Did you have a decent holiday week? I’m calling ours a success, despite at least fifty billion instances of having to tell the hyperactive children to calm the eff down and stop fighting/yelling/yodeling/tattling/running/pshew-pshew-pshewing/throwing/wrestling/burping. It’s extra hard to reinforce decent behavior when there are guests in the house, isn’t it? At least I always feel like I’m put under a parenting spotlight of some kind, and everything is made more difficult by the kids’ excitement at having their grandparents around. I found myself resorting to a lot of sotto voce offstage threats and surreptitious death glares, and I feel like I can actually see my bulging forehead stress-vein in the one family photo we got on Thanksgiving day:


(Obviously I missed the Plaid Memo.)

But all in all, it was good. Even with the bouts of restlessness, it was nice to live an obligation-free lifestyle for a few days. Back to the grind tomorrow, and I’m honestly both counting the minutes, and at the very same time, wishing the holiday could last just a little bit longer.

How was your Thanksgiving? Are you ready for the full-court-Christmas-press, or do you kind of wish you could hit fast-forward to January?

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