I don’t really leave comments on blogs any more. Most of the stuff I read is via RSS and if I am on an actual site, well, I guess I’ve gotten used to the threaded discussion features of social media platforms and writing something in a comment section feels a bit like throwing a bottle out to sea. But as a person who continues, for some ill-advised reason, to keep her own ancient blog on life support, I still love comments. Even the spambots get me briefly excited, especially the weirdly poetic ones (actual excerpt: You can see wells in many fairy tales where you make a wish, push people into them,Womens Paul Hornung Jersey, and consume it for bathing or drinking purposes.)

Anyway, if you’re out there, stop and say hi, will you? Just because … why not. Tell me where you’re spending your online time these days (me: Instagram, Reddit, Facebook, whatever’s still trickling into my Feedly, Google News, a game called Subnautica). Tell me how old your kids are (10 and 12). Tell me what job you’re doing now and whether you enjoy it (freelance writing still, marketing articles, and yes — but I really miss working with people and I keep looking for a good volunteer/part-time-something that will offer more in that department). Tell me about the last book you could not put down (Behind Closed Doors; it wasn’t the best writing in the world but it sure kept me interested). Tell me, are you doing okay? (Yes. I mean: mostly? Mostly yes. Ugh, mostly looks like MOISTLY. I am MOISTLY doing okay, MOIST of the time.)


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6 years ago

Linda! I am doing ok, and always glad to read, and motivated to write again myself by your blogging. Kids are 14 and nearly 10, Friday marks 9 since I last worked as an attorney, and next month I expect to be officially certified to teach middle school math or language arts (or high school language arts), and possibly hopefully I will get an actual full-time teaching job for next fall. I get a shocking amount of my news from Facebook, I am still and forever in law school debt up to my eyebrows, and my husband is still my favorite person. Thanks for asking! :)!

6 years ago

Hi there- I haven’t blogged forever. Still enjoying your written word muchly. My kids are 13 (girl) and 9-1/2 (boy) and I can’t wait to get them out of High School (too soon??). I’ve gone mainstream social media for my entertainment (FB, Twitter, Imgur, Reddit, some Tumblr but my goodness DIRTY BIRDS there). Working as an IT Project Manager for the State. It’s just as bureaucratic as you would dream. I’m “ok” – just filed for divorce (husband: “but WHY????” me: because you have to ask that, that’s why) and am looking forward to getting my life back as much as one can. What can I say, I guess I’m having a mid-life crisis. I’m looking to see what makes me happy. So far it’s my friends and my kids (when they are not being absolute asses).

6 years ago

Hi Linda! Most of my time online is spent on Facebook or Instagram for mindless browsing in my spare time. My girls are 7 and 10 – and I’ve been following you ever since my oldest was in womb! :) I am a Sponsored Projects Specialist at a research university and LOVE it. I have not read a full book in a while, but have been wanting to find a good one, so I’m looking forward to reading the comments for inspiration. And, I’m doing good – thanks for asking! – and am glad to you hear that you (MOISTLY) are too. I’m loving that you are posting more these days, so please keep it up! You are the only blog I follow. ;)

6 years ago

The comment above is me – not trying to be anonymous, just got excited about commenting and didn’t fill out the pesky info boxes first. Ha!

6 years ago

Hi Linda I’ve been reading your blog for years but rarely comment. My kids are grown, grandmother of one but will be grandmother of two by the end of the year. I keep a blog that I write in once a month or so. I work at a large university hospital and am counting down the days until retirement (603 gah!). I follow you on Instagram too and you have such a wonderful family and adventuresome life! I spend most of my leisure time on FB or watching something on Netflix or Amazon Prime. Thanks for asking!

6 years ago

I am happily retired and my children are grown, but following selected bloggers with young children has helped me stay connected with a younger generation. I just reread Life Among the Savages by Shirley Jackson – essentially a mommy blogger (as well as a famous writer) from the 1950’s.

6 years ago

Hi! I spend most of my online time on Twitter or in the TLI FB groups, and Instagram a couple times a day. When I’m not doing that or keeping my kids (7, 5, and twin nearly 3yos) from killing themselves or each other, I’m crocheting. My job is typing medical reports dictated by doctors, mostly independent medical examinations for motor vehicle accident benefits. It’s not huge, but it helps pay the bills and keeps me from having to pay astronomical daycare costs.

