Things I’ve bought lately that make me happy:

The song Velvet, by The Big Pink. Just lovely, and great for running.

Also, Sabali by Amadou & Mariam. Sounds a bit like that pretty Devotcha song, “How It Ends”, then the singing starts and you go, wow.

Dapper Snappers. These things are freaking genius for beanpole kids whose pants are always falling off their scrawny behinds. They snap onto the back of the pants, cinching the waist tighter without causing any weird bunching, and unlike belts there’s no extra stuff for a kid to deal with if he has to, say, use the bathroom. I got one for Riley and it’s like he has a whole new wardrobe now, where he can finally wear all the too-wide but just-right-in-length pants I’d sadly stored away for whenever the peanut butter calories actually start sticking to his body.

Morrocan Oil. I saw this mentioned over at Not Martha and decided to try out a small bottle, because I am a giant sucker for supposedly miraculous hair products. Usually I’m disappointed, but this oil is amazing. It makes my dry, damaged hair actually look like hair—swinging and soft—and smooths out a lot of frizz without adding any heaviness. It’s got a strong, exotic scent, which I really love.

iTunes U. This isn’t something I’ve paid money for because it’s free, and seriously, holy awesome. Thousands of lectures and videos from universities available from iTunes, and did I mention the free part? I studied for (and subsequently aced, thank you very much) a quiz on the digestive system in part by listening to lectures while running and during my commute. FREE!

The TiltShift iPhone app. This is an awfully nice little program for making your cameraphone images look a lot more special, without adding the super-processed look that gets old after about, oh, two images.

Little Black Book of Stories by A.S. Byatt. I can’t remember the last time I’ve enjoyed a collection of short stories this much. Each is rich, dark, wistful, beautiful, and spooky. Fairytales for grownups.

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14 years ago

The entire Sookie Stackhouse series. Guilty pleasure. Also: train tickets to surprise my cousin this weekend in DC for her batchelorette party. And I’m about to pay the application fee for graduate school, so a few years down the road I hope I’ll be looking for a new career with my MBA! I’m also interviewing some house cleaners and that will be money that will be spent in a hugely satisfying way.

14 years ago

(it’s a wheat bag, not just a random owl)

14 years ago

I’m really enjoying Train’s latest album.

14 years ago

JennB I’m completely with you on the Sookie Stackhouse series…seriously guilty pleasure! And other one coming in a couple of weeks too!

Also loving my breakmaker right now! Healthy whole grain breads that I can control the ingredients in, and by some miracle my kids will eat it!

14 years ago

Clothes. For me. That fit me. That I got to try on in the store rather than grabbing off the rack and racing to pay for before the kids have a meltdown and hoping they fit and they never do and having to return everything which takes twice as much time. So yeah, happy clothes.

Also: MUST get some of those Dapper Snappers for my kid, who is tall enough for 4T pants but they fall down so he’s been wearing his highwater 3Ts. THANK YOU.

14 years ago

Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series.

And probably Dapper Snappers, as soon as I get myself some of those – look awesome!! I’ve actually been contemplating teaching a 15-mo-old to put up with a belt, but I thought the day care would kill me.

14 years ago

Laura Mercier’s oil free flawless face kit. Loving it so far.

14 years ago

Kombucha juice — Guava – -yum!!
‘Open’ by Andrea Agassi … gotta like tennis or hate him….
Hoarders on TLC … oh my I’m addicted (and the first Hoarders show on A&E … now I don’t feel so bad).
Bobbi Brown under-eye concealer – – so amazing.

14 years ago

Dapper Snappers! That is genius. I have a tiny butt toddler and everything sags. You have saved my sanity by posting those.

I have also enjoyed Old Navy for the past month or so. I have an 8 year old who is sooo picky with her clothing. She won’t wear a dress unless it’s straight with “nothing itchy” on it. Same with pants, shirts, shorts, etc. Dressing her is a nightmare. We finally found spring/summer stuff at ON during a big promotion and now we’re all happy.

14 years ago

I might possibly be embarrassed to admit this but I recently put Drop the World featuring Eminem on my iPod and I love it… Also, Imma Be from the BEP and Rob Zombie’s Dragula has been great for running. What? Apparently I either like rap or heavy metal music for running but they have really helped in recent races!

Some cute little ballet flats (Zebra print)that were $14.99 at Target. They just make me smile every time I see them!

14 years ago

I’ve been doing a lot of cooking lately and expanding my repertoire, so I’ve added some new gadgets, new recipes and new flavors to my kitchen.

