Not that I’m assuming you were on the edge of your seat on this henna belly business or anything, but in case you WERE interested, just a tiny bit, here’s how the design turned out:



I think the artist did an amazing job, especially considering how often STP kicked and squirmed during the whole process.


It took about an hour, and it was oddly relaxing — almost like a massage. She used wonderful-smelling essential oils and the sensation of the henna dispenser thingie was like having someone lightly trace your skin with their fingernail. This is how the artwork looked right after she finished it, the dark inky part will flake off and leave a much lighter auburnish tone. I plan to take more pictures at that point, but thought I’d capture the fresh-henna look because it’s almost as pretty as the final result.


Yes, that’s the letter D in the middle of the design, but I’m not telling what it stands for. Maybe it has to do with Smalltopus’s name, maybe it’s a secret message from me to the baby, maybe it just means DORK.


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Amy M.
Amy M.
16 years ago

The henna looks fabulous! I can’t believe how tiny you look for how far along you are! I’m so jealous. I’m only 1/2way through with my 2nd & becoming quite bulbous.

I know – you’re a huge Jets fan & STP will be named D’Brickashaw. Or Deion for Deion Branch (or Grant) of the Seahawks.

16 years ago


16 years ago

So cool! I am totally filing this away for when I start having babies.

16 years ago

i love it!! what a beautiful design. i would definitely do this….

16 years ago

It’s absolutely breathtaking.

16 years ago

How incredibly beautiful! I wonder how it felt for STP from inside.

Someone Being Me
16 years ago

That is so cool. I can’t wait to see the henna once the black comes off. And you do not look huge. You look like I did when I gave birth at just under 33 weeks. No strech marks either. You are killing me!!

Naomi the Strange
16 years ago

WOW! The henna looks GREAT! When my sis was preg, we wrote on her belly w/ highlighter pens and then I took some long-exposure shots with blacklight. It looked super cool. I hope you get some professional photos taken of your henna belly! :) I love it!!

16 years ago

delurking to say that you look amazing! What a great way to celebrate the belly. Did she say how long it will last? Im intrested in what your OB will say and if it will still be there for the birth. I bet they will be amazed, what a suprise when you lift your top for the fundus measuring! ha

16 years ago

It’s beautiful.

You have some comments about making it darker. In India and Pakistan, henna is supposed to be as dark as possible. There are some myths that when you get henna done on your hands and arms for you wedding – how dark the inside (palms) are show how much your husband loves you, and how dark the outside is shows how much your mother-in-law loves you. That’s why all the lime juice, sugar water, blow dryer suggestions to make it darker. I personally just keep getting it wet again. That seems to be the whole point of the lime juice/sugar water thing, and it makes sense. When its wet it’s seeping into your skin, so keep it wet = more seeping.

Wonder if that means Baby Dork will love you lots. OOOH! If you’d had it done with your 1st pregnancy you could compare pictures and figure out which one of your kids loves you less!

16 years ago

stunning! i so wish i had done that!

16 years ago

If SOME of us were devious enough we could go BACK to your entry with the top 100 baby names, scroll through the first 40, and… well, you know the rest. I’m sure no one would do that — just sayin’. (Delete this comment if it creates a stir of ‘I bet Smalltopuse’s name is THIS!’) I bet it felt very cool to have that done — after all the workout your parts have had from the inside, to have someone gently dare-I-say-tickle the outside must have been fabulous. OH, and yes. No stretch marks. Perfectly, healthily (word?) pregnant — you have kept the weight off and look great.

16 years ago

It is gorgeous! I wish I had thought to do something line that. I was always waiting until I got bigger…but having babies early means you don’t get everything done, haha.

16 years ago

Awesome! And totally negates the whole “beached manatee” comments.

What a way to celebrate!

16 years ago


16 years ago

That looks fantastic! Makes you want show off the belly a bit more now huh? I’m totally doing that next time..

16 years ago

Very cool!