The last book I could not put down was Annihilation, the one the movie was loosely based on. I love books/movies about new worlds, especially dystopian stuff, although this wasn’t that. I don’t even think I can put it in a category really, and that’s part of what I liked so much about both the book and the movie. Have you seen the movie? It has to be seen in theatres, I’ll tell you that much.

And yes, I’m okay. More okay than I’ve ever been, I think. (That usually means that something distinctly Not Okay is about to happen, but I’m getting good at clinging to the residual feeling of The Time When I Was More Okay to get through the Not Okay stuff. So I have hope.)

6 years ago

Hey girl

Im doing ok. Last year was a shithole of a year, was blindsided by a midlife divorce…..but seriously so many blessings came from my turmoil and pain. I really used to hate FB but it reconnected me with a lot of people and was a saving grace.

I can attest to the fact time heals(if you’re also ready to put in the work). Me and the ex are still in seperation mode but getting along, and our adult sons are thriving.

I started meditating, doing yoga…..as well as sticking with my workout routine……and I stayed sober( was 8 years past November) so all and all everything is good.

I have been reading a lot of self help books HA and am reexamining the law of attraction basis for living. I have a big trip planned for this year and a lot of big family events so am embracing 2018! Just rediscovered your blog after being away for a while…..glad to start following you again!

6 years ago

I moistly don’t comment because 1)didn’t know anybody reads them and 2)my work computer doesn’t allow me to and 3) I can never come up with something witty to say like all your other commenters! My boys are 9 and 11 and I’ve been stalking -er, following- you since they were babies. Your honestly and our awkward similarities fascinate me, except you’re an amazing writer. Just finished Ape House by Sara Gruen and it was different but good. Love getting your post alerts in my inbox XOXO

6 years ago

I’m still around, and I see you in some of the TLI groups so I know you’re active there. My boys are 7 and 10 now, and it’s baseball all the time. I’m having my own health issues but this too will pass (and holy shit I just sounded like my mother and that was not good). I basically spend all my online time in the TLI groups or being morose on Twitter for a hot minute.

Donna Plumley Brubach
Donna Plumley Brubach
6 years ago

You know I’m always here! I’ll never leave you!
I quit working ambulance in oct, went to the jail to work as a phlebotomist and got stuck, so I quit there in Jan and am currently still waiting to find out if I’ve got hepatitis c, which my patient had, and just today got a job offer as a medical assistant and also got an interview as a medical assistant. The job offer is deciding on full or part time. I’m ok with either. Full time would be a ton of money part time means a garden and summer trips. Dating a really good man, I’m pretty much only on fb, ig, and sc. Grandkids are all good and as of this moment, no drama. The thing that’s stressing me out the most is that the pond needs cleaning and the dog needs grooming.
You keep writing missy, we all love it!

6 years ago

Hi Linda! I love this idea. I NEVER comment on blogs, but your open-hearted request got me. I started following you when my oldest was a baby — I was desperate to read about people going through the same thing, and our oldest kids are about the same age. I kept reading you because you are just so good at it.

I have a 9 year old boy and 12 year old girl. Online I spend most time on IG and FB. I need to get back into Twitter bc apparently that’s where all the writing networking happens, but I find it exhausting.

The last two incredible books I read were The Bright Hour and Little Fires Everywhere. I’m currently engaged in an ill-advised attempt to reread Middlemarch, but I convinced two friends to do it with me, which makes it less of a grind.

I’m a freelance writer. I’ve got a well-paying steady client but I’m trying to pitch to new publications with varying degrees of success. Oh, and I still love writing. Couldn’t imagine doing anything else. Plus I don’t think I could ever go back to an office.

And yeah, I’m ok. Trying to not get mired in daily annoyances and anxieties and appreciate what I have, which is a lot.

6 years ago

Hi!! Still working a job I don’t love and am honestly horrible at but allows me to work from home (and openly bitter that I could be working with a dear friend in a job I would love and be great at BUT she doesn’t want to ruin the friendship…insert bitter eye roll). Add to homeschooling the 11 year old and navigating step children and that sums up my life. But seriously…happy!!

6 years ago

I’ve been reading your stuff since pre-Riley. I’m a friend of the woman in Des Moines who took care of Dog for you that one time. Still reading–always interested when you post something new. No kids, no uterus anymore, no love life prospects. Seattle, you know? Uhg. Get my news from FB, WaPo, NYT, The Skimm. Don’t do a lot of other social media. Sr. PgM for Adobe. Love the work I get to do around designing good customer interaction experiences. Miss being an actress every damn day. Thinking a lot about what my encore contributions to the world will be and how I can serve. I worry about being an old lady alone with no close community. Thanks for asking. I’m really glad you’re holding on to what makes recovery work for you, and reaching out to us when you need to.

