Your Baby’s Development at Week 39 of Pregnancy: You may notice that your baby is not moving around very much — he or she is in cramped quarters at this point!

Well, part of that statement is a big old no-shitter, but apparently Smalltopus has not been doing his Required Reading, or maybe he’s gotten wind of this whole cutting-into-the-belly-with-sharp-objects business that’s supposed to happen tomorrow and he figures his best bet for a safe exit is to simply mosh-pit his way out of there. I have grave concerns about this child’s ability to sleep for more than a few minutes at a time, based solely on his fetal activity level, which I would describe as “excruciatingly energetic”.

I am having a very hard time wrapping my head around the fact that this baby is going to be on the outside of my body tomorrow. I mean, I am more than ready to make good on his eviction notice because DUDE, human beings just shouldn’t get this pregnant, we should eject the babies when they’re about the size of a grapefruit and then keep them in fur-lined pouches or some such thing, but I can hardly believe that I’m going to meet my youngest son in a matter of hours, and that he will have a tiny little face that I will be able to look at.

Will he look just like Riley did? Or completely different? What if he looks like Trogdor — coupla beefy arms, consummate Vs? What if the ultrasound tech got her anatomy screwed up and STP is actually a girl, which would be fine, except the whole coming-home outfit would be ALL WRONG.

I am awash in anticipation. Also: fear. Also: chocolate peanut butter ice cream.

We go to the hospital tomorrow at 6 AM, and I’ll need to spend a few hours on some medication (NOT magnesium, thank god) before going into surgery. My guess is that they will stash us in some room where JB and I will languish for the entire morning until someone remembers we exist and whisks me into the OR. During that time, I imagine I will be oscillating between a full-body freakout and mind-numbing boredom, so I’m hoping you might indulge me with some bloggy entertainment.

I know lots of you have already sent your good wishes and I sure appreciate that. Here’s what I’m thinking: if you’re up for it and you read this in time, will you hit the comments box sometime between now and Monday afternoon and tell me a little bit about yourself? I’ll be able to read your comments from my phone, and it seems like a fun, distracting thing to do while cooling my jets in a depressing hospital room.

I have a little questionnaire in mind:

1. Your name (you can stay anonymous if you like)
2. Your age (you can lie about this if you like)
3. Your life in a nutshell: who you live with, what you do for work (category includes raising children and going to school, obvs.)
4. How long have you been reading this blog, and what keeps you coming back?

Oh, I know, I know. That last question is so lame, sorry. What can I say, I’d love to know your answers.

At some point tomorrow I think one of us should be able to update this site with some baby stats, otherwise check in with my Flickr page. Will there be at least one crappy newborn photo taken with a cameraphone? You bet.

All right, friends. I’ll see you on the flip side.


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16 years ago

Holy Jebus, 649 comments?

1. Lucy, real name Eve.

2. I’m 26, turning 27 in April.

Life in a nutshell? I work in IT as a Voice specialist, I did have a law degree straight out of high school before it drained my will to live (plus Torts? Contract Law? Pfft) Took a year off to work as a receptionist (switch bitch) for a year and fell in IT. Love it. Except the system analysts, and the boys who cannot dress well to save their eternal souls.

Family is great, my Dad’s this awesome hippy librarian who doesn’t ask how you are but ‘how are you within yourself?” Mum is mad, moved to a desert mining town a couple of years ago and loves it. Sister lives close to me and we get along better now than we did when we used to fight, a lot.

Friends are all those I had in school, half from primary school, the other half high school so we’re solid. Only one of us is married with children, she’s a Mormon with two gorgeous children and I visit every few months and talk smack and try to corrupt her children.

I live on my own in an apartment in Sydney, my apartment is in a crumbly old federation house with original oak staircase, hideous carpet and 15 foot ceilings. I don’t drive and I spend far too much time watching Miami Ink, 24 and the Crime channel. (Except after dark when I ban myself from watching it because I get the heebies.)

4. Since diaryland, in fact you, Uncle Bob and Weetabix were the reasons I started blogging in the first place. I love the fact that you’re so bloody relatable, whether before Riley or now with him, or being pregnant, or work stuff or JB stuff it’s always so nice to read and know that someone else thinks the same things, or appreciates what they have yet still occasionally get frustrated.

In fact now? I am actually very very excited thinking that you’ll be having or have had) Suctopus and I get to be a part of it from Sydney on the other side of the world.