If you like iTunesU, check out

14 years ago

Lately, I’m loving the following:

-Paraffin spa lotion at Bath & Body. It’s amazing. Your skin feels so soft

-Every song “Relient K” or “Train” has ever written – best running music ever

-The “Big Oven” app for the iPhone. I love to cook and have found some great recipes that even my 1.5 yo and 4 yo will eat.

-The wallflower scent “Fresh Bamboo” from Bath & Body. Makes my house smell “springy”, but in a clean way, not a sweaty kid at recess or a kill me now with the grandma floral kinda way.

-“Nymphette” Lip Glass (not gloss) by MAC

-Givenchy “Hot Couture” perfume

-Crystal Light lemonade. Always makes me happy :)

14 years ago

Lately, I’m loving the following:
-Paraffin spa lotion at Bath & Body. It’s amazing. Your skin feels so soft

-Every song “Relient K” or “Train” has ever written – best running music ever

-The “Big Oven” app for the iPhone. I love to cook and have found some great recipes that even my 1.5 yo and 4 yo will eat.

-The wallflower scent “Fresh Bamboo” from Bath & Body. Makes my house smell “springy”, but in a clean way, not a sweaty kid at recess or a kill me now with the grandma floral kinda way.

-”Nymphette” Lip Glass (not gloss) by MAC

-Givenchy “Hot Couture” perfume

-Crystal Light lemonade. Always makes me happy :)

Pinkie Bling
Pinkie Bling
14 years ago

I’ve been single-handedly trying to stimulate the economy lately – the spring sales are killing me! Clothes, shoes, makeup, skin care, random summer stuff at Target (beach towels, etc.)…the list goes on and on.

Faves include: Mario Badescu skin care products (uh-may-zing!), some new workout music (mostly Jay-z, Rihanna, and Black Eyed Peas – don’t judge!), and the Magic Bullet. God bless the Magic Bullet!!

Hands-down best investment, though? Nutrition coach and personal trainer. I’ve lost 20 lbs and 14% body fat in eight weeks!!

14 years ago

Most of my recent consumerism has revolved around the Upcoming Baby. BUT, I finally caved and bought some converse lowtops at target (pink!) and I adore them, even if they make me look like someone trying to look younger than she really is.

Oh, and Vitamin E oil – I rub a few drops on my skin after the shower, and I’m no longer a scaly crocodile!

14 years ago

What a great idea! I already have a new list of stuff I’d love to check out based on what other people wrote. We’re cutting back so most of my books come from the library, but it’s still fun to imagine what I’d buy!
Things I’ve purchased recently that I love, love:

* the album Teen Dream by Beach House. Ethereal, awesome.

* Eucerin’s Aquaphor healing ointment. Came in a two-pack, and smooths away all those in-between-dry-winter-and-spring rough, dry spots. Use on lips, elbows, cuticles, everything.

* Navy polka-dot heels from Kensie Girl (the Lisa pump). Comes in plaid, leopard, polka dot and black. Fabulous, perfect height heel, so comfy.

* Echoing Kathleen’s comment, I bought the Outlander series, by Diana Gabaldon, for my Kindle in December (the books are huge) and could not put it down. Spectacular and super engrossing.

Thanks for the great recommendations!

14 years ago

Unrelated to this post, but can I ask, how old is your dog? She’s so beautiful with the white snout. I have a special love for old dogs that still have a frisbee catch or two left in them.

14 years ago

Pretty much all my new purchases revolve around running, such as:

-CW-X tights, bought on your recommendation. Tried them for the first time today and love them.

-Garmin, sports bra, etc.

-Pedipeds little girl shoes. I finally get to buy clothes for my baby girl, after nearly 3 years of picking out brown and blue stuff for her older brother. The little tiny shoes just kill me.

Semi-unrelatedly, it sounds like it’s been a tough slog from your NOLA half to the Eugene marathon. I ran my first half in March and am doing another in May. I’m in the best shape of my life, and to be a total cheeseball, you really have been a major inspiration. I hope you remember all the people you’ve motivated amidst the “exercise is for the vain” crap on the internet. I’m a happier person, and you had something to do with that. So thanks.

14 years ago

My new favorites –

– build your own chucks

-Stiletto lash mascara. Just something about the length and shape of the wand that makes it really easy to apply.

-Aveda Shampure scent perfume. Just makes me happy.

14 years ago

My new Mac Book Pro. I want to get into bed and pet it.

Also, I am a Gabaldon addict and so is my husband…which is sad and awesome all at the same time.

Also my new Lucky Jeans. Love Lucky Jeans.

14 years ago

A few baby/kid item I’ve always loved:

-Kiddapotamus Bibbity bibs. Easy to clean, waterproof, adjustable.

-Pack ‘n’ Plays: I know this is hardly a revelation because everyone has one, but these things are the best invention ever. I constantly shake my head in awe of how easy they are to setup.

