What’s on your weather app? I mean, if you use a weather app. What I’m wondering is which locations you have saved, and why? I’ll go first:

• Eugene. Because it’s where I live. Right now it’s 55 degrees and drizzly, which is kind of a depressing gear-shift from all the sun we’ve had lately. (But these guys seem to be enjoying it.)

• Coos Bay. JB’s hometown, where his parents live, a place we visit pretty regularly. I took the boys there for Mother’s Day weekend to stay with JB’s mom, since JB and his dad were hog hunting in Florida. I know, right? A hunting trip on Mother’s Day? I’ve given him his allotted amount of crap for this, but I’m still eye-rolling our calendar:


Oh yes I will be SURE to remember Father’s Day thank you for CIRCLING IT here I bought you a weekend spa getaway FOR ME.

• Elkton. The tiny town that’s closest, weather-app-wise, to our family cabin on the Umpqua River. I still can’t get over the fact that it’s only 90 minutes away, instead of, like, seven hours.

• Bellevue. Where we used to live, and I only keep this location so I can compare the weather and feel smug when it’s sunny here and raining in Seattle.

• Sunriver. A spot in central Oregon we like to visit. Sunriver is essentially a big sprawling planned resort-like community which sounds sort of awful but isn’t in the least. We just booked three nights in a rental house as part of our July road trip vacation and I cannot WAIT.

• Galice. Galice (pronounced gah-LEESE) is less of a town and more of a general area in southern Oregon on the Rogue River. We have a family camping trip there next month (at the Indian Mary campground I wrote about here), and we just made an impromptu trip there last weekend to 1) meet JB’s father and brother coming off the 43-mile trail, and 2) stay the night in a cabin. It was an amazing time, and I barely need to keep this location saved because I swear the Rogue weather is always the same: SUNNY AND AWESOME.



Okay, your turn!


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10 years ago

Fun idea!

Louisville, KY- where I live
San Diego- some of our best friends live there & we visit often
London- we went there on vacation last year & are planning to go again next year
Paris- we’re planning to go next year
Norli’sk- a city in Russia where the weather is crazy extreme in the winter. We had an awful winter here this year & there were some days where our weather was colder than theirs!
Yellowknife- city in Canada, because I like Ice Road Truckers & they drive there
Asheville, NC- we’re vacationing there this year
Hilton Head Island- we’re going to my friend’s wedding there & I’m the photographer, so keeping tabs on the weather

Looking forward to reading about everyone else’s weather feeds.

10 years ago

West Freehold, NJ – because that’s where we live…

Jacksonville, FL – because that’s where we lived for 8 years before our move to NJ…I also apparently like to torture myself for when its February and we are in the midst of a Polar vortex and its 75 in FL….

Riverside, RI – where my in-laws live…

Norfolk, MA – where my mom lives

Narragansett, RI – my husbands family’s beach house

Boston, MA – used to work there….

Nantucket, MA – Went for our 10 year wedding anniversary and never removed it from my weather app!

10 years ago

Columbia, SC – live here.

Tampa & Orlando, FL – grew up there & like to know how stupidly hot my friends & family are while I’m enjoying spring & fall here. Also FL in general during hurricane season because I’m a weather nerd.

Westchester, NY – more family there & I like to torture myself when they’re beautiful all summer while daily I die a slow sweaty death, fall when they’re already getting the beautiful leaf-turning, apple-picking weather & I’m still in a heat-induced rage & winter when they’re buried in snow & I finally get my geographical revenge.

10 years ago

Albuq., Cozumel and beckley wv

10 years ago

Apparently I’m pretty selfish. I just have where I live, Phoenix. 108 today if you were wondering. :o)

10 years ago

Victoria – where I live (mostly cloudy)
North Vancouver – where my brother is (cloudy)
Glasgow – where most of my family is (partly cloudy)
Kehei – where I wish I was! (cloudy)
Tulum – would also go back (mostly cloudy)
Black Rock City – home of Burning Man ( mostly sunny)

10 years ago

Fun idea!