16 years ago

AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!! And Happy Birthday to Dylan. I sure hope you nickname him Xerxes, though. You guys look fantastic.

16 years ago

Im a little late arent I? Humor me, its 7:30am in Japan. :)

I know you wont have time to read my condensed life story so Ill just say congratulations!!! Love the name! Cant wait to see more pictures.

16 years ago

1. FishyGirl
2. 37 (and a half if you’re counting)
3. I have four kids under the age of 9. I stay home with them and drive them places and break up fights and clean up messes and ignore messes because they are just going to mess it up again. I love them but hate the housework. I used to be a technical writer/editor back before the monsters were born (monsters being a term of endearment, of course).
4. I’ve been reading 6, maybe 7 months or so, and I haven’t the foggiest how I found it. Somebody or other’s blogroll, I’m pretty sure. Anyway, I keep coming back because you write with a real gift, edgy but not affected, with a strong, REAL voice. I like what you have to say.

(and btw, just in case they didn’t tell you the last time, a firm pillow or rolled up towel pushed against your incision when you get up, cough, sneeze, or whatever, can provide the perfect amount of counterpressure and takes some of the stinging pain off the incision. All four of mine were sections, and I wish someone had told me that after the first one, instead of the third.)

(p.s.s. Dylan is beyootiful. Congrats, Linda)

Miss Cee
16 years ago

1. Cee
2. 26
3. I’m married, live with my husband and two cats in a house in a patch of bushland in Australia, work in the nearest city as a lawyer.
4. I think I’ve been reading for a couple of years – I just love your writing and your photography. Also, it was your write-up on SundryBuzz about your D70s that convinced me to buy one – I really wanted to be able to take photographs that looked like yours.

Yay, I guessed the right name! Congrats on the birth of beautiful baby Dylan :-)

16 years ago

if you are still reading the comments…
I am:
will be 35 on August 15
am raising two sons -Eamon is almost three and Callum is eight months old.

I’ve been reading along for about 3 years. I think but I lost my mind about two years ago…

16 years ago

I am Anne, age 24, I have been reading you since the Dirayland days, about mid-2004, I think.

Then I was a college student in Santa Barbara, now I am a teacher in California.

I have only commented once or twice in all of those years,but I just had to pop in to say congratulations, what a sweet baby Dylan s (although he already looks suspicious…)

“Shh Mom, they’re watching us…”

16 years ago

Karen, age 44, living in small-town British Columbia with hubby and 3 fabulous kids, age 12, 9 and 5. Newly unemployed (yay!) after 12 (count em 12!) years of working and putting hubby through med school and surgical residency. We have recently moved to this gorgeous area full of lakes and vineyards (and now that you have experienced Tofino, if your next Canadian vacation happens to be the much sunnier BC interior, then I want to make you guys dinner!) Started reading blogs including yours when I was going through chemotherapy a couple of years ago, I needed the distraction of other people’s lives when I was at home supposedly resting… although now that I’m much better you are one of only a handful that I still have time for! I like your “face the world head-on” attitude about almost everything, and it inspires me. Plus you make me snort out loud when reading. My husband thinks I’m nutty to be eagerly anticipating the kidlet of a family I’ve never met — but I love that you let us vicariously enjoy it all. MANY MANY thanks and HUGE best wishes for the expansion of your family tomorrow.

16 years ago

Congrats on the baby! So cute!

Here are the answers.
1. April
2. 28
3. I live with my husband in a condo in Chicago, in a neighborhood called Lakeview that we love and have so much fun in. But we have no yard, which sucks. We just got married in August at this ridiculously fun wedding in southern Indiana. I am an IT auditor, aka Super Computer Nerd.
4. I’ve been reading for about a year and a half. I keep coming back because you are so honest about everything. I like hearing about Riley, and that you get scared sometimes of being a parent, of having a newborn, etc. I imagine that when I decide to have kids I will be VERY scared as well, so it’s comforting to know that other people get nervous about that stuff as well.

And holy comments, Batman, you have a million!

16 years ago

1. Your name : Jen
2. Your age: 38
3. Your life in a nutshell: I live in FL with my husband and two boys (7 & 9) and our Black Lab. I work in the Mortgage industry.
4. I have been reading your blog for a few months now (another reader referred me). What keeps me coming back is many things. I enjoy your humor(sarcasam), wit, content (I totally relate!!)and your writing style overall. I am a big DOOCE fan as well (I think you have mentioned you read her blog) and I find your style to similar to hers, but still very much your own.

