June 18, 2007

I’ve been meaning to post some before and after weight loss photos, but when I sat down to dig up some ‘before’ images, I had a surprisingly hard time finding anything that captured more than my face. Out of thousands and thousands of pictures, I’m only in a few, and I’ve long since deleted the ones I deemed unflattering. Eight million photos of JB with Riley, and about five of me.

Well, anyway, here’s a few that managed to escape my itchy Move-To-Trash trigger finger:




Some are kind of old, but those are all a fairly accurate portrayal of my shape and weight since Riley’s birth.

I think I’ve lost maybe 15-18 pounds in the last four months, which isn’t a particularly dramatic change on the scale. The real difference is in how I look in the mirror and the way my clothes fit, and I’m here to tell you that is so much more important than what the scale tells you. Fuck the scale, actually, because I never would have guessed that 15 pounds would equate to two dress sizes, but there it is. I was crammed into a size 10 when I started, and I wear a comfortable size 6 now. The scale tells me I weigh about 132.

To recap the process to date:

• I did Weight Watchers at first and that was immensely helpful in terms of understanding portion size and learning some good eating habits. After a month or two I stopped counting points and just focused on eating lots of lean protein, vegetables, fruit, and cutting out the high calorie junk altogether.

• I started exercising to a Turbo Jam DVD, which helped me kick start a routine without having to commit to a gym schedule. These days I alternate between jogging a few days a week, doing weight resistance, exercise DVDs, and yoga. I try and exercise every single day, because I feel so much better when I do so.

I have actual triceps for the first time in years.

My shoulders are no longer slumpy and untoned.

I don’t hate my belly any more.

My clothes fit completely differently, which is to say I had to replace some things.

I would say it took about three months to change my habits. To stop eating crap food and actually prefer the healthier alternatives. To want to work out because it feels good, not because I will feel guilty if I don’t.

I’m healthier today than I’ve ever been before, and I am so much happier for it. This is the me—strong, fit, and motivated to stay that way—I want to be for the rest of my life, hopefully through another pregnancy and whatever life dishes out.

I already have more photos of myself with Riley, because I’m not ducking from the camera or deleting things out of iPhoto.


Three months. That’s all it took. After years of excuses and botched attempts to get myself in gear, it took three months to establish new habits. I want to remember that. In three months you can completely change your life.


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17 years ago

Sundy – that was my thing too – HUGE salads with every meal.

God, I need to get back to it. I did go to spinning today, that’s a start. :)

Lisa V
17 years ago

Holy shit! You go girl!

No, seriously you look great. More importantly glad you are in such a good place mentally and physically.

17 years ago

Sundry, you mentioned something the other day about finding your purpose in life or fulfillment beyond what you currently do…something like that. I think you just did: Inspiration Inc. Seriously.

17 years ago

I just put down my bag of chips and put it away. I’ve already started working out but I need to start cutting down on the junk. 3 months… totally doable!
Oh, and did you stop drinking diet coke as well? I’ve heard that it can be a cause of weightgain… and I’m a little weary of giving up on this particular beverage.

17 years ago

Hell no I didn’t give up Diet Coke. HELL NO.

17 years ago

You look terrific. . . but I’d still kill to look like you did in the picture where you’re sitting on the rocks!

17 years ago

Damn. 132 and a size 6? Vanity sizing certainly has taken over these past years. When I was 30 and weighed 128 pounds, it was a size 9-10. I had no idea that sizing went like this now.

Just to say I could get into a size 6 almost makes me want to lose weight.
Congrats on the weight loss.

17 years ago

Yeah, vis a vis the whole “what should Linda do with her life?” post, I think you are the new Oprah. You are truly, truly inspiring, just as Oprah is. Maybe it’s hard to get a talk-show gig, but could write a memoir about the changes you’ve been through in the last few years . . . ? Also I think you would be a relly great columnist.

17 years ago

Comment by Sundry | 2007/06/19 at 14:53:58
Hell no I didn’t give up Diet Coke. HELL NO.

Ha! And Thank you! I have occasionally puzzled over this delectable beverage of mine, all mine, and wondered if it’s true what they say. Now I know it is not.

Great posts, all of them.

Good to sort of meet you,
Patty, see Ashley for references

17 years ago

I’d just like to say, you look incredible! Wow! You’ve inspired me, because although I’m not heavy, I’m lazy as far as working out and healthy eating habits are concerned. So thanks. Screw Jessica Alba, when I’m huffing away on the eliptical, I’m bringing your image to mind!