6 years ago

I’m on Feedly, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter. I don’t blog but I LOVE peeking into the lives of those who do! I work in Operations for a credit union, a new job and one I adore. My son is grown and moved away, but he is a delightful person whom I wish I could see more often. I’m going to Europe for the first time this summer, it’s good to have something to look forward to.

6 years ago

Man, I NEVER comment anywhere! Also under a list of my selfish failings: I never write reviews for products that I purchase yet I obsessively rely on them.
Anyway, so glad you are still writing! I am also sort of keeping my blog on life support but it’s hard with a 17 month old. Toddlers and working full time aren’t really a recipe for fresh! and inspiring! content. Especially when I used to write so much about cooking and working out and now I basically just microwave things and hobble to my Peloton occasionally when I get a free 30 minutes to myself and don’t feel like — you know…showering, or scrolling my phone mindlessly. LUXURY :)
That makes it sound like I hate parenthood and I totally don’t. I love it. Seasons of life and all that. You know. The last book I couldn’t put down was The Idea of You and I finished it and now I’m sad, but also simultaneously shaking my head that the first book in a year that has moved me to tears was basically One Direction fan fiction…so there’s that. :)

6 years ago

Hi! Thank you for still blogging. I enjoy your writing very much. I am fastly approaching 70, retired attorney. My two “boys” are 44 and they are the joy of my life. I managed to mess up a lot in my life but the kids were always top priority and turned out great! I live in NYC, but raised them in Eugene.
As for the internet, I overdosed on social media during the last election. Now I spend some time on Facebook and on online newspapers reading the news (I am a regular Sarah Palin, read them all!) and shopping. Not that I buy a fraction of what I put in my carts.
Books: I spend hours and hours reading, that’s what I always wanted, unlimited reading time. I love my Kindles, no more bonking my face with heavy books as I fall asleep. The last three good ones: Dear Mr. M by Herman Koch, The Children Act by Ian McEwan, and The Barracks Thief by Tobias Wolff.
Oh, despite saying above that I messed up a lot, I am very happy. I think most of my unhappiness came from having to live up to my so-called potential when I would have been much happier as a factory worker (when factory worker made a living wage) or maybe a bartender. I absolutely hated being a lawyer. HATED! But all is well that ends well, right?
PS I hope you find the part-time work you want.

6 years ago

Hi Linda! I don’t know if I’ve ever commented on your blog – but I’ve been reading for so many years that I literally couldn’t tell you when I started. I’m mostly on Facebook and Instagram and very rarely on my own blog. I read everything by Feedly, too. My kids are now 21, 18, and 14 and it boggles my mind. My job is to manage an outreach program that works with people who take drugs (like, the illicit kind) to keep them safe from overdose, hepatitis C, and other cruddy things. It’s the best job I’ve ever had and I’ve been there for almost 8 years which is completely amazing. I don’t remember the last book that I couldn’t put down – maybe “The Hate U Give”? It was painfully good. I’m doing mostly okay; I’m a lot overwhelmed by the entire world most of the time. I am, however, so grateful you’re still here after all these years, still writing, still making me think/laugh/think.

6 years ago

I started reading years ago when my colleague commented that your kids were so similar to my own. They are 10 and 15 now and still your stories resonate so much. The latest book I couldn’t put down was “The Host” by Stephanie Meyer, but I was disappointed as usual when I saw the movie. I’m at work when I wish I could just be in the middle of the woods in Maine snowmobiling but alas I’m the primary earner and so here I sit wishing I didn’t have to deal with people face to face (or at all). Thanks for all the laughs over the years and the tears and the kid pics. Every time there is a post I immediately check it out and try to live vicariously through you. Keep up the fantastic job!

6 years ago

I never comment on blogs anymore because I read via Feedly. But yours is one of my favorites. I love when I see a new post pop up.

6 years ago

I’ve been reading your blog since your kids(and my kids) were small. My boys are now 16 and 13. I work for the Department of Education in NJ. I am always happy to get a new post notification from your blog. I love your honest writing but I mostly am glad to see that you’re doing ok. Keep up the ancient blog. Social media has its positives, but often I feel like I’ve wasted time reading a lot of nonsense from people who seem to need constant attention. Currently I’m reading Maine by Courtney Sullivan and so far it’s really good.

