Your Baby’s Development at Week 39 of Pregnancy: You may notice that your baby is not moving around very much — he or she is in cramped quarters at this point!

Well, part of that statement is a big old no-shitter, but apparently Smalltopus has not been doing his Required Reading, or maybe he’s gotten wind of this whole cutting-into-the-belly-with-sharp-objects business that’s supposed to happen tomorrow and he figures his best bet for a safe exit is to simply mosh-pit his way out of there. I have grave concerns about this child’s ability to sleep for more than a few minutes at a time, based solely on his fetal activity level, which I would describe as “excruciatingly energetic”.

I am having a very hard time wrapping my head around the fact that this baby is going to be on the outside of my body tomorrow. I mean, I am more than ready to make good on his eviction notice because DUDE, human beings just shouldn’t get this pregnant, we should eject the babies when they’re about the size of a grapefruit and then keep them in fur-lined pouches or some such thing, but I can hardly believe that I’m going to meet my youngest son in a matter of hours, and that he will have a tiny little face that I will be able to look at.

Will he look just like Riley did? Or completely different? What if he looks like Trogdor — coupla beefy arms, consummate Vs? What if the ultrasound tech got her anatomy screwed up and STP is actually a girl, which would be fine, except the whole coming-home outfit would be ALL WRONG.

I am awash in anticipation. Also: fear. Also: chocolate peanut butter ice cream.

We go to the hospital tomorrow at 6 AM, and I’ll need to spend a few hours on some medication (NOT magnesium, thank god) before going into surgery. My guess is that they will stash us in some room where JB and I will languish for the entire morning until someone remembers we exist and whisks me into the OR. During that time, I imagine I will be oscillating between a full-body freakout and mind-numbing boredom, so I’m hoping you might indulge me with some bloggy entertainment.

I know lots of you have already sent your good wishes and I sure appreciate that. Here’s what I’m thinking: if you’re up for it and you read this in time, will you hit the comments box sometime between now and Monday afternoon and tell me a little bit about yourself? I’ll be able to read your comments from my phone, and it seems like a fun, distracting thing to do while cooling my jets in a depressing hospital room.

I have a little questionnaire in mind:

1. Your name (you can stay anonymous if you like)
2. Your age (you can lie about this if you like)
3. Your life in a nutshell: who you live with, what you do for work (category includes raising children and going to school, obvs.)
4. How long have you been reading this blog, and what keeps you coming back?

Oh, I know, I know. That last question is so lame, sorry. What can I say, I’d love to know your answers.

At some point tomorrow I think one of us should be able to update this site with some baby stats, otherwise check in with my Flickr page. Will there be at least one crappy newborn photo taken with a cameraphone? You bet.

All right, friends. I’ll see you on the flip side.


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16 years ago

you know me, so I’ll skip answering the questions. but I will say this: GOOD LUCK TOMORROW, though i am sure you won’t need it. still, you are a braver woman than I.

16 years ago

Survey says….

1. Elizabeth
2. 19
3. Actually, I was just recently hired at Walt Disney World! I just got to Orlando yesterday and my first day is tomorrow. It’s all terribly exciting. I work in Entertainment, doing character stuff, shows, parades, meet & greets, etc.
4. I’ve been reading for about…oh, four or five years? Since Diaryland, I’ll put it that way. I don’t know how I found you, but I’ve always kept reading because I love your sense of humor and candor. And your beautiful pictures!

Wishing you a magical day tomorrow!!

16 years ago

My name is Carmen, I’m 35 and I live in Vancouver, BC. I am married to a wonderful man – who does all the cooking, how lucky am I? – and I have a 22 month old son, Kieran. I’m currently (barely) pregnant with #2, due at the end of September. I am a research scientist at the University of British Columbia, and I am currently doing research on Salmonella and E. coli – trying to figure out how they make you sick. But I’m actually starting a new job in two weeks – one with a lot more responsibility that involves a bit more management along with some research. I’m alternately terrified and excited!

I have been reading this blog since around the time I went on maternity leave. I was home rattling around the house for about two weeks before Kieran was born, and I found you then. I think through a comment you left somewhere else, but I’m not sure where. I then read your entire archive, because you write brilliantly and you make me laugh. And you write about things I relate to: small children’s temper tantrums, fear of spiders, etc. Hopefully this won’t sound like I’m stalking you – but I read all your blogs. I just can’t get enough of your combination of wry humour, honesty and little snippets of perfect family life.

Anyway, I’m glad you posted this evening – I’ll be rooting for you tomorrow and I’m looking forward to seeing photos of Smalltopus. Good luck!

16 years ago

1. Ashlea
2. 21
3. I’m a Digital Arts Student at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. My life consists of Art, Art and living in a dorm room! Seriously. I should not be sharing less than 150 sq ft with another human being. My roommate is awesome though and our room is covered with pictures of hot guys. I get the top bunk, she gets the bottom bunk. I have two betta fish, Calcifer and Oyakata. Cal is Red and Oy is Blue and I have them trained to bite my finger when they are being fed.
At home, I have a Mother and a Father of course. My Father is currently battling colon cancer, but things are looking up. I live with three cats, Oliver, Synders and Sammy, and one Papillon puppy named Kirby.

