Earlier tonight I succumbed to this enormous bone-cracking yawn and peered outside our windows at the pitch-black evening, and I thought, man, it must be LATE. Then I realized it was 7:30.

I’m not sure I’m really ready for it to be, like, November. I love autumn but it’s going by way too fast, the days are getting shorter and shorter and I swear the leaves just started turning but they’re suddenly already half-gone, and were those Christmas ornaments I saw on display in the mall tonight, REALLY?

I had so many good intentions for going all out for Halloween this year; decorating the house and making all kinds of treats and carving at least three or four pumpkins, but somehow I blinked and what the hell, tomorrow’s the 31st.

We did manage to get one pumpkin carved:


The rest, well, maybe I’ll draw some faces on them with a marker or something.


I did send Riley to class today in his Old Navy DON’T LIE ABOUT THE CANDY shirt, which I hope counts as a Festive Holiday Craft.


Dylan wore his awesome MUMMY LOVES me outfit.


Wait, you seriously need a closeup of this onesie, it is just that goddamned cute.



Unfortunately, it came home in a sealed baggie today after he apparently pooped down a leghole this afternoon. (Those of you whose kids go to daycare, don’t you HATE those Baggies of Doom? Especially when they create a sort of horrible condensation on the inside of the bag, like some little weather system of disgustingness.)

Our Halloween plans for tomorrow involve me attempting to wrestle the children into their outfits, then taking them to JB’s work for trick-or-treating (his office decorates their halls and hands out candy to employees’ kids, which I always think must be fun for a certain percentage of workers, and a sheer living hell for the rest). Then maybe a quick stroll around our neighborhood in the evening, depending on whether Riley’s Into the Concept or Frantically Opposed to the Entire Thing.

I took photos of the kids’ costumes a while back in case everything goes to hell tomorrow:

A fist, a hand, hoocha hoocha hoocha . . . lobster!

Emo pirate.

After the kids go to bed, I’m going to force JB to watch 28 Days Later with me, and you bet your sweet chocolate-coated ass I’m going to be indulging in a LOT of this:


How about you? What’s on tap for your Halloween?


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15 years ago

Sean and I are going to chill at home with stuffed green pepper soup, and ignore the trick-or-treating event going on in my highrise. Not b/c we’re grinchy, but rather because the damn dog flies into a hairy-apeshitty rage when someone knocks on the front door. Mind you, when the door is opened, he shuts up and licks the person’s feet while peeing submissively…but still. I figured the kids would just soil themselves upon hearing the violent barking, then run away.

So I’m saving everyone some laundry/carpet steaming time by not handing out candy. Consider it my good karmic deed for October 2008.

15 years ago

Holy crap! I wish I got my daughter a Lobster costume now. I’d take an Emo Pirate too anyday.

15 years ago

Oops – I got so excited by the lobster costume I forgot to mention what we are doing. The Mister’s Venturer Troup is having a Halloween party so I might stuff little Miss into her pumpkin costume and go eat some candy. No one ever comes to our apartment anyway.

15 years ago

Thanks for the sealed baggie story; I thought I had full repressed that memory.

15 years ago

Love D’s costume; absolutely adorable! Thanks for the pumpkin photos. We finally carved ours tonight, but they’re pretty bland. Our Halloween will be spent manning the door for the gremlins tomorrow night and using that preoccupation as an excuse to order pizza. We’re headed to Seattle Sat a.m. for a weekend of spa treatments, room service, a crappy Seahawks game (but Row A seats behind the bench so at least I can stare at tight pants)and some terrific dinners sans cooking or dishwashing.

15 years ago

im wooooooorking tomorrow night, where i will be dressed as, get this…a picu night nurse! ha! however, working in a childrens hospital does have its upside, especially on halloween when the kids dress up and look cute and candy and sweets and fabulous baked goods abound.

the rest of my weekend is exciting, however. im flying from nyc to my awesome hometown of buffalo after work on saturday morning. ill be going to the hockey game on saturday night (go sabres!), football game sunday (go bills!) and then celebrate my birthday on tuesday. (yup. election day. kinda crummy if you ask me.)

hope the boys (and yourself and jb) enjoy the festivities. incredibly cute, indeed. and i dont think i can eat lobster ever again.

Mary O
Mary O
15 years ago

I love that you put Dylan in a pot for that picture. What a happy lobster!