Congrats to you guys on the new addition!!! :)

16 years ago

3.I live in South Carolina with my husband, dog and 3 cats. I work in IT.
4.I’ve been reading about 2 years – I enjoy how you write – the honesty, humor and lovely pictures of your day to day life. Congratulations to you, JB and Riley and welcome to Dylan Emmett.

16 years ago

Well, balls. I missed it. I’m too late. I was doing some stuff for some people in exchange for money. I believe it’s called work. Anyway, yay! You had the behbeh! Dylan huh, cool. Very rock star. I’m so excited for your family. That’s awesome.

Now that you have 655 responses I don’t suppose you’ll actually have time to read them, especially with the newbie screaming for milk and whatnot. But I refuse to miss out on an opportunity to talk about myself, and who knows, maybe you’ll be bored and stuck in bed and be craving desperately the slightest whiff of entertainment, and in that case, here goes nuttin.

Name: Josh
Age: 23
Life in Nutshell: Born down in Florida, lived in Philly for eight years, and grew up in North Carolina. I fix up trailers for a living, good old fashioned blue collar work. But most of my waking hours are spent rocking other peoples faces off. I enjoy violence and blood sports. Occasionally I capture bums and force them to duel for my dinner scraps. I’m not saying I’m incredibly good looking and an amazing lover. Usually my supermodel girlfriends do that for me. I enjoy your blog a lot, so when I inevitably take control of the planet, you will be spared the grisly death of 10,000 screams, the standard execution in my new world order.

Honestly I don’t remember how long I’ve been reading your blog. Somewhere between one and three years. I don’t think I remember Riley being born, but I can’t say for sure. (the old memory is a bit tattered from wear and highly-abusive-tear) What keeps me coming back? You bring the funnies. I always laugh when I read you posts. That and your love for zombies. Plus you always seem to be up and current on everything cool on the internet, which makes this a good place to link out from. Also, and this is the odd part, I enjoy a candid account of life from the point of view of a woman/wife/mother. I know I’m not exactly your average reader. I guess I’m one of about three male readers, if that many. But you share about a side of life I would never have even thought about. But you do it in such a funny way that it makes the femininity palatable for an uber-male such as myself. Also, you’re just a really good writer. You have a way with words and stories that makes normal boring shit interesting. I would say that you have the total blog package. Good writing, interesting points of view, good links, hilarity and mayhem, and school pictures of children who are miserable. Plus the zombies, I do love the zombies.

Congratulations again on successfully spawning Dylan. I am so excited for all of you. I even ran around telling everyone I could find and forcing them to come look at the picture. Your whole family is so cute and I am very excited to see what the future hold for you. Good luck with the recovery. I don’t know exactly how recovering from pregnancy works, but I’m sure you will describe it to us in disturbingly vivid HD imagery.

16 years ago

1. Shannan
2. 35
3. Live in the suburbs of Sydney Australia. Married for almost two years with a 14 month old daughter and two dogs. I have worked as a political consultant for 14 years and went back to work three days a week three months after I had my baby.
4. I have been reading for a long time (I’m not sure how I found you). I have kept reading because I always felt this synergy with your life – you just did everything a year or two before me!

Congratulations on the gorgeous boy!

16 years ago


My name is Ollka (short for Olga), I’m 21, I live with my husband of two years and a gazillion other people (we currently inhabit my parents’ living room). I am a student, but I also do translations for extra cash, and am a professional facilitator, which is a profession in little demand in my home country (Lithuania).

I’ve been reading your blog for God knows how long, and will definitely continue reading it. I admire your writing, your wit, and your intellect. And it goes without saying that you are one of the reasons I haven’t yet adopted the idea of becoming child-free. You inspire me with your every post, and I’m glad you gave me this perfect opportunity to thank you.

Congratulations on your last day as a mother of one, and on your first day with STP. Hope he turns out as charming as Riley in his own unique way (though it would be fun if they were identical – just think of the mini-me frown pictures you could take:)).

16 years ago

God, I just realized he’s already here:) Sorry for being so dumb. Can you believe I was totally rooting for Dylan and for Emmett as a second name? Couldn’t be happier. CONGRATULATIONS!!! :)))

16 years ago

Congratulations on your beautiful new baby!!!

