In order to deal with my crabby state of mind this week, I have taken the following actions:

• Baked various things featuring white flour, sugar. Took turns licking giant spoonfuls of uncooked dough with Riley.
• Booked a hair appointment. Fuck you, roots.
• Hired my smart web coder friend to help me build a new website that is going to be so totally awesome I swear to GOD you guys.
• Watched this video, like, a LOT. Ditto this.

JB’s parents leave tonight and I am bummed. It’s not that I wish they, you know, lived with us or anything (!), but they have been home with the kids while I’ve gone to work and Riley has been so incredibly HAPPY as a result. I leave in the morning and they’re all having fun, getting ready to go for a walk or whatever; I get home at night and the kids have had their dinner and Riley’s chattering at me like a cracked-out squirrel about how he and Grandpa made a FORT, come look RIGHT NOW MOMMY.

I’m sure JB’s parents are more than ready to get back to their normal, non-baby/3-year-old-centric lives, though. It’s probably been a rewarding, but exhausting few days for them — I can personally attest to the fact that caring for two small children all day long is, well, a real bitch sometimes. They think I’m insane for putting Dylan in a swing to sleep and so they’ve been putting him in his crib all week, and he’s responding by not napping for shit, so they haven’t even had any decent breaks.

(Oh man, I so don’t want to deal with the swing/crib issue. I know I’ve got to just cowboy up, move him into the crib and handle the fallout, but people, he just started sleeping through the night — he stays down from 7ish PM until 4:30 or 5 now. I feel enORmously whiny about a regressed sleep schedule, which is sure to happen, but of course I can’t stuff him in the swing forever. He already looks sort of ridiculous in there, like a Sumo wrestler driving a Mini Cooper.)

I’m going to take the kids to daycare tomorrow so I can run some errands and finish my freelance work for the week, but I’d also like to take a few hours to pursue the act of Chilling the Hell Out. What would you do if you had a little free time to yourself, in order to help de-stress and recharge your batteries?


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15 years ago

God- an hour long massage always makes me forget how much husband and child are driving me nuts.

15 years ago

Go get a pedicure. That’s my total cure-all for when I’m beyond stressed. Mind you, I almost never do it… but I ALWAYS feel fantastic when I do. If you can fit in your hair at the same time, more power to you – I am always in a better mood when I feel polished. :)

15 years ago

If I had free time I would go to Target and just stroll around without my 2 girls screaming, crying, grabbing stuff, etc. Then I would take a nap..a nice long 4 hour nap!

15 years ago

Oh my stars, SLEEP sleep sleep. And then roll over, rearrange my blanket, and sleep some more. Cripes, I’m surprised I’m not asleep at my desk right now.

15 years ago

I’ll have to copy Amber and say that anytime I have a free day I usually end up at Barnes & Noble. I know Amazon is cheaper, but it doesn’t give you that great atmosphere of soothing but cool music, the smell of coffee brewing and happily walking up and down the aisles to physically pick up the books with their pretty glossy or matte covers and watching my budget fly right out the window when I bring home that big green bag of happiness.

15 years ago

Another video to combat a crabby state of mind :) I play it whenever I need to laugh myself out of a funk

Disclaimer: it is extremely amusing, but there is a very good possibility that the song will be stuck in your head for the next few days.

15 years ago

I am so tempted to say a long bike ride. (I did that yesterday after only having time for short rides recently and I felt great).

But in reality, if I were you, I would spend the entire time mindlessly surfing the internet or – if I had cable – watching chick flicks. No way would I tackle anything productive.

15 years ago

I think I’d go to the gym or to a movie. I am not kidding when I say I am getting a little teary at the thought of having a choice like that!

15 years ago

Couldn’t tell you what to do to recharge your batteries – but re: your in-laws starting the migration from swing to crib…..

SWEET!! Your now playing with house money!!! DOUBLE DOWN!!!!

Take the effort and time that they have put in to overcome the inertia of what we all seem to think to be the right solution (and I think that includes you ) of getting him to sleep in a crib. BUILD on that effort and momentum. Keep the consistency going. You’ve been given a GIFT of having someone else start the process – the hard work is done. Now its essential that you keep that consistency, and let him see that you too intend on him napping and sleeping in a crib.

Perhaps he is just holding out for them to return from wherever the heck they and their crazy assed idea of sleeping in a crib came from, and is just waiting for you to come sweeping back and put him back in the swing….

Stick with it. The process has already begun. Do whatever you need to do to rest up and psych up for what no doubt will be a difficult start for you to this new process, but something that he is MAJORLY involved in now. Catch up to him.

He’s probably wiped, and would like nothing better than a good nap. Once he sees that you too are in the same “napping in a crib” boat, his need for nap will hopefully soon takeover his need to scream and holler and not nap – and then before you know it, you’re home free.

Also, I found with my kids that when they napped in their bed, it resulted in better sleeping in their bed at night. Its a consistency thing.