I’m stuffing my boys into Batman and Robin costumes, even though the 3 year old says that he “can’t yike it!” So sad kid, you’re wearing it anyway.

15 years ago

Well I was going to go to a friend’s house and meet a couple other friends there, then walk to the street party in West Hollywood. But then one friend bailed, the other is going to a different party, I’m not sure what the others are even doing, and it’s only been a week since my cat got diagnosed with diabetes, so I’m staying in to give her her insulin shot. Maybe I’ll watch a scary movie with my husband. Maybe I’ll dress in my (now, unnecessarily purchased) sexy pirate costume anyway, and see what happens. hehe!

Your kids are damned cute!!!

15 years ago

I haven’t decided yet. My folks would like me to help them hand out candy at their place, but it’s possible I may go home and collapse on my couch after eating too many mini-treats at work.

15 years ago

We’re going trick-or-treating at Crossroads, mostly because of their awesome food court. Then my husband and I are going to our 2nd (and last) party of the season. We’re supposed to dress up for work. I’m going to wear my costume, because except for the wig, axe and the one stripe of blood on my cheek, it’s normal clothes. Plus I won’t have much time to get ready between work and trick-or-treat.

15 years ago

Cute costumes! We are, for the first time in our six years together getting dressed up and going to an actual party on halloween, with an actual band and actual adults. Stella is still too young to really get the going out thing so we might go show off her costume (gypsy) to some friends (or not) and drop her at the inlaws really early. We do have a costume party on Saturday with lots of kids too.

15 years ago

I love when kids go around the workplace! At the last hospital I worked the daycare kids came around – but not usually to our nurses’ station. Maybe the fact that it was a locked psych unit (even though one of the nurses’ station was in the open) steered them in the other direction. ;) And now that I work in a prison…. definitely not cute costumes!!!

15 years ago

PS. LOVED the lobster costume!! The pot totally makes it! So cute!!!!!!!!!

15 years ago

I sooo tried to buy that “Mummy Loves Me” one-piece for my son, like, really, 5 times, but every time I tried, the store didn’t have his size or online was out of his size. Good job nabbing it! It’s adorable!
My little Liam is going as a jedi (youngling or not, we haven’t decided). I bought the Yoda outfit to get the robe, but he won’t wear the hat thingy. So I bought him a couple glow sticks for light sabers, and I’m thinking he’ll just be a toddler version of Obi Wan or something. The geeky brothers in our family are very happy with this costume.
I’m just hoping Liam doesn’t have an overstimulation meltdown from too many people and too much interaction and too much candy. He’s only 18 months old, so I may be jumping the gun on his Halloween excitement. Gah!

15 years ago

Fantastic lobster pot, and what a smiley little lobster. The Pirate is looking pretty much p*ssed off though! He needs some booty (aka candy).

I got emails today that 2 coffeeshops are having special drinks for people who get their coffee in costume, so I’m going to have to come up with something in the morning and then go shop-hopping. But I’ll be home in the evening handing out candy. I bought 3 bags of stuff I don’t like, but then I couldn’t resist so I bought York Peppermint Patties for me!

15 years ago

I LOVE the lobster in the pot. I just signed on to make sure I remember how to make pumpkin seeds and had to read your post. I, too, had grand intentions for Halloween but the next thing I knew it was upon me. I got two pumpkins carved and made the boys costumes. Now I’m headed downstairs to make finger sandwiches for the first grade class (literally fingers…they are soooo cool!) Our company also does a big halloween competition, so we’re dressing up. Our department is doing a 70’s prom. We even learned the hustle so when the judges come by we will bust into dance. Yes, it is the living hell you mentioned. Next year I think I’ll take the day off : ) We’re going to get together with some friends for trick or treating and then…the best treat ever…the boys are spending the night at said friends. And I am going to start the new month by sleeping in, zombies be damned!

15 years ago

And Jennifer….if you happen to check back in and read some comments, I went to work one year in black sweats and long sleeved black shirt with mail stapled to me. Yep, I was Black Mail! Funny and very easy! Hope you nab the free drinks.

15 years ago

That onesie is so cute. I got the one with the candy corn on it that says “I want candy”. I don’t think they had the right size in the black one. Hmmm… maybe I’ll got back, must be on sale now.

That lobster is the best baby costume ever! I didn’t dress up our baby (well, he’s one now) because no one had any good costumes… and by no one, I mean Target.

I’m working tomorrow night… trick-or-treat was this past saturday around here, and I took the 2 older boys out while my husband handed out candy.

