Lately I am feeling about a thousand miles away from this emotional territory—so far away, in fact, that re-reading those words is almost like reading someone else’s journal. Who was that constantly fussy, pain-in-the-ass baby I was writing about, I wonder. Surely not the low-maintenance grinning butterball *I* know.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring, but things are going very well at the moment. Dylan is, in many ways, an entirely different creature than he was a few weeks ago. The smiling helps, for sure, but he’s also eating much more comfortably (I’m currently using a soy formula, the turbo-barfing stopped on its own but I think the soy helps with the gassiness. I mean, if anyone’s taking notes on this thrilling subject, or anything), he’s settling into a schedule of sorts, and while he is not sleeping through the night—WOE—he is at least allowing me enough sleep to make it through the day. I’m almost getting used to that 3:30 AM wakeup call at this point. Well, in the same way you’d get used to someone whaling you in the kneecap with a ballpeen hammer, which is to say I don’t particularly enjoy it, but, you know, it’s survivable.

God, those early weeks sucked. You guys, THAT SUCKED. I’m sure there’s plenty more suckage ahead, but thank god I’m standing over here and not back over there. In the dark. With the ice weasels.

(Those of you who gently reminded me that things would get better, thank you. You were right.)



Lastly: can someone please reassure me that the world does not need pithy one-sentence status updates on the minutiae of my life, and thus it is okay to not have a Twitter account? What is wrong with me that I am all itchy over the notion that I’m missing the boat, even though it’s a boat I have no desire to be on?


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16 years ago

It’s fine. No missed boat. Just update here and we’ll all get our fix. Hugs.

16 years ago

OMG, those first weeks do suck big donkey balls, don’t they?

Cheers to making it to the “other side”.

16 years ago

I’m glad things are so much better :)

Screw Twitter. Seriously. It’s a waste and you know that.

16 years ago

I feel exactly the same way about Twitter.

Don’t join. Don’t. Please – ’cause I’d totally have to follow you, which would mean signing up myself and…I’ve already done that about 5 times and then deleted my account because the LAST thing I need is another on-line time suck.

I bought an exercise video you recommended (because I want your arms), I should be doing that NOT Twittering.

Don’t do it! (But let us know if you do…)

16 years ago

“Twittering”? Dude … no. Also: NO. Do not fall into that particular abyss. You have many, many better things to be doing with your time. Like sleeping.

16 years ago

OK, I twitter, but only because I have friends who read it. I have to echo that it is a useless time-sucker. It’s a way, for me, to text message, without sending it to multiple people.
That said, and (what I said was stupid, shhh, don’t tell me), I am SOOOOOOOO happy you are feeling better about the whole *shebang*. I only have one son, and it sometimes makes me feel lucky (don’t hate) and other times makes me feel sorry that I can’t empathize/sympathize.
The baby gets better. You know that. You will continue to know that. Thank you for taking us all on your ride.

16 years ago

Glad things with Dylan are better.

I have a twitter account and every time I check it I get a headache from all the ‘twitter’. Let the boat sail away you’ll be a happier person for it!

16 years ago

Your boys are ADORABLE!

I think Twitter is stupid and a complete waste of time. I think it makes people *too* connected.

16 years ago

I feel the same about twitter! I feel like I’m missing out but the thought of joining gives me a headache.

16 years ago

Personally I’m all a’twitter over those two adorable boys there. They are so cute!

16 years ago

Sundry Twitter….I think would be a GOOD thing!!!

16 years ago

I totally know how you feel. I almost tried to do a twitter sidebar on my blog so that people would know what I’m up to ALL THE TIME instead of once a day. Luckily I’m not technically savvy enough to make it work so it’s out.

I’m so glad that you’ve over that uncomfortable hump. Those pictures are beautiful, the last one would be a perfect image header for the site.

16 years ago

What I loved about those entries is that even though you and everyone else (myself included, even though I doubt I’ll be procreating in the near…well, ever) knew “this, too, shall pass,” you didn’t gloss it over in favor of “My Dylan poops RAINBOWS!” You didn’t hold back (and I also commend your readers for never once going the ParentDish holier-than-thou commenter route). You’re a wonderful writer, Linda.

16 years ago

I love twitter, but it is ok if you don’t have an account. But if you get an account, I would follow you.

My main thought on twitter is it is like DVD extras for someone’s blog. Also, I use it mostly when I travel.