6 years ago

Hi Linda: No working currently due to a health issue but I am hoping to get another job soon as I am bored and miss being around people and miss having a purpose! Kids are 18, 16 and 13 – lots of fun in our home! I only stalk FB, never comment or post anything. Rarely comment here but always read what you have written when it arrives in my mailbox. So many times what you have written feels like we are on the same page and lately, I am not feeling that way a lot so thanks!

6 years ago

Great idea! Yours is one of only a few blogs that I still follow and get a little jolt of pleasure when I see them in my inbox.

I spend more time than I’d care to admit on Facebook and Huffpo,some on Instagram and some on Twitter.

My girls are 20 and 25. I work very part time as an Optometrist – I guess I’m semi-retired.

I used to read more but we seem to be living in a golden age of television and most of my spare time is spent watching tv while doing needlepoint. I also work out, cook and manage my younger daughter’s life (she has Down syndrome.) And yes, I’m moistly ok!

6 years ago

Hi! I read via RSS and so I never see comments!

Online time: Insta, Reddit’s various skincare subs because that’s my latest obsession, Facebook, Newsblur RSS, Digg.
Kiddo: I have a six-month-old baby boy! Still weirds me out to say.
What I’m doing: director at a content company, and I love it. It’s mega-challenging in the right ways for me right now. I get to WFH, too.
Last book I couldn’t put down: Spoonbenders by Daryl Gregory. So GOOD.
Am I doing okay? Sure. More or less. I’m figuring out the parent thing, and the working parent thing, and the married parent thing, and it’s a lot.

6 years ago

I spend most of my time on Feedly, Twitter, Facebook and fucking Candy Crush. Kids are 5 and soon to be 4. I am a reality tv producer. I’ve read some good books lately, but Red Rising was unputdownable and I wanted The Bookshop on the Corner (audio) to last forever. I’m not doing great!

6 years ago

Heyyyyyyyyyy. I’m mostly on FB, Insta and Feedly, unless we are counting Netflix/Hulu/Prime – I’m real in to Scandinavian crime shows lately. My kid is seven and she is more emotional than I ever thought one could be at seven. What will happen when she menstruates???? I watch kids and I’m hoping this is my last year or two doing it. It’s been a good run, I got to stay home with my girl, but it’s exhausting and the pay is shit. I’d like to get paid to write but I don’t write, haha.

I really liked The Woman in the Window – it had me hooked.

I’m good, most of the time. A few minor medical things that make some days harder than others, and I have three dogs which is frankly two dogs too many. But I’m good.

6 years ago

Hi Linda! I’ve been reading you forever, it seems. I typically spend time online on Facebook, Instagram, Feedly (watching my favorite blogs and hoping for posts to appear). I used to spend quite a bit of time on Twitter, but gave it up right after the presidential election as I was dealing with some massive anxiety (go figure) and found it was exacerbating the issue. I’ve got two boys, 4 and 7–was blindsided by an unexpected divorce a few years ago, but am now remarried and 6 months pregnant at the age of 39, so I’ve clearly lost my mind. I think the last new book I read that really grabbed me was Artemis by Andy Weir–I read a lot, but mostly love to reread old favorites as reading has become my security blanket.

6 years ago

I have been reading your blog for so many years that this is incredibly creepy to say – but I never comment because, well, you don’t know me so wouldn’t that be weird?

My children are six and three. Some of the things you have written over the years about parenting still resonate. I miss the old days of blogging, and took it up again a few months ago after a long hiatus, just because it feels good to organize things that way.

Last book that made me stay up late to finish was Jenny Offill’s Department of Speculation. If you haven’t read it, my opinion as a person you don’t know at all is that you would enjoy it.