Toronto Ontario – where I live
St. Catharines Ontario – where my parents live
Calgary Alberta – where one of my sister’s live (until July when she moves to my parents town!)
Raleigh NC – where my brother lives
Monpellier France – the closest town to the small village my father in law lives in. This one kills me, the weather is glorious ALL THE TIME
NYC – I have no idea why its on there but I look every day anyway

10 years ago

This morning I just changed my settings as I moved across the country and switched jobs.

I used to have about 15 Midwest cities that I traveled to once a month or so. Now things are much simpler:

New York City (where I now live)

Orient, NY (where my family summer home is, that I can now visit all.the.time.

Chelsea, MI (where my parents live)

Laurie Ann
10 years ago

Madison, Alabama – where we currently pass time because my husband’s company decided to relocate there from:

San Diego, California – I miss it like mad. We kept our home there and our adult daughter holds down the fort while we’re away. Of course it’s always sunny, perfect, humidity and bug-free.

Denver, Colorado – We are currently here in beautiful mile-high for the next six months (thank god.) My husband has a work-related assignment that finds us extremely happy to be outta the south for the summer.

Summerlin, Nevada {Las Vegas} – Where we plan to retire, dividing our time between Vegas/San Diego. Going on a look-see in August.

Phoenix, Arizona – Various husband-side relatives are scattered all over the valley.

10 years ago

Boston MA — because that’s where we live.

Chester NJ — mom and dad. Also, if I want to know what the weather in Boston will be 10 hours from now, I look at their forecast and also subtract 5 degrees. Never fails!

Orlando FL — uhhh, that’s from a Disney trip this winter. And yes, I did the asshole move of posting a screenshot of it (78 and sunny) when I knew it was 20 and snowing back in Boston.

Amsterdam, The Netherlands – to check in with all my aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Block Island, RI. Summer vacation spot. Can’t wait!

10 years ago

Fun! Didn’t realize so many people did the same thing…

Oakland, NJ – where we live

NY, NY – Where my husband works (can be surprisingly different even though we are only 20 mi away)

Sarasota, FL – where my parents live and since weather is a big topic with my dad (is this true of all 75 year old men?) – I am prepared. Good to know especially in the winter when we are in a polar vortex and they are golfing or at the beach…

Hilton Head, SC – our fave vacation spot and where we are heading in August – cannot wait!

Ithaca, NY – this one is bittersweet – it’s where my son will be heading off to college this fall so I am already thinking of him up there

10 years ago

Nice, sweet post!

10 years ago

Moscow, Russia- where I live as an expat

St Petersburg, Russia- where we go on vacation occasionally

Rochester, NY- where some family live

Seattle- where we lived before moving to Moscow

10 years ago

I didn’t realize so many other people did this – thank you for making me feel more normal!

East Pembroke, NY – home; currently 60 & cloudy

Medina, NY – where I work. It’s only 20 minutes away but the weather can be a lot different, especially in the winter.

Ithaca, NY – where my parents live

San Diego, CA – we visited friends last fall and I really, really want to go back

Key West, FL – I’m determined to spend my 40th birthday there in a few years so I added this to motivate me to save money for the trip.

10 years ago

NYC – It’s where I live

Exeter, NH – where I’m from and have family. BTW it’s 46 there right now if you’re wondering why I moved.

Oklahoma City – one of my best friends lives there and I like to know how she is.

Rome, Florence, & Venice – because I went on a vacation there a couple years ago and I can’t bear to break the stupid connection.

Chicago – I went there last summer to visit friends and go to Blogher and I haven’t let go of that either. It’s 66 there, so warmer than NYC AND Exeter.