16 years ago



I live in Boston and am in Sales-I just had my daughter Phoebie 3 months ago.

I was working at a Volvo dealership in 04/05 and reading a blog I found on Craigslist called
“She just walks around with it”. Your blog came up on her screen and I was hooked from the moment I started reading you.

I love your sharp wit-your sense of humour is similar to my own. You have a way of capturing life in words in a way many people try to, but flop.

Best wishes on the birth of your son.

16 years ago

When I first checked your blog today, it was already about noon, and a quick check of Flickr showed that you were already in labor, if not done. Although it’s four hours later and I’m clearly not in time, I’ll add my responses anyhow, since I’m here and want to wish you hearty congratulations.

1. Philip

2. 38, plus a month or so

3. I live with my lovely cat Nimiel in a decent condo in north Queen Anne – or “south Fremont” as I like to call it – in Seattle. When I’m not wasting time on the Internet, I do freelance editing, mostly Microsoft marketing materials. I go see at least one rock concert a month and write about it in my blog, I volunteer with KEXP, I play story games and talk about game design with my friends, and on random occasions I go out for 2-5 hour walks around Seattle.

4. I’ve been reading your blog since some time in 2002, whenever we met at that dinner with John Harper. I keep reading because I’m waiting for the final showdown to the death between you and Cat. No, wait, that’s not right. I keep reading because you’re a brilliant writer who’s articulate, intelligent, insightful, and always witty. Your courage and humor in dealing with the issues of life are inspiring. Or, as someone put it up above much more succinctly, “Dude, have you READ you? You’re awesome.”

Oh, and my money’s on Cat in that final showdown. You’ll never see her coming!

16 years ago

Congrats to you and J.B.!! He is adorable!

16 years ago



I live with some friends of mine in small town west Texas – with dreams of moving to California, I work at the ever-so-glamorous JCPenney, and I am working on going back to school to work on a PhD having something to do with British Literature and Literary Theory.

I have been reading this blog since you started writing back on diaryland, however long ago that was. And I keep coming back because I only hope that one day I can be as confident and easy going in my writing as you seem to be. You really are an inspiration, not only in your writing but in the amazing way you deal with the challenges and rises and falls that you are dealt in your life.

16 years ago

CONGRATULATIONS baby Dylan and family!!!

16 years ago

I saw the photo and my eyes stung with tears. SO BEAUTIFUL. Congratulations all of you! I hope you are going to be killing us with many, many newborn pictures of baby Dylan!

16 years ago

1. Jen
2. 33
3. I live with my husband and 2 1/2 year old daughter in a tiny village outside of Cincinnati, OH. I am a physician assistant in GI (yes, talk about poop ALLLLLL day long), though had a previous life taking care of kids with cancer. Between the hubby, the kid, and the job….I try to squeeze in some reading, blogging and TV watching!
4. I’ve been reading your blog (and Purple is a fruit) for a long time (can’t remember how I found you) and I keep coming back because you are SO honest and are able to articulate my thoughts about my toddler so much better then I am!

Good luck with the little one…I adore your writing and look forward to reading your posts every night when I get home from work!

16 years ago

ohhh another gorgeous baby and mama! you both look fantastic! i had a feeling it would be dylan. riley and dylan… sound good together! i hope your recovery is quick and the hospital bit goes by fairly painlessly.

for your entertainment purposes only– the survey:

1. Your name: Jennifer, Jen for short.

2. Your age: 26 at the end of the month *gasp*

3. Your life in a nutshell: I live with my bf of five years in NYC, Brooklyn to be precise (don’t go thinking all ghetto here!). We moved from Boston nearly two years ago now and Brooklyn is so homey, people are friendly and it’s fairly small.
I work as a nanny 25-35hours/week and attend Brooklyn College full-time as well. I’m a bit busy but I’ll be graduating with a BA in psych next Dec– thank effin’ god. Not sure what I’ll do with that yet.
I love to travel and have done quite a bit, or at least in my opinion. Avid reader– when school isn’t consuming all of my hours in the day. I love music but never download it, merely nab the bfs from itunes. One of my best moves letting him do all the time consuming stuff. ;p That’s my life in a nutshell. Nothing complex, usually quite boring but ehh whatev.

4. How long have you been reading this blog, and what keeps you coming back? I’ve been reading since a friend passed it along a few months after Riley was born. I often obsessively check for updates, but not as much since I get the email updates now. In our house you are “the Seattle mom.” There isn’t a blog I don’t enjoy, which is what keeps me coming back!

