Campfires, salamanders, skip-flat rocks, unwashed hair, musty sleeping bags, fast-melting ice cream bars, cousins-aunts-uncles-grandparents-friends, wet towels, waterbirds, plastic shovels, creaking boat oars, the startle-flop of a hooked fish, smelly lifejackets, crispy molten-centered marshmallows, evening bats, lingering gunpowder smoke. Summer!
On the way to the Vincent Creek/Smith River area last Thursday night. We drove down to the cabin from Seattle, left Dylan with his grandparents, re-packed the truck and headed out another 45 minutes to get to the campsite.
The official campground was full and we were thinking well shit when JB spotted a tiny drivable spot that led down to the water.
It was shallow enough to cross and we—okay, mostly JB—shlepped all our camping gear over to a beautiful stretch of rocks on the other side of the river. (I know, right? Hello beefcake.)
Totally secluded area, gorgeous scenery, child losing his mind with the joy of his first camping trip. My god, what more could a person ask for?
If you don’t burn your marshmallow to a flaming ball of sugary death, peel off the crispy blackened carcinogenic layer, eat it, then burn the insides at least two more times, I don’t even want to know you.
JB found a bunch of these creepy motherfuckers and proceeded to freak us right the hell out by picking them up with his actual fingers.
Later, Riley and I pretended to be crawdads. PINCH PINCH PINCH OH HO HO I GOT YOU HA HA HA listen it’s funny if you’re three.
I wish Dylan was in this photo, but I don’t wish that hard enough to second-guess our decision not to bring him, because this would have been an entirely different experience had we been chasing a toddler around the rocks/water/open flames the whole time. Next year, little D.
We came back to the cabin on Friday, and that’s where we stayed for the rest of the weekend. JB and his brother carried out their annual Boomapalooza over the river, and it was awesome as always.
Riley stuck it out for the small fireworks . . .
. . . although he wasn’t too happy about them. Once the big ones started, he assumed his usual position inside the cabin with Grandma, who is another member of Team I Hate Loud-Ass Explosions.
The weather was phenomenal all weekend and we spent a lot of time on the water.
It’s hard to tell in this picture but you should be totally impressed and shit because that rock I just jumped off was about fifty seven trillion feet high. I’m pretty badass, especially with my plugged nose and all.
Riley got to hang out with his cousin Brodie and you can just tell they’re going to be friends forever. I love seeing those two playing together.
I feel like I take this exact photo every time we go to the cabin, but what can I say, it’s pretty out there.
Who’s tired from this perfect summer weekend? All of us, man.
Last, I’ll leave you with probably the most patriotic video ever captured in the history of mankind. It’s so goshdarn all-American in its content I will caution that your boss may not appreciate you playing the audio at top volume, so you may want to consider turning down your speakers before enjoying.
Happy Fourth of July, Bald Eagle! from Linda Lee on Vimeo.
Happy fuckin’ 4th of July, friends. Hope you had a good one.
such lush, lovely pictures!
I am crying red, white and blue tears of all-American patriotic joy. : )
Your husband looks ridiculously proud of himself after that comment. Great post.
What a fun weekend and great photos!
Awesome. Just, awesome.
(Also? Loving the “stinkbug” pose of your sweet crashed-out boy in the pack n play.)
Are you kidding? Blackened marshmallow? Screw that. I like mine lightly browned with a little bit of gooey. Almost like the foreplay to a good smore.
Decision to not bring the little one = absolutely right. As much as you missed him, he wouldn’t have nearly as much fun as you might imagine he would.
It cracking me up all these people are also awake right now blogging or reading blogs.
Do you have a southern accent?! Because you sound like my NC husband (but ahh female) in that video.
Beautiful pictures.
Glad to know that it took someone else several days to post about the 4th.
My God, you look fucking amazing!
So what are those critters, anyway? They look kind of yummy!
#1) JB totally is a beefcake.
#2) Riley is so big! And so cute!
#3) I also eat my marshmallows like that. Only way to do it. Let’s start a band called the Flaming Marshmallows.
#4) Dylan sleeping = cutest thing ever.
#5) Video = EPIC WIN.
You have the nicest camping spots.
Loved the post, you always take such great pictures. And you look great. Glad you guys had a fun time camping. As much as you missed Dylan, it wouldn’t have been as much fun if he had been there (water, bugs, campfires, no crib/pack ‘n play, ect.) Thanks for sharing.
