May 20, 2007

Hey, thanks for your interesting comments on the last post. I really enjoyed hearing where you stand on the religion spectrum, especially since no one told me I was going to, ha ha, burn in hell or anything.

Speaking of hell, the remodel work is in full swing:

Contractors have been plugging away all weekend, working to get the excavation done so the foundation construction can begin this week.

Of course, the instant the workers left for the day on Saturday, JB and Riley had to check out the backhoe. (Predictably, Riley was Suspicious.)


It started raining like crazy this afternoon and hasn’t let up since–we had to get creative with the boy, because cabin fever + toddler = ARMAGEDDON.

“Go outside and play! We’ll deal with the pneumonia later.”

Did you know a dog collar can be used as a belt for a small child? Well, now you do.

This game involved pinecones. I . . . I don’t know why.

Here is Riley, ignoring his creepy lurking balloon in favor of poking Dog, who just wants to take a nap on her squeaky toy. O the madcap hijinks we get up to around here!

Cat, in Loaf Form, smugly taunting Dog for being locked outside. Cat, you are so very, very evil.

Microsoft? Well I’ll be dipped in shit, no wonder the kid has been such a handful lately: bad user experience.

May 18, 2007

JB’s view tonight (sent from his phone):


Their plan is to summit Hood early in the AM, depending on weather. I’m sending crossed-fingers their way.

Tomorrow the work starts in earnest on the remodel — excavation and demolition of the existing carport. I imagine there will be a thrilling amount of noise and machinery. Also, tonight is the last night we’ll have a front door for quite some time.

Also also, my son bit me.

I could use some distractions on this mostly-lame Friday night, so . . . can we talk? Here’s my question. Do you have religion, spirituality?

I think of myself as agnostic, in that I do not hold any beliefs (including the belief that there is no god). I have a prevailing sense of “I don’t know”. I am not drawn to Christian beliefs, I do not feel any truth in my heart for them, but that feeling extends to all religions that I know of.

Since Riley’s birth I sometimes feel such a strong desire for belief that I understand, in some way, the need for spirituality. But it is not part of me, not anything Christian anyway. Would I like to believe that in the case of some horrible outcome I have the chance of seeing my son again, in heaven? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, of course.

But, here I am, with my son in my arms and my faith in science and the life we are gifted with. If we become worm food, then let us live that pre-worm life in the best way we know how. And afterwords? Well, I can think of worse outcomes than fertilizing the earth.

Your turn:

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