May 14, 2006
Our brief visit to Victoria was absolutely amazing, it was glorious and relaxing and I think it just may have been about a thousand times better than Vegas would have been. I took millions of photos, here are a few of my favorites:
Leaving Port Angeles on the Coho ferry.
JB reading on the boat.
The fancypants Empress hotel; we stayed here.
Hooray for Lush! There is actually a Lush store in my neighborhood mall now, but shopping at Lush in Canada is way cooler.
High tea at the Empress, and holy SHIT this was good.
Random Canadian dog. He’s tied up ootside.
An Otter floatplane we took a half hour flight on.
I’m on a plane, bitches! Wooo! Uh, where’s the barf bag?
Gorgeous from all angles.
An honest-to-god, no-fucking-kidding bald eagle, just being all picturesque and shit.
Seriously, how much do you want to move to this place?
Leaving the Kingston ferry on our way back to Seattle.
“Are we there yet”? The boy, up way past his bedtime, on our way home.
Many more photos here.
Happy Mother’s Day to you, if you’re a mom-type-person. JB has been informed that “not understanding” that this is now a holiday requiring some legwork on his part isn’t really acceptable, and if we hadn’t just returned from a fabulous vacation there would be some Dire Consequences for this gaffe. Luckily, the boy got me a lovely card, sort of, which I wrote about over at ClubMom.
Lovely photos! I was born and raised on the Island and when I see pictures of it, it makes me very nostalgic. You had a fabulous weekend for it. Please come again, eh?
Beautiful pictures! Sadly, I have no Lush anywhere near me. Pity me.
How much do I want to move there? So much.
Beautiful, eh?
Your picture of the bald eagle made me laugh… well, okay, snort.
I had the same reaction, except it was tempered with – OMFG, I live in America ALL MY FREAKING LIFE and never see a bald eagle. Go to Victoria for a week and see my FIRST ONE.
I mean… the bald eagle is ONLY America’s national bird or whatever.
Now I live in Australia. . . and see cockatoos and parrots all the live long day.
Haha! “I’m on a plane, bitches!” Is JB piloting???
Awesome bald eagle pic! Happy Mother’s Day!
I didn’t realise you meant Victoria in Canada (duh)…I’ve actually been there too, even though I’m from NZ! Yay! I recognised the Empress – I saw it when I was there, but one of my friends stayed there and said something about the morning teas being really awesome – then I saw your photo of it. Wow.
Amazing Photos!
I’m feeling the Canada vibe way more than the Vegas vibe… Maybe that’s just me.
Hey! Has yesterday’s link always been above today’t title?
Happy Moms-Rule! Day to you too!
And as a Canuck, I’m thrilled you loved your visit to the Great White North. Tell me you and JB enjoyed some “real” beer whilst you were here too. LOL
It was a year ago this weekend that my hubby and I landed in Vancouver for a week in B.C. We ended our trip in Victoria and wished we’d just gone straight there for the whole time — it’s so beautiful. Glad you enjoyed high tea. Your pic brought the taste of the sweets and tea flooding back.
Riley has to be the most stunning baby ever (I’m not joking — he’s just perfectly adorable) after my 11-week old, Lucy.
All the best!
Ya know, Sundry, each day I am more in awe of your talents. I’ve been reading your blog for a veeerrry long time and your writing has always been the sort to inspire paroxysms of envy, your photos are award-worthy. You are personally gorgeous (and so is JB). Then you went and borned the cutest kid in the western hemisphere…I feel really…dull over here. But I enjoy the hell out of you, your family and your adventures and thoughts about life. Thank you for brightening my dull little life.
Wow! How beautiful!
GORGEOUS photos. It looks like it was a wonderful trip! I live riiiight on the edge of Puget Sound. Up on a 100 foot cliff. Do you know I’ve never done the Victoria trip? Now seeing your photos, I realize that I need to go there at least once.
The Bald Eagle photo is lovely. There are two that live in the trees in my back yard year round. There are 8-10 that migrate to and from here every year. Every day that I see one or more, I fully appreciate how magnificent they are. That said….one of those big mofo’s cost me about $300.00 recently when it tried to pick up my effing cat. He had 3 enormous talon tears in his flank that had to be stitched up. Thankfully he’s fine. And will never, ever walk outside out in the open again. He slinks along the bushes and under our parked vehicles instead. He flips out every time the shadow of any bird overhead crosses his path. It’s a tiny bit funny now that it’s all over with.
I love Washington State, and think it is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen. Even with the rain all winter, the Spring and Summer are totally worth the gray skies.
awesome pics- i especially love the sunset photos. glad you had a nice time!
Beautiful pics, but hey, I have a bone to pick with you!! Not ALL of us canucks say “aboot” and “ootside”. I resent that, eh?!
Gorgeous pictures. Looks like a wonderful place to visit. And I love that I’m not the only person in the world who takes pictures of their food on vacation. I have a high tea picture from Hong Kong that looks suspiciously like yours.
Next time you have to make the trip out to Tofino. It’s sooo amazing there too. We stayed at a bed and breakfast right on a cliff top. And, we whale watching which was also spectacular.
OMG I live here I’m SO lucky.
Sorry. Just sometimes it takes seeing it from the outside again to remind me why I moved here : )
Oh, and yes, I’m trolling through your archives. Hence the horrifically out of date comments! Eh.