For anyone who thought I was giving credit where it wasn’t necessarily due yesterday when I talked about JB being such an awesome caregiver with sick kids, let me add that he is also, as it turns out, a fantastic and calming presence if it becomes necessary to take a listless, dehydrated toddler to the ER.


I surely hope that was the one and only time we carry one of our children through the bright red EMERGENCY doors of a hospital, and I’m equally thankful we weren’t there for something (even more) terrifying.

Oh, parenthood. My god, there’s just not enough Xanax in the world.


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samantha jo campen
14 years ago

No joke Linda, last night I DM’d Jonna because I was CRYING about Dylan. It’s just so SCARY.

I’m so glad he’s feeling better. Fluids make a world of difference.

Did you get a wee ER gown? Theo had one when he was 9 months old. I see it now or look back and pictures and my stomach turns in knots. Just like it did when I saw that pic of Dylan and JB.

Xanax should be given out to every expecting mother at her baby shower. With UNLIMITED refills.

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
14 years ago

I am so glad Dylan is okay. Poor little guy.

14 years ago

It is a beautiful thing to watch your spouse be such an amazing parent. Also that picture made me a little teary, beautiful capture.

14 years ago

Clearly he is an awesome dad and husband. Anyone who suggests that just because someone else is or isn’t awesome means you shouldn’t point out that JB is, is nuts. Also, there’s something wrong in the world when everything becomes a contest. Good grief. AND, I get that when you’re giving JB a good natured ribbing, it is exactly that. I’m glad Dylan is on the road to recovery.

14 years ago

Oh, my! I am so glad it sounds like the little guy is feeling better. Now, how are YOU?

I would frame that picture of JB. That is just, well, it is the stuff of a good life, yes?

14 years ago

Oh, I am SO glad that Dylan is okay! What a great daddy he has, seriously. Lucky, lucky boy.

14 years ago

I’ve done that walk too. It sucks, but how wonderful you could do it together. We all need someone like that with us in times of crisis, little or big. Get well soon, Dylan.

14 years ago

Sorry, but you had boys, and this will be the first of many trips to the er. Although my parents had girls, and went to the er with me a whole really lot of times too.
Is he feeling better now? Flu? Crazy times, hang in there, he’ll be back to his obnoxious keeping you up at night, yelling, running thru the house self in no time…lol!

14 years ago

There are few things more pitiful than a limp-noodle toddler, especially one who is usually roaring around like a whirlwind. I hope he bounces back quickly. Have y’all tried the Pedialyte popsicles?

14 years ago

First reaction: OMG did Riley go to the ER TOO?

Second reaction: Phew. (Not that Dylan was in the hospital but that it was from last night and not today.)

Third reaction: Picture = Frameable.

Fourth reaction: Is that Jake Gylenhaal? Yowza, JB.

Fifth reaction: Watch Riley sing his ABC’s and cry.

Keep us posted — I hope the worst is over. You’re both great parents — as a non-parent, I’ve enjoyed living vicariously through you and all the steps you’ve taken and changes you’ve made with your two boys. I love watching your family change and grow. Thanks for the front row seat.

14 years ago

And also can I just say that I’d be pretty damn calm in that position on JB’s chest too. Rowwr.

14 years ago

i’ve been there- my son was 9 months old when we carried him in to the emergency room limp and dehydrated from the flu. it is NOT a fun experience and i’m so sorry you had to go through it.
very glad that your little man is on the mend.

14 years ago

I’m totally baffled by the fact that yesterday’s post would draw negative comments and so happy that Dylan is okay.

14 years ago

I’m so glad everything worked out okay, and that Dylan is feeling better, now. I had chronic asthma as a child and I didn’t realize just how much stress it caused my parents whenever I went to the ER. At one point in my childhood it just became routine for me :( My heart goes out to any parent out there because Jesus children are scary. You’re both fabulous parents :)

14 years ago

How scary! I’ve had to take The Captain to the ER twice (once for a head injury and again for a under-the-chin injury) so I know how stressful it can be. I’m appalled that you had to defend your wonderful praises to JB. Seriously, you both must be saints. Convert that pic to B&W and frame it!

6512 and growing
14 years ago

We’ve had too many ER visits for a child who has just turned five.
It’s good to fly with such an able co-pilot isn’t it?

14 years ago

What an awesome daddy he is, my husband is very similar OMGOSH what a BLESSING. Calm and strong, which keeps me from going to the corner to rock back n forth or something. LOL!

14 years ago

So glad he’s on the mend. Sweet, sweet picture.

14 years ago

I am so glad your son is okay and who the hell would say anything negative about a father being on dad duty. Screw em Linda, your husband is awesome and so are you. Geez.

Clueless But Hopeful Mama

I have never been so scared as when my three year old got a week long stomach flu, when I was one week OVERDUE with baby #2. She was so dehydrated she was delirious and my husband sat with her at the ER for FOUR hours before being seen, including holding her over a trashcan while she dry heaved because there was just NOTHING in there.

I’ve been thinking of you and your family. Hope you all are on the mend.

14 years ago

So glad he’s OK Linda. Terrifying, I know too well. Hope he’s jumping off the couch in no time.

Mama Bub
14 years ago

We’ve been to the ER for the exact same thing and it was just awful. Better than some of the alternatives, I suppose, but I could live my entire life without needing to see the inside of a Children’s Hospital again.

14 years ago

I have almost the exact picture of my DH with our oldest, in for the exact same reason. Doesn’t it take you by surprise sometimes that you feel in love with your husband and then fell in love with him even harder when you had children together? I look at my husband in amazement sometimes…and as the mom of two boys – the ER is our second home…both boys with stitches to their eyebrows (different eyes and years), one broken arm, difficult breathing with the croup – and I’m sure there will be more trips in our future as well.