4. I’ve been reading you for about a year. I have to admit, I find myself drawn back by the horror stories of raising children. Hate to say it, but I’m becoming more and more convinced I’m not cut out to be a mother.. but that may change in five years. Who knows. I love your sense of humor and your obsession with Zombies. I think JB is cute but he’s all yours and I love Dog and Cat and they need more love!

16 years ago

1. H.
2. Turning 27 in a couple of weeks
3. I’m a grad student, currently living by myself in Southern California
4. I’ve been reading this blog for about 4 and a half years. Your sense of humor and openness are what attract me to this blog. Following how motherhood has turned out for you has been inspiring!

16 years ago

1. Your name: Cortney
2. Your age: 32 and growing older by the minute…lol
3. Your life in a nutshell: I’m happily married (10 years in August) and am raising my 14 year old stepson full-time. I work from home doing the books for my dad’s property management company, and I also do administrative work for my husband’s insurance consulting business. Yes, I know…that all sounds pretty boring, but I like working from home because I can set my own schedule and be available for my family when they need me. I am also a big animal love and have 3 dogs and 3 cats that basically rule my home. lol
4. How long have you been reading this blog, and what keeps you coming back? I think I’ve been reading your blog for about two years now, and I keep coming back because you are funny and down to earth, and I wish I lived in Seattle because I know you would be a cool person to hang out with. I am always happy to see a new post in my blog reader from you! :)

16 years ago

1. April
2. 35
3. I moved to Denver from Chicago four years ago on a hunch that a long-distance friendship might turn into something more… and it did. Making that leap of faith was the best thing I ever did for myself. I love Chicago and I miss my friends but I’m a much, much happier girl now. Things have been falling into place ever since- got married, got two of the best, most ridiculous dogs, bought a house and got pregnant (I know what you mean about the mosh pit- I have been caught yelling “enough already!” to my belly more than once) and landed in a job that is mostly good (I’m an audiologist).
4. I am not sure how long I’ve been reading but it’s probably more than a year now. Not to sound totally creeptastic, but you are one of the bloggers where I think that we would be friends in real life. Particularly when you talk about JB, who sounds like the spitting image of my husband- sense of humor and all. (An old post comes to mind where he was showing you or wanting to show you something totally inappropriate on a security camera you were installing? Or something like that?) Anyways, I can’t wait to see pictures tomorrow…

Mary O
16 years ago

Wow. I’m so excited for you and can’t wait to hear your baby news. I just had my second c-section and found the whole experience to be so much better than the first time, this one being all planned out and all. The worst part about it was getting the anesthesia and after that was over, it was great. Even the recovery was not as bad as the first time. I hope you find it to be the same. Anyway…

1. My name is Mary

2. 26

3. I’m a stay at home mom to my two-year-old, Oliver and my three-month-old, Everett. Also Paddy the dog. Oh yes, my husband also lives with us!

4. I’ve been reading your blog for over a couple of years now. About the time you had Riley, I think. I was pregnant with my first son at the time and had a lot of time on my hands, so I went back and read quite a few of your archives too. I loved reading your pregnancy stories, since that’s what I was going through at the time. There’s lots of reasons why I like reading your blog. First of all, you are hilarious and make even everyday things worth reading about. I like hearing about Riley, since he is a few months older than my first son I can kind of get an idea of what is around the corner. Also, you live near Seattle, which is where we used to live so it’s nice to hear what’s going on in that area too (we miss it). I’ve also gotten such great tips from you on this site and Sundry Buzz. Keep it up and good luck tomorrow!

16 years ago

1. Angie

2. 37 (gulp)

3. Aloha from Hawaii! I’m here with my Navy husband, one child (a girl, 10), and two dogs. We’ve been here since July, and I just now made my first friend :( It’s hard to make friends when you don’t work, you know? I enjoy being home, but man oh man oh manischewitz do I miss working. The whole “having a life outside of the home” is mighty appealing to me right now, and I’m mulling over my options, limited as they may be. On the other hand, we just adopted our second dog, and although she’s 8 months old, she’s neither potty or leash trained, so I guess that really is my job right now. I don’t know-it’s always a struggle between the desires one keeps buried deep inside and the reality of what one must do in order to keep life (and family) running smooth!

3. I’ve been reading you for quite awhile. I’m sure I followed a link from Mo or Robyn, and I remember when you went to Thailand (?) with JB before Riley was anywhere near the picture. I also remember JB’s updates when Riley was born-he is a man of few words, for sure! I’ve always loved reading your journal/blog, and it’s such a joy to see how you’ve become such a strong and evocative writer. You know how time passes and there are some journals that you kind of drift away from because you no longer have that connection with the writing? Yeah, that’s never happened with you. You’re always able to just hit the note, tweak the nerve, and just draw me in-even if you’re only talking about zombies! I really appreciate you taking the time to update consistently, and I wish you smooth sailing these next few weeks!

16 years ago

1. Jane Emma Yee

2. 29

3. I live with three boys in Auckland, New Zealand (not my boys – they’re flatmates). I work as a publicity manager at a record label, and also do some TV presenting (which was a full time gig up until a month ago – now I just dabble). I have a dog called Stella.