Don’t you dare undo what progress has been done. So help me God – I will remove you from my Blog-must-read list, and I really enjoy your writing, so if not for your sake, or your son’s sleeping habits sake – do it for me. Stick with it. Tremendous progress has been made thanks to your in-laws. The majority of the work is done. You’re in the home stretch.

Rest up. Stick with it. Open some wine in a few short days to celebrate.

15 years ago

Take a shower, read novels naked in bed, perhaps with a yummy snack.

15 years ago

In no particular order:

Trashy TV
Enjoy the silence
See a movie ALONE. (don’t have to share the raisinets that way.)

Also, I think Jeff above needs to chill out a little, himself. Just sayin’.

She Likes Purple
15 years ago

I have a lot of free time right now because I’m due in February and I am trying to soak up all the “me time” I can manage. But what I’d LIKE to be doing with that free time instead of chronically napping and/or watching horrible television is writing a gazillion thank-you notes I am behind on and cleaning my house top to bottom. The motivation is just NOT THERE and, seriously, when does the nesting thing happen. I’m 19 weeks and just patiently waiting for the energy to tackle more than toasting bread.

15 years ago

Now, no yelling at me. Have you tried putting him to sleep in his crib on his tummy? My daughter had the same issue. She would sleep in her swing, but not in her crib. My aunt (she’s a nurse) told me she’ll probably sleep on her tummy. She sleeps from 7pm- 6am. Just an idea. Please no yelling, it worked for me!

15 years ago

Oh my Lord – I cannot thank you enough for sharing that 2nd video. It seriously changed my week. How awesome is it when the guy freestyles??? HILARIOUS!

15 years ago

I sit on my fat ass and watch TV or play on the computer. Doing absolutely NOTHING is what makes me feel better when I’m worn out from the kids. And heaven forbid one of them makes noise after they’re supposed to be asleep, I get PISSED. Not at them, just in general since I’m ON all day long and when it’s chill time I want to chill, not see the lights on the monitor stay in the red zone.

15 years ago

My apologies if I went a little psych-obsessed earlier. Just trying to keep the momentum going, build some motivation, etc…

And, I’m battling with having had too much coffee this morning…

And I have three kids…


15 years ago

I would go see a crapload of movies and eat my weight (and my husband’s) in popcorn and Dr. Pepper. I’d even put that Vaseline-esque butter on the popcorn and not feel bad about it.

Oh, and I’d take a shower real slow-like. I miss taking leisurely showers and taking my time in the morning. It’s now all about getting up at a ridiculous time so that I can hopefully be somewhat put together before Mister Man wakes up.


15 years ago

Get a pedi, take a nap, read a book, go see a movie, have a delicious lunch by yourself, go on a run… anything that you love!

15 years ago

Easy – I’d go to the gym. I’d take my favourite class and then maybe hang around to try something new as well. Then I’d take a long, hot shower and put product in my hair instead of a couple of tacky metal clips to keep it off my face. Oh, the luxury!

15 years ago

HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT! A new website? Which is totally awesome? You promise? Dude my nipples just got hard, that’s how excited I am. (Yeah, I’m having kind of a slow day, so I’ll take my excitement where I can get it) And that renewed mind video was just about the funniest retarded christian thing I have seen in a while, and I just found

If I had spare time to chill out, I would … trying to think of something that you could actually do that doesn’t involve drinking or the sex since JB won’t be around … I would go buy some fireworks and make one giant explosive with which to pull a prank on your loving and unsuspecting husband. I don’t know if explosion pranks are relaxing for women, but I dig them. Or you could make a fire in your back yard and roast some meat on a stick. Or go out for karaoke. Or shoot pool. Or drive around town and throw handfuls of gasoline covered pennies at hippies. (the gas is just to damage the environment while you pelt them with high speed metal, and to cover the stink of patchouli and BO) Or my personal favorite, poke a little smot, eat a retardedly large meal of whatever you like, I’m assuming grass sprouts with bran dressing or something along those lines, and then when you’re stuffed and sleepy, take a nap somewhere you normally don’t, like a recliner or a hammock. (I realize it might very well be arctic in Seattle by now, but here it’s comfy) And the best part is that when you wake up all full and rested wherever you lay down, you can turn the radio up full blast and take a dump in the other room with the door open so you can hear the music. Also I find walking around with no pants is relaxing. I’ve practiced my very own pantsless weekends, much to the dismay of my room mates, but whatever, they were just mad they didn’t think of it first.

15 years ago

I’m dying to go for a run. My baby is one month old, and I haven’t run for almost a year. My poor husky is missing it, too.

I’d also bake or cook something complicated, which is not happening around here now.

I like the suggestions for Sephora, too. Retail therapy is always good.

Melissa H
15 years ago

I’d head for the bookstore, grab a pile of magazines and books and leaf through them with a large coffee for a few hours. have fun!

15 years ago

Hit the fanciest boutiques in town! Nothing refreshes like a stroll through Chanel or Frette ….not necessarily to buy…it’s just nice to be surrounded by pretty things.

