November 8, 2006

Riley appears to have some kind of stomach bug. I never thought I’d say this, but I actually wish I were talking about the sort of stomach bug that results in post-traumatic-stress-causing diaper contents. Unfortunately, I’m talking about the kind of bug that sends curdled milk-barf all over sheets and pajamas and my “vintage” Target-purchased Aerosmith shirt.

He’s napping right now, thank Christ, but I fear my day’s fate is sealed: clean up puke, clean up kid, run bath, do massive load of repulsive laundry. Repeat. Oh, and send Dog outside after hysterically admonishing her for trying to EAT BARF off the highchair.


In news that is marginally less disgusting, I have been semi-diligently updating SundryBuzz, so if you’re not already reading (my heart! my achy breaky heart!), here are some recent reviews:

• The Nikon D70S

• TIGI Control Freak serum (LOVE)

• Some kind of appley dessert thing

• Also, an embarrassing correction

Okay, will you help me quit moping about my housebound State of Barfdom? What’s the last really great thing you bought for yourself? Could be anything: food, clothes, music, whatever. Thanks in advance, I am dying for some distractions today.


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17 years ago

Okay. I tried to find a link, but it is either no longer made, or I’m an idiot. But – I bought a fanny pack! What?

It’s a North Face fanny pack for runners that goes actually on your FANNY, meaning you wear it behind you, and it has this awesome water bottle that is slanted that you can pull out easily while you’re running. It also has a TINY pouch for drivers license (so they can identify my body when I get run over, mom) and cell phone. It’s AWESOME.

But what am I about to buy? A macbook. Shhh…

17 years ago

Just think – what if you had to do all the laundry at the laundromat? You’ve got it easy, girl!

Miz Robyn
17 years ago

A Home is Where the Cat Is mug. I love it beyond reason.

17 years ago

The best thing I bought myself this year was Sirius Satellite Radio. It has changed my life – long drives are no longer hideous, the commute to and from work is more fun, and the set I brought transfers from the car to the house. Commercial free music, Howard Stern, and lots of bad words. I highly recommend it.

samantha jo campen
17 years ago

I just bought this awesome velvet blazer from Kohls. Go here: here Can’t wait for holiday parties!!

17 years ago

a nosehair trimmer that looks like a finger…brilliant gift for my brother in law

17 years ago

ew. sorry to hear about the barforama going on at your place. just when you think things can’t get anymore gross than a projectile-vomiting kid…the dog comes in and proves you wrong. hehehe, isn’t family life GREAT?!?!?

last REALLY GREAT thing? pfft. my car? which i will be making payments on until next summer. or, maybe the shitload of AVON stuff that just came in today. unfortunately, all the colors that looked so delish in the catalog look like ka-ka on my face. but i am a true addict, so i’ll probably order more shit next week too. OH OH OH! i haven’t bought it YET, but on friday i get my spanky new computer!!!! woot! ok, it’s not a fancypants laptop or anything, but it burns cds, has uber memory, about a billion usb ports, and it’ll be MINE all MINE, never to be used to download Wifey porn, or be subjected to 20/24 hours a day of WoW!!! *sigh* i’m a happy girl :)

17 years ago

i bought a dustbuster. it is my lover. between that and my scumbuster, black and decker OWNS MY SOUL.

17 years ago

Bath and Body works Body Butter ..raspberry vanilla…yum. I also want that perfectly awesome kitty mug Miz Robyn!

Aunt Linda
Aunt Linda
17 years ago

A caique parrot. Named Sundance. God help me. AL

17 years ago

I am suffering with the same stomach bug. I feel horrible. Hope Riley feels better soon.

17 years ago

I bought two pairs of shoes and a pair of slippers from yesterday. (It’s very weird that you brought this up, because I just wrote an entry about buying shoes for myself. ) If you want to see what they look like, I posted them on my site. I cannot wait until I get them. I think I will try to incorporate them both into my outfit on that day…perhaps wear the boots from the house to the office, then the flats while at the office? Hmm, I’ll think about it.

17 years ago

Oh, and because I am too selfish to read the comments before posting my own, I want to add that I, too, have Sirius Satellite Radio and it’s the best thing in the whole world. I read that it changed chillier’s life, and, I kinda agree.

Also, Samantha Jo, that blazer? IS ADORABLE! I love it. If I didn’t have enormo-jugs that don’t allow me to purchase any sort of tightish shirt/jacket with front closure, I would buy one for myself!

17 years ago

Less than one hour ago, I bought myself two sweater vests at Eddie Bauer. On sale, and super cute! This is, of course, after I informed my shopping partner that I was, under NO CIRCUMSTANCES, to buy anything.


