• Need a new laptop bag? I’m giving one away on SundryBuzz.

30 Day Shred is horrifying and awesome. I have muscles in my armpits. ARMPIT MUSCLE OMG. My stomach is flatter, my arms are stronger, my butt migrated northward a bit. I’ll probably post a review about the workout on Gather.com this week, but suffice to say: it’s hard as hell, and totally worth it. 20 minutes, you guys! You can survive anything for 20 minutes, even if the instructor flat-out says “I WANT YOU TO FEEL LIKE YOU ARE GOING TO DIE” at one point, which, um, she does. She may also drop the term “gargling on your lungs”. But again: 20 minutes!

• JB is on Twitter, despite initially dismissing it as an activity on par with jerking off in public (which, fine, I may have done the same thing, mea fucking culpa). Please enjoy a sampling of his brain juices.

• Things that are pleasing me lately: Portia de Rossi’s wedding dress, the Twilight series, baking muffins with Riley (I love this recipe, so easy and adaptable — I added a bunch of blackberries that we’d picked and they turned out even more delicious, and purple!), season 2 of Dexter, listening to Fatboy Slim’s Acid 8000 at the loudest volume my ears can stand, and marveling over Sweet Juniper’s Eastern Market Flickr photos. How about you?


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15 years ago

What is pleasing me today? SCHOOL STARTED. ‘Nuff said.

15 years ago

Piggybacking on what warcrygirl said…school was not cancelled today due to rain!

15 years ago

Things that are pleasing me lately: farmers’ market produce, “snuggling” with my greyhound, crisp summer weather with big puffy clouds, planning a December trip to Tortola, learning to use an exercise ball, blue potatoes, Pedroncelli cabernet, Michelle Obama’s outfit in Springfield on Saturday, and the White Rabbits (my favorite new music discovery!).

15 years ago

There are muscles in your armpits? What are they used for?

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
15 years ago

Things that are pleasing me today, I finally got my son’s school shopping done and my husband is gone all day getting his motorcycle license. Helloooo frozen kit kat bars and crappy TV! Oh and also hanging with my boy before he goes back to school.

I must try the 30 Day Shred. I have been looking for a shorter workout, even if it does make me feel like I am going to die.

Things that are NOT pleasing me today, my dog lying next to me farting while I am trying to post this comment.

15 years ago

Dude. I’m with you on the Twilight series. I’m such a sad, sad geek. I finished Eclipse the other evening and have been Jonesing to run out and get A New Dawn. Who knew a teenage vampire series could be so good. I can’t wait for the movie. See? Geek is me.

Heather C
Heather C
15 years ago

The Quebec Symphony Orchestra is rehearsing Carmina Burana and The 1812 Overture in Battlefields Park, which is across the street from my house. Free concert! With cannons! Awesome!

I’ve been suffering from concert burnout. It’s Quebec City’s 400th anniversary this year, and there have been about a hundred concerts and things all over town. Celine Dion was playing at Battlefields Park Friday night, and there was a French concert there yesterday, which lasted until midnight. But I’m actually kind of thrilled about this one. I’ll be on my patio listening to it tonight.

15 years ago

Snuggling with my teething but NOT crabby infant son…..this is the first tooth that he has not been a DEMON from….

Naomi the Streange
15 years ago

I can’t wait for Season II of Dexter, I should check if it’s out on NetFlix yet.

15 years ago

I just started Level 1 of Shred and I say this: FUCK.

I love it though and am even giving away a copy (because I’m retarded and ordered two by accident, even though I swear it was Amazon’s 1-click feature that effed me over) on my blog here.

And yes, Twilight has effectively sucked away my brain cells until the point that all I can think about is how awesome it would be to be in love with a teenage vampire.

15 years ago

THANK YOU, Linda, for turning me onto 30 Day Shred–I attempted Level 2 yesterday and while I wanted to die, I was also loving it.

15 years ago

Read JB on Twitter and he’s right, it is like jerking off in public. Course I am now watching someone jerk off in public. Which is stranger?

15 years ago

Glad your digging the Twilight Series. The movie comes out soon and I don’t know how I feel about that, but I’m hoping it’s like Harry Potter…in the sense that it can hold it’s own to the book without competing and without disappointment.

