There are a lot of things I had forgotten about new babies, like how they constantly make a series of weird/adorable noises: tiny grunts, snuffles, balloon-deflatey pbbblllth sounds from their mouths, half-grumbles, delectable fluttery pigeon coos, etc. Also, the turtlish head extensions, the shockingly strong crooked little legs, the frantic piglike snorting during their cries when they get all pissed off about a diaper change.

I forgot how hard it is to change a newborn’s diaper. I get one diaper off and he instantly starts wailing and squirming and pees all over everything within twenty feet. I wrestle on a new diaper, trying to avoid the terrifying umbilical stump, peel off his wet clothes and blankets, and thread his noodley arms through a fresh outfit — all while he’s doing that panicky full-body crying — then I re-wrap him, toss his wet stuff into the laundry basket, and then it’s time for him to eat because he’s depleted all of his energy resources freaking the hell out about the DIAPER. Two seconds into the feeding, his butt goes blrrrrrrt and it’s time to do the whole cycle again. In the meantime, the baby has now spit up on fifteen clean blankets.

That’s what’s so exhausting about newborns, really. It’s the lather, rinse, repeat cycle of eating/pooping. There are these wonderful periods of sleeping in between, but hell, now there’s laundry to do. Which I would ignore in favor of joining Dylan in a tandem snorefest, except there’s this whole second kid dynamic this time, and I am frankly wondering why I thought it was so hard to have ONE baby, back when Riley was first born.

Except, I do know why it was so hard, and why it’s actually much easier this time. The first time around, we had no idea what we were doing. We were scared, stressed out, and filled with the sort of brain-bending paranoia that makes otherwise normal people fashion tin foil hats and mutter darkly about alien transmissions. Everything that went in or came out of Riley’s body was painstakingly documented in an Excel spreadsheet, because god only knew what would happen if we didn’t know to the milliliter how much he had eaten between 2 and 4 PM.

We’re much more relaxed with Dylan. Everything is coming back, in that cliched bike-riding sort of way, from how to get a really good swaddle to the best burping method. We aren’t constantly afraid that we’re going to break him, which is much less stressful. Although maybe I should worry about this a little, since I’ve found myself casually moseying through doorways with Dylan slung out to one side, nearly cracking his tiny, still-smooshy head into the wall.

Things are easier, even if they are also harder in some ways. Riley is doing very well with his new baby brudda, much better than I had expected, but he needs extra attention. He’s super rambunctious and chattering nonstop, all in an apparent effort to display his many fine talents and positive qualities, and he is such an awesome, awesome kid but it is all a little tiring. I am blown away, though, by his ability to be sweet to Dylan, and his desire to be helpful by informing me whenever Dylan’s hat has fallen off. He even kissed his brother’s head earlier today, at which point I died. I just, you know, DIED, because does life get any better than that? Seeing my two beautiful boys together, neither one of them attempting to kill the other?

Coming up soon: Dylan’s birth story, which is refreshingly drama-free but chock full of thrilling surgery details which I know you are on the edge of your seat to hear. Or maybe not, but too bad, I want to share it ALL. In the meantime — more pictures, OF COURSE:






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17 years ago

Ugh..he makes my ovaries ache. He is soooooooo adorable and all ‘too small for his clothes’ cute.
A gorgeous family..

You are blessed

17 years ago

congrats on all levels.
and also, can i just say that dylan is a really fantastic name? and i mean that in the most non-sarcastic way possible.

17 years ago

I actually kissed the monitor….am I am such a sap for babies Linda.

17 years ago

Wow – the beginning of the comment food chain!

He is adorable! Love the name. He doesn’t even have any of that newborn weirdness that both of mine had plentiful amounts of – smushed face, baby acne, stork bites, blah, blah, blah. So beautiful – all of you!


17 years ago

Just gorgeous.

A photo of Riley kissing his head would kill us all, just so you know ;)

17 years ago

A million congratulations! What a perfect little boy. And you look fantastic, too, I mean that.

17 years ago

I love that they both have the furrowed brow of suspicion in the first picture!

17 years ago

What a beautiful, beautiful family you have. So gracious of you to share it with us.
Also, I just have to tell you that your blog is scaring the shit out of my boyfriend, because I just keep talking about it and now he thinks I want another baby pronto. I can’t help it, his terrified face is just too amusing. But thank goodness I can live vicariously through you!

17 years ago

Riley + Dylan = Squeeeeeing all over the internets.