17 years ago

Uh, let’s see what I’ve spent my hard-earned dosh on this year…. two new bathrooms? Nice, but not sexy. A new mini-van? Functional, but now I’ve lost all my cred with my old friends w/o kids. Medicine for my dog? Necessary, but oy. Groceries? Weekly. Not at at all sexy. I think the last thing that I bought that I loved was…. (god, I’m pathetic)… books. There you have it. I also love my new MacBook, but since I work for The Man now, I use The Man’s computer which is just not as fun. Oh, and also my new Danskos that actually fit. Love them.

Stephanie Brown
Stephanie Brown
17 years ago

i bought a snickers bar, and it was delicious. just what i needed :)

17 years ago

I just bought some “squishy” (read: comfortable) clothes from LL Bean for Thanksgiving…you gotta be comfy while stuffing your face and watching football :)

17 years ago

Man I was happy when the kids were old enough to puke in a bowl, bag, toilet (best case), trash can, anywhere but the couch, the bed, the carpet, the car, etc. I had to laugh about the dog. Usually when the kids would blow chunks on the carpet the dog would appear out of nowhere to feast. That’s were I would think “bad dog” quit eating puke, but then again that’s that much less I have to cleanup, “good dog”.
Last thing I bought, an icon package and a UML documentation tool for some software I am writing.

17 years ago

Bummer…Get ready to do a ton of laundry. That fabric softener should help a lot :)

Hope he gets to feeling better soon!

17 years ago

I bought myself a tube of Long Last Soft Shine lipstick from Clinique yesterday. Berry Freeze is the color’s name as I went to get myself a tube of bright pink lipstick and I no longer had any. All I had were the muted light pinkish stuff. I want bright lips dammit!

Poor Riley, hope he’s better soon. Barf. ICK!!!

17 years ago

I love you Angela, and I’m coming to visit your website after I post this just to share the love on the Black & Decker Scum Buster. That is the last thing I have purchased. A new one. I wore my old one out because it is the best thing ever. And I am dirty. Well, I’m not dirty, my family is dirty. And my floors. One swipe around the bathtub or shower and schwooop! All the dirt is gone. And I have a two-year old who likes to paint. It makes cleaning so much easier. Not just on bath stuff, but on other things, too. The tile floor under the dog’s bowls? Do you get that um, layer of ick under the water bowl? Gone! Just like that! And the new ones? They come on a stick thingie so you don’t even have to bend or reach as much. So very cool. These and the swiffer wet-jet thingies are the only reasons that my house is clean. Now if only I had a Roomba!

17 years ago

I bought the Foo Fighters Skin and Bones via iTunes–a live acoustic album recorded over the summer. It contains many songs from In Your Honor, and also some great older songs like Everlong. LOVE it. It’s just what mom needs to blast in the minivan, thus proving to herself that she IS still somewhat cool, despite the fact that she is: a) driving a minivan b) for the after-kindergarten carpool c) in her Old Navy/Target wardrobe.

It’s the small things that remind us we are still in here, underneath all the “mom.”

17 years ago

Oh man, hope Vomit Fest 2006 comes to an end very soon – that sounds horrible for both of you! And what is with animals? They are so nasty! My one cat is always trying to eat the other cat’s puke/hairballs. He is gross! But I love them both.

Anyway! Thirding the Sirius Satellite Radio! LOVE! But that was in January. Tthe last thing I bought myself that I really loved was a study abroad trip to Australia. It was amazing beyond words. And on that trip, I bought some lovely aboriginal art. And now I will not be able to spend any money for … a few years. heh!

17 years ago

Sorry, I got all excited over the Scum Buster, I really meant to say my sympathies over the puke. Hope Riley is feeling better soon. When those bugs hit Bella, I let her spend LOTS of time in the bathtub playing. She loves it, Mommy can sit back and drink or read and it cuts up on the cleaning.

17 years ago

Hmmm…that’s a tough one as we’ve been “saving money” and therefore not really buying anything. I guess it could be the “Cheesy Gordita Crunch Wrap” that I tried for the first time yesterday. It was pretty tasty, and I would definitely eat it again the next time I am looking to spend half the day looking green because OMG the amount of cheese in that thing is (incredibly, wonderfully) obscene. Which does not mix well with someone (like moi) who is slightly lactose intollerant.

17 years ago

I am up to my ears in crap too, though not the pukey variety, and the highlight of my day was two steak and cabbage tacos from a hole in the wall Mexican place. If you can get out and get some Mexican food, it will brighten your day. Just don’t let Riley have any, because GOD, no one wants salsa two ways.