15 years ago

My recipe for a few hours of mindless relaxation? Small popcorn, no butter. (My God, is it not fattening enough without butter?!) Red vines. Sprite. Really good movie. IN THE THEATER!

15 years ago

I agree with not letting the initial shock of the crib placement go to waste (btw…how often do you have to change swing batteries?!?!!?). Yes, you may have to go through some whiney, oh-my-god-would-you-please-go-the-f-to-sleep moments, but there’s just no avoiding it, and eventually he is going to get too damn big for the thing.

A thought on easing the crib transition…maybe try sticking a pillow under the mattress on one side to give him the sensation of there still being an incline? I actually was sleeping my son in his car seat for the first few months (he was just so happy there), and ended up trying it as part of the transition. I think it really helped, and I still sometimes stick one in there if he has a bad cold.

But I’m also not one to talk…my son is 11 mos old and still wont go to bed on his own. I still rock him every night, and at this going rate could be doing it til he’s heavy enough to crush my legs beneath him! : ) Good luck.

15 years ago

Добродетель есть не что иное, как внутренняя красота, красота же — не что иное, как внешняя добродетель.

15 years ago

Seriously, if I had a day without my 3 and 1 year old boys running around, plus an absent horny husband (WTF is his problem?), I’d shower for an obscene amount of time, then give myself a nice pedicure and manicure, then maybe clean the house a little, and finally end the day with a good movie (like Sex & The City, or the Bourne Trilogy) and my cross-stitching. I seriously want to start my sewing and stitching up again, but that’s impossible with mini-men running around using me as frackin’ ladders and trampolines! Even when they’re sick, they’re hyper as heck, so unless the hubby removes them from the premises, I’m screwed!

Sorry about Dylan not sleeping great yet. My second didn’t really sleep through the night until I weaned him at 11 months, so I was a zombie for that long. Even now, when he’s 20 months, he gets night terrors and wakes me 1-2 times a week screaming. I seriously hope that after a certain age my kids decide that sleeping more than 7 hours a night is great! Mommy wants more zzzz’s!

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
15 years ago

Spa day!!
Not that I have EVER done that before.

Carrot Cake
Carrot Cake
15 years ago

APPARENTLY I waste loads of time when given the chance. I gravitate towards trying to take a nap, leaf through fashion magazines and tearing out pages that inspire me, drinking tea, watching TV, light housework, pitiful attempts at working out. Oh, and being stressed out or worrying about stupid shit. That’s what I do in my free time.

15 years ago

Shower, throw on pajamas, make a big bowl of hot spinach and artichoke dip, catch up on All My Children in peace, and continue my guilty-pleasure reading of Flowers in the Attic. Oh, boy, that would be Heaven.

15 years ago

I think I wet my pants while watching those videos. What in the name of all that is holy???

Amber S
Amber S
15 years ago

So I clicked what I thought was going to be a video clip (after seeing the laugh aerobics) but only see some churchs’ website. Pray tell what do I click on to help ME adjust MY crabby state of mind? Pleeease. I need it…

15 years ago

Просто замечательно – очень интересные мысли


[…] I am putting Shaggy Boy in the crib, but most nights he falls asleep (*ducks*) in the swing. I know, I know! Terrible idea. Just ask Linda. I can’t help it. I NEED HIM TO SLEEP PEOPLE. […]

15 years ago

банально канешна, но респект за диз

15 years ago

Free time= Adult conversation!!!!….need I say more.

Find the nearest adult and have a meal that doesn’t included food fights, spit up and drool. It’s suprising the difference some adult conversation and behavior can have on your soul, if only for an hour :)

15 years ago

Гнездеть не камни воврочать – может хоть кто-то вдумался в текст поста всетаки реально?

15 years ago

Народ, где я смогу узнать про хостинг? Я тоже хочу писать такие статьи. Просто прочтя, я подумал – а вдруг и у меня получится не хуже?

15 years ago

Автор, а где можно почитать еще?

15 years ago

Я самостоятельно пришел к этому, но чуть раньше. Но блога у меня пока нет: )

15 years ago

Тема не раскрыта полностью, но сама идея интересная. Пошел покурю…

15 years ago

Автор, спасибо большое. ЕСть просьба – сделай шрифт в блоге чуть крупнее. А то глаза и так болят уже.

15 years ago

Хороший пример вашего поста можно увидить на многих сайтах, дерзайте дальше

15 years ago

Опять эта тема, только слепой не написал уже про это, однако стиль вашего изложения радует

Генококк Дрон

Думаю многие будут солидарны с вашим мнением, это очень важно сейчас учитывая непростое влияния мирового кризиса на нашу страну

Воздушный кодекс ссср

Одобренный воздушный кодекс и дополнительные кодексы и законы

15 years ago

ASUS Eee PC 900

15 years ago

Thank you author

15 years ago

سالگرد مادربزرگ

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