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Today I am feeling sorry for a football guy. Specifically, the football guy who came out during the few remaining seconds of the Ducks game last night and tried to kick a … what, a field goal? I’m not really sure how football works, either. (Elves?) Anyway, the score was like 35-38 and he had to try and kick that ball what look like about twenty million miles, and he missed, and the Ducks lost. And today the paper had this enormous blaring headline, MISSED KICK COST OREGON, something like that, and I kept thinking how shitty that is for that guy since it’s not like he lost the game all by himself, and can you even imagine the insane pressure he was under as he was out on the field staring down that ball? And how terrible he probably felt afterwards? GAH. This is why I can’t watch sports. Also on account of most of the games being brain-meltingly boring and taking at least five hours too long.

The other thing happening today is that I am wearing the world’s most comfortable pair of boots. I escaped the house for a while this morning and found myself in a DSW—that’s Discount Shoe Warehouse, don’t you know—and I came across a pair of Børns (Martinas, I think they’re called?) that I’ve been eyeballing for months:

Screen shot 2011-11-20 at 2.46.41 PM

Cute, and better yet, they feel amazing. Best of all: they were marked down about 40%, so now they are mine. Retail therapy, for the win!

Also immensely cheering: it has been freezing here in Seattle lately, but today was crisp and clear and cold rather than wet and depressing and cold. A glorious day for soaking up city views:

Screen shot 2011-11-20 at 3.05.42 PM

Now I have a question for you. My assignment for Thanksgiving next week is to bring cranberry sauce and rolls to JB’s brother’s wife’s parents’ house, where we’re having dinner on Thursday. (Wow, that was ridiculously complicated. My sister-in-law’s parents’ house, how about that.) Can you recommend any super-easy, super-delicious recipes for rolls? Preferably something that doesn’t require waiting around for yeast to do its mysterious thing, because I always seem to fuck that up? (“HERE ARE YOUR ROLLS I AM VERY SORRY THEY LOOK LIKE HOCKEY PUCKS.”) Or if you have a no-fail, everyone-loves-it cranberry sauce recipe, I’d love to hear that too.


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12 years ago

Go to for cranberry recipes, there are a few tasty, healthy alternatives there.
As for rolls: I am terrified of yeast bread projects, but I’ve never had a problem making Parker House Rolls, I don’t have a particular recipe that I like but they seem to be tasty. Plus they are drowning with butter BEFORE YOU EAT THEM and then you put more butter on them so that’s just a win-win situation.

Good luck!

12 years ago

Skip making the rolls and instead go out and buy King’s Hawaiian Rolls. Omg. I am too scared to use yeast – experiments gone wrong have made me swear it off for good and I actually LIKE to bake – so these babies come in a sweet second. Everyone always loves them and demands them every year.

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
12 years ago

I can’t cook a damn thing, sorry. My Husband does all the cooking.
I think I am in love with those boots, and I don’t ever wear boots.

12 years ago

My no-fail, everybody-loves-it cranberry sauce recipe is actually PCC’s. No joke, even my dad likes it and I rarely see him voluntarily eat fruits or vegetables. And since I’m already there buying the cranberry sauce in the deli section I’d just puck up some Essential Baking Co. rolls or similar, then simply heat them right before dinner. I’m all about the easy, especially this year!

12 years ago

Ooh, I also meant to say I love those boots! So jealous. Børns are so comfy & cute, and rarely cone in my size.

12 years ago

I never thought I liked cranberry sauce until I had this: Now it’s a holiday staple ’round here.

12 years ago

Pioneer Woman’s cranberry sauce is so easy you could make it while under heavy sedation and it’s delicious.

My recipe for rolls is to crack o

12 years ago


To crack open a tube of Crescent rolls. So not really helpful.

12 years ago

My MIL has recently made bread for us with a mix from the grocery (in the same aisle as the muffin mixes and whatnot). It has to rise, but in no time compared to regular bread recipes. And it was really good.

12 years ago

Heather Spohr posted a recipe for Savory Monkey Bread. Looks easy, I think we are going to try it this year.

12 years ago

I also say go with Parkerhouse. Delish, and you arranged them in the pan and let them rise, so it’s like doing them yourself.