10 years ago

Asheville, NC – where I live (currently 79 and mostly sunny)

Salt Lake City, UT – where my best friend lives and we visit often (84 and mostly cloudy)

Burlington, VT – where my husband is from and we love to check in the winter when we’re not freezing. (57, cloudy)

Hermosa Beach, CA – where we are visiting next week for my sister’s wedding (68, mostly cloudy)

And a couple of places I want to visit so I keep them on my list for motivation. :)
Montreal, Canada (55, Cloudy)
Reykjavik, Iceland (52, Partly cloudy)

10 years ago

New York City (Manhattan)–where my son is.

New York City (Staten Island)–where I live just a couple of miles apart but sometimes there is a 10 degree difference in temps and I like to compare

Long Beach, CA — where the other son is.

Juncos, Puerto Rico — where I grew up and my parents lived until they died.

Atlanta, GA — I message all day with a cousin who lives there and I love to brag about how much nicer my weather is.

Orlando, FL — where my other cousin lives. Just to be jealous and eat my heart out, especially in winter.

In addition, if I am travelling I check the weather of the place where I am going for weeks before AND after I visit.

Melissa R.
Melissa R.
10 years ago

Washington, DC–where we live!

Denver, CO– best friend

Burlington, VT–husband’s family

Tucson, AZ–my family

Blacksburg, VA–where daughter is in college

Boston, MA–haven’t erased it from running the marathon there in April and obsessed over the weather for a long time.

Corolla, NC–yearly beach vacation!

10 years ago

Takoma Park, MD: where I live (83 and partly cloudy–starting to get hot here)

Vinalhaven, ME: the island we go for vacation every year–my dad owns a house there, it’s my favorite spot in the world (45 and cloudy)

Ocean City, MD: we go to the beach there (70 and partly cloudy)

Columbus, OH: ILs live there and we visit a few times a year (86, mostly cloudy)

St. Helena, CA: my BFF lives there and we visit a few times a year (70 and sunny)

Berkeley Springs, WV: we were just there this past weekend for a stay in a cabin in the woods (79 and mostly cloudy)

10 years ago


Lansing, MI: Where we live – 65 and cloudy today, which is definitely not the 74 and sunny I was promised!

Tequesta, FL: the in-laws live there and it’s mostly so I can feel jealous in the winter and smug in the summer.

Phoenix, AZ: where my sister lives. I cringe nearly every time I look at the forecast, because I am so not a hot-weather person.

Leesburg, VA: where my brother and his family live.

New Orleans, LA: because I go there every year for a conference, and I keep tabs on the weather so I can convince my husband how great it is there, and perhaps someday he’ll finally agree to make the trip with me!

Midland, MI: my hometown, and where my parents live.

Columbus, OH: where a lot of my family lives.

10 years ago

Prospect Heights, IL – Where I live

Sligo, Ireland – Where my husband is from and where my inlaws live

Newport News, VA – Where I grew up

Terre Haute, IN – Where my parents live

New Orleans, LA- Going on a work trip there in June

Gulf Shores, AL- Vacationing there in July

This is fun :)

10 years ago

I love this! So relatable; It’s sort of sweet and weird how many people keep track of the weather in places they either love or have loved ones.

So here’s mine:

Toronto, On, Canada: Where I live. Where it is currently cloudy and cold, but overall really warming up nicely.

Bell Ewart, On: Where my cottage is. We’re only there in the summer, but it stays in my app all through the long, long winter

Los Angeles, CA: Close friends live there, and since visiting last summer I can’t help but enviously compare the weather there

Jerusalem, Israel: Spent a lot of time there on and off, and my sister’s been there all year. Again with the envious comparing of weather.

Baltimore, MD: Lots of family down there. Horrible weather, lovely people. Wet winters, hot humid summers.

Detroit, MI: More family.

New York, NY: For visiting purposes, and for refuting purposes when my friends there claim Toronto has the WORST weather.

Elizabeth A
Elizabeth A
10 years ago

Heh — I honestly thought I was the only one who did this! My people!