(that sounds dirty. Oops.)

You’re all looking LOVELY for having a newborn at home! Boyfriend says I’m not allowed to read your blog for a while – he’s afraid I’ll catch the baby bug. ;)

17 years ago

Oh lord have mercy. I read that whole post while holding my breath I think- it was fascinating. You gave us a hearty bunch of answers and details to things I have been wondering about and I betcha others have been too. Oh, I am so happy and excited for you and your family. So glad to hear that Riley is adjusting and loving and being sweet.
Any grandparents coming for a visit soon?
Your pictures are so wonderful.

Mary O
Mary O
17 years ago

That teddy bear outfit is adorable. You look so great… I can’t believe you just had surgery!

17 years ago

Love the family photos. You guys look great. Also love the new baby stories. It reminds of of all my sisters coming home, newborns. :)

17 years ago

Oh… heart just melted. SO adorable. Many many congratulations on your stunningly beautiful little baby boy, and I’m so glad that Riley is being an awesome big brother so far.

17 years ago

I have to laugh, we did the whole spreadsheet thing with eating, peeing, etc. for our first, and are expecting our second any day now. I’ve been trying to envision how it will all go down. Amazing photos of your wonderful family – great lighting!

17 years ago

What a perfectly happy family!

17 years ago

maybe one of the good things about having a baby as young as i did, was i didn’t know about spreadsheets and documentation! i was too young and stupid to be freaked out! haha. i’m not sure at this point, if i (God forbid) had another baby, that i would remember how to do everything! i’m not sure i remember how to ride a bike, either. one thing i really wish i remembered (though i have NO idea why) is how to fold a cloth diaper. it’s odd that i would forget, as i folded THOUSANDS of them, sometimes even in my sleep, i think. but nope…totally purged from teh memory.

your family is delicious. many many congratulations to you all! *love*

She Likes Purple
17 years ago

Oh that last one. My ovaries have been aching for a while now and that DID NOT HELP. But it did make me so awwwwww right out loud.

17 years ago

he is so cute that it hurts. your family is beautiful.

17 years ago

Gorgeous, all of you! The sugar sweet cuteness makes me want one.

17 years ago

So sweet. What an adorable family you four make. Congrats – again.

17 years ago

I’m still trying to get over the fact that you aren’t pregnant anymore! =) wow. Such a beautiful family!

Katie (The Yap)
17 years ago

Well, I can’t really say that riding a bike while explosively pooping sounds that great. But, y’all make it look good! I love that second picture for some reason (well not for SOME reason….for the reason that it shows a precious sleeping newborn in clean clothes on a clean blanket looking picture perfect!)

17 years ago

yeah, Tammy, that. the ovaries hurting thing. ouch.

17 years ago

my heart can’t possibly stretch this much. your little family is making my heart swell 2 times it’s size

Melissa H
17 years ago

Dylan is darling (of course) but you look amazing!!! HOW do you look so fantastic only a few days after giving birth? I’m impressed.

17 years ago

I just can’t get over how much he looks like you! It’s amazing how Riley looks like such a big kid now too.

17 years ago

The first picture cracks me up because Riley looks sweetly uncertain as though he’s trying to make sense of it all, and Dylan is all DAMN it’s bright around here!

17 years ago

I might be the worst offender in terms of reluctance to delurk, but I wanted to tell you that I’m completely thrilled for you and your beautiful family, Linda. I remember waiting for these same types of posts when Riley was born, and learning from Chiara that he had perfect eyebrows and was just a lovely infant. Dylan is perfectly gorgeous, as well, poop and all! Thank you for sharing so much with your readers.

17 years ago

You look terrific, and the baby! How could you put him down, I would hold him all the time and no one else gets to! And snuffle him all up.
Did Riley look huge to you when you got home? I just love them both, and kissing him? Could it get any better than that? I don’t think so….!

Super Sarah
17 years ago

Its so lovely hearing about how you are adjusting to life with Dylan. I just about died reading about Riley giving him a kiss, this is something I have imagined in a completely abstract way for when we have another baby. I am looking forward to all the gory surgical details! Lots of love and congratulations to you and JB and your beautiful family of boys!

17 years ago

The family photo is absolutely beautiful. You look healthy and happy. How in the world do you bounce back so fast? Best of luck and enjoy every minute, because it all passes so quickly!!