15 years ago

Riley appears to be communicating intelligence secrets to the pumpkin. He is also splendid in his pirate costume and I hope he bags a lot of loot tomorrow. (Tip: Pillow cases make very good sacks for candy collecting but don’t leave them under the bed or on the floor if you have a DOG.)

God your kids are cute. That Little Lobster (who hasn’t a clue about what’s going on, but everyone is smiling so it’s loads of fun @ eleventy111!) is sure to be a hit.

15 years ago

Halloween (it’s 5pm, Friday the 31st here as I write this, so Happy Halloween :)) isn’t hugely celebrated here, just kind of catches on here and there.

I decided it’s something I want to make part of our family celebrations for our 5 month old Josephine (her Pagan Godmother is American so it’s in part to foster an even more extra special bond with her :)). So, I copied from Melissa’s “Boo” ideas on Suburban Bliss and Boo’d our neighbourhood (we’re quite close friends with next door and across the road so figured it would at least begin a tradition amongst our families). Well, it’s spread, there are “We’ve been Boo’d” peppering windows along our street & I’m ridiculously excited about it. Last night, there was a note in the letter box (they’d obviously put one in each along the whole street) from some of the Mums from our street saying their kids (& them) would be starting trick-or-treating down the street at about 6.30 tonight (smart to let people know in advance because it’s pretty rare, gives people a chance to prepare). I’m tickled to bits. We have the whole cobwebbed, jack-o-lanterned front porch deal happening & I’ve tied orange balloons on our front gate with “Boooooooo” written all over them, I have a big orange bowl full of gummy body parts lollies & fear factor candies. Can’t wait :).

(Also took a photo of the church billboard in a nearby suburb saying “Satan’s trick is no treat” to make take-the-piss Halloween cards out of next year, bwahahaha ;). Heh).

Where did you buy the onesie? We go by Mum here, not Mom, so, a “Mummy loves me” Halloweeny outfit would be doubly cute and a must have :).

15 years ago

Tomorrow is the 31st? WTH?? We pulled our decorations out of the attic 3 weeks ago, but we haven’t put them up yet. They’ve just been sitting in a pile at the bottom of the stairs. I’m slightly bummed because Halloween is my favorite holiday, but we’re so slammed this year, I can barely keep up with the grocery shopping and the laundry. So, in about 3 hours when I get off work, we’re hitting the Wal Marts for candy (we haven’t bought any yet! and we get over 100 trick or treaters every year), then the grocery store for dinner fixings.

15 years ago

My husband and I bought our first house this year so this is our first halloween. One lesson we both learned right off the bat is to not buy the candy too early and if you do buy the candy early,buy candy you don’t like. Unfortunately, we learned this lesson too late. Oh, woe!

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
15 years ago

I’m going to try to leave work early in order to get home in time to take Eric Trick or Treating. It’s only for an hour! I remember when I was a kid it seemed like Trick or Treating went on all night.

We didn’t carve any pumpkins this year, actually I haven’t carved a pumpkin since I was pregnant with Eric 7 years ago.

I absolutely LOVE Dylan’s My Mummy Loves Me Shirt, so cute! Also, baggies of doom condensation, I remember those days. Usually the baggie of doom went straight to the trash.

Have a happy Halloween, I hope the boys have fun!

15 years ago

I’m working BUT I’m working as a ghoul in the Parade of Ghouls at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine’s silent movie event so it’s sort of not like working at all. Really looking forward to messing with some audience members and making their Halloween plenty scary.

15 years ago

At least the mummy suit is black! I fearfully snapped my squidgey into a white romper covered with ghosts this morning, regretting the choice. And then hubby called as I arrived at work singing “Squidgy pooped in his ghosty suit!” Luckily, swift changing action prevented a leakage diasater. (Not that it really helps in the short term either way what color it is, it obvs. still has to be taken off and washed, but the dark color is less likely to stain so you can at least wear again…I felt like I had to explain that since I explained to my husband that when Squidge has gone a bit between poops, I always try to dress him in dark colors in the event of a blow out and he looked all horrified like I meant that way I could just leave him in a poop stained outfit. Like the smell wouldn’t knock you dead at 20 paces.)

15 years ago

oh. ma. gaaaah. lobster! and pirate! love them.

thank GOD my daycare has their own laundry room. sometimes they’re nice enough to wash the poopy stuff. esp like yesterday, when all three daily reports said

mine are going as candy, because the costumes were cheap and i like candy. smarties, junior mints, and sugar babies. (am i allowed to post a link here?)

