5 names the refrigerator “crisper” drawer should have been called:

• Wilter
• Forgetinator
• Sweet-Jesus-what-is-this-vile-green-liquid-O-tron
• Yeah, Right, Like You’re Going to Eat Broccoli Tonight Instead of a Fistful of Wheat Thins
• Ol’ Stinky


I bet toilet training Riley will be exactly like this. With the songs and everything.


I bought myself a most excellent pair of slippers ($4.99 from Walgreen’s! Klassy!):


I think they go quite nicely with the decor, don’t you?


Thank you for your wonderfully supportive comments on my last entry. Thank you, so much.


I was dorking around on MySpace.com this weekend, having discovered the ability to search by your graduating high school class – holy crap! – and I started getting search-happy, I was trying to think of every blast from the past imaginable and at one point I typed in the name of a guy I dated once upon a time. I thought of him for no other reason than he had a unique first-and-last-name combo, and the results I got were startling.

He’s dead. He died in 2003.

And get this, he died not from a car wreck or from doing drugs or – I don’t know, something that would make this a more digestible fact for me, but he died from sudden heart failure, while out running one day on the Oregon coast. I mean, can you imagine a more wholesome, less-likely-to-kill-you-dead activity?

He left behind a son, just a little boy. Jesus.





Riley started crawling about a week ago, and now he’s a marvel to behold. This weekend he has alternately amazed and terrified me as he figured out all sorts of things, like how he can move at a disturbingly fast speed on the tip-tops of his knees, or how the hearth provides an excellent shelf on which to pull himself to a standing position.

I just can’t believe how fast he’s growing. I just want to be here for all of it, every stage.

Is it possible I’ll be that lucky? Can it possibly be that I’ll be here to see it all?




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