A few weeks ago I spent an hour on the phone with a wonderfully helpful person at GoDaddy who helped walk me through a number of technical steps to try and fix this website, which was FUBAR’d for unknown reasons. We ended up turning off a bunch of my plugins, because she suspected one might be causing issues with my ancient WordPress installation, and that seemed to do the trick. I don’t think the email notification works any more, though, and lord knows the spam filters don’t do a good job. I should update WordPress because it’s old enough to be susceptible to all kinds of security issues, but I don’t really know how and I’m afraid I’ll break everything.

Sundrymourning.com loads so, so slowly. Images take forever to upload, and they have to be a super specific size or they bust the formatting. And, well, I guess I’m just not motivated to write here like I used to be. Things have changed.

I’m still interested in sharing things online, in ways that are easier to control and manage. I’m on Instagram and Facebook, and if you request a connection and drop me a note (sundry at gmail dot com) telling me who you are I’d be happy to find you that way. (I tightened up on privacy last year after an unpleasant experience with a trolling forum.)

I have a fun little Tumblr where I post recommendations. I started it a while back, abandoned it, and decided to start it up again. It’s called Sundry Buzz, for old times’ sake.

I don’t know if I’ll be back here, but I won’t close the door. It’s been an amazing journey, and I cannot thank you enough, those who reached out and supported me or just came along for the ride for a while. Much love.



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8 years ago

I do get your email notifications. :) In fact your blog was one of the first I ever followed and I’ve enjoyed reading along the way.:)

8 years ago

Long time reader and big fan. Mother of three grown children. I lurk a lot but never act mean. Life is to short to be mean. Would love to be added to your site him maybe we are friends on Instagram. @dinajachens peace

8 years ago

Since I’ve been following along with you since the pre-kids days I feel like I have a vested interest in you and your family. Funny how that works, it’s not like we’ve ever even irl met. Doesn’t matter though. I’ll be around, ready to read and carry on with you.
P.S. the email notification worked! Raise your nerd flag high!

Pete Haidinyak
Pete Haidinyak
8 years ago

Been reading you for I don’t know how long. I’ll miss you when your gone but you did turn me on to Coos Bay, where I plan to retire. Thanks for the laughs and thoughts.

8 years ago

I get the emails, too. Thank you for sharing your stories with us! Much love, right back.

8 years ago

Will definitely miss your posts. Your blog is probably the first I started reading regularly way back when, and I can relate to you in so many ways. Happy to stay connected on Instagram, and I’ll definitely be bookmarking Sundry Buzz. xo

8 years ago

I still get your email notifications and your blog was one of the first I ever followed, like Heather! Also love you on instagram (and will add you on facebook if that’s ok). Have been a long time reader of your blog (since before Riley was born) and have enjoyed you sharing your journey. I’m due to have my first baby in late July so will no doubt find myself looking back through your baby and parenting posts for gems of wisdom. Best wishes from New Zealand. Take care :)

8 years ago

What honeybecke said. I stumbled upon you one day years ago while doing a Google search for Greek yogurt of all things. I think you were barely pregnant with R at the time. Spent the afternoon reading and laughing out loud. Will be here in case of your return.

8 years ago

I’ve been reading you since Diaryland days and will continue as long as you wish to share. I love your fiction as well as your nonfiction. I completely understand your position though and your need to do what is best for you and your family. If you ever feel the need to re-post the squirrel ornament or JB’s naked butt from a camping trip pre-kids, I am all eyes. I did get your notification for this post, and do stop by once in a while when something in my life reminds me of you. Take care my internet friend.

8 years ago

PM’d you

8 years ago

I’ve read you since Diaryland. I’ve been toying with blogging again since my divorce but I’m still working towards my degree and have no free time. I’m on FB but I’m not searchable, if I find you there I’ll shoot you a friend request.

8 years ago

I’ve been “with you” since the D land days, back before I met my husband, and that was going on 12 years ago! I’ve fallen off the blogging wagon myself. I’ve loved reading about your family and I’ll have to look you up. Just give me 10 min to get the girl to bed and convince myself cuddling with the boy for 2 more minutes isn’t procrastinating from doing the dishes :)

8 years ago

I had to laugh because the version of this post that showed up in my feedly had an ad for viagra at the end. LOL

Oregoncoastgirl/ Stephanie
Oregoncoastgirl/ Stephanie
8 years ago

As a note, the Feedly view of your post had about 50 Biafra links attached to the bottom of your post.

