July 23, 2006
It has been hot, here in Seattle. To us Pacific Northwesterners who often must don fleece coats and rain hats on the fourth of July, the temperatures have been hot. Africa-hot. Thank-god-we-got-air-conditioning-three-weeks-ago hot. Let’s-freeze-root-beer-in-ice-cubes hot.
(Root Cubes! Add to massive serving of ice cream for optimal flavor.)
I bought this awful kiddie pool a while back, it took so much effort to inflate its various parts I completely gave up on it and so for the last few weeks we’ve had this deflated hunk of plastic in the backyard that JB loved to make fun of. But this weekend I redeemed myself by scissoring off the entire top “canopy” section, which left a perfectly decent pool base. When Saturday got muggy beyond all reason, we put Riley in:
He was definitely a fan. Sadly, Dog had to be sequestered inside the house while the pool contained water, so badly did she want to splash and dig and rip it to pieces with her claws.
Today we made our first foray to a local beach. We’d lived here for what, four years now? And we’ve never gone to a beach to go swimming. I didn’t even think Lake Washington was swimmable, honestly. I thought people who actually got in the water and swam were wearing wetsuits, or were drunk, or had a seven-inch protective layer of blubber, or something.
I guess my own blubber finally worked in my favor today because that water felt amazing. It was just a knockout day, sunny and blue-skied and the lake sparkled and even the proximity of the I-90 overpass was sort of nice. We took Riley in the water and he went nuts, splashing and kicking and generally having a ball.
(Once again the photogenic mother-child moment escapes me.)
Man. Summer, you know? It goes by way too fast, every year.
This was a crazy weekend in terms of keeping Riley out of various dangers, I wrote about his current stage here, but suffice to say the boy is constantly moving, curious, pulling himself up on various things, and turning me into a nervous wreck.
A rare moment of sitting still.
Peeking at me from behind the sofa.
On a final note, I’d like to ask you something. Actually, let me show you something first:
Now let me recall for you a recent conversation I had with JB.
JB: I don’t like eating cereal out of these green bowls.
Me: Why?
JB: They’re too…fancy.
Me: I got them at Target for like three dollars. What do you mean, fancy.
JB: They’re too – I end up eating too much cereal when I use them.
Me: So put less cereal in.
JB: They’re just weird.
Me: They’re nicer than our plain white bowls, I think.
JB: I think most people would agree with me.
Me: That they’re…weird?
JB: Ask your journal readers.
Me: Fine.
JB (as an afterthought): But make sure to ask the guys.
W the proverbial F? Are the green glass bowls weird? Do you fear them? Would you be hesitant to fill one with cereal? If you’re a guy, does the white bowl reinforce your manhood in some inexplicable manner?
Hmmm…that’s an interesting question. I don’t think the bowl is too “fancy”; maybe he’s more comfortable with opaque bowls for eating. I personally like eating cereal out of deeper bowls, like the green one, for some strange reason. I have some that we got at Ikea for .40 a piece. Not that that’s what you asked for…
Cute boy, hott mom. Love the beach pictures — we’re burning up down here too! (I was so hot, I cut off all my hair. I’m wondering if I will regret this in the winter…)
well….they aren’t weird, per se….but i don’t see them as cereal bowls. they remind me more of desert bowls. and as for eating too much cereal out of them? you know that commercial on tv where the guy is eating cheerios out of a SERVING bowl?? ya, that’s what my husband does. for real. and not to be pissy or anything…i’m not sure i like the green bowls…they are kind of um…70’s. but i will say that they green bowls look “safer” for eating cereal out of….they are deeper, and thus less likely to have milk slop over the edges…right??
Huh. I like the green bowl too… I’m with Sara, I like the deeper bowls. And sorry, JB, but my husband will eat cereal out of just about anything. A flat salad bowl. A deep ice cream bowl. The smallest metal bowl that goes with the mixer. A large ramekin. And that’s just what I’ve seen…
Hey! It’s hot up here in Bellingham too. And the National Weather Service just issued an “Air Stagnation Advisory.” Ugh. No breeze blowing, and accumulating-pollutants too! I guess I need to get out in a kayak tomorrow.
On the bowls – I wouldn’t say the green bowls are weird, but they wouldn’t be my choice for cereal. I’d choose the white bowls too. Cereal needs to be eaten from white bowls – they’re more *pure*… like the white milk that you put on the cereal. Green glass bowls might work for a small side-salad, or shrimp cocktail or something.
And hot down here in Vancouver BC…
I would eat anything out of either bowl. Perhaps as we have a bowl crisis up here and I have not remedied yet. Either bowl will do the job!
My guy drinks his coffee out of a two cup measuring cup. I asked him if it’s because he’s measuring his caffeine intake, but it turns out he just likes the handle. Boys are weird. I prefer the green because they’re deeper, therefore less potential spillage.
They both look like candy dishes to me.
Hmmm…I like the green bowls…but in a kind of retro 70s funky way. The better to eat rhubarb crumble out of….(or some other kind of grandmotherly dessert).