15 years ago

We’re going to the party and costume parade at my 15 month old daughter’s daycare (she’s a monkey!), and then we’re taking her to the Halloween party at the Museum of Natural History, which has trick-or-treating in the halls, plus roaming cartoon characters. We’re very excited about Halloween around here. I hope the characters don’t freak her out – she saw Clifford at Barnes and Noble, and she was clutching my shoulder a little tightly, but was okay as long as I held onto her.

And then, after she goes to bed, it’s candy and scary movies. VERY EXCITED.

15 years ago

Moose is at the daycare party now, while I’m at work (obviously working hard). We’re trick-or-treating for an hour, tonight, then handing out candy the second hour. My M&D are coming to help, and they blessedly taking Moose home with them, so Cory and I can go out to take in a haunted house, then go see our friend’s band play!
I love this holiday!

15 years ago

Dude, I just watched 28 Days Later a couple of weeks ago and LOVED it. I’m a sucker for zombie movies and “last people left in the world due to a hideous plague” movies. Have you seen Shaun of the Dead? Good stuff too.

As for Halloween, kiddos will be dressing up and trick-or-treating while hubs takes them out dressed as a Mexican Wrestler. I’m the official candy hander outer.

15 years ago

We are hiding! Last year was our first Halloween in our neighborhood, and it was so disappointing. Tons of kids yes, but only about a half dozen of them that were actually wearing costumes and the rest were at least 14, wore football jerseys, and swiped big handfuls of candy. LAME. And so not worth the $$ spent on candy. So the outside lights are staying off, and I’ll be working on crafty stuff for Christmas while B writes a 7-10 page paper on wetland habitats. *Sigh* We’re kind of pathetic.

15 years ago

I think I’m gonna make my husband stay home from work with the kids and hide in the closet with all the candy. And my blackberry. HEAVEN!

15 years ago

My 3 yr went trick or treating at our office last night, came home to watch It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. Then we carved two pumpkins and my three year was so wired from this we could hardly get him to bed. I cannot imagine what TODAY will bring!? ACK.

Any who friends of ours are having some families over to make pizzas, then do some early trick or treating around their hood. Then back home and like your son depending on how my kiddo is feeling one of us will take him out to a couple of our neighbor’s houses or just hang on the porch handing out candy and talk to those same neighbors (the people next door always light do a fire in a fire pit) so it smells yummy but hell’s bells it is supposed to be stinkin’ SEVENTY degrees today. Not very Halloween-y.

15 years ago

First! Why are you calling me Dr. Heimlich? I’m your husband…

And, cutest costumes ever! Emo pirate; too much.

We’re taking the Boy (as a pumpkin)around with a group of our friends who also have kids but I fear an imminent meltdown, as they want to start at 6:30 and Elliot typically goes to bed at 7:15. We’ll see how it goes.

15 years ago

This is the first year we’ll (hopefully) have real live trick-or-treaters at our house, so one of us is taking the kids out, one is staying home to hand out candy, and then we’ll switch off. We’re a big Halloween fan family, so we’re all dressing up and shit.
Um, and that lobster looks delicous – those arms are just BEEFY. Riley could totally be in some cool emo pirate band. You should give him a microphone.

15 years ago

OMG, that photo of Riley as a pirate just killed me dead.

15 years ago

We’re taking the baby around to a few friends’ houses just to show her off in her adorable monkey costume. Then we’ll head home to watch a mildly scary movie before heading to bed early like we always do on Friday nights.

The bags of clothing that come home from daycare are a source of entertainment for my husband and I as we play “Drool or Poop”, and the loser has to handle the clothes, which is awesome when it’s drool, but not so much when it’s poop.

15 years ago

Our community had trick or treat last night, so tonight it’s just relaxing and stuffing our fat faces. Oh – and I am sitting in my office right now, wearing a Snow White costume. But my friends call me Ho White.

15 years ago

“Hoocha hoocha hoocha… lobster” = LOVE! Hope your Halloween is lovely, and does not in any way involve Dr. Heimlich. “I have invented a maneuver!”