4. I have been reading for… I dunno, since a while before you were pregnant with Riley. I found your blog through Jemma’s, and I met Jemma when she was a regular in the chatroom of the TV show I was working on. Funny little twisty-turny world isn’t it? Anyway, I keep coming back because you’ve managed to suck me into your life, and also because – while I think I am funny – you are much funnier, and I like to use that as inspiration.

Sending lots of good wishes over the sea towards you, JB, Riley, and STP!

16 years ago

1. Rachel

2. 33

3. Married very nearly fourteen years, mother of an almost-twelve-year-old son and an eight-year-old daughter, homeschooler, lazy homemaker, part-time student/aspiring nurse, just bought our first house and got our first dog (above two facts have TAKEN OVER MY LIFE), live in rural California foothills in the same town where I was born.

4. It’s been a long time. I read you at Diaryland starting in… 2003? I have scarcely missed an entry in all that time, not only because you are so refreshing and funny, but because you are also open and honest and sometimes raw, and you make me think about things in ways I haven’t before.

Best wishes for tomorrow. I’ll be thinking of you, Riley, JB, and of course your new little guy.

16 years ago

Hi Linda, good luck today!
I’m Erin (about the 4th one who has commented today!) and I’m 26, and in the Portland, OR area. I’ve been reading you since I discovered I was pregnant with my daughter, Riley, who is going to be two in May. I promise, I didn’t steal your name on purpose! :)
I work in as a freight broker in the transportation industry, and I’ve been split up from my husband since June, although I haven’t done the paperwork yet. Looking forward to moving into a townhouse in May, and just dying to get out of my apartment.
I really enjoy your writing, and I’m excited to hear how this crazy childcare thing works with TWO. I can’t imagine!
If anyone can handle it, you can!

16 years ago

jacqui, 25, seattle! i work full time and am going to school full time to get my masters in ed. ive been reading your blog for quite awhile, and i keep coming back because every time im here, i cant stop laughing. love your writing! good luck and good wishes to you!

16 years ago

Oh, good luck Linda! I hope they give you lots of narcotic love for that C-section/newborn pain.

1. Shal
2. 29
3. Live with my husband, my almost 3 year old and my 3 month old sons; work as a librarian, which is the best job ever, despite the sad, pathetic looks people give me when I tell them my profession, like I just said I kick puppies for a living.
4. I’ve been reading for…well, 5 years? Can that be right? I remember reading your entries before you bought your house, so…about that long. I keep coming back because, well, you’re an excellent, funny writer. Besides the kid factor, I don’t think I have that much in common with you, but I cannot STOP reading your writing. If I could write, if I had a blog, I would write like you. Yours is the only blog where, if my RSS reader has not spat out a new post from you, I get ANGRY with it. If I ever see you randomly around Seattle, I am going to ask for your autograph.

16 years ago

1. Rachel
2. aged 21 years
3. My life in a nutshell: I’m a full time student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, studying creative writing. I work as a respite therapist to kids with autism, but as of now I only have one client. I also work at Anthropologie, a women’s clothing store. I’m one busy mofo. I’m also addicted to my google reader.
4. Google reader recommended your blog to me and I have been reading ever since–about 2 months, by now. I come back because you are funny, and have a grasp on the English language that doesn’t make me want to eat my future young.

16 years ago

Hi Linda, good luck and welcome new baby!

My name is julie. I’m 30, live in Philly with my boyfriend, 5 cats and a turtle and I’m 26 weeks pregnant with my first baby – a boy.

I have been reading you since diaryland as well, possibly since right before you moved to Seattle? Before you had dog! I keep reading because we have a lot in common. I am very proud of you. I didn’t stop drinking until I found out I was pregnant even though we were trying. You have vast amounts of will and determination and desire and I also must ask that you never stop writing.

And thanks for linking swistle. She’s great, too.

16 years ago

1. Jennie
2. Twenty… something
3. I live in California, and though everyone complains about it I love it here and probably will never leave. I’m married to my high school sweetheart, we have one 2 year old daughter named Alaina, one bun in the oven (8 months), and one neurotic, psychotic cat. I’m mostly a stay-at-home mom, but I also run a cosmetics business on the side. Gives me a little something to do aside from wiping dirty bottoms all day (well, bottom, but soon to be plural).
4. I’m not sure how I found your blog, but I’ve probably been reading for a year or a little more. I keep coming back because you are hilarious in that honest, no-bull sort of way that I find so refreshing. I also love reading about your family life, since it’s difficult to find real-life friends who has a similar point of view to my own. Your blog is awesome and that’s why I read. =) Lately I’ve even been lurking around your other blogs too!

GOOD LUCK tomorrow with baby number two! I hope everything goes smoothly and I can’t wait to see pictures! Congrats in advance!

Anne L.
Anne L.
16 years ago

I’m Anne, 40
I’ve been reading this blog and its various incarnations since… well, for a WHILE! I got married just about 2 years ago after living together for 6 years. Aaaand, we are pregnant with our first, due on March 26th (!!!) I am a catering chef, and my husband is in the service industry as well. 2 cats and 3 ferrets. Hmmm, what else?
I’ve always loved your writing style, and especially enjoy the way you write about parenting and pregnancy. When I first found out I was knocked up, I had to comb your archives and read all about your pregnancy with Numero Uno!
OK, long-winded much? Take care Monday!