-Basically anything Melissa and Doug. OK, maybe except for those light sensitive puzzles that go off when the sun comes up waking your sleeping baby or toddler.

Baby Einstein videos: Again, hardly a revelation. I may get some crap from the anti-TV crowd, but frak it. Frequently referred to in my family as “Baby Crack”. Great way to sneak a few minutes to do housework or take a shower.

14 years ago

Oh man, the past year has been in full PAY OFF CREDIT CARD spending LOCKDOWN mode, purchases have been few and far between. Here’s a sample”
– strapless sundress from Old Navy. $15 and actually is quite flattering. Also: will help for good tan lines while bumming around southern Utah next week.

– two $5 skirts from Old Navy that I will be wearing as tops while in Utah next week, again for tan line purposes. I live in Montana. We’re MONTHS away from actual strapless shirt weather. I’m getting married in July, with a strapless dress; not usually that vain. Also, said skirts are a size small. That never happens.

– Teva flip flops; for Utah and the summer.

– The 6 books and 4 audio book CDs that I just rented from the library for said trip to Utah.

– Any and all gardening stuff that I’ve invested in.

What I’m not loving:
– Spending money on wedding shit that no one will notice. I just decided we’re not doing centerpieces. At all. No one ever said that centerpieces make for a successful union.

… that was a novel!

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
14 years ago

I have not bought anything cool recently.

I do wish they had Dapper Snappers when my Son had the pants falling off problem. Now he is so big his pants are too tight.

14 years ago

trying to save money right now (which makes me happy) but love reading about your purchases!

14 years ago


Welcome to the evil money grubbing tradition that is the wedding ceremony.

-Thousands of dollars on decorations that will be relocated to your town dump within 48 hours.

-A piece of clothing that will cost you $500 if you’re lucky, but can cost you thousands of dollars that you’ll wear once and will take up space in your attic for 70 years.

-Thousands of dollars on video coverage of the ceremony and reception which is as likely to be watched as a Pauly Shore movie.

-Thousands of dollars on a meal that you’ll never eat.

And don’t get me started on the engagement ring. Two months of salary MY ASS!

Nothing makes more sense than throwing away tens of thousands of dollars before starting your new life together.

Do yourself a favor, elope, throw a barbecue when you get back, and take the money you saved and put it towards your first house.

14 years ago

Jo Malone’s Grapefruit scent. I know, sounds crazy, but it’s really nice.

Pinkie Bling
Pinkie Bling
14 years ago

Thanks! Your pro-bullet tweet was the final “bullet” in the purchase decision. Rimshot!

(I’m sorry, you hate me now don’t you.)

bad penguin
14 years ago

New running shoes.

and Soap and Glory Heel Genius, which has fixed my cracked and callused feet up nicely.

14 years ago

I haven’t bought anything of note (mostly dinners and maternity clothes and summer shorts for the boy) but I have never seen those Dapper do-dads! I wanted to say that my son has this problem too (he’s 2) and I’ve started only buying pants at the Children’s Place because they are adjustable and fit better for longer – he’s 27 months, and he has an 18-month waist and 2t legs but he can wear their 2T pants just fine. I don’t know why I ever bothered with anywhere else (although I’ve gotten some pretty cute 18-24mo shorts from Old Navy, who run large anyhow).

14 years ago

I love Byatt, and it’s good to hear of someone else reading (and liking) her work beyond Possession (which was good, but it’s the one everyone knows–she’s so much more!). Have you read The Matisse Stories by her? Also very good.

14 years ago

I have a HUGE list of songs I want to get from iTunes, but lately I can’t get my computer to play nice with the program. It crashes every time I try to download anything.

Both kids suddenly had growth spurts, so I’m buying lots of kid clothes and shoes.

I did find a cute pair of ballet flats for 10 bucks, so I snapped them up. I feel very girly and cute when I wear them. I also got a pedicure, just in case Seattle ever gets warm enough for sandals.

I’m waiting for the latest Gabaldon book to be in paperback, then I’m gonna get it. I wasn’t thrilled with the last one, so I’m hoping the new one doesn’t disappoint.

14 years ago

The Vampire Diaries books and The Dangerous Stuff butter nut toffee with chocolate. Totally addictive.

And, for running? Pitbull. Yeah, I know. But he ROCKS.

14 years ago

also, I just started the newest Byatt – LOVE her, she’s one of my favorite authors. Also check out The Djinn in the Nightingale’s Eye by her – also short stories/fairy tales.

14 years ago

Recent purchases I’m loving:
-organic milk. It tastes amazing and I feel so smug drinking it. Like my own little earth day every day.

