone put “Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About” by Mil Millington …the website of the same name is BRILLIANT!
Best book I’ve read in the past six months: Water for Elephants, Sara Gruen. Happy ending, great story, well-written. Only two caveats: some unnecessary gross bits (nothing too substantial) and also some bad things happen to some animals. But then some good things happen to some animals too.
Best book I read in 2006 (was published in 2005): Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro. This is, how to say it, NOT a happy book. But it’s an amazing one.
Also in the not-happy-but-amazing category: A Thread of Grace, Mary Doria Russell.
If you’re looking for something more escapist but not fluffy, try Marian Keyes — I like Rachel’s Holiday best. And for pure laugh-your-hiney-off fluff, try Jennifer Crusie. Bet Me is my favorite of hers.
No tips on concealer. Sorry.
Company, by Max Barry. I am pretty sure it’s right up your alley. But Enough About Me by Jancee Dunn is very funny but still has substance to it. Some older titles that are worthing checking out if you haven’t — Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, by John Berendt, and The Secret History by Donna Tartt.
I second the recommendation for Bobbi Brown products, but I use the Creamy Concealer Kit (
I use the Bare Escentuals concealer. It’s good stuff.
I’ve totally been into non-fiction lately and have read some very good books that I can recommend. The good thing about non-fiction for me is that I can put it down easier than fiction for some reason. So it doesn’t keep me awake reading into the wee hours.
I totally second the recommendation of Seabiscuit which is a great read. Also Bill Bryson’s A Walk in the Woods I found very enjoyable. A Bryson book I avoided for a long time because of the title is A Short History of Nearly Everything but I loved it once I got into it. A book scarier than any thriller and very well written is The Great Influenza by John M. Barry. I also recommend The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. Fascinating! I think The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout should be required reading for anyone who has to deal with people (and who doesn’t?). And finally one of my favorite books this year was Almost French by Sarah Turnbull.
Thanks for posting the horses-rescue video. It brought a tear to my eye as well.
Have you read Tom Robbins? Or Barbara Kingsolver? If I know you like I think I know you (you know, all internet stalkerishly,) I think you’d enjoy either and both. The Time Traveller’s Wife is also superb.
(I didn’t read the comments first, so sorry if i repeated.)
Replay by Grimwood, Ken
Doomsday Book by Willis, Connie
Coyote by Steele, Allen
Coyote Rising by Steele, Allen
Rachel and Leah: Women of Genesis by Card, Orson Scott
Triangle by Weber, Katharine
I have a spreadsheet of books I have read or am reading or will read. These are the ones that I’ve finished that REALLY stuck in my mind. Kind of in order of how much I liked them. I have given them all away on either or or
The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova was pure brilliance! A must read :p
I’m having that same reaction to the Kim story. We’ve read about stories similar to that before but for some reason this one won’t let go. I just ache for that family.
As for books, this past year I’ve been reading through a “100 Classics List” and would highly recommend: Winter Of Our Discontent, The – by John Steinbeck
Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance- by Robert Pirsig
Something Wicked This Way Comes- by Ray Bradbury
Tin Drum, The – by Gunther Grass
Henderson The Rain King – by Saul Bellow
Golden Notebook, The – by Doris Lessing
Absalom, Absalom- by William Faulkner
Other books I liked were:
Marley and Me by John Grogan
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by by Anne Fadiman
Face of the Assassin, The by David Lindsey
Brother Fish by Bryce Courtenay
Devil in the White City (it’s about the Chicago world’s fair and some murdered from way back when)
Harlan Coben books (total fluff mystery, but weirdly satisfying. Found this while on vacation and he is now my go-to author for a travel read. I like his newer stuff better than the ones with Myron Bolitar as the character).
and thanks for asking the question, because I hope to get some ideas out of the responses! I’m reading To Kill a Mockingbird at the moment but have ADD and can only get through about one chapter at a time!
I loved “Marley & Me.” Lots of laughing and tears, especially as a fellow dog owner. And “The Time Traveller’s Wife” was so wonderful, so intricate that I read it twice.