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
17 years ago

You have inspired me!
I do excercise, I have an eliptical machine, but last night a actually took one of my dogs on a long walk. I think he was about to drop dead by the time we got back but I felt great!

Like Amber said I think I am going to use you as my motivation rather than some celebrity who has a million personal trainers and a chef.

17 years ago

it’s sort of ironic that on the exact same day you decide to post pictures of your total HOTNESS, my friend decides to post pictures of a birthday party i attended, featuring a particular picture of me where i look like Gigantor! The Blob that Ate the WORLD! i mean…i know i’m big, right? but it wasn’t until i saw that picture that i realized just how fucking FAT i really am. and the scary thing is, when i left the house that night, i thought i looked pretty good! after begging and pleading and possibly threatening suicide, she removed the picture.

i just have to say between your pics, and that one…it was a HUGE fucking wake up call for me. i have been following your progress with equal parts of pride and jealousy. you are amazing. you have done soooo well. you look so gorgeous! granted, i have about 4 time the amount of weight to lose as you ever did, but surely, if you can make such positive changes in your life…i can too, right??

17 years ago

You look fantastic! You are an inspiration, and, in case someone hasn’t said this already, the poster child for Why Weight Shouldn’t Matter and Stupid DJs Should Stop Assuming ALL Women Should Weigh 105 Because Otherwise They “Could Peal Off 20”. (I hate these guys.) Seriously — the weight to actual size scale is so off kilter it drives me insane. I don’t know if it’s because we have done a disfavor to ourselves by not being honest about our weight (over hundreds of years) or if it’s because Men, especially DJs, are Just Plain Ignorant about it. People magazine (so I’m told, because I would NEVER read such drivel — ahem) has started a series of women who have lost 100 lbs on their own, which I truly appreciate because (for the most part) they are “true” about their new weight and size — we need to spread the words, ladies — 132 is H-O-T — just look at Linda! (P.S. I love Billy Banks, and yes, there is a reason his name rhymes with “Spanks” — I think I had to take 2 days off work the first time I did his “long” video.)

17 years ago

Man, 18 pounds may not seem like much on a scale, but you can really, really see it. You look great.

17 years ago

Thank you for sharing. In 3 months I’ll be 33. You’ve inspired me to, once again, get off my (large) butt and get working. Even though I haven’t seen changes so far this summer from what I was doing earlier. But I’m making changes and hoping to eventually see changes. Like you, not as worried about a number but how I feel and how things fit.

17 years ago

OMG, you just got me so inspired. I remember so well the entry from three months ago when you very cautiously announced your plans to lose weight, and Linda, you look amazing. 15-18 pounds is right on target for the amount of time it has taken, and you’re absolutely right that the scale is nonsense anyway. Dude, I am totally picking up TurboJam tonight!!!


[…] I SOOOO want to have this story to tell three months after the baby is born.  Or hell, three months from now. […]

17 years ago

You look amazing. Great accomplishment in just 3 months… especially the change it has made to your self-esteem. It is just so wonderful to feel good about yourself. I believe that helps you in keeping up the “good work”.

Stop deleting those pictures!!! Later on you (and Riley) will just wish you had pictures. I have to say… I would be thrilled to look like your before pictures!


[…] I finished off my day with a good, productive meeting with Boss, and even made it to the gym. After reading Linda’s blog about how she transformed herself in Three Months and then WHAM! Pregnant, I’m getting on board. […]


[…] After seeing this post a year ago and this recent one, I decided I just HAD to buy this exercise DVD. (How could I not? DID YOU SEE LINDA’S ARMS? Good God.) […]

16 years ago

Ok, you’ve motivated me; I have exactly three months to my wedding day and if I could transform my body like you did in that time, well, I think I’d just wear a bikini everywhere (and I haven’t worn one in, oh, 20 years.) YOU ARE ONE HOT MAMA. Thank you so much for sharing your inspiring story. I can do it!! :)

PS. Came here from whoorl.