“Local Weather” – Left that on auto, first out of laziness; now because my phone thinks I live in any one of four different cities, on any given day… when I’m standing in the same spot in my kitchen. Endlessly amusing.
Sylmar, CA — my actual home city.
Granada Hills, CA – Where I grew up, but mostly I keep it for when the little weather guy in my phone (what? he’s not real?) freaks out and can’t get my current location, this one always comes through. And it’s close enough.
Austin, TX — Where Bestie lives
St. Louis, MO – Where Other Bestie lives (please don’t tell them which is which – they’re both Bestie!)
Kaanapali, HI – most favoritist place on the planet
Dusseldorf, Germany – long time, dear friends live there, and I hope to visit again sometime
Various other cities where I travel semi-regularly for work, not worth mentioning here.

10 years ago

Alameda, CA – where I live
Olympia, WA – where mom & gma live
Mill Creek, WA – where bro lives
San Francisco – it’s 4 mi away as the crow flies but it’s own special ecosystem
Pewaukee, WI – where my best friend lives
NYC – used to live there, want to go back ASAP
Paris – just because

10 years ago


St. Paul, MN: Where I live.

Evansville, WI: Where I used to live (and my parents still live).

Fort Myers Beach, FL: Where my in-laws have a timeshare. I like to torture myself during the winter by looking at the sometimes 50 degree (or more) temperature difference.

Norwich, England: Where my brother and sister-in-law live.

Madrid, Spain: Where I studied abroad during college, oh, 14 years ago. I still like to keep tabs, though.

10 years ago

Halifax, NS – the largest city near me. I am right on the Atlantic in what was the busiest harbour in North America during WWII. It is 11 degrees Celsius (52 Fahrenheit) and a rare sunny appearance. It feels a bit warmer. Despite a few lovely days, we haven’t had spring yet. I love living here even though we are a bit Seattlely in weather.

Montreal, QC – where I am going for a mini-vacation this weekend. 16 degrees Celsius (61 Fahrenheit). It is supposed to be 23 celcius (74) and I am stoked. Montreal is my favorite place. I like it more than New York City. Nothing smells like urine and there is ample poutine and garlic fingers on every block. If you have not eaten either, I feel like you need to rectify that next time you’re north of the border.

10 years ago

Huntington, NY – where we live, for now

Waxhaw, NC – where we’re moving to in a few months!!!

Honolulu – my dream vacation!

10 years ago

• Central Islip, NY (Where I live)n
• Ballston Spa, NY (brother’s home)
• Toronto (my favorite Auntie [like your Aunt Linda])
• Cape Coral, FL (SIL)
• Longboat Key, FL (best friend’s brother’s vacation home)
• Miami and Fort Lauderdale, FL (boss’s condo, and snowbirding friends)
• Key West, FL (dream vacation)
• Orlando, FL (because…Disney)
• Portland, ME (retirement destination [we’ll snowbird in Key West])

I also have Chicago (from one awesome vacation) and Paris (when my gay boyfriend had a layover [heh!] there on his honeymoon) on my World Clock.

10 years ago


I have…

Plainfield il, where I live.

Schaumburg il, where I work… Only 45 min from my house and yet the weather can still be different which is SHOCKING.

Erie il, where my parents have a cabin on the Rock River and we spend several weekends camping when the weather permits.

Sanibel fl, because we go on vacation in a few weeks! (fyi the week we’re going–everyday has clouds and thunderstorms… Grrrr what the FUCK Florida?!)

10 years ago

Arlington, TX – Because that’s where I live.
Reykjavik, Iceland – Because I want to go to there. (81 today)

Barrow, Alaska – Because it’s the farthest North American city. (And cooold! 25 there now!)

Yakutsk, Russia – Coldest winter temperatures for any city in the whole world. (Its record low is something -89! The entire city is built on permafrost! I was oddly fascinated with monitoring their weather over the winter.)

Wellington, New Zealand – Also because I want to go to there.

