It’s not often that I pat myself on the back for having made an unquestionably smart parenting decision. If anything, I’m usually wallowing in a murky swirl of What Ifs — besieged by doubt, flinching in the face of motherhood’s crushingly wonderful burden, second-guessing my capabilities.
But today, my friends, I took my son to the orthopedics center to have his cast removed. AND I TOTALLY REMEMBERED TO BRING A SECOND SHOE.
Well, duh, you might be thinking. What, you were going to make him limp back out to the car with one naked, shamefully grungy little exposed foot? Uh, yeah, chances were pretty fucking good. I can’t BELIEVE I remembered the shoe. PRO MOVE RIGHT HERE. JUST LOOK AT THAT FULLY CLOTHED CHILD.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to bask in this unfamiliar glow of parental proficiency for as long as it lasts, which ought to be a good five minutes or so.
I totally would have forgotten!
High five! I would’ve forgotten and made him hop.
I would have forgotten the shoe. Then I would have duct-taped the cast back on his foot until we got home. ;-)
Haha! Awesome post :)
Yeah, I would have forgotten, too. Great work, Mama!
I would have totally forgotten!
And sock! Definite bonus points for the sock.
This is parenting. *exactly*
How do these victories feel SO HUGE?
This is parenting. *exactly*
How do these victories feel SO HUGE?
I’m impressed you remembered the shoe, but I’m MORE impressed you remembered a second SOCK. I might have remembered one or the other, but no way both.
That is so not a “duh” thing. I’m impressed too.
This is akin to the euphoria I feel when I bathe my children more than twice in a week ;) We rock at parenting!
I’m also impressed that Dylan isn’t freaking out with the cast saw/removal thing… that was not a pleasant experience when our youngest had a cast on his arm.
Ememby: he definitely wasn’t sure about it at first: Heh.
You are a rock star. I never would have remembered a shoe and sock. You get to take the rest of the day off!
Parenting win for sure! It would not have occurred to me in the least. Until I was carrying the kid back out to the car due to lack of shoe.
I’ve packed for weekend trips & forgotten socks, so kudos to you! :)
I think I missed why he had the cast in the first place.
Total win. Enjoy that feeling. It’s amazing how parents are expected to keep track of all of their own crap plus the crap associated with other smaller human beings. Simultaneously.
HA! Pat yourself on the back with that one. Ours have been arms both times and the sleeves are thankfully attached – I would have totally forgotten the sock and shoe…..
Look at those giant big boy feet!! Good heavens. As we say with puppies, he’s gonna be a big ‘un!
I myself remembered to take my daughter’s band uniform to the cleaners today, an entire WEEK before she needs it again!
I would totally have forgotten and would then have tried to carry the 45 lb child to the car both ways. You win!
You are so unbelievably awesome. And not just because of the shoe! :)
Awesome work. I totally high-five myself when I manage to get both kids to day care with lunches, hats, sheet bags and drink bottles. Happens about once a week.
MY HERO. Lots of days I have my kid’s every need met as far as clothing/dance bag/musical instrument etc so as I drive across the Missouri River Bridge I rejoice that I remembered to put my bra on before work. Now my breakfast/lunch/work thumb drive/workout clothes is still sitting at home in the kitchen where I dumped them but damn I remembered my undergarments. :)
I had to laugh – there is no way in hell I would have remembered the shoe and sock! It’s the little things in parenting – it really is.
I totally would have forgot!
Being the type who often forgets to get herself fully dressed, and even then has been known to wear a navy shoe with a 2″ heel and a black shoe with a 3″ heel and not even notice it until noon, I am so proud of you! My kids would have had to hop.
Dude, I forgot my own shoe when I got mine off, and had to do the walk of naked foot shame out to my car, where I had to drive home that way as well…….
MAD props that you remembered!!!!!
I don’t know, dude. Between this and the bed-making competition, you’re making the rest of us look bad. ;)
Way to go! I would be gloating about this until New Years, at least!
I would never have remembered the second shoe.
That’s hilarious! “Uh, yeah, chances were pretty fucking good.”
My fifteen year old had a cast last year, and I took him in to get it off and can’t even REMEMBER if I remembered the other shoe!!! Sad really!
Way to go….Mom of the year!! :)
You’re doing something right. What a handsome, healthy, happy little boy!
*high five*.
Count me in with all those who would never have remembered. You are a rock star for remembering both. I might, MIGHT have remembered that he needed a shoe, but would never, ever have remembered the sock!
Yeah, congratulations and everything, but why in the world were you taking someone else’s tall, skinny boy to get his cast off? And where is Dylan with his smooshy cheeks?!?
(was his foot so gross??)
1. Never, ever would have occurred to me.
2. I agree with what Jaida said, because certainly that boy is too old to be Dylan, as Dylan was born only a few days from Simone, and Simone is STILL A BABY.
Kudos! Seriously, I would have totally forgotten. It’s the little things, right?
High five man!
This post is fantastic.
The older your kids get, the more totally envious I am that I didn’t have a mom like You.
So, so awesome. If I worked in that hospital/dr office (let’s take a moment to be thankful I do not), I would have given you an ace parent award. Serious.
I broke my ankle as an adult and forgot my own shoe when the cast came off! The Dr office had to give me a fugly plastic shoe.. Awful.
I am SOOOOOO impressed. I can’t even remember to take spare jocks to the pool for my kid even though he insists on wearing a pair under his boardies. he does this EVERY DAY.
They are the most desirable world of warcraft gold ever previously. I may deff, get a further match! (:
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