[…] Moving on, I have a little plot twist for you: I have become besotted with exercise. I’ll bet you didn’t see that one coming. I certainly didn’t, but its true, and it has even rejuvenated my healthy eating campaign. I had fallen off the WeightWatchers wagon hard enough to leave an Alexa-shaped hole in the dirt—dirt which may or may not have been made of chocolate—but oddly, once I was exercising and my body felt stronger and more energetic, the siren song of truffles became quieter and I wanted to do other nice things for my body, things like feed it peas. My muscles still get sore, but now it is the vaguely pleasurable Soreness of Virtue rather than the crippling Soreness of Disuse. Believe it or not, the time I take to exercise is now one of the best parts of my day. The key, for me, has been my own forgetfulness. I have a whole passel of different workouts to choose from, and I do one on Monday and then the next day, rather than forcing my aching limbs to do the same thing again, I do something different, and eventually I forget how difficult Monday’s workout was and choose it again, in a sort of avoidant rotation. I call it The Forgetful Dilettante’s Fitness Program. I have some yoga workouts, T-Tapp, and this DVD of three intense ten-minute routines. Knowing the routine is only ten minutes long gets you through any rough spots, and though I was only planning on doing one at a time, I ended up doing all three back to back, and afterwards was fairly certain I could have lifted a horse over my head, Pippi Longstocking style. The first of the three is cardio/weights, the second Pilates, and the third is kickboxing—which makes me feel pleasantly hardcore, and when I get behind the music I just bop around punching things until I catch up. On days when the Soreness of Virtue is particularly strong, like today, I pop Simone in a sling and we go for a walk. The hardest part of exercise is remembering how good you will feel afterward, and convincing yourself to walk ALL THE WAY to the closet for the yoga mat and then ALL THE WAY back to the living room again. For this I generally rely upon reading something like this by Linda, who has managed to turn herself into one of those supernaturally fit women who always seem to be trying on jeans in front of the three-way-mirror directly outside my dressing room door just as I step out wearing a milk-stained t-shirt and the same jeans eleventy sizes larger, also known as size HOW ABOUT A MUUMUU? That’s all for now. I’ll be back tomorrow. By Alexa | Posted in Ceci N’est Pas Une Ecrivaine | […]

16 years ago

Good for you! It’s so great to hear a success story amidst the many stories of failed attempts. You look amazing. Good for you for sticking with it.

16 years ago

oh, such a complicated response here.

Firstly, cheers on your success.

Secondly, I’m sitting here fighting the tears because despite over three months (damn, try three years now) of strictly watching portion sizes and exercizing regularly and often and intensely and varied, I am not much smaller than when I started. I had an initial success wherein I lost 60-ish lbs, and then gained 20 back. I have been fighting that 20 lbs for 2.5 years now with absolutely no success.

I recently decided to train for a medium distance run, and it has now been, as you say, three months of dedicated, hardcore focus on becoming even stronger, even more diligent, more focused on keeping good care of myself.

And before I start sobbing, let me please say- it does NOT just take three months and some dedication. The perpetuation of the myth that “if you would just TRY, you could do it, too!” is so hurtful.

I can tell by the tone of this piece that your intent is NOT to hurt anyone’s feelings, but damn if it didn’t smart anyway. I think I can tell that your intent here was to share your success and to perhaps inspire others to give it a try, too. And that’s great. But to be perfectly honest, it perpetuates the myth that those that are overweight simply haven’t tried hard enough yet (it only takes three months, right?). And that is patently not true.

16 years ago

Kate: oh no! I feel TERRIBLE that this entry made you sad. I certainly didn’t mean to imply that anyone could lose all the weight they wanted to in three months, I only meant to encourage my own self by stating that for *me*, it took 3 months to make some pretty major eating/exercise changes, establish new habits, and see some results. This entry was written about a year ago, and I went through a very similar process this year (after my 2nd son was born) — I didn’t lose all the baby weight in 3 months, it just took about that long to give up old habits and make a commitment to new ones.

16 years ago

First, hello, I’m new here…just found your blog. I am looking forward to reading it from the beginning.

Secondly, what an adorable little boy! Such a charmer.

And last, you look great and are an inspiration. No, not everyone can look like you after three months. Some people’s bodies respond better to exercise than others. You look like you were an athlete in school.

I’ve been struggling with the “loose arm” issue for years. Is there a particular workout that seemed to work for you in that area?

Thanks again for sharing your pictures!

15 years ago

Well done! You look amazing. Just came over from Flotsam. I have been trying to lose weight for the last 3 plus years and only when I committed myself to it 100% and made those lifestyle changes did the weight start coming off. My goal was my 40th birthday. I did not get to the weight I wanted to be and I must say I have been stuck since then, blaming it mostly on the cold, but strangely enough today started finding the motivation to get stuck in and commit myself again. Then I find your post. Very timely. I started a ‘getting rid of weight’ blog (if you lose something you usually try and find it again) and it has helped to put it out there so everyone can see. Though I have not been so good about it lately.

Good job!

14 years ago

That’s pretty badass, dude.

14 years ago

Another baby?

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[…] by Emily‘s post-baby weight loss and Linda‘s recent three-month body makeover, I’m aiming for changes by the end of 90 days. Wish […]

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