10 years ago

Venice, CA – where I live

Calabasas, CA – where I work (45 minutes away from home, but the temperature can swing 20 degrees on any given day)

Harpswell, ME – where I spent summers growing up & my parents now live

West Newbury, MA – hometown

Napa, CA – because it’s one of my favorite places

New York – BF’s parents are there & we visit frequently

Vernazza, Italy – because I always wish I was in Cinque Terre

Kyoto, Japan – because if I’m not in Cinque Terre, this is where I’d like to be :)

10 years ago

Winter Park, FL – home
Boca Raton, FL – my in laws
Ruse, Bulgaria – the rest of my husband’s family and childhood friends, and a place we visit regularly
Boston, MA – I haven’t gotten around to deleting it since a trip earlier this month

10 years ago

I laughed out loud at “I bought you a weekend spa getaway. FOR ME.”

My app has where we live, of course. For some reason it’s in there twice and I can’t figure out how to delete the duplicate.

I also have:

the semi-local theme park, though I’m not sure why it’s saved since we only go once year.

the town where we rent a cabin with our friends for a weekend every other year or so. Again, not sure why I’ve saved it, though it does make me happy to see it in there.

my husband’s hometown, which nowadays we really only visit for holidays

the town closest to our favorite state park, where we go camping once a year…this one is probably also more for nostalgia than for frequent usage

and I just added Memphis since we are going there for a week starting Friday!

10 years ago

That last one was me. Derp.

10 years ago

San Francisco, CA: where we live.
Sonoma, CA: visiting friends and family usually want to visit wine country and the weather is markedly different from SF, less than an hour away.
Houston, TX: where my sister lives.
Georgetown, TX: where my parents live.
Lake Jackson, TX: where I grew up.
New York, NY: not sure, actually. I haven’t been there in years. Hmm. I do love it, though so maybe that’s why.

Fun idea!

10 years ago

Ooh fun!

So I have Kihei, Maui where I live. Currently turning dark and about 78.
Kahului and Lahaina, Maui, where the fella works and the other side of the island in case we have rain and want sun.
Koloa, Kuaui where my parents are.
San Luis Obispo, CA where I’m from and many friends still are.
Pittsburgh, where the fella and his family is from, usually to mention to him about how much I don’t want experience that kind of weather in the winter.
Lake Forest, CA where my granny is
Colorado Springs, CO where my best friend is.
I used to have London but my friend came back to the states but she just moved back for work so it’s time to add it back.

10 years ago

Los Angeles – where I live
La Quinta – where my mother-in-law lives
Monterey – where I grew up
Tirana – where my brother lives

10 years ago

San Jose, ca: where I live
Campbell: kid’s school
Hollister, ca: family we visit often
Santa Cruz, ca: beach we go to often
Monterey, ca: another beach
Davis, ca: brother and his family love there and we visit often. Summer temps are awful.
Los angels: in laws
Yosemite: fave spot for a getaway
Washington, D.C.: used to love and work there
Edina, mn: have a friend there who gets snow that we are jealous of all the time.

10 years ago

Gold Coast, Australia – live here 80 F (28 Celcius) not bad for just a few short days away from Winter.

Sydney – took my 9 year old there for a week of Mummy me time last year (like to make sure they are colder than us – it’s somehow reassuring)

Auckland, New Zealand – born and raised – also for pure selfish reasons – like to make sure that they aren’t having nicer weather than me – it’s the simple things that keep me happy :-)

10 years ago

Ottawa, Canada – where I live
Ocho Rios, Jamaica – where we vacation every year
Green Bay – where I attend Weetacon every year
Guelph – the closest place to where my best friend lives and I try to visit at least once a year
Paris, France – where I visited last spring and never took out of my app
Orlando – where I visited two and a half years ago and never took out of my app
Vancouver – because I love to torture myself in February and think “it’s ridiculously cold here; are the cherry blossoms and daffodils out in Vancouver yet?”

Off to take out Paris and Orlando!