-a green card! …well I’ve paid for it, hopefully I get it.

-nikeplus – cheaper than a garmin but works inside which is cool.

lisa ann
lisa ann
14 years ago

so with you on the Morrocan oil. Love it! Bought cute dotty shower curtains from Target.

14 years ago

Just FYI re: argan oil (what is in your Moroccan Oil) It is GREAT for skin–especially mixed with water and spritzed on face. Moroccan women in the part of that country where argan is found have incredible skin and hair. Also, argan is mighty good mixed with sugar/honey, ground up almonds and spread on bread. Just wanted to plug argan oil in general–LOVE IT.

14 years ago

Just another plug for the morroccan oil–I scored some free samples and I have been rationing them. Incredible product.

14 years ago

I technically bought it back in the fall, but my subscription to Carbonite online back-up just paid for itself a thousand times over by saving all my notes when my computer got sick a week before final exams.

14 years ago

Yep, I have to agree on the argon oil. Bought some last year because of a free sample and LOVE it!

14 years ago

Tis is going to sound lame. I am normally pretty health nutty, but our family love “Hint of LIme” Tostitos. At my wit’s end with the increasing refusal by all three daughters to eat more than one bite at dinner, I breaded some free range chicken with mustard, lemon juice and the chips. Oh my holy success, the kids devoured it. I tried it the next night on tilapia. All that in a bag of chips. #imadork

14 years ago

A too-expensive, but also too-pretty pencil skirt from J. Crew. The Best American Short Stories 2009, Music: Beach House, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Lady Gaga, Spoon. Painkillers for my darling dog’s aging back. Kings&Queens Nefertiti Honey shower gel and body lotion. (Target! Made by Korres! Luscious! Also the Sugar scent. Yummmm.) Seychelles shoes. Bumble & bumble Creme de Coco shampoo and conditioner.

14 years ago

i just got a pedicure and painted my toes neon orange. super rad.

i also recently purchased this backpack from lululemon along with these crops from there as well. ive tried the CWX tights for running and i didnt like them. not because of the compression, but theyre too high rise for me. i like my running tights to sit more at my hips so these work for me. also, fabulous material. [i probably own more clothing frm lululemon than one person ever should, but thats beside the point…] ive had my nike+ and ipod nano combo for a while and LOVE.

i also recently bought the latest lady antebellum album [not usually a country fan, but i LOVE their song “need you now” and the album is actually alright] and the bird and the bee’s latest album–interpreting the masters vol 1. SO GOOD. HIGHLY RECOMMEND. LOVE THEM.

14 years ago

The Magic Bullet is a blender? Shoot. I wanted one until I found that out. I thought it was, uh, something else.

14 years ago

Barbara – you cracked me up! Ha!

My latest (guilty) purchase which I am loving: T3 Featherweight hair dryer bought at Sephora. Crazy expensive, but I hate blow drying my hair so much, even a minute saved would be worth it. I do notice a shorter drying time and it makes my hair very smooth and shiny.

14 years ago

A crap ton of music by Joe Purdy…love it.

An additional crap ton of the Rock A Bye Baby songs. Lullaby versions of real songs, U2, The Cure, even ACDC. My little Pie loves them and they don’t make me want to hurt someone.

An awesome storage piece for our living room that organizes all of Pie’s various stuff. A cubby for everything and everything in its cubby. Makes me so happy.

14 years ago

Oh!!! And a photo shoot of the Pie from an incredible photographer. Anyone in the GA area should check her out…simply amazing. I cried when I saw the pics, apparently that’s the norm with her customers.

Cheryl S.
Cheryl S.
14 years ago

FitFlops. They are flip flops that are good for your legs/tush. Since I’m in S. Florida and LIVE in flip flops most of the year, I tried them. LOVE. And if it helps fight gravity — Wonderful!

Jojoba oil added to my regular face moisturizer. I have acne prone skin, so I’ve never been able to use a really good moisturizer. Jojoba oil won’t clog pores and gives me a little extra moisture. Yay!

14 years ago

My latest favorite things:

1) Nike+ Sportband—not as accurate as a Garmin but still totally rocks. As a newbie runner I was using a KITCHEN TIMER (!) and Map My Run to know how far/how long I was running. This has changed my world without the hundreds of dollars a Garmin would cost.

2) Dave’s Killer Bread especially their “Sin Dawg”. One word: Heaven. I wrote about it here (sorry shameless blog link)

3) A pretty pink and yellow flowered Liberty of London coffee mug. My favorite coffee mug at the moment because it’s so girly and pretty! :-)

PS those dapper snappers are awesome! Unfortunately now that my skinny, tall boy is 13 I think I’d have a hard time convincing him to wear one. Lol!