8 years ago

I’ve been getting the email notifications too :) Been a regular (though quiet) reader since I found you when I was pregnant with my oldest…and you were pregnant with Dylan. And now they’re 8, which is insanity, but time marches on. Definitely will be keeping up with you other places, thanks for the years and years of laughter and reality here <3

8 years ago

I support you wherever you are and whatever you choose, but GODDANG I’m going to miss you. Yours is one of the only blogs I even like anymore. So few of them bother to be thoughtful.

Oregoncoastgirl/ Stephanie
Oregoncoastgirl/ Stephanie
8 years ago


Donna Brubach
Donna Brubach
8 years ago

Dude I feel like we’ve been through so much together. Like everything. Babies, grandkids, my divorce, my parents dying, all your remodeling and moves and oh those boys, cat, dog, everything!!!! You’ve made me laugh, cry and some days kept me together. It’s the end of an era. Love to you and yours and damn I’ll miss you

8 years ago

Thank you for all the years of amazing posts! I think I followed you here from someone else’s comments section or maybe found your blog on another’s must read list, but it’s been almost a decade and it has really meant so much to me. When I first started reading your blog I had just been dumped and going through and reading ALL of your archives was the best thing I could have done to get though it. Your writing is so funny and vulnerable. Thank you so, so much! I’ll be sure to look you up on other internet-y media stuff too, although if you ever join snapchat I am going to need a 14 year old to teach me how to use it…

8 years ago

Thanks for being there all those years. That sounds weird, but whatever. I might try to look ‘ya up on FB.

8 years ago

OMG your kids have HAIR !
I was so used to the buzzcuts ;)

8 years ago

Just FYI, this post showed up in my feed reader with a whole bunch of spammy tags …

Mary Clare
Mary Clare
8 years ago

Linda, While I understand that you need to move on, I’ll miss your essays here. I laughed, cried, and wrote a lotsa “me, too!” replies to your posts. So, facebook and instagram, eh? Best wishes, Mary from PA

8 years ago

Linda- thank you so very much for the past few years. I look forward to your posts making me both laugh and cry on a regular basis. I wish you happiness moving forward!

8 years ago

Oh goodness how I’ve missed your regular posts! Totally understand and respect your desire to step back, but echoing that you’ll definitely be missed! I just love the way you write. You have such a gift with words! I’ve been going through a rough time with my toddler’s sleep lately and just last week I googled around to find one of your old posts on the “sleep of the parents” from back when Dylan was just a wee one. So just know that your writing, old and new, is still making a difference to this mama! Best of luck in whatever adventures await!

8 years ago

After reading the comments above, I noticed a common thread. So many of us can relate to what you post because we were pregnant at the same time and/or have similar escapades. This is really the only blog I follow and I get your email notifications. I know we don’t know each other, but I had a wave of sadness when I realized this was like a goodbye post. There are so many times I’ve read your blog about the kids or your husband and had to forward the link to my husband so he could laugh along with me. Best wishes to you and your wonderful family. I hope you realize how much you make others relate and laugh and cry with you. : )

8 years ago

You are the best! I am glad that through the greatness of the interwebs I have had the chance to ‘know’ you to some degree. There are many posts that you have written that resonated with me or helped me through a tough time, both as a parent and just a human ;) I am always happy to see your posts pop up on Feedly which is the only way I read or look at blogs any more so I was not even aware of how slowly your blog loads! Hopefully you will decide to come back to writing hear just for fun because your just for fun writing is fantastic and much appreciated.

8 years ago

I’m sad. You are my very favorite blog out there. I’ll miss your stories.

Jennifer KS
Jennifer KS
8 years ago

I’ve been reading your blog\journal since 2002 (Diaryland!). You are the only blogger I’ve bothered to stick with. How strange it has been not to have a lot of updates. It will seem even stranger not to follow this blog anymore. I’ve watched your boys grow and I’ve had two children of my own along the way.

Best wishes to you and your little family!

OR Suz
8 years ago

We have very little in common, but yet I’ve “known” you since we both lived in Seattle. (And for the life of me have no idea how I ever came across this blog to begin with, but it is only one of a few I still follow.)
I keep thinking one day I’ll run into you at Trader Joe’s and will start talking to you like an old friend. And you will surely perceive me (correctly) as a crazy old crone. All the best. And thanks for sharing.

8 years ago

I’ve been following you since my son was born 10 years ago, and I have enjoyed every post. I particularly miss the old parenting poetry from many years ago. :) Best wishes to you and your family. I hope that eventually you’ll come back here to share more, as I’ll certainly miss your stories.