10 years ago

Smyrna, GA (suburb of Atlanta)–where I live. Currently 70 degrees, and it’s only 8:41 a.m.
Atlanta, GA–because it’s where I work, and sometimes it’s interesting to see the different weather patterns between the city and my suburb.
Orlando, FL–because that’s where most of my extended family lives and I visit a lot.
Tallahassee, FL–where my parents live/where I grew up, and also visit fairly often.
Sacramento, CA–where by boyfriend lives and where I’m hoping to move to soon.

10 years ago

Newark, DE – where I live.
Georgetown, DE – where family lives.
Doylestown, PA – where more family lives.
San Diego, CA – where I dream of living, so when it’s freezing and rainy here I can tell my husband, “It’s 74 and sunny in San Diego. In case you were wondering.”
Negril, Jamaica – where we honeymooned and occasionally vacation. Just to torment myself in the depths of winter.
Portland, OR – where friends live. They try to convince me it doesn’t rain THAT much there ’cause they want us to move there, so I like to check the (often rainy) weather and be smug.

10 years ago

Chilliwack, BC – where I live
Guatemala City – I travel there for work
Cusco, Peru – Again, work
Edmonton, AB – work
Calgary – work
Kona, HI – going for vacation this year

10 years ago

Mainly I have where I live (Austin) and some other Texas cities we visit, but I also have Tulum, Mexico (where we vacationed last year) and some other cities just for comparison, like New York and Boston and I also actually have Oslo, Reykjavik, Ulan Bator and Johannesburg because we were curious one day!

10 years ago

Granville, NY Home (currently clear and 63)

Rutland, VT Work
Ludlow, VT Work (it’s only 50 miles away but it’s a whole other weather world at Okemo Mt)
Manchester, VT Work
Albany, NY Work
Pittsfield, MA Work
(I have a regional travel gig)

Boston, MA GO SOX!!

Road Town, British Virgin Islands- Had a fabulous 10 day sail boat vacation earlier this year and are lucky enough to repeat next year! Paradise on Earth.

Baton Rouge- Husband is there for work now.

Loved this- super clever!

10 years ago

Portland, OR – where I live
Tacoma, WA – where I grew up and lived until 2 years ago
Paris, France – where I hope to live one day

10 years ago

Coos Bay, OR, because I always want to know what my mom is experiencing now that we can’t communicate because she lost her language due to a stroke.

Port Orford, OR, because that is where I grew up and the weather is usually pretty awful and I still miss it.

Seattle, WA, because my kids want to know if they should wear heavy jeans or lightweight capris to school and it is always a gamble.

And I’ll start to watch Elkton’s weather because I am in love with that little town – it is my dream to live there some day.

10 years ago

Tampa, FL (where I live) – 76 partly cloudy with a chance of PM thunderstorms (pretty much the standard from now until Halloween)

Puyallup, WA (where my mom lives) – 41 partly cloudy. Man, do I miss Washington, especially in the summer! (side note – I first started reading you back in the Diaryland days and we were both in Washington back then! :) )

I am going on a transatlantic cruise at this exact time next year, so I have the following on my app to monitor what the weather will be like:

New York, NY – 61 and sunny
St. John’s, Newfoundland – 37 partly cloudy
Reykjavik, Iceland – 55 partly cloudy
Oslo, Norway – 72 sunny
Copenhagen, Denmark – 70 partly cloudy

10 years ago

Well, I feel completely lame and realize I have to travel more because the only place on mine is where I live, Ann Arbor. The main reason I have that is because the kids ask me about 50 times a day what the weather will be like tomorrow, even though they wear uniforms and pretty much wear the EXACT same outfit every day.

10 years ago

Marysville, Wa – where I live.
Granite Falls, Wa – where I work.
Trinidad, Wa – the family I work for has a vacation home there, and I get to to with them frequently. One of my Happy Places.
Wailea, Maui – One of my dearest friends lives there, and it’s one of my favorite places.
There’s always some foreign country also on there. Just depends where my boyfriend is traveling for work at any given time. Most recently it was Scotland.