6 years ago

Hi my friend! I call you that because for me it’s true, I m consider you a friend because
BECAUSE. I spend a shit ton of time on Instagram and love how easily it is for me to search hashtags and find others out there also interested in whatever weird shit I’m into. I also spend too much time on Facebook because I find it super helpful as a fill in for social time for when I’m too busy to have sit down chit chat time with my friends and family. I read Twitter only very specifically, I use it to read the hand picked articles retweeted by a favorite local journalist/writer/foodie (Julia O’malley.) I am so happy that you’re continuing to write here in ye ol’ blog. It’s good to “hear” your voice.
My boys are 10,12,5. I’m simultaneously loving being a mom and really thinking it is the pits. It’s just hard, I know most parents would agree with me!! I find it helps to hang with the moms who will agree that yes, their kid is also an asshole but damnit they love that asshole to bits! I don’t know what I’d do without like minded parents. I can’t handle the ones who pretend parenting is a walk in the park. THEY LIE. :)
I’m doing really well lately though. I had three miscarriages in the last two years and it went pretty dark for me. I’m coming up to the light and am happier than I’ve been for a good while. I’m super excited to finally open a resell/vintage Instagram page selling off my thrift store scores. I’m loving it!! I feel like it’s the first thing I’ve actually done for myself in 12 years. Finally. ME. I’m currently reading Shanghai Girls by Lisa See and am enjoying it.
Well, man this is long. But you did ask :) Thanksnfor checking in! Maybe you could volunteer at a charity thrift shop? I am SO doing that next year when my 5 yr old goes to kindergarten!

6 years ago

Hi! So happy you still put some text in a white box and click “publish.” I gasp with excitement when I get the email noticifation. I’ve followed you since 2010 when I was new to Twitter and Marie Claire published “Twitters Every Woman Should Follow” and there you were right between Dooce and shitmydadsays.

IG takes up way too much of my time online, but also really enjoy manrepeller.com & lenny letter. About the last corner of the internet where quality > quantity. All ladies, too– a plus.

I’m single and kidless but keep a lot of plants alive in my apartment? I’m in my late 20s so this feels par for the course.

Newish gig is a producer/ digital marketing position at a fAsHiOn company in NYC. It’s somehow everything my younger self ever dreamed of and dreadful all at the same time.

Currently reading American Radical by Tamer Elnoury (non-fiction account of an undercover FBI agent-SO GOOD) and Rules of Civility by Amore Towles (fiction, art-deco NYC socialites also SO GOOD)

I am doing well, I think? About to get a new roommate which is totally…fine… I’m … not… at all stressed… hahhhhh. Channeling the anxiety into new paint colors and throw pillows.

6 years ago

I’ve been reading your blog FOR-EV-ERRRR and then you stopped writing for a long time and I stopped checking for a long time (I don’t know how feeds work, I’m lame) and I was THRILLED when I found out you’d started writing again!! I love your writing and am so happy to once again have this peek into your life.

I read Ask a Manager, Captain Awkward, your blog, and Amalah.com. Sometimes I read John Scalzi’s blog. I try hard to stay away from Twitter but sometimes I can’t help it because the day is long and the content is constantly refreshed and The Toast is no longer updating. I stopped reading Facebook a couple of years ago thanks to a Male Rights Activist being a douche bag to my friends in a thread on MY profile picture; it made me feel used.

My kid is almost 10. TENNNNNN. How did that happen?! She is awesome and amazing and has ADHD and we have learned some great strategies to deal with that and we are consistently learning more and advocating for her within the school system because oh they do NOT understand ADHD.

My current job? Can’t stand it, mostly due to a change in management and snowballing dysfunction that is not going away. But guess what? I start my new job on Monday. Probably won’t have as much time to read blogs once I’m working in my new role as permanent part-time office manager (YASSS three-day weekends and work/life balance!!).

Book recc: Shrill, by Lindy West. The kind of book where you’ll be highlighting entire pages, and or taking photos of entire chapters to send to all your friends. DAMN. She gets it. Incidentally and related, have you watched the Embrace documentary yet? On Netflix. Much recommend.

Am I doing okay? Yeah, I am. I’m excited about my new job, which allows me more time to do things I love: very busy side-hustle as a Stampin’ Up demonstrator i.e.cardmaking workshop teacher, and this year I am participating in our community theatre group’s Festival production, which means not only our usual three week performance schedule to (hopefully) sold out audiences, but also competing in the regional festival and being adjudicated/workshopped by a professional director. I’m super excited about that. The new job also comes with a dose of nerves because hey, everything is new, and I won’t know how to do anything, and every single minute is going to be hard, for a while. Eventually that will get better.

6 years ago

Thanks for keeping the blog chugging along! Been reading since pre-Riley, so feeling pretty invested at this point :)

Reading so much Ask a Manager these days (makes my office feel so normal). Kickin’ it with a few other blogs that have kept hangin’ on. Love Instagram, tolerate Facebook, pared down my Twitter.

No kids. Just 2 cats.

Working as an attorney for a regulatory agency and dig it on most days. Once in a while politics gets me feeling a little eye-rolly, but it’s the best functioning place I’ve worked so far.