17 years ago

So sweet! As a mother of 2, I think it was MUCH harder going from 1 child to 2 children versus having your first one. It gets easier though!

17 years ago

The sibling love was something I was so unprepared for…I had no idea it would blow me away so. So glad to hear Riley is adjusting, I bet that sets your mind at ease.

17 years ago

he still looks like you! for now. ;)

17 years ago


Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
17 years ago

Once again, he is sooo cute!

Reading this post brought back memories for me of the whole lather/rinse/repeat routine.

I can’t wait to hear your birth story.

PS-you look wonderful!

17 years ago

Holy WOW! Amazing and beautiful all at the same time. I’m raising three boys and when my (gulp) twenty YEAR old does something sweet for my six year old, or god forbid for my thirteen year old (like I saw them hugging it out the other day) I also die, a lot.
It’s like fierce love between brothers.
You made awesome children!!!

17 years ago

Oh please get a piccie of Riley kissing Dylan on the head! I’ve got a few of those from when The Captain was a baby; I use them now to keep my sanity on the days when they are punching each other in the head. And why do you look so GOOD after a c-section? I looked like hell! Beautiful family pics!

17 years ago

I think Riley should be wearing his “Bear Patrol” shirt – I spot a bear on Dylan! hee!

17 years ago

My husband, looking over my shoulder just now, said, “That must be a c-section baby. He is too beautiful to have been squished out the other way.” I agree. Dylan is a little looker, just like Riley. Can’t wait to hear the birth story. I absolutely love birth stories;some people love Christmas, some are into pets, I love birth stories.

17 years ago

You are killing me with the gorgeous images. You and JB clearly combine well.

17 years ago

He’s adorable. I love the hats!

Heather C
Heather C
17 years ago

That picture where his hat is so big it’s almost falling off is just the best thing ever. Dylan is so beautiful! I’m glad that Riley is adjusting so well.

The Sundry family is too pretty! Congrats!

17 years ago

My heart? It totally melted when I looked at that last picture of that sweet, sweet face. Thanks for sharing him with the internets.

17 years ago

Awwww, he’s so cute! Makes me want to have another one soon!

17 years ago

I know I have mentioned this about one hundred times (sorry) but I am anxiously awaiting surgery details since my second c-section is coming up and I feel like I’ve blocked out nearly everything about the first. Especially now that it appears not to have been overly-traumatic. . .

Again with all the beauty. Do you ever get tired of hearing how gorgeous your family is?

17 years ago

I love this post because I think, I think my biggest fears about this second baby on the way in August have to do with those early tired days that seemed so terrifying and dark when Matthew was born. I know it will be okay this time because it has to be for Matthew but also to know it is hard but easier is good, to read about it from other people that gives me confidence and less fear! Thanks!

You all look great and Dylan – SO BEAUTIFUL!

Kelley O
Kelley O
17 years ago

Gawd, you and your family are so beautiful, I could just SQUEEEE (and did, much to my own husband’s surprise). I -love- your description of Riley and Dylan’s interactions. Can’t wait to hear all about them in the future. And also, what nickname Dylan might end up with. Dilly-boy comes to MY mind, but that’s just me. Mmmmmm Dilly Bars…. ice cream… chocolate….. oh, sorry, got distracted. All the best to all of you.

17 years ago

Seriously with the explosive ovaries! Adorable boys you have there, Linda. My mom always says one of her favorite stages is newborn to six months, and I have to agree that while they’re so much fun at Riley’s age, the snuggly squirminess of a newborn (plus a dose of baby head smell) just makes your heart melt. Of course we’re still working on number 1, so maybe my mind will change when I’m the one up all night with a wee squirmy newborn.

Marie Green
17 years ago

I have been loving every minute detail of your journey, and am just DYING over this new little boy. He’s so wise/serious looking.

Also, I feel compelled to mention that I really didn’t… like my twins when baby #3 came along. They were too jumpy and wild and talk-y. I too had a Csection, so I didn’t want them to accidentally use my stomach as a stepping stone or tampoline or something. I didn’t want to share the baby with them (except for those really sweet nanoseconds during the day, when they would kiss her or coo to her). I thought this would last a few days.

Not so much. It was a good, oh, 3-4 weeks before their presence didn’t make me jittery and frustrated. Then, one day, I fell in love with them again.

Anyway, I’m saying this b/c I know lots of mos are shocked by these sorts of feelings- that their precious, precious firstborn is now someone they cringe about.


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