16 years ago

1. Alfina the Vague

2. Just turned 30 in December – I call this The Decade of Awesome.

3. I live with a dachshund and a fat, mean cat in a small, somewhat crappy apartment. It was supposedly “upgraded” right before I moved in, but the paint and general repairs seem to have been done by a crack team of eight-year-olds, or possibly monkeys. I teach writing and literature at a big southern university in a very small, largely backwards town. I spend my life trying to get the students to talk more and the pets to shut up.

4. I have been reading here since shortly after you had Riley. I think the first post I read was one where you wrote very frankly about your relationship with drinking, and I found it so compelling. I keep coming back because your stuff is consistently frank as well as witty and interesting. This is probably my favorite blog.

I hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow and that you and the family are back home safe and healthy and happy as soon as possible. Can’t wait to see pictures!

16 years ago

Hi Linda, I’m Kelly. I’m almost 24, a disgruntled bookstore employee part of the time and a student the rest of the time, plowing my way through the end of my bachelor’s degree (finally!). Oh, and I live in Virginia.

I’ve been reading you since you were on diaryland, around 2003 I believe. I keep coming back because I feel invested in your life, and you always make me laugh. I remember entries about your evil cat that were endlessly amusing, since at the time I too was the owner of an evil cat. (She went to live with my brother, whom she liked *much* better than me. I am not a cat person.)

Thanks for sharing your anecdotes and stories. I hope everything goes wonderfully tomorrow.

16 years ago

1. Andrea
2. 7-9-82 (25…and a half)
3. I live just over the Cascades in Yakima and work for a large social service agency. I live with my husband and golden retriever in a “fixer-upper” house meaning endless hosue projects. We are talking a lot about having kids this year…which leads me to the next question.
4. I have been reading for almost a year and I keep coming back because you have a really humble way about expressing the joy and awe parenting brings with a healthy dose of realism that is a fresh breath of honesty. While I recognize your blog is just a snapshot of your life, I feel like I’m getting an honest look at parenting and family life.

16 years ago

1. Jo.
2. 25 and getting younger each day.
3. I run a very successful, long-running arts festival in Huntsville, Alabama. I’ve lived here all my life and can convince just about anyone that it is the best little city in the world. I have been dating a wonderful man, Jeff, for about 18 months; he has a precious 3.5 year old girl and a terribly intelligent 7 year old boy. Jeff’s a professional photographer and has got me hooked on shooting. In my volunteer life I run a 90-seat theater that showcases small plays and musicals. I also teach 4 flute students and housesit for 6 different clients. All of this should tell you might greatest weakness is not being able to say no.
4. How long have you been reading this blog, and what keeps you coming back? I’ve been reading for about a year. You are absolutely hilarious, but I really come back for the pictures.

Thinking of you as you go through your big day. Hey, have you ever seen “The Business of Being Born”?

16 years ago

1. Ivory/Ivymae
2. A ripe ol’ 24.
3. Just another mom, writer, crafter, student, reader, wife, chronic choco-holic, laundry-a-phobic girl. I am a nomad at heart, living in the Inland Northwest with my very-rooted husband, and our two little gremlins, Ella (26months old) and Alice (2 months old).
4. I’ve been reading since around Riley’s birth, and can’t remember how I got here. Since he and Ella are so close in age, it’s been fun to watch him grow up just a step or two ahead of Ella, and now Alice and “D” will be stepinstep also. I think what is unique about your journal is the balance you are able to find between raunchy humor and thoughtful consideration. You can be reverent and cheeky all in the same sentence, which effectually blows the dust off what could be a bland day-to-day update on your family.

Formerly DDM (Sonia)
Formerly DDM (Sonia)
16 years ago

1) Sonia
2) 34.
3) Let’s see if I can nutshell my life. I am the mom to a 7 year old boy named Braeden. He had brain surgery in Jan. ’06 and has just celebrated the best two years of his life since then. Braeden has developmental delays and is mostly non-verbal and also the sweetest face and personality in the WORLD, if I do say so myself. ;-) In a past life I was a pharmacy technician for 15 years. When Braeden turned 2, I quit for a year to allow me to get him to therapy appointments etc. After one year off, I went back to work part time 3 days a week until Braeden’s neurosurgery, and I haven’t gone back. Now I *work* two nights a week in my friend’s salon for mommy breaks and extra $$. I’ve been happily married for 11 years to my wonderful husband, Brian. We live North of you on Puget Sound.
4) I’ve been reading here at least 1&1/2 years. I can’t remember how I got here, but I’ve been back almost daily since. I read for several reasons, the first of which is your fantastic writing. As I read along, I can almost hear you talking, and I think you are hilarious Linda! And poignant when it warrants. You come across in your writing to be just like any of my favorite friends in *real* life. In short, I think you’re great. And a smartass. I mean that in the BEST possible way. ;-)

I will be thinking about you on Monday morning Linda, and sending you good vibes for relaxation and NO NERVES before your C-section. You are all in my thoughts, and I cannot wait to meet little D in photos!!!! CONGRATS!!!!

16 years ago

I am thankful that it’s going to be a stress/magnesium free delivery for you. w00t!