Probably Ghettoside. It was a random choice (Goodreads sale alert), but was a nice change from the fiction I usually spend most of my reading time on.

Sure, I think so. Therapy and meditation continue to pay dividends and I’ve managed to revive my social circle. I’ll take it!

Mim Z
Mim Z
6 years ago

Hi, Linda — long time reader, first-time poster here… I live in Portland had have a 12-yr-old boy and almost-10-yr-old girl, so our kids are basically the same ages. Have always enjoyed reading your stories and musings over the years. Currently doing tech-writing and trying not to go too crazy dealing with the often nasty toxic personality of my 12 yr old boy… My 10-yr-old will still cuddle and adore me, although she has her moments of being annoying sometimes as well… Parenting is wiping me out these days.

6 years ago

Hi Linda, I’ve followed your blog for years and am glad to see you still here and doing “moistly okay.”
As for me, I’m okay too, though this parenting thing is so much harder than I ever thought it could be. I have one daughter, 12, and I lost my mom to Alzheimer’s last summer. I really wish I could talk to her about how to survive the tween/teen years (and honestly, also so I could apologize for my own teen years.)
I am a high school teacher, and I love it, except when the kids drive me utterly crazy.
The book I literally could not put down, just last weekend, was “The Woman in the Window.” It’s fantastic. Also, for non-fiction, Bryan Stevenson’s Just Mercy.
Thanks for your blog, I’m always so excited to see a new post from you!

6 years ago

Oh hey. You know I’ve been reading you since back in the Diaryland days– feels like another lifetime now. (One of the first times you ever commented on my journal was when my grandmother passed away. You said that something I had written really spoke to you, and I felt like I had met royalty!)

I’m still working for the same company (18 years now) and have made a cool little niche for myself there. My kids are 8 and 5, and really into Minecraft and My Little Pony, respectively, and all they want to do is watch Youtube. They are growing and flourishing and I’m grateful for that. They are all the best parts of me, which I can’t even take much credit for. And they won’t eat anything except sunflower butter sandwiches.

I still love to cook and post my food pictures, and I do that on instagram, along with pictures of my clothes and shoes, because for some reason shoes are the thing that’s going to get me through this cluster of a political crapscape we are all living through. I hang out in a lot of FB groups but don’t post as much as I used to, for time reasons and because I am always worried I’m saying the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time. And I yell about politics on Twitter a lot.

I have a lot less tolerance for bullshit than I used to, but I’ve also gotten kinder, I hope, and am trying to find ways to balance that — for myself and for others.

I read blogs through RSS too, and hardly comment anymore, so this was a fun exercise and it was great to see familiar names in the comments as I read through.

6 years ago

I’m spending my days on twitter (still), though IGstories is my favorite way to waste time right now. Pete is now 4 (!) and Beatrice is 2(AND A HALF she would scream, if she knew I was writing this). (She’s NOT two and a half, yet, but don’t tell her that). I still own Oh Baby! Fitness and work is like, 60% great, 40% blerrrrrghwork.
I loved A Little Life, just LOVED it. It’s dark, so buckle up if you dive in, but extraordinary.

6 years ago

I spend most of my online time in TLI Facebook groups (and nowhere else on Facebook because ugh), Instagram, and Pinterest as we’re currently building a house and I need ideas. Twitter takes too much time to deal with, strangely, so I don’t use it as much as I used to. Maybe if I took some time to unfollow some people and fine-tune it would work again.

My daughter is 9.5 and my son is turning 12 in a month. I’ve been reading your blog(s) since my son was born. Whoa, time does fly!

I work at the local university, in a Senior Project Manager/Research Admin role, mostly doing project management including finance, grant writing, budgeting. I do enjoy it, but I dream of dropping down to 4 days/week so that I’d have a day to do other stuff.

Hmm, the last book I read that I could not put down…goodness. I can’t think of what that was. I read mostly fluff these days because my brain can’t handle anything too serious. I guess the last one I can think of that I really looked forward to getting back to each night was “What If?” by Randall Munroe. Oh! Or “The Martian” by Andy Weir.

I’m mostly doing okay. My kids are good, though the 11 year old vacillates between being delightful and being The Worst, so there is that to look forward to each morning – which one will I get THIS hour? I don’t get to spend my time with my husband because we’re so busy and I miss that. My dad is dying, so that’s stressful. But I’m sure I’ll make it through this year. Pretty sure. Like, 63% sure? Meh, I’ll be fine.