Can’t wait til your back!

16 years ago

:-D!! He’s gorgeous. Congratulations to you and the whole family!

16 years ago

1. forrest (I am female- and living proof that having a gender-neutral or gender-confusing name is not a hardship and actually kinda cool)
2. 28
3. massage therapist, live in florida with my bf of 10 yrs and our two cats, Wasabi and Moonpie (Moonie looks a lot like Cat). We spend most of our time surfing the web, cooking, playing Wii, and going to the Apple Store.
4. 3 years or so? don’t remember how I found you… a comment on dooce maybe? Anyway, I really like you and have a bit of an internet girl-crush on you and that’s all that’s important.
Sincere congratulations on your new arrival!

16 years ago

Congratulations, and welcome, little Dylan!! I love the name! And I love his wee Dr. Evil finger!

16 years ago

1. Name: Amy
2. 33
3. I live with my husband Todd, my two-year-old son Jacob and my maltese-shihtzu mix (malti-shit) Bosco. I am a pharmaceutical sales rep, selling pain meds (probably sounds like a good job to you right now, huh?)My life in a nutshell is that I work full time and try to be the best Mom possible, but you know, I get so damn TIRED sometimes! My husband and I are considering a second child, but haven’t decided yet. I can’t imagine felling MORE tired with one MORE child! But I want Jacob to have a brother… I am sure you know what I mean.
4. I’ve been reading this blog for about a year. When Jacob was 14 months old I googled “14 month old tantrum” and found your blog. I have been addicted ever since! I come back to read it every night because Riley is only a couple months older that Jacob and it seems like they both do similarly frustrating/hilarious things. You put words to my thoughts and I like to read your stories to my husband and crack up with him because it’s like reading about my own life…

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
16 years ago

YEAH! Welcome baby Dylan!!!!

16 years ago

Congrats, Linda! I’m really happy for your newest addition.
To answer your questions:
1. My name is Robbi (I am a girl).
2. I turn 26 tomorrow, yipee!
3. I am a fraud investigator for Citi Mortgage. I get to bust the liars and scam artists!
4. I’ve been reading your site for, hmmm, close to a year I think. I come back everyday because I too am a mom, so I relate to a lot of your stories (my daughter is 5.) Plus you are just friggin hilarious, and I love your writing.
Well congrats again, now I need to go hit up Flickr to see your new baby boy!

16 years ago

He’s beautiful!

16 years ago

I know its well past the afternoon, but in case you still have the time…

My name is Erin and I’m 23. I’m a meeting/event planner. I just got married in October and I was lucky enough to keep my job when I moved after the wedding and now work out of our apartment. I live with my husband and our two kittens, Jack and Izzie. What occupies most of my time nowadays is the fact that we just started building a home so we’re constantly at the homesite poking around…

I’ve been reading your site for a while – before you moved to this site. I think I stumbled upon it when I first started blogging during college. (now I just don’t have the time and have since gotten rid of my blog)I keep coming back and reading because you’re just flat-out interesting and I think what you have to say and how you say it is absolutely hilarious! Please never stop writing.

Also, if you were to write a book, I’d totally buy it.

Congratulations on the newest arrival!!!

16 years ago

Dang it, your website is too busy and ate my comment. Let’s try again:



I live in Ottawa, Canada, and write, mother my daughter, take pictures, teach fitness classes, and work for the Man, not in that order.

I’ve been reading you since, what? The late 90s? Early zeros? Didn’t you win a Diarist award when you were still with Diaryland? If so, that’s how I found you and have been reading you ever since ’cause you’re one of the best damn writers online and have gone through a lot of life milestones at the same time as I have so I can relate to a lot of what you say. (I am 5 months pregnant now and my daughter is 2.)