15 years ago

Portia’s wedding dress looks a whole lot like the dress I’ll be wearing in three weeks. We talked about doing this Hindu tradition that involves walking around a fire (and the wedding’s outside, near a fire pit), but I’m a little afraid of going anywhere near little floating flecks of fire. The dress is a fluffy mountain tulle and should go nowhere near open flame. But I’ll luuurve wearing it.

15 years ago

If you like vampire romance, let me suggest the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward. The first book is called Dark Lover and they’re fantastic. Seriously. “Not for teenagers” fantastic. Good plot, good read, lots of HOT without the cheesy “turgid member” stuff, and the ass-kicking is AWESOME.

15 years ago

I’m so glad I’m not alone in the Twilight nonsense. My friend kept insisting that I read Twilight, so while I was sick with the flu last week for days on end, I gave in and read it.

Then I promptly went out and bought New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn, and yes I will fully admit I read all four books last week. In between trips to the bathroom.

I win in the sad geek category.

15 years ago

Possibly even better than the twilight series is this awesome recap of Breaking Dawn…


I found it quite pleasing!

manager mom
15 years ago

Just about to start the twilight series, and I have high hopes.

15 years ago

I’m pleased by these amazing pics from Beijing, especially some of those synchronized swimming poses. Wow.

Also, had a McMenamin’s burger for lunch yesterday and am still on a high.

15 years ago

Your tweets are pretty much the most hilarious things I read all day.

15 years ago

Edward Cullen always pleases me…..yum :)

15 years ago

She also has workouts on Comcast On Demand.

15 years ago

Concur re JM’s shred. I’m also following her Making the Cut book which I highly recommend. In 11 days I’ve lost 6.8 pounds, gained amazing muscle in my arms and shoulders, have a 4 pack, and those lumps of steel in the armpit you mention. (freaked out at first…thought, cancer!?) I can also manage to “come down imperceptibly slowly” from plank into upward dog as per Steve Ross – that was a proud moment. (The one hundred pushups challenge helped with that though.)

Enjoying the shows Swingtown and am crazy for Mad Men. Hope it never ends.

15 years ago

I’m as out of shape as I’ve ever been after a great summer of eating and slothing. Can I do 30 Day Shred, or will it kill me?

15 years ago

After seeing you in person, I will buy ANYTHING you write about in regards to exercise. Jillian Michaels, here I come!

15 years ago

I’m doing the 30 day shred right now too! It’s insanely hard but it works! I literally felt ill after finishing it the first couple of days and I don’t even think I’m in awful shape. Anyway, I’ll be on the lookout for the armpit muscles. Something to look forward to! ;)

P.S. I’d tell you how I found your blog but I can’t quite remember.

15 years ago

I looved Portia’s dress. Loved Ellen’s outfit too, actually. They are ridiculously adorable. I am pleased that this is my last week of work before I go out on maternity leave (aaaaagggh, 4 more days!!!). I need to get this 30 Day Shred thing…although it breaks some rule I might have about buying workouts with the word “shred” in the title. I did get Turbo Jam, since I was totally inspired by your post pregnancy results. And now I need 30 Day Shred, since I’ve been eating shelled walnuts like a sucker all this time..

15 years ago

I have to get that 30-day Shred, even though I am scared to death of it and am totally out of shape. It just sounds like what I NEED right now, you know? Someone to kick my ass – less smiley Denis Austin, more puking up my lungs.
What I’m pleased with? Ummm, right now, I want cookies and bed but I have to go exercise, so not much. Also there are dishes to do.

15 years ago

i just finished Breaking Dawn about an hour ago. it plowed through those books. they totally sucked me right the eff in.

15 years ago

My copy of 30 Day Shred just arrived in the mail, and I am scared!

15 years ago

It’s cracking me up that JB suddenly has a boatload of Twitter followers, apres your announcement. I expect many more profound one-liners out of you now JB – you have a huge audience!

The Shred DVD… hmmmm… thinking about it.

15 years ago

Love Jillian and her Shred-O-Death. Double-love the Twilight Saga and all things Cullen.

Also love: Trader Joe’s Caribbean Frozen Fruit Bars, home-grown tomatoes, iced coffee and fun, colorful hairclips as I grow out my hair.