I’m really happy you are finally on this side of the fence, looking backwards at the suckage. I have no idea what it would be like with two kids (I hope to find out someday!), but I’m thrilled to know it does get better. Thanks for telling it like it is.

16 years ago

I am very glad the suckage meter is down and baby life is looking up….

As for Twitter skip it! Who needs 40 character updates. I mean that isn’t nearly enough for real updates and would result in several in a row and ABC news this morning is stating that “Excessive texting a sign of mental illness”

Four blogs, two kids, pets, home, husband and job to go back to is there really time to Twitter.

16 years ago

God those first weeks are a huge drain. I mean, it’s so exciting to have that little newborn and all but it’s hard to do the rest of your life while they need so much from you. I’m glad some semblance of normal and do-able has resumed in your house! You can sit back and really enjoy the boys now.
On twitter: I tried, I really did. I tried to be faithful and write about my every move, emotion and event but I can’t do it either. And honestly, who really cares if I’m in line at Target getting all pissy at the cashier because she’s on her cell phone (probably twittering) instead of cashing people out?

16 years ago

What Twitter is, is INTENSE PRESSURE to come up with a witty one-liner every twenty minutes.

It’s almost impossible, during the first few weeks, to believe that they’ll end. I don’t think I had even a tenuous grip on that concept until my third childbirth experience—and even with my fourth, still sometimes had to convince myself intellectually of something that made no sense to me emotionally.

16 years ago

Those pics of your boys are so beautiful I actually teared up a little (pregnancy hormones may have played a factor) but nonetheless they are priceless. I’m glad things have gotten better and again, thanks for always being so honest and raw with your writing.

16 years ago

1.) The first 6 weeks were absolute hell for me and the nights when he was particularly bad always made me totally forget the good times. Which is not right; it does get better, doesn’t it?
2.) I got SO sick of twitter after about 2 weeks. It was just so… boring. I’m more long-winded I guess and prefer *actual* blogging.

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
16 years ago

NO TWITTER! I just don’t get it….

I’m so glad that things have gotten better for you. Your kids are adorable!

16 years ago

I’m with you on Twitter. I can hardly remember to update my actual blog, so any Twitter account I created would constantly be reporting whatever it was I was doing the afternoon I created it.

Dr. Maureen
16 years ago

Twitter has no point. What, you don’t have ENOUGH updating to do with your eleventy billion blogs? Don’t bother.

Your babies are delicious.

16 years ago

LOVE, Love, love, love those pictures. And glad it’s better!

Anne Glamore
16 years ago

Stay off the twitter boat. A total timesuck. I speak from experience. Please send lifeboat.

16 years ago

When I had my daughter, a friend told me that if you can survive the first six weeks, it’s like a curtain lifts and things just get better. So much better. And it’s so true!! They are the hardest time of parenting (so far, I’m only at 21 months). But it’s harder than the tantrums, because at least they are some sort of feed back besides crying, farting, pooping and sleeping. Anyway, I also wanted to say don’t get discouraged about your body. Riley was WAAAYYYY older than Dylan when you started working out, and that still took three months. I joined WW after my daughter, and they said “It takes nine months to grow a baby, and it takes your body nine months to recover” So while it’s awesome that you’re exercising and eating well (and setting a good example of a strong woman for your boys!), don’t be too hard on yourself, it will come. Dylan might be a year old, but it will come. And you’ll look back on pictures and wonder why you were so hard on yourself, you just gave birth, afterall. :)

16 years ago

I completely agree with you about Twitter! It creeps me out that someone might know EXACTLY what I’m doing and/or thinking at ANY POINT in the day. Too freaky.

Also, I’m not that interesting and it just seems like another thing to keep up with, so I say “No”!

16 years ago

Oh, thank God I’m not the only one who feels that way about twitter. Only I DO have an account…I just never remember to use it. And seriously? WHY would someone want to read it anyway?

16 years ago

I don’t think I’ve even heard of twitter but then I don’t have a blog, I just leach off of everyone elses, lol!
I am so glad that the baby is getting easier, you just have to make it through those first couple of months, and then just when you think you’ve got the whole thing worked out, bang, they are teenagers, and shoot me now. Didn’t think I’d survive those years, or that they would either, w/o me killing them. Anyway, glad that there is rainbow poopage……
And so cute the two of them, wait till Riley sings to Dylan, this is the stuff memories are made of, be ready with the video.