6 years ago

It’s like an old-school de-lurking day around here and I am here for it! I’ve been reading your blog forever, but I’ve fallen off of writing on my own lately — I have two-year-old twins, which is the only explanation I’m sure you need for that :)

I’ve been spending most of my online time on Twitter and IG and the TLI FB groups (but not much on my main FB feed because that way lies madness). I do my blog reading on Feedly, too, and I’m thankful I’ve kept everyone’s URL in there all these years (imported from Google Reader, of course, RIP).

My favorite book I’ve read so far this year was Little Fires Everywhere (Celeste Ng) and I also found Hunger (Roxane Gay) to be really compelling. I’m making an effort this year to read mostly women, which has been a great choice for me.

I’m teaching English at a big public university and mostly loving it but am in the thick of midterms right now, so I need Calgon to take me away. It’ll be fine. I’m mostly okay, in life, if tired all the time.

6 years ago

Hi! Like you, an RSS reader, so I never comment anywhere… I follow a bit of twitter, & blogs I’ve been following since forever.

I recently got feted for my 20th year as an actuarial consultant at the same company, doing roughly the same work, which is. Well. Fine, really, if a bit boring.

Divorced 5 years, with an older son (12), & boy/girl twins (9). I love them to pieces when they’re not near me; when they’re near me, I find myself wanting to find someplace warm and dark and quiet to curl up and whimper.

But I’m over halfway done! In 10 years, hopefully, they’ll all be off elsewhere making noise at other people, and I’ll be nostalgic.

A bit of a book lull at present – I’m currently reading The Tuscan Child, which is enjoyable enough, I think; Nevermoor was the last thing I read that grabbed me a bit, and a small Bujold reread before that.

Like many here, I’ve been reading you forever – I think I was looking for moms-with-blogs at some point when the littles were little, and I was losing my mind. I’m always happy to see updates!

6 years ago

Hi Linda, I’ve been reading your blog for years – before Riley was born! I don’t blog anymore but I used to. I have one child, who is 6 now, and we’re working through some medical issues (latest thing: obstructive sleep apnea). I’m reading the Throne of Glass series, as well as the Mithermages books. I love reading your updates, I’m glad you’re still writing. The last year has been rough. Two suicides in our family within two weeks. I’m still working my way out of that emotional hole, and though it sounds sappy and maybe slightly creepy, the online “friends” I follow help keep me connected to other people. So thank you.

6 years ago

Ahoy Hoy! (Simpson reference). Let’s see,
I’m 61, a software developer and I like writing code but since I’m going to retire in a year liking my job is not an issue anymore, I’ve been reading your blog since your first birth, I’m on Twitter, I got off Facebook years ago when I found that the only thing I was doing was yelling at Tea Baggers in Wisconsin, my kids are 37,35,24,20. I’m reading Gorky Park right now. I’m mostly doing Ok, I’m taking care of my 93-year-old dad, pushing my kids through college, trying to finish my house to sell next spring so I can move to Coos Bay and buy some land and build a house, do woodworking, and travel the country in my truck camper. Selfish as it sounds I’m really looking forward to the time where the only thing I must worry about is me.

6 years ago

Awww how nice! I will comment before I go back and read them all—I’ll enjoy them with a big bag of the Popcorners Sweet Heat Chili I’ve been hiding.

I spend time on Instagram, Reddit (just really discovered it…I KNOW), Facebook but I need to end that because there’s not much good there any more and yet I keep on looking and not posting much. I play Word Crossly obsessively.

I’m currently reading “Beautiful Boy” by David Sheff and the few pages I can get through each night are very good. My oldest daughter has some struggles so this helps me relate on a parental level.

My kids (all girls) are 27, 25 and almost 21 — the almost 21 year old is in Miami on Spring Break and I don’t even want to think about it all.

I work for an airline but at the airport, not in the sky. I have crazy shifts but the free flights are worth it. Anyway, my co-workers are what makes my job enjoyable as hell. It’s *almost* not work except when bad weather strikes and people go insane.

I love your writing and have been reading since before Riley was born!!

Jan Ross
6 years ago

Hi, Staying busy reading and writing about travel. Was sick for a while but am now recovered and back to writng. Really enjoy everything you write. Keep at it because we love your writing!