16 years ago


1. Rebecca
2. 28
3. I work in marketing for a large architecture firm, which I love. I live with my 6-year-old daughter, Audrey, and my British boyfriend, Steve. We all have different last names and have deemed our house Walrisland, which is a nice combo of different parts of our surnames.
4. I’ve been reading your blog for a while now, and I keep coming back because you’re a fellow Eastsider, I secretly want to be your best friend, your son is near the same age as mine would have been, and while I was once an avid blogger/reader/commentator, I suddenly abandoned my blog and now only read about 5 blogs – and yours made the cut!

samantha jo campen
16 years ago

I know I’m late to the party, but I’ve been doing the polar opposite of you and trying to keep the baby INSIDE me for 10 more weeks. So forgive my tardiness:

1. Samantha Jo Campen (though no one calls me by my middle name–it’s a default error and now I’m stuck with it on The Internet. You can call me Sam)

2. 29 on April 7th

3. I live with my husband in Wheaton IL and we are (hopefully) not expecting our first child, a boy, until his due date on April 9th. Though he has me in the hospital this very minute on drugs to prevent an early labor. So my life will now consist of bed rest until his appearance. I don’t know any more about my job, which as of Friday was in outside sales. I’m also on the board and a co-founder of one of the only senior pet rescues in Illinois and that makes my heart swell with pride. Oh yeah, and we have a cat who TOTALLY knows something is up with my growing belly and is plotting her revenge.

4. Um, on Purple Is A Fruit before Riley’s birthday, and I was so excited to stumble upon THIS blog. And now it’s an obsession. I love your writing, how you talk about parenthood and that is equally wonderful and hard, and your sense of humor. THAT is why I keep following you around and keep coming back. Oh, and you just had a new baby so that should solidify my support for another 5 years EASY.

16 years ago

I’ve been reading you and loving your blog/photos since Dec/2006 when I followed a link from somewhere to your post “Kicking buckets and whistling in the dark” and looked at all your flicker photos. I’ve beeen hooked ever since.
I’m a massage therapist in Coeur d’ Alene, ID. and have two sisters in your area, so enjoy your Seattle area stories/photos.
blah blah.
Congrats on the new blog topic. haha.

Am looking forward to more of your womderful posts.

p.s. You totally crack me up.


16 years ago

1. Jessica

2. 31

3. I used to be a newspaper editor; now I teach high school.

4. I started reading casually back in the diaryland days. I became intensely interested when you posted a few entries (later deleted) about needing to quit drinking. I actually credit you with giving me the idea that it was possible. Now I don’t drink and I’m pregnant! And therefore I am slavishly devoted to your sober mommyblog. Also, you like Anne Tyler. Me too.

16 years ago

I know I’m late on the fun, but why not!

1. Misti

2. 25

3. I’m a high school social studies teacher (world geography and world history — 9th and 10th grade, respectively). I love my job, even with bogus politics (No Child Left Behind and all it’s retarded “glory”) and I get a kick out of my students. I’m single, but going through the wonderous joys of dating complete crazies out there now. Oh and I live in Texas.

4. I have no idea HOW I got to your diaryland blog, but I did and I’ve never turned back. I want to say I started reading in 2002-ish? Is that even possible. Your wit and amazing talent for writing is why I keep coming back. I’m not a baby-person, but you make the notion of children kinda fun in a crazy way. I was able to visit my brother (Paccar person) in Bellevue this summer and while I was going around Lincoln Square and stuff, I was thinking, “OMG! I’m walking around a place that Linda walks around!” It was highly exciting! Plus, your neck of the woods is soooo unbelievably gorgeous. If I could afford to live there, I so would. :)

5. Congratulations to you and JB on your little one! Can’t wait to hear (read) about all the stories of raising Riley and STP (Do we know the name yet?).

16 years ago

1. Your name
2. Your age 41 (42 on the 26th)
3. Your life in a nutshell: who you live with, what you do for work (category includes raising children and going to school, obvs.)
I live with my two daughters, Molly and Jackie. I lost my job last September and am still unemployed – this semester I’m taking classes at the local community college to keep busy but I’m still job hunting.
4. How long have you been reading this blog, and what keeps you coming back?
I’ve been reading for over two years – what keeps me coming back is your humor and honesty –

16 years ago

1. Shannon
2. 32
3. Single. No kids. Live with Cat of my own very much like of Cat your own. I work in sales in Renton.
4. Been reading (and your other blogs) since this summer, 6 mths or so. Love your writing, love your honesty, love how you say whats in my head wishing to be spoken out loud, colorful language and all. I heart Dog.

Congratulations on the beautiful addition to your already beautiful family.

16 years ago


16 years ago

Hi! Congrats on the new addition, he’s beautiful! And I love the name…..