15 years ago

Love the costumes! The lobtser in the pot has got to be the best thing evah! My kids are boring and are going as a ninja, pumpkin, and elephant. The baby isnt even wearing a costume because I have so been there three times before and it kinda loses its appeal. If I had that onsie though, Id be dressing him in that. Happy halloween

15 years ago

I wondered who bought those cutsie holiday kid clothes! Great costumes, too. I’m gonna go all out and sweep the crap off the front porch, pull out the impatiens that got frostbit, and throw mini-candy bars at the rug rats. I thought about carving a pumpkin, but like you said, blink, it’s too late.

15 years ago

Too cute for colored monitors! Did you see that Eddie is going to host an evening with Dennis Kucinich this weekend? I WOULD LOVE to be able to see that! http://www.playhousesquare.com/Events/Events.aspx?EventID=1709

Have a lovely Halloween!

15 years ago

LOVE the lobster costume. I am trying to cajole my neighbor in the upstairs apartment to hand out candy with me, then I’ll probably be forced to watch Nightmare Before Christmas. Hopefully with a showing of 28 Weeks Later after, though.

15 years ago

Sundry, I’m going to have to stop reading you at work because I keep breaking out into shrieks of laughter (or muffled snorty chuckles), if someone is standing nearby. You are hilarious. The sealed baggies with the condensation…. Oh my God!

15 years ago

I started off the day getting a cavity filled.

Now I am working.

Later on, I’ll shove my 7 month daugther into some obnoxious dress, call her princess, and go around my neighborhood getting candy.

Then we’ll head to one of our neighbor’s house, sit at the bar, throw our kids in pack n plays, and drink until it’s very, very late.

I think that’s how the pilgrims celebrated Halloween, so this is really a throwback to our ancestors.

15 years ago

the original plan (as always) was to find a halloween party to go to where i could amaze everyone with my creative/sewing/makeup skills. or, barring that, decorate the house with creepy goulish decorations and hand out candy and amaze everyone with me creative/decorating/halloween skills. as usual though, none of that is happening. i am just so g’damn TIRED this year, not to mention totally g’damn BROKE, that i am going to stay home and hand out candy and watch scary movies with the husband and eat candy. the boy this year has been invited to a halloween party by one of his new school friends. may not sound like a big deal, but you have no idea what a HUGE thing this is for all of us right now. i am so excited for him i almost pee every time i think of it. wish him luck that everything goes As Planned. (btw, that lobster…in teh pot…kills me DEAD with cuteness!! also, pirate costume = fantastic, although riley looks like he still needs some serious convincing).

15 years ago

The onesie is cute but OMG Dylan’s face in that photo – adorable!

Love the lobster outfit… and Riley all hard at work on that pumpkin.

I’ll be taking my boy and his friends out in the neighbourhood. Put together a black robe with hood thingy last night for him to be the grim reaper – he looks a bit like a dementor.

Enjoy the candy. I know I will

15 years ago

My kids are going as Superman and a ghost. I was so glad they chose something easy. Your Dylan is too cute. How can you not just eat him up?

15 years ago

I work in childcare and have to admit that I sometimes feel quite guilty sending home those baggies of doom. Most of the time, I put a big note on it telling parents, ” there is poop in here!” so that they don’t reach in all casual like and find themselves elbow deep in doo doo.

It’s funny though because when most of our moms and dads see the baggies in their child’s cubbies, they’re all pretty much on the same page: “seriously?! I have to open that up?” We’ve even had parents say, “maybe I’ll just toss it. It didn’t fit him very well so…”

This Halloween, my sister, my boyfriend and I will be taking my nephew to a local mall where children can trick or treat at the stores. It sounds kind of lame, but it’s nice and dry and safe- which is a big thing when your toting a 23 month old around.
My nephew is going out as a turtle, my sister as raggedy- Anne and my boyfriend and I as Dorthy and the Scarecrow.

Afterwards, I’m going to a friends house to play games and have a couple of drinks.

15 years ago

First up, Google on Zombies today:


Secondly: Lola’s a Care Bear (uh, Trophy Bear? I think?). I’m Poison Ivy from Batman (this works better for people that are tall and maybe close to blond; I’m 4’11” with long BLACK hair, boo). Jeff’s gonna be a ROCKIN Joker.

I fear the candy today.

15 years ago

LOVE the lobster costume!! Riley the Pirate is very adorable also. I wanted my son to dress up as a pirate too, but sadly he is not as enamored of them as I am.

Anyway, we’re going to our HOA’s annual Halloween carnival, then a little trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. Depending on how long the 10-month-old can hold out, that is.