6 years ago

Hi Linda,
I’ve been reading this blog since before Riley was born. I love blogs and it makes me so sad that not many people blog any more. I wonder about how they are and what’s going on in their lives. I remember for awhile your Aunt blogged too, how is she doing? Online I mostly look at Facebook, play Words with Friends, or waste hours on Reddit. My children are grown, and I have grand daughters now. I work for an Oil and Gas Consulting firm as an Administrative Assistant. Been working for the same firm close to 40 years! I’ll be retiring in a few years and your blog pics and Instagram pics help me decide a few of the places I’d like to visit some day.

6 years ago

Hi there! I’ve been reading your blog since Riley was six months old, and have commented a few times. My daughter has a girl the same age (and name) as Riley, and she sent me a link to your blog. I love your writing!

I live in Portland, OR, just up I-5 from you. My four kid are all grown and gone. (36, 35, 26, 24) I’m a freelance graphic designer and photographer and it’s worked out well for the past 23 years. (Previously I was an RN.)

Keep writing and I’ll keep reading!

6 years ago

Hello – I love that you still blog. I’m going through something hard right now and it makes me feel less alone to read your honest thoughts about the hard things you go through. My children are 11, almost 9 and 4.5. I’m a SAHM staring down the barrel of a big change when my youngest goes to kindergarten in the fall. I’ve been out of the workforce for eight years. I don’t really know if I enjoy being a SAHM…it’s the best thing for our family right now, but I’ve lost a lot of my identity in this role. I am trying to cut back online but I still check Feedly and Instagram. I quit Facebook last month and didn’t look back. The last book I couldn’t put down was How to Murder Your Life by Cat Marnell. Thanks for continuing to share your life. I’ll keep reading until you stop.

6 years ago

Hi Linda, I am always so pleased when your blog comes up in Feedly with a new post. I have been reading for a long time – since Dylan was a baby. You actually inspired me into running a half marathon a few years back! I really love the way that you write. I am glad you are doing okay. At the moment I am working 2 jobs and finishing a PhD (due at the end of May) so kind of flat out (as we say in New Zealand, I don’t know if that’s peculiar to us). My children are 21 and 19, I have no idea how that happened, and I miss them being 8 and 10 – those were great ages. Old enough to have a good conversation and young enough that I knew where they were all the time and they weren’t driving themselves all over the country. I am more or less an empty-nester – my younger is at university about an hour and a half’s drive away and my elder stays with me maybe 1 or 2 nights a week and at her dad’s the rest of the time because he lives in town and I live in the country and she’s a city girl. The last book I read was on audible because I can’t go to sleep unless there’s noise, and that was Instructions for a Heatwave by Maggie O’Farrell, an Irish author who I heartily recommend – start with The Hand that First Held Mine and you will be hooked I think. I am going to download Behind Closed Doors for the kindle because I am travelling overseas for 2 months May-July and will need something gripping :)

6 years ago

Hello! I’ve been reading your blog since…gah. Pre-Riley, for sure. I’m so glad you still write.

I normally spend most of my online time on Twitter and FB, some IG. But I decided to give up Twitter and FB for Lent (I don’t actually observe Lent; it just seems like a good framework). It’s been an interesting experiment because I hadn’t really realized how much news I absorb through those channels. I feel super-disconnected.

Rowan is 9 which seems impossible. She’s almost up to my shoulder.

I work as a fundraising writer for Local Large University. I like it as much as I like any job, which is to say it’s fine. I don’t think I’m ever gonna be the kind of person who is passionate about their work.

Thanks to my social media hiatus, I’ve been reading a lot. Most recently enjoyed Artemis (the new Andy Weir; not as good as The Martian but enjoyable) and Real American, which I could not put down,

I’m okay! Good, even.

Pam F
Pam F
6 years ago

Hi! Well, since you asked. Long time follower, may have only commented a couple of times. :( I read a few select blogs, fb, and instagram but honestly fb? meh. Need to quit. My kid is 13. We own an olive oil shop that I run mostly from home and husband does the day to day operations. I do data entry from home for another company that gives me insurance. It’s mind numbing and yes I miss talking to people daily but also…couldn’t imagine talking to people daily again. I’m mostly (or moisty, moistly) ok too. Noticing how cyclical depression can be lately. I told my doc and she said maybe it’s SAD and to get a light. I said we live in the southeast, I don’t think it’s SAD. She said yeah, it’s not really a problem here. So there we are. I think about you a lot lately, which may be weird, BUT we are looking to relocate that-a-way. We’ve checked out Bend and now we’re headed to WA this summer to check it out. How do you like Eugene compared to living in Seattle? Or even not compared. :)

Pam F
Pam F
6 years ago

oh, and What Alice Forgot was good.

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