The boots are awesome, and would look terrible on me. I have a $25 gift card to DSW, so I will be confirming this in person tomorrow. :)

And I fell asleep when that Oregon game was something like 28-13, so obviously it wasn’t just the kicker’s fault. I’m amazed they almost came back! Also, I googled “Quack Attack” during the game because they used the phrase during the broadcast and I couldn’t believe they so blatantly ripped off Dark wing Duck.

And wow, a book I wrote. That’s what you get for posting on a Sunday, when no one else does. :)

12 years ago

1 cup oj + 1 cup sugar. Being to a boil. Add 1 bag of cranberries and simmer 10 min or until all cranberries have burst. If you are feeling fancy, stir in zest of 1 orange. I usually don’t and call it a day using tropicana.

Two things: use a bigger pot than you think you need to prevent splatters which are annoying to clean (and can stain clothes. Also, clean stovetop immediately because that stuff is really hard to get off.

My yeasty creations always are rocks. Sorry!

Happy thanksgiving!

12 years ago

Love the boots!

12 years ago

These rolls are fairly easy and HUGE crowd pleasers plus you can make them ahead and bake that day.

12 years ago

Cool boots. I love DSW it’s like the size of a football field! Here’s the cranberry sauce recipe I use every year. Super simple, nothing weird in it one person will hate, tastes delish:
1 cup (200 g) sugar
1 cup (255 mL) water
4 cups (1 12-oz package) fresh or frozen cranberries (I use frozen)
Wash and pick over cranberries. In a saucepan bring to a boil water and sugar, stirring to dissolve sugar. Add cranberries, return to a boil. Reduce heat, simmer for 10 minutes or until cranberries burst. Remove from heat. Cool completely at room temperature and then chill in refrigerator. Cranberry sauce will thicken as it cools.

12 years ago

In our house, we make more of a cranberry fruit salad than sauce, but it is delicious.
grind 1 bag of cranberries (with blender or food processor) add 1 cup diced celery, 1 cup quartered red grapes, a bit of orange peel (grate a bit into the mix) then peel the orange (a large one or two small) and add it to the salad after cutting into bite-size pieces, 1 small box of red jello (any flavor) & 1/4 to 1/3 cup of sugar (depending on how sweet or tart you want it), mix and allow to sit overnight; serve chilled- you can sprinkle with ground nuts if you like

12 years ago

I discovered a GREAT roll recipe recently that incorporates pumpkin and coconut milk and while it doesn’t really taste like either, I feel better knowing it’s more nutrient dense and my family loves them and they taste heavenly. I am making more for Turkey Day – it’s from La Fuji Mama: She makes 4 loaves but I made a regular load, an “artisan” loaf and a cookie sheet of non-uniform rolls. I am not the normal bread baker of the house and I didn’t screw these up – twice! I predict you will love. I can totally recommend the pumpkin butter too! Happy Thanksgiving in advance!

12 years ago

“loaf” not “load”, funny I caught it the second time I typed it in….

12 years ago

Cranberry Sauce: Bring 1 c. sugar and 1 c. water to a rolling boil in a saucepan. Add 1 bag of cranberries (rinsed and picked over) and the zest of half an orange (more or less, to taste). Cook, stirring often and turning down heat as needed to control the popping, until a chunky sauce. It will solidify more once it cools, but it will not be the canned jelly. It will be so much more awesome. And, the measurements needn’t be all that precise – but, this is on the tart side so add more sugar and water (aka simple syrup) if you like a sweet sauce.

12 years ago

Melissa at 5:02 totally has my recipe, which means we should be closer together because I am the only one in my house who will look at a cranberry (no matter how many people are in my house) and a whole bag of cranberries is a lot to eat no matter how tasty.

12 years ago

Taerna posted my “recipe” – King’s Hawaiian FTW! (They are the BEST for mashed potato sandwiches. Not that I would ever eat something so depraved. Ahem.)

12 years ago

Sister Schubert’s frozen rollls.

Cranberry sauce:

12 years ago

Buy a package of cranberries and follow the recipe on the back. Usually water and sugar, drop cranberries in, boil and smash then put it in the fridge to gel (if you will). This has always been a fav in our house. Also, Swistle posted a turnover recipe a couple (few) years back that are easy and yummy. Perhaps you can ask her about that or check her site for the recipe? Cute (JEALOUS) boots :)

12 years ago

I can’t have this anymore due to my sons allergies – but it was always a hit & I miss it! It is similar to the Boston Market Cranberry Sauce:

1 can of whole cranberry sauce
1 can of mandarin oranges (drained)
1 cup (adjust to taste) chopped walnuts.
Accept praise for your mad cranberry skillz

Melt butter (You can substitute margarine)
Add chopped chives
Open crescent roll can
unroll rolls
brush unrolled rolls with melted butter
roll the rolls & bake as directed
Try not to eat them all before you leave the house.

