September 24, 2007

In case you missed my update over here (I’m still snickering to myself over the title of that post, oh ho ho ho ho I kill me), the results from the ultrasound are as follows:

• Everything is normal
• Also, the fetus has a dong

We’re having another boy, and I’m so thrilled and excited and I’m surprised to find that I’m also a little sad over the girl we won’t have, but still: thrilled. Excited. The news is good.

Look, isn’t he adorable?


(Aw, who’s a little Skeletor monkey-head? Why, you are! Yes you are!)

I’m going to be the mother of two little boys, which is sort of amazing and crazy and wonderful. All day I’ve been thinking about how my life has unfurled in the last few years to reveal all these new experiences, and how grateful I am. For everything.


New post at Milk and Cookies goes up tomorrow (Tuesday) morning, where I recommend popcorn, Brazilian music, and stinky hippie oil. Come visit!

September 22, 2007

I’m fascinated with this “Show us what you’re wearing to workFlickr pool (not to be confused with the “Show us your tits!” pool featuring, presumably, many many pageviews and some shiny beads), enough so that I clumsily took my own picture two days in a row in order to participate. JB declared this activity “totally weird”, and I’ll concede that it’s an awfully girly thing to do, but still: highly satisfying. You should join, so I can stare creepily at your enFlickr’d visage and maybe also stalk your shoes.


In (boring) remodel news, the painting is nearly done and the cabinets are all installed, and it feels like the end is actually in view. Sure, it’s way the hell over there on the horizon, just a frustratingly tiny dot, but by god I can SEE IT.



Also, the plastic draping covering the entryway is gone and I no longer have to heave my bulk over a fence to get in and out of my house. I’m sure our neighbors are thankful.


My 20-week scan is scheduled for first thing Monday morning and assuming the fetus cooperates, it will be revealed to me what I’ve got in the oven. Boy? Girl? Three-headed lizard? I am so excited about finding out, I can hardly stand it.

I am also thinking that JB—who is claiming that it will be too inconvenient for him to meet me at the hospital on Monday in order to observe the ultrasound and learn the sex of his second child at the same time I do (“But you can call me right away afterwards, right?”)—deserves to get a doctored-up cellphone image showing triplets, or possibly the casual mention that the doctors have advised me to avoid sex for at least 96 months, or until such time as the remodel is done, whichever is longer.

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