1. Angela
2. 27, 08/12/80
3. I live in SoCal. I have a career in biotech manufacturing as a Quality Systems Analyst. I live alone. I’ve been with my BF for seven years. He used to be my boss and is 22 years my senior. I have three “step-children,” aged 21, 19, and 9. I have a miniature schnauzer puppy named Chips. He makes me LOLz. I love to cook, read, and consume cheese.
4. I’ve been reading since before you bought your home. Don’t really know how long that is. Your writing makes me laugh.

16 years ago

1. Your name – Erin

2. Your age – 28 though more often than not I have to think about this for a bit as I still feel something like 23, and when I’m reminded that I’m nowhere near that I freak out a little.

3. Your life in a nutshell – I’ve been married for almost 7 years, and live with my husband and my neurotic cat in West Seattle. I work in accounting though that’s not something I want to do for the rest of my life, but for now it pays the bills. I enjoy cooking, baking and most recently running. I’ve also been enjoying Bikram yoga on a weekly basis (I’ve been doing yoga for years but just recently got into Bikram). I’m planning on doing the Danskin triathlon in August and while working towards getting there I’m doing the Whidbey Island half marathon in April as well as a few smaller races here and there. All in all I’m boring!

4. How long have you been reading this blog, and what keeps you coming back? – I’ve been reading for years. Umm.. since you were back on Diaryland. I can’t even remember how long. Your style of writing totally got me hooked and your outlook on life and just how down to earth you are keep me coming back.

Good luck with Smalltopus! Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures with baby #2!

16 years ago

1. Julia
2. 22 1/2
3. Life in a nutshell: I graduated from UW last year with an International Studies degree. I had aspirations of going into the Peace Corps, but a slightly balding best friend of mine changed my mind when we randomly fell in love during the summer of 2006. So instead I now work for the UW in a really, really, really boring fiscal job, but am getting married to the funniest 33 year old you will ever meet. I’m applying to grad school (more UW) and hoping to move out of our tiny condo into a real! big! house! later this year. But first we’re getting married in Vegas in April and going to Costa Rica in June. I love to travel and find that married life will be more exciting than digging latrines in Africa. Hurrah. No kids for another 4-5 years, but EVERY friend of my fiance’s is currently pregnant, so I will soon be surrounded by babies. Which will be awesome.
4. How long have you been reading this blog, and what keeps you coming back?
I’ve been reading, for, uh, forever. Like 3 years? Something like that? More? Yeah, more. I think I’ve been reading since just a few months after you started blogging. I don’t remember how I found you, though. Alas.

Also, since we live just a few north-Seattle towns apart, I always think I’m going to run into you one day and have no idea what to say beyond, “Oh my god, that’s Riley and Linda!”

16 years ago

Leah here, although you know my real name too. I’m twenty-eight and a half (gak!) and can hardly believe I’m a day over fourteen. I live with Simon (soon-to-be-fiance/husband/baby-daddy if all goes well) and our cats Eve and Linus. I’m an editor, a t.v. addict, and insanely ready to have a baby. I’ve been reading this blog since Riley was about five months old, and I keep coming back because you are a truly talented writer (I get paid to recognize talent like yours!), and I just love the way your brain works. Writers are not trained, they’re born; you’ve got it, lady.

Happy birthing. I’ll be thinking of you–all four of you–all morning.

16 years ago

Hi Linda! I’m Michelle. I’m 37. I live with my husband, my three-year-old son, and my two-week-old son. I work in the IT department of a big telecom company but I’m on a big, fat maternity leave (6 months – woo!) right now. I’ve been reading since before you got pregnant with Riley. I keep coming back because your writing has made me laugh and cry and nod my head in total agreement so many times that I’ve lost count. Hope it all goes well with Smalltopus tomorrow and that you heal quickly from the surgery (c-sections are no fun…I just had to have one myself). I can’t wait to read about your experiences with two kiddos. :)

16 years ago

Hi Linda! Sooooo excited for you to finally meet Smalltopus, I’m getting farklempt. I think one or two other people already said it, but a scheduled c-section is way more fun than one following the stress of induction. You’ll be all nice and alert and… oh, it’ll just be the coolest thing that’s ever happened to you. It almost makes me wish I could go through it again just to see that perfect little face again for the first time. (My husband would shit if he heard me say that… probably a good thing I had my doc “fix things” while she was in there.) The recovery is better too. You’re going to be just fine.

To answer your questions:
1. My name is Jenn
2. I’m 35
3. My life in a nutshell: I’m a stay-at-home mom to two boys, Ryan (3.5) and Colin (10 months) who I absolutely adore. I’ve been married for 5 years to the handsome and brilliant Dr. Ray (he has a PhD in economics and works at a bank.) We live just outside Charlotte, NC. No pets. My full-time occupation is pretty much trying to find things to feed my older son, who is allergic to 5 out of the 8 major food allergens (milk, wheat, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts.) Yeah, fun.
4. How long have you been reading this blog, and what keeps you coming back? I’ve been reading this blog for, oh, close to two years now. What keeps me coming back? I dunno… you just have a way of phrasing things that I find hilarious, and also you write about things that I can relate to because I have two little boys too. I had to go back and look for it, but wayyyyy back a long time ago there was a post you did about toys of Riley’s that you hate like the musical monkey-in-the-box-from-hell, and I remembered laughing my fool head off at that… it’s just one example though. You just keep doing what you do and I’ll keep reading. And when you write that book, I’ll be first in line.

