September 1, 2006

Look, I crafted an honest-to-god homeade cake for the boy’s birthday! No shit, I used a Martha Stewart recipe and everything.


It’s heart shaped, people. That right there is carrot cake with cream cheese icing, so it is both cute AND nutritious. Vegetables! Protein! Dairy! My god, it’s practically a delicious novelty-shaped vitamin.

Look, Riley! It’s your first birthday cake, which your mother lovingly baked all by herself! Using actual ingredients! Can you feel the magic?

…you seem awfully suspicious, dude.

Well, maybe if your dad holds you, THEN you’re sure to get excited about this cake and maybe even try it out, right?

Or…not. Okay, you’re clearly a little unsure about the cake. That’s cool, that’s cool, I understand. You’re only a year old, I guess it takes time to, like, embrace the concept of cake (thatIbakedwithmyownhands). How about we try it from the highchair?

Well now you’re just mushing it around, and — hey! STOP SMEARING IT ON THE WALL GODDAMMIT. Dog? Oh, Dooooog?

[NOT PICTURED: the dismayed Face of Gag after tasting one. solitary. molecule.]

All right, forget the cake. How about a present?


Now that’s more like it.


A very happy birthday overall, and thank you for all your great comments, which I am totally going to print for his baby book. That would be the never-touched baby book I really should fill out one of these days, except I am weirdly intimidated by having to hand-write stuff because ahhhh, there’s no Undo (note to self: find a pencil) and also I may have already forgotten the answer to every stupid question in there (“You followed an object with your eyes on ____ date” – um, yeah, I have absolutely no idea).

Anyway, we are driving down to Oregon today to visit JB’s family for the long weekend, and I am bringing about a million of those flipping cupcakes because by god someone’s going to enjoy them and praise my effort, OR ELSE.

Talk to you next week! Now excuse me, I have to go eat leftover cream cheese icing with a spoon.




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The length of your dress. With a floor-length gown, select a heel that will either lift it from dragging or one that will lower it enough so that it just skims over the ground. For a short dress, you might want to lengthen your legs with taller heels.

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Society has this flawed perception that dressing up is the exclusive right of women. Fashion, trends, designer clothes and accessories are supposedly all targeted at women and the function of men is to pay the hefty bills for their wives’/girlfriends’ extravagant shopping trips.

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Andre Perugia and Salvatore Ferragamo were not the only shoe designers of the 1920s. There were others whose names have disappeared over time or have been forgotten. However, it does not make them less important. Most of them were based in Paris, which was a shopping heaven at the time. These exclusive designers, known as “The Bottiers of Paris,” designed exquisite shoes made out of the most deluxe materials. They used brocade, lace, painted silk, rhinestones and removable buckles and clasps. Amongst these designers were A Gillet, Sarkis del Balian and Julienne.
These heels became popular with those women who didn’t care about convention and wanted to try out some new styles of shoes. Slowly and steadily, their popularity reached everywhere and almost everyone started wearing them. Not only are these shoes extremely comfortable, they are also very long lasting. If you are someone who walks fast, these shoes won’t come in your way. In fact, it’s much easier to walk fast wearing these shoes. These are the heels that are the first preference of any health conscious woman who wants to wear platforms. They are available in all styles and you can wear them with many different clothes like jeans, short skirt and other similar clothes. If you have been craving for a makeover and want to look radically different, apart from spending on clothes, haircut and make-up, you should also buy a pair of platform heels. They are available in normal colors as well as experimental colors and design. If you want to become the center of attraction at a party, you should buy these. However, if you want to keep things understated, you should buy these heels in conventional design and color. You can rest assured that you’ll still look very attractive no matter where you go.

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Continue to do this until all the holes are completed and two ends of the lace remain to be knotted.
7. Shorten your stride. Big steps can trip you up; instead take small, delicate steps. The higher the heel, the shorter your stride should be.