16 years ago

(Re: pooping rainbows, what melanie said)

16 years ago


16 years ago

i have so many pictures of my babies gazing adoringly at their older sisters. those are the time that the bond gets deeper and deeper. it is clear that it is happening for riley and it is precious to watch.

i twittered for about 30 minutes before i decided no one really gave a shit what i was eating at any given second.

16 years ago

twittering + baby barf = major electronic suckage.

16 years ago

I *totally* agree about Twitter and am confounded by its popularity. I can’t get too uppity though because I watch The Hills. :-)

16 years ago

Hooray for escaping the suckitude! I’m so happy everything is improving over there.

Oh, and Twitter? Thank gawd! I thought I was the only one that felt that way.

16 years ago

Your kids are both so cute.

Dude, Twitter is stupid. One of my friends uses it on a LiveJournal account, and I always just skip right over it, because you’re right, no one cares about having updates in one sentence format. These entries, on the other hand, are fun to read, so keep it up over here, and forget Twitter.

16 years ago

OMG what beautiful children!

16 years ago

Just curious- when do you go back to work? I know you took extended leave with Riley.

16 years ago

Welcome to the other side! As you know and mentioned it will suck from time to time but it is so much better. And soon, fun!
Those shots make me melt. They adore eachother.

16 years ago

Oh my God, I’m having the same Twitter crisis. I hate Twitter! I don’t have the ENERGY to follow Twitter! I PUBLICLY DECRIED TWITTER.

And now? I feel like I should be Twittering. I know people who are Twittering! Entire WORLDS are going on in Twitter! Why am I not on Twitter? My friends are Twittering! I SHOULD TWEET, TOO.

Well, really, I’m not on Twitter because deep-down, I hate the idea. It’s absurd, and I can’t see it as much more than a timesuck. I mean, I waste enough time dorking around on the Internet as it is — do I really need Twitter? No. No, I do not.

I’m so glad it’s getting better. SO glad.

All Adither
16 years ago

Hmm. I wonder if your son could be allergic to dairy. This coming from the mom of a son with multiple food allergies. I’m not trying to pull you into my camp. I would never want you OR ANYONE to have to deal with food allergies. But just keep it in mind and watch for it.

16 years ago

Twitter is, unfortunately, the new way of the world. I did think of you yesterday when I saw someone Tweeting about issues with a Workplace product. ;)

16 years ago

I love when you talk about ice weasels. I see them as tiny and malevolant, wielding ice picks, for some reason. It’s a chilling vision.
Secondly, the boat is okay, but it can get addictive and hard to get off. I made my account and didn’t use it, didn’t use it… suddenly I’m using it twice a day and feeling silly but obsessed. Ugh. Stay off the boat!

16 years ago

What’s twitter? Nevermind, I don’t want to know.

Also, those pictures MAKE ME WEEP.

16 years ago

Hey, life is cool on the non-Twitter island. One less thing for me to obsessively track, even though I do love me a spreadsheet.

Naomi the Strange
16 years ago

TWITTER IS DUMB! You do not need it. For christs sake! :) Really good photos of the kids :) Glad the little one is less of a pain in your arse.

16 years ago

I’m so glad things are better for you! I was tempted to drive over the 520 bridge and wend my way thru the Eastside suburbs, calling your name until I found your house, just to barge in and comfort you!

Also, it tickles me that you refer to “the ice weasels.” Thank you for that. I sometimes feel like I’m the only one I know who makes references to pre-“Simpsons” Matt Groening comics that NOBODY GETS. I have a kindred spirit out there!

16 years ago

DON’T JOIN. I can’t afford to follow yet another hilarious person.

(Seriously, I’ve gotten to the point that if I could only choose one thing on the internet, it would be Twitter. It’s like time-suck crack. And THAT is embarrassing, folks.)

((Of course, let us know if you do, so I can follow you.))

16 years ago

I am de-lurking (Hi! Remember me from Work It, Mom!? I hired you and then I left!) to say:

Don’t do the twitter.

The other day, I went through and stopped following a bunch of people, and then I stopped going there more than twice a day.

It’s ridiculous.

Weaning myself down to zero.

16 years ago

Hooray, it’s so nice to read this!

I have no idea what Twitter even *is*, so I’m no help there. But congratulations on the springy, happy new baby experience!

16 years ago

I like Twitter, but if you don’t have the desire to do it then you aren’t missing out. If you join though, tell us.

I am so glad that you are out of your darkness and into the light. It feels better.

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