I’m a guy. I think JB’s being weird. That said, the green bowl looks like a salad bowl, while the white one looks more fit for cereal. *That* said, most of my bowls are closer in depth to the green one than to the white one, and I use them for cereal, soup, pasta… actually I eat out of those bowls most of the time.
So my husband agrees with JB he would not eat out of the green bowl, too fancy. He likes the depth but the bowl…I like the bowl, the white too shallow for me, but I have heavy red ceramic bowls. The hubs likes red, he won that shopping argument. I just use the kids plastic bowls, their easier to clean, really.
I agree that the bowl exudes 70s funk, but I like that kind of thing. Use it as a jello mold and have some fruit cocktail floating in it. Classy!
I, uh, agree with JB. I wouldnt eat anything out of those green bowls. But then, we have fake willoware china from Kroger, so maybe you shouldn’t ask me. :D
Um, the green bowl isn’t weird but I agree with JB – I’d rather have cereal in the white bowl but then I object to drinking tea out of a cup that isn’t white citing it as “just not the same ….”
BTW, brilliant shot of Riley in the pool, absolutely delightful.
Hi! I am delurking to agree with JB. I think the bowls remind me of when I was a kid, and I wouldn’t have been allowed to touch them in a “grownup” house jeje. Maybe that is why he thinks they´re fancy? Anyway they look a bit big, and I would also TOTALLY end up eating too much cereal out of them.
By the way, your son is incredibly cute!
I don’t think the green bowl looks weird, but it also doesn’t look like a bowl for cereal. Its too deep or something, the proportions are off for cereal bowl. I think JB also has a point about eating too much out of them. Putting less in isn’t the point. You tend to fill a bowl to a certain height, if its a deep bowl you’ll end up putting more in and therefore eating more. If that makes sense.
Ok, I’m stuck in the middle. While I like the depth of the green bowls for cereal, the fact that they’re green and textured kind of weirds me out. For cereal. I like them, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not sure I would eat anything out of them. I’d eat cereal out of the white bowls.
I don’t want my cereal spread out over a saucer – I prefer deep bowls. The same goes for ice cream, but I think the texture would be problematic in the attempt to consume every melted drop. (Not that I do that.)
I would go with the green.
I actually went, OOH, when I saw the green bowls, simply for the depth. Shallow bowls don’t work with cereal, at least for me. My Krispies go sloshing over the edge. The texture doesn’t bother me. The color might, if it gives the milk an odd green tinge.
I like the green bowls better, like everyone else, because they’re deeper. I have Fiestaware bowls that I don’t eat cereal out of because they are too shallow and the milk goes everywhere. They do seem more like china, I guess, because they’re opaque? But I would definitely eat cereal out of the green one over the white one.
My husband uses big pasta bowls rather than our “fruit/cereal,” which is shaped more like your green one. I think that the folks at Dansk would slap his wrist.
Additionally: “W the proverbial F?” is surely the funniest thing I will read all day. :)
You did an amazing job of utilizing Riley for buttocks/thigh region coverage if I do say so myself! I read daily…speak little. I can only say I adore your child from afar….he’s to die for sweetness. His faces….make me grin even on a Monday morning when I don’t want to go to work! Also love your comment preview….it’s exactly what I’m looking at already but intriquing because it’s like phantom typing….
Sorry… I’m with JB. It looks like a candy bowl my grandmother put out for “company.”
Then again, G doesn’t like OUR Targetware either. I got that cheapy stoneware that is vaguely reminiscent of Fiestaware thinking that as we broke the dishes we could simply add more in a new color… see? It’s hip, it’s funky. He hates both colors equally. And the cereal bowls.
I don’t really think that the green bowls are weird, but that is totally a conversation I have had with my husband – but ours are the red bowls. I think the answer to all your questions is this: men are weird.
I don’t think the green bowls are too fancy, but I know that I have my own favorite cereal bowl (and my favorite ceramic mug for when I eat dry cereal as a snack), so I know what JB means. My favorite bowl is a lot like the white bowl, except it’s blue. Someone left it behind at my house in college. I love it. No idea why.
I think cereal would look prettier in the white bowls than in the green ones. The green ones would be gorgeous for salad.
I have that target bowl in both green and blue.
My hubby’s opinion: The shape is more important, I don’t give a crap that it’s green, but it has higher edges. The white one is too shallow for me, the cereal would be everywhere.
i dont like the white ones for eating cereal because i like to drink the left over milk and with a bowl like that i’d be changing my clothes before i ever walked out the door for work. for cereal? gotta have a straight solid edge :P
My husband is not only weird about our bowls, but also about our silverware. Huh? I didn’t think they noticed stuff like that. I really like your green Target bowls.
The green bowls are cute, but I agree with JB. The white bowl is definitely cereal and the green for salad. Just think of all the yummy croutons you can pile on top and not have to worry about flipping them onto the table when you try to mix in this salad dressing.
The white bowl look more girly, to me and because of the lack of depth, I’d think it would make eating cereal somewhat of a headache.
Yes, the green bowls are weird for eating cereal. They DO seem too fancy. Somehow cereal ought to be eaten out of plain white ceramic bowls. I don’t know why this is so, but it is. What beach did you go to?
