A few Elsewhere Blogging links, because I haven’t done this in a while:

• I have started going to this uber-spendy personal trainer gym and I don’t want to stop but it’s wicked expensive. Justifiable cost, or financial insanity?

• Speaking of expensive shit, are these fancy-ass products worth their pricetag? (I forgot to include premium denim jeans in this post, to which my answer is a YES YES YES, beg borrow or steal the cash if you have to, I promise that the right pair of break-the-bank jeans is worth every single penny.)

• Bodies in Motivation blogs have been updated a bit so it should be easier to see who’s writing each post, and navigate through them. I am so loving these blogs, and I hope you are too.

Lastly, I made a little video of Dylan in honor of this inexplicably hilarious Denny’s ad, and if you ever hear me say I’m “too busy” to do something, just remind me of the ENTIRE AFTERNOON I spent drawing a mustache on my kid’s face, tying up his arms and legs, and wrestling with iMovie in order to produce a freaking 10-second clip.


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15 years ago

LOVE the baby nanerpus!

15 years ago

I haven’t checked out the links yet, I wanted to comment on the vid clip but I’m speechless.

Just, wow.

Okay! On to the links!

15 years ago

Dylan is all kinds of accommodating. Neither of my kids would EVER sit still for that. And hoo boy, there would be shrieking. The look on his face is priceless. So funny.

15 years ago

Oh, Lord. I CANT STOP watching the Dylan nanerpuss … amazing.

15 years ago

see, to me, the look on his face is not “wtf is going on?” but more of a “just wait until you are old and relying on me to care for you and see what kind of shit i pull.”

15 years ago

1) I totally appreciate your commitment to your craft. That video is AWESOME

2) I belonged to an ultra spendy gym like that before we moved up to WA, and I miss it so much. It was a great gym, and I couldn’t find anything like it (apparently I didn’t look hard enough). But that was before kids when I had actual free time.

15 years ago

OMG how cute cute cute

15 years ago

So freakin’ cute! I’m off to comment about expensive salon products… :)

15 years ago

That is one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time and I will surely not get any work done today because I’ll be watching it over and over again!

Preggy Blonde
15 years ago

Ha ha ha. Excellent work with the nanerpus video.

15 years ago

Nannerpuss! And Baby Nannerpuss! Too much. Love it.

15 years ago

That is freaking hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.

15 years ago

My husband LOVES that Denny’s commercial. I’m sure he will applaud your creative interpretation.

15 years ago

Oh how I wish that video were longer – it is hilarious!

The actual commercial banana kind of freaks me out.

Elaine at Lipstickdaily

Hysterical video clip – I bow down to you!

Trenches of Mommyhood
15 years ago


Kristin C.
15 years ago

Dylan is like….what in THE HELL are they up too now??!?!

ALl of your struggles and time were TOTALLY worth it….

15 years ago

Can’t. Stop. Watching.

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
15 years ago

I’ve never actually seen the real commercial, I think Dylan’s is way better! So funny!

15 years ago

That is so hilarious, I can’t even take it.

15 years ago

You are a genius.

Do not tell my mother, but that video almost made me sort of maybe want a baby. But only to draw mustaches on and the like.

15 years ago

I’ve now watched that video about a dozen times and each and every time I laugh till my sides hurt.

I’m adding it to my favorites to use when I need a good laugh. :) Thanks, Linda!

15 years ago

I always read your blog during my lunch break. I seriously have to rethink this, though, because I nearly choke to death laughing almost every day. I just hope it doesn’t take my co-workers too long to find me! Thank you for being a bright spot in my workday.

15 years ago

dude! WTF, that IS hilaaariouuuuus!!

your are so crazy funny, what did the hub think?

15 years ago

Dylan makes the best nanerpus EVER!!!!

15 years ago

Just sent you my latest BiM contribution… let me know if you need me to make any changes. And that video is going into my YouTube favorites to be available any time I need to crack up.