15 years ago

Do yourself a favor and pretend the Twilight saga is only a trilogy.

15 years ago

Melissa: I wholeheartedly agree.

15 years ago

Jillian ROCKS!! I start Round 2 (day 11) of 30 Day Shred–oh, in about 3 hours. I’m not noticing much change, but I have a bit more fat to burn off before I see some results. Do you belong to Sparkpeople.com by any chance? GREAT website for people into fitness and weight watching like you are. There are boards dedicated to 30 Day Shred, Turbo Jam, and everything else. I’ve been there about 3 months, and there’s just so much cool stuff there! (my name there is dmtomchick)

15 years ago

Oh, and also– I see we do a lot of the same type workouts– Turbo Jam (which I got into from your recommendation here over a year ago), Hip Hop Abs, and 30 Day Shred. May I recommend another great workout? If you get the chance, try the Get Ripped series by Jari Love. There are 5 different videos, each about an hour, and they are strength training videos using weights and a step bench. I do them 3X a week, rotating the videos. I love them, (been doing them since June) and am starting to notice some definition in my arms and legs. I still gotta lose about 15 lbs before anything really stands out, though!

15 years ago

In regards to your twitter about ‘stick horses’… I’ve always called it a ‘hobby horse’… so maybe that’s what you were looking for.

15 years ago

Dexter is awesome!!!!

I have seen the whole second series and i am about to start watching it again. It is THAT good!

15 years ago

I am also digging Dexter and Weeds. LOVE THEM. Also love Turbo Jam (thanks to you). Love that my one year old has stopped waking up four times in the middle of the night screaming hysterically.

15 years ago

Love Jillian Michaels. Even though she does actually say she wants to hurt us.

Also loving Kashi Pizzas, my new jeans (courtesy of 30 day shred), gazing at my new cute coworker, cooler almost fall weather.

I must check out Twilight.

15 years ago

Jillian Michaels is kicking my hiney with her Shred, and also with circuit training workouts from her website. I do, in fact, want to die – but in 6 days, I’ve lost 3 lbs.
Now if only I could figure out why my knee cries out in pain when I do squats, I’d be a happy camper.

Things that make me happy: My cuddly-wuddly Boston Terrier, my cat sleeping on me all night, cool mornings FINALLY after hothothot, and my best friend coming back to visit for two weeks. Yay!

15 years ago

The Twilight Saga always pleases me, I’m rereading all of the books and I know I’m in the minority when I say, I freaking LOVED Breaking Dawn. Also Etsy pleases me but now I want to learn how to sew so I can start making me some extra money too.

15 years ago

Things that are pleasing me lately: old friends turning up on Facebook, “Be More Pacific” shower creme from Bath & Body Works, mini bagels with peanut butter and honey (eaten on the screened-in porch), Tana French’s books, and the Mexican Pumpkin candles from World Market

15 years ago

OMG. I can’t even deal that you’re with the Twilight Saga. I’ve actually gotten so addicted, I started writing FanFiction on FanFiction.net — but beware. It’s extremely addicting! I’ve even designed a few shirts b/c I’m absolutely enthralled with the series. And YES. I LOOOVED Breaking Dawn and I’m not afraid to admit it! EEK! You got me so excited!

Okay. I’m calm now.

If you feel like getting a lil’ crazy, check out my story here:


It starts right after Edward leaves in New Moon. Sorry if that’s a spoiler to anyone!!!!

15 years ago

I am seriously going to have to break down and buy the 30 day shred, aren’t I? And it’s all because I am jealous of your armpit muscles.
JB on Twitter is just funny!
Things I’m loving…hmmm….boot camp, The First 48, and Kashi cookies. MMMMMM!

15 years ago

The 30-Day Shred is Awesome. Also, if you have Exercise TV (on cable) you can on demand the series.

Also – The Twilight series rocks, I’m almost done with the second book, New Moon. Edward is my secret crush right now.

15 years ago

just ordered 30 day shred— looking forward to the crazy soreness. bring it on jillian, bring it on.

thanks for the rec!

15 years ago

my gosh, wasn’t Portia’s dress dreamy???

also, isn’t it glorious when the baby is big enough to go into the boingy boingy jumpy thing?