It always amazes me how they can sleep like that. It seems like the least comfortable thing ever. But maybe they’re on to something and I should try it…
When I watched that video I stood up, put my hand over my heart and then saluted. I was THAT overcome with American pride.
Now THAT is the way to camp. “official campgrounds” give me the creeps. Plus one night is about all I can handle. Beautiful photos from what looks like a fantastic weekend.
The Pacific Northwest is so beautiful! Although I must admit, big Texas skies have their own kind of beauty. It’s the searing heat and oppressive sun that ruin it. I had no idea that there were crawfish outside of the gulf coast! Did you boil it in a giant pot of spices with corn and potatoes? Cause if you didn’t, you’re missing out on one of life’s best meals.
Brilliant video, hilarious and patriotic all at once. Nice.
That video had me in tears!
Looks like you guys had an awesome 4th. I am so jealous.
Your pictures are awsome and I liked the video the classy commemt was prefect.
I think I may have just peed a little watching that video…so serene and beutiful…and then…well…HILARIOUS!
Thank you for explaining the correct way to toast (char) and eat a marshmallow. Eat ’em up yum.
beautiful beautiful beautiful
And now I want a flaming ball of goo on a stick.
That video just made my bad mood lift a whole lot! Thanks, as always!
I freaking love that video. It was very startling though, because for a moment I was like ‘wow I didn’t know they were in the south’
Y’all have made this texan proud.
1. Yes JB is a beefcake…
2. Awesome pictures…you look totally awesome
3. That is the most patriotic video EVER
4. That is the ONLY way to eat marshmallows.
Great pictures. I would have to say my favorite is the one of Dylan sleeping with his butt up in the air. Only a baby or toddler could sleep in such a position.
Gorgeous photos. There is nothing better than little boys, water, fire and family.
Looks like you guys had a perfect weekend. Happy F–king Fourth of Julyyyyy!
You know when you have one of those times, and everything is just perfect and even your kids sense it? And they hug you for no reason and are so ridiculously happy they’re full to bursting, and you’re thinking to yourself, I am so delirious with joy I could do absolutely anything right now on the adrenalin of pure happiness? Those times?
I practically felt that way just reading your post. What a perfectly awesome weekend.
ps: Can we come with you next time? We’ll bring the marshmallows.
Wow, I thought I was the only person who burned their marshmallows over and over and just ate the yummy black part!
The scenery makes me homesick for the two years I lived in Oregon. J.B. makes me think maybe I shouldn’t have given up on men so soon. The whole weekend looks fabulous – but you shoulda cooked the crawfish! Tiny delicious lobsters without the lobster price!
The picture of Dylan is funny. My 16 month old sleeps like that all the time.
I want to go live in that camping spot you guys had for, well, forever.
Looks like a fuckin’ awesome weekend!
Fabulous pictures, awesome vacation, fracking hystercail video!!!! Totally made me smile.
that looks like a badass way to spend the long weekend. and you look HOTTTTTT.
wow, you almost make me want to go camping. but not quite.
and clearly you’ve never been down south to a real crawfish boil. those aren’t creepy, those are delicious! and they’re fun to race.
Look at you rocking a bikini! You’ve got one fine looking family there! And what a gorgeous place to spend a relaxing weekend.
JB is officially my hero.
I can’t even fathom that kind of scenery. SO beautiful.
That video is awesome. Looks like so much fun!
I can’t wait to go camping in August. We, however, have to grandparents to drop a kid off at. We will be taking a 5 month old and a 2 year old. Yay us! Heh.
You have to stop putting up posts like these. You are single-handedly jump starting my biological clock! :-)
I don’t pull off the black!
What Chelsea and Becky said! I have got to get up that way, never been to the PNW.
There’s water, and green stuff. And families like you guys!
And OMG the cute of your boys!
You and your family are just too adorable for words. Y’all amaze me!
Wow, what a beautiful spot to spend a weekend! Makes me crave a camping trip, for sure. It’s been way too long (see: fifteen years or so).
Dude- you are frigging hot.
That video is fucking hilarious! Oregon is one beautiful place, glad you all had a great 4th :)
So freakin’ cute.
You look amazing, but I’m wondering–has JB been working out with you, too? Because, not to be rude, but DAHH-MN. And I mean that in a fully respectful way. Ahem.