Good luck tomorrow… I’ll be eagerly hitting refresh!

16 years ago

1. Allison
2. 30. and a half. ish.
3. I live here in Seattle (oh, ok: Kent) and I am married to the world’s most tolerant man. I have two boys … My oldest is 2.5 (born in June of 05) and my youngest is almost 1.5 (born Sept of 06). I am currently a full time student at RTC and part time Intern…
4. I’ve been reading you for … ages? 2003 maybe? Before either one of us had children… I don’t remember how I came upon your page then either. I keep coming back because you paint a very vivid picture with your entries (pics or no pics) and the fact that Riley is about the same age as my oldest, well… I can relate. I like that mention local events/landmarks sometimes too.

Anyway, I haven’t sent you my good luck thoughts yet, so … GOOD LUCK! I had both of my boys by c-section, so I can relate to that also. I wish you lots of rest, relaxation and I predict that smalltopus will look A LOT like his big brother. Hang in there, and feel free to drop me an email anytime… I know what it’s like to have two little ones underfoot… I wish you the best of luck. :)

16 years ago

1. Jenni
2. 27
3. I live in St. Louis with my husband, who is a pilot and thus not home a lot. I work at home as a freelance book editor. I play roller derby, which effectively distracts people from how incredibly boring I am otherwise. (Think me, a laptop, a mug of tea, and hours of silent work.) I do love to travel to weird places, though, if that redeems the old-lady tea thing at all.
4. I can’t remember how long I’ve been reading. But I keep coming back because you don’t like bullshit. I don’t like bullshit either. I’ve never got the impression you were saying ANYTHING just because you thought you were supposed to.

16 years ago

Name: Sarah

Age: 25

Nut-Life-Shell: I’m a 4th year graduate student at Stanford, specifically a biologist. I’m a huge men’s college basketball fan, especially Arizona (1st) and Stanford (2nd). I’m married to John, and we’re the proud owners of two cats (his) and a rabbit (mine). We have no current plans to have kids, but I hope they’ll come along eventually. I’m my spare time, I do a lot of scuba diving and sudoku. I also like trashy romance novels, and I bake as a stress reliever.

Why I come back: You’re entertaining! Been reading for a couple months, I think, and not quite sure how I stumbled here, but I did. You’re a great writer, and I’ve enjoyed reading about your pregnancy and other happenings. Hope Smalltopus makes an easy appearancee and used up all his energy in the womb so that he’s a lovely and pleasant baby. Good luck!!!!

16 years ago

1. Crystal

2. Almost twenty.

3. I live with my partner Tina and our two kittens, and I’m working as a server at The Cheesecake Factory in Littleton, CO while I put myself through school. I’m working towards a degree in psychology and saving up to join Cross-Cultural Solutions and then the Peace Corps.

4. To be honest…I’m one of your most loyal
fans – I’ve read your blog regularly since the auld days of Diaryland – I even remember when you got Dog, for Christ’s sake. I stumbled across you by way of drowning13’s blog (remember him?). The reason I keep coming back is that there is real heart and razor-wit in your writing – it’s addictive. I read your blog to keep sane, have followed all the major events of your life on tenterhooks (Oh little D., I’m so excited to meet you!!)

My teenage years were awfully rough, and I was being abused physically and emotionally almost every day. I almost died from an eating disorder and dealt with constant visits from Social Services whenever the school nurse noticed my fractured shoulder, my sprained wrists, my bruised cheeks. I hope this doesn’t come off as stalkerish in any way, but I tried to read your blog every day during these awful years. I was reminded every day that there were parents who would love their children regardless of the people they would become, there were marriages that worked and days when people’s biggest problems were to figure out who was smarter – the cat or the dog? Reading about your life reminded me that there was hope out there – hope for a life like yours, so much less turbulent than my own. And what do you know – I was right. I escaped and life is so, so good now, and I like to think your writing is part of what got me through.

I’m coming out of the woodwork (finally – in all these years I’ve never really commented) to tell you that I love your blog and you fully deserve the blessed life you lead. I am rooting for you all the way and hope your surgery is smooth sailing tomorrow. I will continue to read as long as you continue to write. Thank you for everything. If you’re ever in Colorado, head to the Cheesecake Factory and I guarantee you the best service you’ve ever had. :)

Moose in the Kitchen
16 years ago

1. Amber (Also known as Moose in the Kitchen because my hands are decorated with enough scars and burns to make the casual observer think I’m an operative of the CIA. Unfortunately, I just don’t know how to operate a knife. Or the oven. Or a ziploc bag.)

2. 29 and desperately yearning to be 30 because someone once told me that’s the age your life will be Officially Pulled Together. I’m beginning to smell a rat.

3. I’m almost always thinking about food. A personality trait that will land me on the wrong side of 300 pounds one day. I live with my dog and my boyfriend in San Francisco and we are planning to have a kid. Eventually. Assuming the therapy works out. (I kid. Sort of.) I’m a writer/editor and am currently working for the editorial department of a place that sends out lots of 50-page legal reports. Last week’s number one legal document typo: “Asses.” I assume it was meant to be “assess” but WHO KNOWS?

