I’m still laboriously working through my own answers, but here’s the list of those of you who sent me links to your end-of-year questionnaire. Go forth and visit!

Ashlea at Chataboxgirl
Clarabella at Baby Momma
Saturn at Brain Fluff Theater
Melanie at this mel’s life
Kate at Silly Little Girl
kim at allconsuming
Maria at Mommy Melee
el-e-e at hello, self
Kim at Laments and Observations
Crystal at Joey and Ally
Kathy at I was going to call it something catchy, but then I got irritated
Jolie at Becoming Jolie
Pam at pyjammy
Jen at Open Mouth, Insert Foot
Kalisa at I Am Not My Hair
Violet at MiserableBliss
Amanda at Me, My Dogs, My Life
Emily at Starting In the Basement
Amanda at Inexplicable Candor
Danielle at thisismylife.typepad.com
Claire at Incognitus Scriptor
Bertino at Bertino-Verse
Belly Girl at Belly Story
Kelly at Heathen Family Revival
Michelle at Michelle’s Blog
Cheri at Parlancer
jen at une petite raison
Erin at Blarrrggg!
Josh at Sprinting To Hell
Abby at October Rose
Esserly Tree at Tree Dreamer
Kelly at Bachelor Girl
Christina at Rolling Off The Edge
Jennifer at the overnite note
Dawn at From the Mind of the Dawnie
Lippy at Lippy on Life
Melissa at Gnomograms
Jenny at Zesty Enterprise
Maya at mayagrinberg.com
Nina at orange_peacock
Erica on Facebook
Edith at SenoritaMommy
Marilyn at slackermama.com
Beth at bessie.viola
Jess at Du Wax Loolu
Erica at All Dressed Up
Hillary at Not Raising Brats
Kristin at Make A Note
Kelli at Roaring Through My Twenties
Ilana at Trying to find my moment of Zen
Valria at V-Lo’s View
Amanda at Four Molnars
Dynamita at Blissful Dyn
Becky at Totally Serial
ohchicken at we are fambly
Laura at diniwilk
Mona Mildew at The Life and Times of Mona Mildew: In Exile
Marty at Blue Soup
Cassie at …life ensues.
Laura at Not Like Other Kids
wordygirl at Blogging For Two
Brandy at It’s like I’m…mmmagic!
Liz at Mommydawg
Erin at Mommy Life
Eleanor at Eleanor Q.
velocibadgergirl at Pardon the Egg Salad
worldmomma at World Momma
Molly at A day in the life of Mrs. Simon
April at thecryinglab
Jonna at Jonniker
Melanie at melio-mello
Kristi at Against Your Better Judgement
-R- at And You Know What Else
Sarah at The Super Whites
Jill at Misadventures
Kerriā€™s Big Beautiful Days
April at Suck and Swallow
FattyLumpa at FattyLumpa
Samantha at Back To Me
Amanda at mandajuice
Lori at My Two (cents)
Gori at TheGoriWife
Elizabeth at Teacher Mom
Jennifer at Operation Pink Herring
Marie at Tiny Town
Meagan at A Certain Lack of Focus
Nicole at Resolving Timeline Issues
Susan at The Space Suitcase
Tracey at Sweetney

WHEW. Happy New Year’s Eve, everyone!


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15 years ago

Wow. Can I just say that you are so awesome for letting us all meet up here? Love reading through all these!

Happy New Year!!

Kristin C.
15 years ago

also me at http://www.onetime-oneplace.blogspot.com as a few minutes ago!

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
15 years ago

Holy crap!

15 years ago

Holy crap! Thanks for the link! Happy New Year!

15 years ago

ooh ooh, me too! i’m so late, sorry.

Jamie at Feet Firmly Planted

Happy New Years!


[…] It’s that time of year – time for the annual year in recap meme. I did one of these way back in 2005, but I don’t think I did one in 2006 or 2007. Check out Linda’s site for a huge list of blogs who wrote their own recaps – it’s fun reading! […]

15 years ago

I’m late. I live on the edge like that, hype up my new years quiz:


15 years ago

I’m never going to complain about linking things again. You are my page linking idol.

15 years ago

Also late! My typing speed was compromised since I left one hand open for constant holiday eating.


15 years ago

WOW. I am in awe of your linking power and skill. Also, I intended to write up my list and post/send it, but now I’m sorta glad that I procrastinated. You didn’t need yet another link on there! I’ll probably have more fun reading everyone else’s than thinking of good answers for my own anyway.


15 years ago

Mine is up in the comments to Valria’s: http://valria.wordpress.com/2008/12/30/new-years-quiz/#comments

bad penguin
15 years ago

I’m a little late, but I got mine up too!


15 years ago

Also ME! Here: http://www.thefabulousmisss.com

Am late. As usual. I’ll add that to the ’09 resolutions!

15 years ago

Jesus that list is ridiculous!

I did mine, all late…please dont feel the need to add to that list if you don’t wanna. My god that musta taken you forever!

Happy New Year!

15 years ago
Yet Another Jenny
15 years ago
15 years ago

Yay! Thanks for the links. Now we can all be nosy :)

15 years ago

Wow, I’ll be busy with these!

I did it too, but not in time to email you. Here’s mine.

Happy New Year, everybody!

15 years ago

Here’s mine.


Thanks for doing this every year. It is so much fun!

15 years ago

Aw, poop. I’m late…story of my life! Here’s mine:


celebrate woo-woo
15 years ago

That’s an impressive list!

I also made some time to do this today: What if the hokey-pokey is what it’s all about…”

15 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to post the links to all of the other blogs! I have spent my New Year’s Eve “meeting” some really cool women…………

15 years ago

Thanks for linking me!

I’ve had fun reading all of the other responses!

15 years ago

[…] 2, 2009 · No Comments It’s already 2009, who’d have thought. Here’s my contribution to Linda’sever-growing list of 2008 recaps. […]

15 years ago
15 years ago

I just realized I never gave you my link (sorry I’m sending it so late!). I can’t believe I finally did it this year. I’ve wanted to fill this out for the past 2 or 3 years (however long I’ve been reading you), but I was always just too damn lazy. Forget that. This year I’m doing the things I want to do. This was one of them!


15 years ago

I finally posted mine. Because I’m lazy and late like that. Here’s to being more timely in 2009!


8 years ago

Full of salient points. Don’t stop belniveig or writing!