16 years ago

That is one of the coolest things I’ve *ever* seen.

16 years ago

That is absolutely gorgeous. I want to get pregnant just to do that. Stunning.

16 years ago

That is absolutely gorgeous. I want to get pregnant again just to do that. Stunning.

16 years ago

It looks so incredibly beautiful and I can’t wait to get pregnant to be able to do this too.

I should probably work on finding someone to actually make a baby with first, huh?

16 years ago

That is so cool!

16 years ago

OH COOL. I love it. You have the best ideas, I swear. I want to be pregnant now just so I can get cool designs on MY belly. I guess I wouldn’t HAVE to be pregnant, but…

16 years ago

I think that is just amazingly beautiful. How I eney pregnant women today. Celebrate that bump and y’all don’t have to hide like we did in my day.

16 years ago

Google Reader recommended your blog to me today and the first thing I see is that beautiful belly! Stunning!

16 years ago

Beautiful! Thinking about doing it myself. :)

16 years ago

THAT IS SO FREAKIN’ COOL! What a wonderfully cool thing to do. So much better than the baby cast thing….kinda freaks me out, and whoa, think about the storage issues. Thank you for sharing!!!!

16 years ago

That’s incredibly awesome. You’re going topless now to show it off, yes?

(I’ve been thinking it’s Owen all this time, but now I’m not so sure…)

16 years ago

That is the coolest pregnant-y thing ever! You may feel like a manatee, but you look fabulous. Fabulous!

16 years ago

That is just so beautiful!

And I, too, did not notice the D until you mentioned it, what with it being backward and all.

16 years ago

GORGEOUS! And both my name and my brother’s name start with “D” so I’m also taking it as a personal shoutout. And speaking of my brother, might I add that “Derek” is a perfectly cromulent name.

Miss Cee
16 years ago

It looks amazing – I now want to be pregnant just so I can be henna-ed. And because I’m a horrible creepy stalker, I went back through the names list and checked out those that start with D – I think I’ve figured out which one I’m placing my bet on ;-)

16 years ago

That is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

16 years ago

You look great and the henna is amazing!
I would have giggled the entire time!! I giggle when I get a peddi, so something like this would have had me in fits of giggles! :)

You look wonderful!!! Hang in there!! :)

16 years ago

Please be Dylan and not Daniel!

(This is going by the only two D names in the first 40 top baby names you said STP’s name was in)

16 years ago

The design is amazing! It’s really beautiful!

16 years ago

love love love this

16 years ago

This look great! I most surely want to get this done when my time comes.

16 years ago

Wow, I love it. Absolutely love it! And I have to say….wish I was having a third so I too could do this.

16 years ago

Beautiful. Too bad it’s to freakin’ cold to show it off. DAMN THIS WEATHER! ;)

16 years ago

It beautiful. What a cool idea!

16 years ago

The name is Delovely. I just know it.

16 years ago

That is some seriously brilliant belly art. And you have the perfect bump: taut, stretchmark-proof, and how did you avoid the sketchily protruding belly button? Wish I’d done this.

16 years ago

Wow! Awesome!

Oh, The Joys
16 years ago

How cool! I did that too!

16 years ago

Wow – this is absolutely gorgeous. Your belly looks amazing!
If I ever have kids, I am definitely doing this.

16 years ago

You always look fabulous, clothed or naked, hennaed or not, but I’m thrilled you shared this photo with the internets. Thank you, you cutie!

SemiDesperate Housewife

That is AMAZING! I just had my son five months ago and so haven’t been feeling too many pangs to be pregnant just yet, but that picture did it! I want a big belly again!

16 years ago

so lets see the finished product! The tattoo, and then the smalltopus. I love them both already!
And JB said?
I vote for Daniel. Danny and Riley. Riley and Danny.

16 years ago

That is super, super cool. You have a phenomenally beautiful belly (with or without henna). And I never would have noticed the “D” but now I will revise my earlier guess of Owen and say it’s D’Owen. D’Oh! for short.