Glad to hear little man is on the mend…

14 years ago

Scary, scary stuff. I am glad little man is OK and you are all back home.

Hang in there!

14 years ago

Ugh went to the ER when my son was 4.5 and gashed the hell out of himself and then again with our then 7 month old and it just sucks. It takes forever, I was scared to death and frustrated with the wait and the kids were frightened. Times like that parenting really takes it toll, I think I aged 5 years in as many hours.

Hope Dylan is feeling much better and over this soon!

14 years ago

Oh, wow. That is intense. I’m sorry you had to go through that and I’m glad that JB was your rock.

14 years ago

im surprised you havent been there more frequently with two boys!! ive got three (6.5, 4.5, and 1.5) and all three have been there at least once each.

isnt it amazing what some zofran and fluids will do to a little guy in just a matter of minutes? we had the same thing with our 4.5 year old, and 1.5 hours later the nurses couldnt believe it was the same limp and literally grey kid we carried in. so glad he’s doing better.

14 years ago

You and JB rock. I hope Dylan is feeling better today!

Baking Mad Mama
14 years ago

I’m so glad Dylan is feeling better. We ended up in A&E with our little one on Sunday and it was awful, so frightening (for us and for them!)

14 years ago

This was the ONLY time you’ve had to go to the emergency room?

Do Riley and Dylan only get sick during the week and during doctor’s office hours?

I can’t count on one hand (maybe two hands) the number of times we’ve been to the emergency room with our daughter (4 1/2) and son (2 1/2).

I chalked it up to ALL doctors being over-cautious (and costing me $100 co-pays each time), but maybe it’s just our doctors.

Or maybe it’s just that our kids like to piss my wife and me off by getting sick only at 7PM on a Friday?

Ashley, the Accidental Olympian

Feel better little man…

14 years ago

I’m so glad your little dude is feeling better. That’s my Tony above, and I have to say that while we both shared a “Wow that sucks I really hope he’s OK” moment, it was immediately followed by “Wait…this is their FIRST ER trip???” We received our Five Timers Club card ages ago for varying late night/weekend illnesses. Here’s hoping you never even come close.

14 years ago

Thinking of you and hoping Dylan is doing better!

14 years ago

That beautiful photo makes me teary.

I hope Dylan is feeling better.

14 years ago

What a woobie. Both of them. Hope Dylan is doing better.

cindy w
14 years ago

Oh god. I’ve been in the ER with my toddler. Twice. Both times for respiratory distress; she has asthma. It is *terrifying*. I’m so sorry. Hope you’re all recovered soon (Dylan from his illness, y’all from the emotional trauma).

14 years ago

Glad things are better. I was so worried last night, couldn’t go to bed until I saw your tweet saying D was ok.

14 years ago

As a mother of 3 little boys, I can tell you that unfortunately there will be many more trips through the bright ER sign. After 3 broken bones (one of which was when oldest was 22 months and, then youngest now middle, was 4 days old…that sent me off the rocker!), 2 dehydration, 1 concussion, 3 respiratory issues (one of those was accompanied with one of the broken bones on other boy and thus husband and I were in two separate hospitals), and 1 febrile seizure (at 6 months, which came along with an ambulance ride and was THE worst), I am here to tell you that with each visit (because they will most likely happen), it is much, much easier. And just to confirm, my children are in safe and loving environment! The broken bones, you would never have guessed from how they happened that they would result in a cast. So much so, that they just might have walked around with said broken bones for a couple of days before casts went on. But again…very loving environment! Just not a medical one.

On a side note, if the ER docs gave you a script for Zofran as they lovingly did for us when our littlest man went through the same thing at Christmas, fill it. Because it works wonders on adults. Especially those adults that received the barf in the face action. Speaking from experience!

So happy that all is well.

14 years ago

i’ve been there (w/o the benefit of a caring daddy along) with my little one as well, scary – and i have to say, if you were ‘only’ there 3 hours – you beat me by about 7 hours…no joke!

14 years ago

and, of course, hope he is now feeling better. :)

14 years ago

I hope everything is better today. What a scary thing to have to do.

14 years ago

Breathed a huge sigh of relief over here when you updated. So scary. Hope you’re all doing so much better now.

14 years ago

Glad the little man is doing better. ER runs are scary as hell!

14 years ago

I’ve always thought from your postings that JB is a great dad….you can just, well, tell. Great photo that will bring tears to your eyes every time you look at it, I’m sure.

In a crisis, the first thing I have always done is scream “Mike!” and hubby comes running. After 38 years of two kids with a couple of very frightening scares, I know he will be the calming factor that is needed, and always is.

Lots of warm sloppy kisses for the little guy. Hope he is doing better and you and JB are able to relax a bit now.

14 years ago

I’m so sorry you had to go through that. My own boy is a shadow of his former self after battling flu for a week. I have almost taken him to the ER several times, and we’re not out of the woods yet. It’s so scary.

14 years ago

You poor babies… hoping for a calm week ahead and a full recovery.

14 years ago

Sorry to hear Dylan was so sick. Poor tyke. Kids really get put through the “building antibodies” mill.

The photo of JB holding D is just beautiful.

14 years ago

Oy. Nothing worse than taking your baby to the ER. I’ve taken my 2 year old twice: once when he got bit. By a fluffy adorable bunny rabbit. On a farm. And once when he had a high fever, etc. Turned out he had Scarlet Fever. For that diagnosis, I was glad I went!

14 years ago

I hope Dylan is so much better now Linda. What a worry for you all.

I must say, that’s an adorable pic!