Totally agree with the man. Green bowls have to go. Sorry, Mom.
The green looks like a salad bowl to me, and the white looks like a dessert bowl. Ice cream, in particular. I would probably pick the white over the green for cereal. This is the shape I like to eat cereal from: http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html/sr=1-6/qid=1153747770/ref=sr_1_6/602-1162191-1171818?%5Fencoding=UTF8&asin=B00078SNS6
I think way too much about bowls. That being said, I have definitely eaten cereal out of coffee cups and glasses before.
The green bowl is a CLASSIC cereal bowl so as to help keep the milk inside the bowl and on the cereal where it belongs. The fact that Mr. Non-Fancypants doesn’t possess self control in the Peanut Butter Captain Crunch dept. isn’t the bowl’s fault. The white bowl, however, is the CLASSIC soup bowl. Both are too fancy for our house as they are made of glass and not plastic. In my opinion, of course…;)
Eating utensil preferences are weird. They don’t necessarily make sense because they’re so subjective. For instance, I have a favorite spoon for eating ice cream with that I have had since I liberated (read: stole) it from my parents’ house when I moved out. I used that same spoon through most of my childhood, and that is the spoon for eating ice cream with. No other spoon will do.
Why? Who can say? I just like the shape of it, and how it gets the exact right amount of ice cream for one bite.
The hubby says definitely the white bowl. No other explanation as to why, though…
White bowls are fancier. And I own the same swimsuit you do.
Warcrygirl made me laugh with her use of the phrase “CLASSIC cereal bowl”. :) I actually don’t like either pictured bowl for cereal, though the green is prime for ice cream or soupy things. And I agree that it is absolutely imperative to have those kind of high, thin-rimmed sides for drinking the leftover milk, which is a must when having cereal. However, where the white bowl is too shallow and would allow for way too much sloppage, the green bowl is too deep and would result in too much soggage. My own cereal bowls are right in the middle between the two extremes: no wide rims, not too shallow, and just deep enough that they prevent overflow without allowing for soggy, mushy cereal at the end, which is the kiss of death for the whole cereal-enjoying experience. That being said, I would choose the green bowl over the white bowl in a heartbeat. That white bowl is absolutely no use at all when it comes to cereal. And on other notes, yes, Riley is adorable, AND I absolutely must hate you (HATE!) for looking less like a mom than I do, despite your actually being a mother and my being not. I resent your sveltness, your lack of thunder thighs, and your glorious upper arms. Did I mention the hate? ::sigh:: kd
First, I’m going to confess that I’m commenting without reading all the other comments first. Cuz.. well.. there’s a *lot*.
I like the green bowl. I like big oversized bowls no matter what I’m eating, to prevent spillage and message. When I make myself a big salad at home, I make and eat it in a mixing bowl so I can mix up the ingredients and dressing without throwing salad and cucumbers all over my kitchen.
Riley makes me SQUEEEEEE!
I haven’t read any of the above comments but frankly, while I like the green bowl, I wouldn’t eat cereal from it. I think the greenish tinged milk would be off-putting. If there was no milk in the bowl, then yeah, I’d use it. But anything liquid? Nah.
The white bowl seems like cereal would just spill out of the edge all over the place. I find it…confusing, I guess, that he is afraid of the green bowl. Is it because it’s clear? Is that it? Too deep? Cereal is meant to be eaten in deep bowls, IMO.
I don’t feel comfortable with the green bowls for cereal, but I feel even less comfortable with the white bowls, which are too shallow. The green bowls are insufficiently Morningish for cereal. Also, I think they are insufficiently opaque.
Green bowl all the way!!! And this really does prove that DANG, men are weird.
I vote for Karamarie’s bowls. Those look perfect for eating cereal!
The best cereal bowl I ever had was an old plastic drink cup from a University of Minnesota Hocley Game back in the early 80’s. Those cups were primo!! Wide enough mouth to get a spoon into it, yet high sides and perfect for drinking leftover milk out of.
The green bowls look like salad or ice cream or jello bowls. The white ones would do if you couldn’t find cupboard space for Karamarie’s bowls.
Ok Sundry, way to prove that we’re all weird cat ladies with super-specific bowl preferences (for the record: I’d put a candle in the green bowl; eat salad from the white).
But more importantly, I second the hurrah for key Riley placement in the beach photo! Your legs look hot, momma.
Cereal bowl shmereal bowl. Pour the milk into the box and eat. Quickly.
It’s funny how when babies become toddlers their little heads start to look like bruised apples.
My hubbie would say the green bowl looks more like an ice cream bowl. Maybe your hubbie is too strong, so he thinks, that he might break that dainty bowl in his strong hands?! LOL.
It’s been wicked hot here in Mass as well. We did the cook-the-egg-on-the-drive-way test. I wrote it in my blog, believe it or not. I know, must not have anything else better to write about.
I sent this link to my husband and asked for his imput. He said the green bowl would be the better of the two because: The white one is too shallow, especially for a child; the green is deeper there for easier to scoop out of — less spillage and holds more ceral.
If I were to choose, I’d choose the green one as well. Mostly for the “holds more cereal” reason.