Erin in CA
Erin in CA
8 years ago

I totally understand, but man will I miss your voice! If you ever start publishing somewhere else, I hope you let us know. All the best, and see you on IG!

Kimberley B
Kimberley B
8 years ago

The first post I ever read was about your experience doing a 5K race and it made me laugh hysterically and want to read everything you wrote. I’ve followed you since and am always happy when a new Sundry post pops up in Feedly. I will miss your funny, honest, lovely writing; thanks for the many years of sharing. I’ll keep you on my feed list just in case :) Take care!

8 years ago

I’ve followed along since Diaryland days and have always enjoyed the glimpses you allowed us into your world. I understand things change but will totally miss your viewpoint and humor. Huge hugs from the Midwest and I’ll try to find you on FB instead maybe.

8 years ago

Best wishes!

8 years ago

I’ve been reading you for a ridiculously, (maybe embarrassingly?) long time…you were and are just hilarious and it has been a great ride..sorry about trolls. That sucks..I have been bullied as well. Anyway, you are awesome.

8 years ago

Yes, diaryland days. Those were like my salad days.

8 years ago

Gosh, I’ve been reading you since just before D was born. Before I was married, and before I had my own kids. As I put my own two down for naps, I think of your dual nap struggles. I have dug back through your archives in solidarity. You are one of the last blogs I follow, and I’ve always enjoyed your writing. Thanks for sharing so much with us. All the best to you and your sweet family. It’s been lovely.

8 years ago

I will miss you terribly, Linda. I’ve been reading since Diaryland. I completely understand the urge to pull back. My little sidekick is five and I find myself filtering on his behalf more and more. I wish you so muchlove and light.

8 years ago

I was excited at how fast your site loaded but then the news you may not come back….
I will miss reading here – been reading since before D was born! Thank you for sharing so much and being so honest. (I’ll look you up on instagram, if you don’t mind.)

8 years ago

I’m another long term reader. I started reading the blog through Jennepper or maybe Amalah, I think. Christ, that was almost 8 years ago. I’m glad to see that your little family on the other side of the States is doing well and I hope for nothing but good days going forward. There are a bunch of us that will miss you, but thank you for your candor and insight in to your glamorous and no so glamours world. All the Best to you and yours.

8 years ago

I’ve been reading forever, but that’s just to say if you need help with your site, feel free to reach out. Might be worth moving it to WordPress.com for speed and security. And it just so happens I work there so I’d be happy to help. :)

8 years ago

Aw!! I’ve followed your writing since diaryland! I wish all the best for you and your family, but I’ll miss knowing that there’ll be another post here!
You have changed how I look at a lot of things, thank you for that.

8 years ago

Been reading you for years and years. You were the one I always had morning coffee with and there was a ritual I went through before I’d let myself settle in to enjoy our time. I had to be sure nothing would interrupt it.

You’ve inspired me too many times to count. I’ve laughed with you, cried with you, prayed for you, cheered for you, questioned things with you, been angry with you, learned from you, reached out to you.

I don’t do social media so will miss you very much. But I’ll never forget you, and will think of you from time to time and when I do I’ll send good wishes and love, as I’ve always done.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Go forth in life knowing you make a huge difference in a lot of lives and wherever you are love is being sent your way.

8 years ago

Thanks for sharing your hilarious musings, honest outlooks, and heartfelt sentiments on here. I’ve been reading for 6+ years and will miss your posts. You’re a beautiful writer. Best of luck to you & your family!!

8 years ago

I’m going to miss you. I abandoned my own blog about a year ago and moved it all to facebook and instagram. On instgram I’m Mrs. Mateo. On facebook I’m Shannon Mateo. I’ve enjoyed following along all of these years.

8 years ago

I’ve been reading for many years, too, and have loved your voice, your humor, your raw honesty. Thank you for writing. I will miss your writing here very much.

8 years ago

I’ve read you for a long time but have never written. Wishing nothing but the best for you and your family.

8 years ago

I found you when I was pregnant, and I never left. I wrote you a pleading email begging for daycare advice when I suddenly had to go back to work, and your kind, calm, thoughtful words helped me find the best place for my kid. And helped me not freak out that daycare would destroy my child. I’m not an eloquent writer, but I love your writing, and I’ve always been grateful for all you’ve shared. Thank you.

8 years ago

I’ve been reading you since the Diaryland days. I’ll miss your wonderful, hilarious, inspiring posts. Glad to hear that Sundry Buzz is back. Take care of yourself. It’s been a great ride. :)