15 years ago

Sorry, I meant Flickr, not YouTube…

15 years ago

This will definitely help my case of the Mondays. Nicely done. We would have had to tranquilize my son for him to sit there while I tied puppet strings to his arms and legs.

15 years ago

Linda, I have loved you for a long time. I think that I love you now more than I have ever before, though.

This? Was fucking amazing.

(have you seen the remix with the baby on you tube? oh, they should be ashamed since you are a fucking imovie master with a cute ass kid.)

15 years ago

Holy shit, that’s hilarious. What did he think of the strings?!

15 years ago

You are a wonderfully sick individual!! lol hilarious!!

15 years ago

NANERPUS! I laughed my damn ass off. I saw this on posted with your flickr stuff last night. I was laughing/snorting so hard my dog started whining….I think he thought I was dying. You crack me up! That was the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time. That is a keeper for d’s baby time capsule!

15 years ago

Holy leaping sea-monsters batman, that was hilarious! I honestly think that the best part of having children will be capturing them doing ridiculous shit on video. And by the way, if you haven’t seen “David at the dentist”, google that shit, cause it’s pretty damn funny too.

Ah, kids on drugs, just like when I was a kid.

Nannerpus lover
Nannerpus lover
15 years ago

Oh my F’ing GAWD! So hilarious I actually shot water out my nose.

15 years ago

omg omg omg omg

i don’t care how much time it took – it was ALL worth it!


15 years ago

Worth every second! Cutest nanerpus ever! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

15 years ago

Holy crap, I just about fell over. So funny – it makes me want to have children just to have my own personal cast :)

15 years ago

Awesome!! That’s one to save for his first serious girlfriend.

15 years ago

Love it!

And a little (possible) background on that Denny’s commercial … might be a take-off on Carvel ads from the 70s. I didn’t grow up in the Northeast, but my Queens-bred hubby has oddly fond memories of Cookie Puss and Fudgie the Whale. Totally bizarre and more than a little disturbing.

15 years ago

seriously. i just spit red wine all over my laptop.
i love it.

15 years ago

HOW did you get him to look at the camera? Thats fantastic.

15 years ago

Dude, I totally want to make him walk around and shit like that. Freaking hilarious! Give him huge kisses for allowing you to do that!

15 years ago

*on the phone with social services*

“Yeah and like seriously, she totally had strings attached to him and everything..and she was…*choke* making him dance..and yeah it was funny..but oh my GAWD..he’s probably going to grow up to be a pancake flipper or some shit..this woman has got to be STOPPED!”

In all seriousness you are my hero..now I need to forward this to all of my friends..

15 years ago

You have made me laugh many times over the years. But that might have just taken the cake, errr, banana.

15 years ago

Ha, that video clip is absolutely glorious. I can even see him rehashing it in therapy: “she made me a mustached puppet on the INTERNET. I don’t even LIKE Denny’s!”

15 years ago

I lurk around here a lot, but I just had to come out of the shadows to comment on the adorableness of baby nannerpuss! He looks like he’s thinking, “no point in resisting, might as well humor them…” So cute!!

15 years ago

Sundry — one morning in 2059, you will awaken in your nursing home bed and find yourself wearing yellow pajamas, with strings attached to your appendages and Dylan will be filming HIS version of this commercial! Revenge is sweet! (Oh, and by the way, at that age, he won’t need to draw a mustache on you – it comes naturally after age 45.)

piecemeal people
15 years ago

Oh dear. That was funny! I love the ambiguous look on Dylan’s face – is he bored? Disgusted? Hard to say…our favorite part of the real commercial is when one of Nanerpus’ googly eyes falls off. Guess THAT would be tough to recreate at home, though.

15 years ago

I cannot stop watching this video and laughing my ass off each time.


[…] Nannerpus 24 02 2009 I started following this lady’s blog because she has a son that is a month older than BB who also has a sleep problem. She recently posted a video that I can’t stop watching…. check it out. Toooooo funny! […]