1. I go by SJ on the internet, obviously that’s not my real name.
2. I’m 32!
3. Married (will be 9 years this October), living in Colorado with my husband and two boys, Keven (he’s 5) and Isaac (he’s 2 – born just a few days before Riley!). I have three dogs and a talking parrot. I’m originally from the East Coast (VA). Let’s see, I work for Hewlett Packard on a contract for Microsoft (poor me, I KNOW), I love to geocache, I love photography and well, my life is pretty damn normal. Sometimes.
4. I started blogging myself a couple of years ago and stumbled across your blog on another site. From the very blog post I read of yours I was hooked. You are hands down one of my favorites to read, I love your honesty, your humor, and seriously – you make me feel human as you touch on both the wonderful sides of being a parent to the not so wonderful aspect. I loved Purple is a Fruit, and now ParentDish, Sundry Buzz and well, I just can’t get enough! So with that said – congrats again to you all. Can’t wait to hear more.

16 years ago

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! he is perfect!!!!!

16 years ago

1. Cassie
2. 17
3. I live with my parents, brother and sister in WV. I go to school (12th grade), have an internship at a local elementary school, and work at a preschool/daycare after school. That is pretty much my life.
4. First, to clear up why a 17 year old is reading your blog. I started reading MimiSmartypants a while ago (8th grade maybe?). She linked to dooce, who I found hilarious so I started reading her blog too. Before too long I had a whole list of blogs I was reading because of clicking on links and yours is one of them. Now I read about 50 blogs from strangers of all walks of life. Weird? Yes, but interesting.

I’ve been reading for about a year, maybe more. I come back because once I start reading a blog I always have to know what happens next. Like a really good book or something.

16 years ago

1. Rachael
2. 21
3. Single. Forever, it seems.
4. Yours was one of the first blogs I ever read, and I’ve stuck with you because you’re hilarious and honest and despite your mommyhood this isn’t a mommy blog. So, bravo. But bring on the baby pics. I love the squishy new babies.

16 years ago

My name is Susan. I’m 32. I’m from Louisville, Kentucky, but I live in Warrington, Pennsylvania with my husband (who is 51), his 23-year-old daughter, our three-year-old daughter, a dog, and a cat. Weird demographics, I know. Oh well.

I work full-time from home as a freelance copywriter and editor (the little one is in full-time childcare). I found out about your blog when a good friend of mine linked to it from her blog. Why do I keep coming back? Simple: I enjoy your distinctive voice and always compelling photos (mine are never as good!).

It’s also interesting for me to glimpse life with a little boy (well, make that plural now!) since I know only our estrogen-centric household. Oh, and your husband is a doll and I love all the great pics of him with Riley. Last but not least, CONGRATS on Baby Dylan. He is gorgeous, and I can’t wait to see more of him–and read more about him, of course!

16 years ago

1. Aniece
2. 30
3. Gay. I live with my gf Christy in Chicago. We both have office jobs in the automotive field. I have a 7 year old son who is awesome in his Spiderman pj’s.
4. I have been reading your blog since I was prego with my son… a long, long time. I started reading when you wrote at diaryland and I loved your writing. Now, I feel like I am watching a sitcom when I read your blog to see what’s going on and how everyone’s doing on the “show”. Reading your blog means I laugh out loud a lot, sometimes it’s sad and sometimes it’s so funny I have to share it with someone else so they can laugh too.

16 years ago

1. SallyBunny (not my real name)
2. 31
3. I live with my husband, my baby boy Julian, and my dog Stella in Washington DC. I somehow ended up in software development, but I have no passion for it. Still trying to figure out what to do with my life.
4. I’ve been reading for a few years. I feel like we could be friends – you are funny, a good storyteller, honest, and real. And you update often (though I’ve been reading a few blogs for YEARS that now update once in a year or so, so it’s not a requirement for my loyal reading).

16 years ago


16 years ago

Delurking to wish you a big congrats! Dylan’s absolutely gorgeous! Looking forward to seeing more pics and hearing your great stories!
1) caroline
2) Just turned 32 last week!
3) I live in southern California after 11 years living in Colorado, Southeast Asia, San Francisco & Utah (yes, quite a mix!). I used to work in fashion but am currently working in finance. Huge switch – but I’m much happier than I was in fashion
4) I’ve been reading for a few years and wouldn’t dream of stopping – I think you’re a fantastic writer and you keep me so very entertained! (random note: I threw a babyshower for a good friend last year and hired a henna tattoo artist to do the big belleh as well as the other guests’ body parts!)

Best wishes to you, bebe Dylan, Riley and JB!