Happy Thanksgiving!

12 years ago

My favorite boots really need to be replaced and they are Børns. I love them so. Their website it weird and makes me think of vampires. Angry, sexy-weird vampires.

12 years ago

cranberry sauce: 1c. sugar, 1c. water, 1 bag fresh cranberries, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves, 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger, 1/4 teaspoon allspice. Bring to a boil until the cranberries start popping and soften.

rolls: brown and serve, baby. Freezer section. White roll magic.

12 years ago

I am pasting my aunt’s most cranberry sauce recipe. I have taken over making it every year. Don’t let the onion scare you it is not even noticable. THis is so easy as well. If you use it let me know what you think.

Eleanor’s Cranberry Sauce

8 Cups Fresh Cranberries
1 Medium Onion chopped
1 Apple (peeled cored and chopped)
1 ½ cups raisins
3 Cups Sugar
1 Cup chopped celery
1 Cup Water
1 Cinnamon Stick
1 ½ Teaspoons Ground Ginger
¼ Teaspoons Ground Cloves

Put everything in heavy pot and heat to a boil. Simmer 20 minutes until berries pop. STIR or it will stick
Put into sterilized jars.
Easily makes 5 16 oz jars.

12 years ago

dude you have a kick ass cranberry recipe from a few years back….I ALWAYS get compliments on it….use that one!

12 years ago

Cranberry sauce is ridiculously easy to make. I couldn’t believe how easy..and yummy! A little tart..I probably could have used more sugar..but still! All it is is a package of cranberries (fresh), an orange, 1 cup water and 1 cup sugar. Pick over the cranberries and wash them. Put them, the water and sugar and zest from the orange into a pot. Cook, stirring just more than occasionally until the berries start to pop (you may want a splatter screen for this). After about 10-15 mins of popping berries, you take it off the heat, and let it cool. Once it’s cooled enough to go into a container, put it there! It will thicken up the longer it stands, but you need at least 4 hours for it to thicken.
As for rolls..make a basic bread recipe (unfortunately it involves rising) and instead of putting it all into a bread pan, take small separations of the dough and just place it in a pan. They form together as it rises. It’s easy and oh so yummy :)

12 years ago

I always feel sorry for the kicker when a game comes down to a field goal – even if it was my team that won. I can just imagine the poor guys laying in bed that night with the kick running through their mind over and over again. I guess that is just part of the position though..

12 years ago

Can it be biscuits? These are super easy and turn out pretty well:

2 cups self-rising flour
1 1/2 cup heavy cream

Mix. Roll on floured surface. Cut. Bake separately in cookie sheet for crispy or in cake pan for soft edges. Bake about 13-15 minutes at 450F.

Go Ducks! UOLaw ’85

12 years ago

Freaking love the boots.

12 years ago

I made this cranberry sauce once and it was very delicious. Despite the fact that only 3 people in my family bothered to try it because my family is full of unadventurous twats. Those of us who tried it all enjoyed it immensely.

12 years ago

Hey, check out this pin on Pinterest:

12 years ago

I don’t know anything about the cranberry sauce as I never eat it but I can’t believe that no one has mentioned “Rhodes” or “Rhoades” rolls that you find in the freezer section of the supermarket. My BF and I discovered these a couple of Thanksgivings ago and they are great, all you have to do is put them on a cookie sheet and leave them next to a warm spot and “voila” they rise all by themselves and are so moist and yummy.

12 years ago

I make these rolls from one of my Nigella Lawson cookbooks – they are pretty easy as far as homemade bread goes:

12 years ago

No recipe advice, but those are some KILLER boots. And damn, what a view!