4. I read you because you’re damn funny and have a lovely way with words.

16 years ago

1. Your name Misty
2. Your age 31, i think
3. Your life in a nutshell: I live with my husband, I started my own accounting biz a few months ago, after being laid off. Scariest thing ever, but also its been great. I have an almost 10 year old boy, and an almost 7 month old boy. 2nd marriage, and all that. 1st time I was just a child, i realize looking back at it now. This time its been much more fun, less stressful. I love them both equally, but in different ways. You realize that you love their traits, and not so great habits, but there is a 10 year difference, so of course there will be different ways. As the baby grows up, I will love him in the same ways i love the oldest one now. I know you had the question before, so I wanted to let you know my feeling on it. They are different people, with their own way of doing things.
4. How long have you been reading this blog, and what keeps you coming back?
I started reading quite a few years ago. I cant even remember how I got here, although, I am sure it was linked thru someone elses diary that I loved. I keep coming back because you are hilarious, thoughtful, and a great writer.

Good Luck!!! My thoughts are with you, JB, Riley and the new wee one!

16 years ago

Happy Birthing! My name is Melanie, and I’m 44 years old and live in Mississippi.

By day I am a court reporter working in criminal court, and by nights and weekends I am a wife and the mom of two boys, ages 11 and 6, as well as the pack mother of two boxers, Daisy and Trixie, and two cats, Jane (a/k/a The Rattlesnake) and Queenie, world’s most expensive and klutzy cat.

I’ve been reading you for probably four or five years…guessing? At first I totally hung around for the Dog and Cat stories, but I feel like I’ve come to know all of you from afar and love to hear stories of all of you. And cry with you (home remodeling: been there, done that, don’t want that t-shirt.)

And I keep coming back for your honesty, the fabulous writing, as well as the pictures. I’m also a huge fan of your aunt’s blog, and can’t wait to read her book.

16 years ago

1. Meagan B. Call
2. 26
3. I’m a Clevelander living with my fiance (oh the scandal) and two cats (oh the more shame?). I have no children, but obsessively read parenting articles and blogs because biology is making me WANT children in spite of the wonderful birth control provided by reading parenting blogs and articles. I’m currently working on getting my MFA in creative writing. My BFA was in studio art, so in about a year I’ll have TWO useless degrees. I’m working on a novel for my thesis which is about faeries, adolescence, or humanity depending on how hard you want to think about it. I spend my time writing, drawing, blogging, web-designing (not actually a verb) and most of all avoiding doing all of the above, not because I actually mind doing them, but because I am addicted to procrastination.
4. I’ve been reading ever since some considerate a-hole posted a link from parentdish during the DOG fiasco. I come back because I love your sense of humor and want you to know that not everyone who reads parentdish is an a-hole.
5. Good luck tomorrow!!!

16 years ago

1. MB

2. 29

3. I live in Kentucky. I’m single but I just started dating someone seriously. I have a serious, grown up, went to college for it job and was also working at Starbucks for a time until I decided that two jobs wasn’t really getting me anywhere any quicker than before.

4. I think I’ve been reading for about a year but I forget how I discovered you. I keep coming back because you’re funny and just a little wicked, like me. I read several blogs each day but I save your blog to read each day at lunch (I am the youngest person where I work and I get asked a lot of inappropriate questions about my love life so I often eat in my office). You often make me laugh, have tried something new that I’ve just seen in the store or offer a very honest perspective that makes for a great read. I look forward to it each day because my job is really stressful.

16 years ago

1. April
2. 29 on March 31 (holy crap)
3. I’m a full-time college student, finishing up my BA in English after a long break and ill-advised marriage/life derailment. I live with my boyfriend and our two adorable kittens.
4. I have been reading your blog for about 8 months or so. I read yours and other parenting blogs because it helps to calm my rampant baby lust. Plus you’re a great writer.

Good luck with everything tomorrow! Yay for meeting Smalltopus!

16 years ago

1. Leah
2. 30
3. I am a software engineer living in Vancouver with my husband, no kids but two cats. I ride and show horses as a hobby (eventing). I currently ride a stallion (and I don’t mean my husband (he likes to add that one in there)) and I’ve been looking for a new horse to buy for the last 6 months and it’s driving me crazy and occupies most of my free thoughts and time (see crazy).
4. I’ve been reading for years and I keep coming back because your such a talented and engaging writer. And I never comment, but this is a special occasion.


16 years ago

1. Barbara
2. 36
3. I live in Austin with my 2 dogs. No guy in the picture, but maybe sometime soon? I’m a freelance marketing writer, but wouldn’t venturing into something completely different.
4. I’ve read your blog since before Riley was born… I remember the progress of the belly! Your writing style keeps me coming back, and I love your advice blog too. Your commenters also have excellent taste in books, music, etc.

Good luck with everything. Lots of positive energy should be flowing your way!

16 years ago

1. Jen McKay
2. 30
3. I’m a Canadian, transplanted with my husband and dog to London, UK approx. 1 year ago for said husband’s job. My first baby (a girl) is due in 5 days. I’m keeping it hidden from my mother that we’ve planned a home birth in a pool in my kitchen. Should be interesting. I’m nervous and insanely excited.
4. Been reading for, gosh, I think about two years now, I think via Kristin’s old blog. Yours is the first I read every day without fail. You’ve unknowingly been a kindred spirit throughout this pregnancy for me. Can’t wait to see pics of the new addition. The very best of luck to you.

16 years ago

I’m Kate. I’m 31. I live with my husband, my six-month old daughter, and my dog in New York City. I’ve been married for almost four years, but have been with my husband since I was nineteen. I work full time doing sales and client management for a consulting firm. I don’t feel like it’s my calling, but I like it well enough. My daughter is in a day care center, which I’m mostly okay with, but sometimes I wish I had a better option.

I’ve been reading for years, since at least six months before you got pregnant with Riley. I think I followed a link on, although I just looked and if she used to link to you, she doesn’t anymore. I keep coming back because I feel like I can relate to you on a bunch of different levels, and because you write well. Sometimes you write about weighty things – alcoholism, or ambivalence, or balancing work and motherhood – very poignantly. Also, when you had Riley, I developed a strong case of baby envy. He was so cute that I wanted one of my own. And then, while I was pregnant, I avidly went back and re-read your archives, using your pregnancy for a frame of reference for my own (e.g. when did you start wearing maternity clothes? find out the sex? feel kicking? etc.) I absolutely wish you all the best tomorrow and can’t wait to see your little family grow.

16 years ago

Hi Linda!

1. Alison
2. 22
3. I’m a senior finishing up at Penn State, majoring in English, History, & Jewish Studies. I applied for grad school in the fall, to study Library Sciences and am currently waiting to find out if any schools actually want to take my money. I live in a tiny little studio apartment, by myself, and can’t wait to go to grad school so I can get a one bedroom place AND have my cat. Hopefully, the boyfriend of 4 years will end up at the same school or at least, close by, but we shall see. I love books, horse back riding, photography, & knitting. (And that totally felt like I was writing a personal ad.)
4. I have no idea how I found you, but I know that it was recent – since the New Year. I keep coming back because I love your sense of humor and the way you make every-day, boring life seem like the best Thing Ever. When I grow up, I want to have the same sort of outlook on life (and my family) as you do.

Hope all goes well tomorrow and that Smalltopus learns how to sleep from the get-go.

16 years ago

Good luck tomorrow! May it all go smoothly for you.

16 years ago

34 (jeez, it sounds old spelled out like that)
I live in Northern CA, wine country which used to be apple country back when I lived here as a kid. I used to be in human resources and was a major go-getting multi-tasking young woman and now I am a SAHM and can barely brush my teeth before hitting Target at noon with kiddo in tow. Mom to wonderful 9 month old son, who reminds me a great deal of some of the stuff you write about Riley (spirited personality, did you say a few times?) Married to amazing husband who I knew as a friend in high school and he was voted typical/nicest guy in the yearbook but of course as a high school girl you don’t care for that type at the time! 10 yrs later due to a misdirected mass e-mail, we meet again and bliss :-)
I started reading you a few years back when my sister in law sent me a link to your Giant Spider entry since I am a spider phobe (I made the mistake of clicking on the picture, even though there was a warning!) I come back daily because you say things out loud that most people only think about their lives, jobs, kids, husbands and oh especially the pets! (I am also mom to obsessively licking old dog and self-absorbed obese cat) I am very eager to watch your two child family scenerio since I kinda hope that is in my future but I am waiting to see if you go crazy or not ;-)
Wishing you a speedy recovery, a bit of sleep the first few weeks and lots of comfort food!

16 years ago

1. Emily
2. 23
3. I live in Eugene, Oregon with my boyfriend. Last spring I graduated from the Univ. of Oregon with a psychology degree. Still trying to figure out what to do with that… In the mean time I’m stalling, I mean, working at Starbucks to pay off student loans (gotta love ’em).
4. I’ve been reading for a couple months (but I’ve read back quite a ways). It’s like reading the blog of a big sister I never had. It’s always hilarious and your outlook on life is excellent. I’ll be around for quite a while.

Good luck tomorrow, I’m so excited for you and your family. Can’t wait for pictures!

16 years ago

I’m an American living in Germany due to my husband’s job. We’ve been here for a couple of years; before that, I was a college administrator in Portland. When we moved overseas I became a lethargic and unmotivated German language student/whiner. Then I had a baby and now I wear my PJs until naptime, when I perform my highest achievement of the day: a shower. I love to read and travel and cook and eat.

I found you via Jonniker, when she linked to your shrink-yer-butt salad. I’d read some of the Purple posts and had seen your comments, but I’ve become a dedicated reader just in the past year. I read you because you can write like a mofo, you obviously love Riley with all your self but you talk about motherhood with an edgy sense of humor and honesty that I find refreshing, and I like reading about the Pacific Northwest that I miss.

I will be obsessively refreshing your Flickr page today. Good luck with the surgery and your new little Smalltopus.

16 years ago

1. Tanya Nicole

2. 25 in March

3. I live with my parents (sad but true) in Southeast Minnesota. I moved back in with them because I’m a struggling college student and needed to save some money. I work full time at a group home where I help care for six adults with developmental disabilities. I’m also in school full time, getting a bachelor’s in early childhood education and elementary education with pre-primary.

4. I’ve been reading your blog since you were still on diaryland. It’s been quite a few years. I do believe, in all those years, this is the first time I have commented so hello! Good luck tomorrow, I know he will be just as gorgeous as Riley is!