Heidi Moore
Heidi Moore
12 years ago

Here is the recipe for the rolls you should make:

Mrs. Hayley’s Overnight Rolls

2 T yeast
½ c warm water
½ c butter
½ c sugar
2 t salt
1 c. hot water
1 c cold water
2 beaten eggs
8 c flour

Dissolve yeast in warm water. In separate bowl, place butter, sugar, and salt. Cover with hot water to melt butter. Add cold wat er, eggs, and yeast mixture. Stir in flour. Do not knead.

Cover and refrigerate overnight. Make rolls 3 hours before baking. Bake at 400 for 10 min.

They are super easy and excellent. They are so named after my high school biology teacher’s wife (how’s that for awkward) who used to make them. Good luck!

12 years ago

ok, I have almost those exact same boots, only mine are called Annarella and I would marry them if I weren’t already married. They are so comfortable I wore them shopping all day and then kept them on until I went to bed. I seriously don’t even keep shoes on. they are that comfortable. Good score. Also, I make an extremely easy cranberry recipe that is loved by young and old alike:

2 3 oz boxes of raspberry jello
one can whole berry cranberries
1/2 to 1 cup frozen raspberries
Mix 1 1/2 cups boiling water to jello. Mix and dissolve. Add 1 1/2 cups cold water. Next mix in cranberries. Add 1/2 cup raspberries (or as many as you want. we like lots!). Mix together, let is set for three hours. after it sets then mix it together to make it look like a relish. Enjoy!

12 years ago

No recipes and good Luck with Thayer. I just wanted to tell you I have a slightly earlier version of those boots and I love them . Every time I wear them I get tons of compliments too!

12 years ago

The BEST CRANBERRY SAUCE – from someone I went to school with, Robin C. If you ever think you’re having a bad day, think about this lady who was pursuing a PhD in engineering while raising FIVE kids (she was pregnant with the last one during our first year of grad school, and we didn’t get out for, oh, 7 years). Anyway, the recipe – guaranteed win.

12 oz cranberry
5 whole cloves
5 whole allspice (1/2 tsp ground)
2 cinnamon sticks (1 heap tsp ground)
1 1/2 c sugar

Mix berries and spice with 1 c of water. Heat on medium until berries burst, ~10 min. Remove from heat, add sugar, cook on low for 5 minutes. Refrigerate overnight. Serve cold.

I also feel very strongly about these dinner rolls:

Melissa H
12 years ago

So here’s a recipe for a seriously, seriously delicious cranberry salsa. Definitely unusual but so good. Although it’s more of an appetizer than a relish to go with turkey but I think it could go both ways. Has cilantro, ginger and jalapeno in it. I’m too lazy to retype but go this post and download the first pdf (for salsa) and you can print the recipe. So good!

12 years ago

1 bag of cranberries, 1 cup of orange juice, a bit of orange zest, a bit of grated ginger, and 3/4 cup sugar. Boil until cranberries pop. Cool. Serve.

Buy the rolls from bread store… We’ve got Great Harvest Bread in Denver and you can pre-order the fancy rosemary-something-something holiday rolls and pick them up on Wed.

12 years ago

If you don’t like the jelly-like cranberry sauce & want to try something different, my family LOVES this so much.

1 orange, seeded & quartered
1 cup sugar
3 cups fresh cranberries
3 Tablespoons orange liqueur (optional)

In a food processor, combine oranges & sugar. Add cranberries & process until finely shopped. Add liqueur, if using. Cover & refrigerate until use.

My mom makes these fabulous overnight buns. You mix up the dough around 4 pm the day before and just before bed, you form them into little golf-ball sized balls. Leave them to rise overnight and then bake them in the morning. They are SO good. Email (or I’m @S_cerevisiae on Twitter) if you want the recipe. :)

Jenni S
Jenni S
12 years ago

I follow the directions on the bag of cranberries, but I add orange zest and some of the juice from the orange. Rolls, I go to the bakery and buy the baby croissants because they taste better than anything I could cobble together.

Laura M.
Laura M.
12 years ago

On the off chance that a biscuit might do where you need rolls, these are so delicious.
Very, very easy. And super yum. You might want to make them there as they are best hot out of the oven.

Gobble, gobble! :D

12 years ago

No-muss, no-fuss, everybody LOVES it cranberry sauce that is AMAZING: go to Williams and Sonoma and get theirs. None better, hands down. Their gravy is kick-ass, too.

Happy Thanksgiving!

12 years ago

I have those exact boots, and I loooove them! Wearing them now, in fact.