I’m sorry you’re having a shitter day. xo

17 years ago

On the hunt for the deep purple nail polish I craved, I finally found and purchased the closest thing to my vision: MAC’s Dark Angel. It’s awesome. Also, while there, I got suckered into getting my face “done” professionallyby one of the MAC artists and as a consequence splurged on an eyeshadow kit (6 colors for smokey eyes (?), two sparkly grays and then browns including a “green” that’s actually brown when applied) — great, great colors that actually LAST. Ordinarily I would never spend the $$ on fancy make-up, but this is, in fact, worth it — as just mentioned, the color is stays on and is deep and rich; also, the shades of brown are unlike anything I’ve encountered in drugstore brands. I just might be hooked.

17 years ago

Carrie: i love you too and i am gald i am not alone in my undying love for my scumbuster. my friends think i am a freakshow.

Jessie: you’ve made my decision for me, i am going to taco bell for lunch. which, in a roundabout way, ties in with today’s pukey theme, but i don’t care.

Filakia: do you like MAC nail polish? Wet n Wild discontinued my color (blackest red) and they closest i can come to finding a replacement is at the MAC counter or the Chanel counter. And it’s pretty hard for me to justify paying more that $2 on nail polish.

17 years ago

Man, I haven’t bought myself anything fun in a while (I’m not very shoppy and also exceedingly practical about money/clothes, etc). I am reaching here. Probably, as lame-o as it sounds, the new iPod Nano, which I had to buy because my iPod mini died — just up and DIED — and then, on top of that, I will add that I purchased a super-great playlist recommended to me by another blogger that quite literally got me through the New York City marathon this past weekend. Good music cannot be undervalued.

And thanks to your SundryBuzz post (I’ve been reading! And I love!), I am rather dying for a Nikon.

One question, though (which maybe I should put over there, but since you mentioned it and I am here now and also super-lazy): have you taken black & white photos with the D70S in its black and white “mode” (assuming it has one), and do they come out as good as film B&Ws — or do you find that you can make as-good-as-film B&Ws via Photoshop or some other means?

17 years ago

Well, we’re kind of not spending money since we just bought a second house as an “investment” and are expecting a baby… it’s a leeettle tight right now. However, a while ago, we bought a King-Sized bed and it’s heavenly. The key to happy marriage is a King-Sized bed, sister! Especially with a bed-hog husband (ooh, do I sound bitter?!) and two seventy pound pups who feel it is their god-given right to sleep on the bed with us. :o)

Pickles & Dimes
17 years ago

I bought a Mt. Dew, which is no big deal until you consider the fact that I have given it up and I only bought one to combat the coma-inducing weariness I am experiencing after being up with my fiance since 2:00 am this morning until he finally let me take him to Urgent Care, where we found out his rib cartilage somehow mysteriously tore itself away from his ribs.

17 years ago

Oo! Oo! I bought these awesome knit muck-luck thingies, like big warm knit socks, except with a thin leathery sole at the bottom. I guess they have less-awesome ones at Payless or whatever, but I got mine at the local hippie bong store, and they rock my heezy for sheezy.

17 years ago

I bought a fresh loaf of bread today from the bakery. One of my greatest pleasures this year (now that I get to live below the poverty line – thanks grad school!) is eating fresh baked bread. It’s soooo good! And so cheap!

17 years ago

Oh no, I’m sorry Riley is so sick. Not fun for anybody. And why do dogs do that? ewww!

My husband and I just booked a trip to the Caribbean. We’re going just after the new year and it’s our Christmas gift to each other. Otherwise, I really haven’t bought anything for myself.

Oh well, I did buy Bliss High Thighs Slimmer Scrub:
It’s supposed to “slim” your thighs by increasing the circulation…aka exfoliating the shit out of your thighs to make them appear to be smooth. I know it doesn’t work but sometimes it’s fun to lie to yourself and I like the spa-like smell it gives your bathroom after you use it. Good for a quick Calgon take-me-away moment. :)

17 years ago

A Nikon D50 (the lil sis to your D70S) and a wedding dress. Now I just need to start the “wedding diet” which I have been studiously avoiding.

17 years ago

Do yourself a favor and stop giving him the milk. The milk vomit is so very nasty and I’m sorry you are experiencing it.

I recently lost my mind and bought a great dress, some gauchos and a black top at Ann Taylor Loft.

17 years ago

URban decay lip lube…Nyc is the best colour…yummy shiny and glossy what could be better?

17 years ago

Two recent purchases, and I don’t know which I love most! Thing the first, Tweezerman tweezers. Oooo, so sharp and so awesome. Plus they were mismarked for $7.50 instead of the annoying $20 they normally are. HA! Thing the second, cashmere lined leather gloves, legitimately on sale. They are now known as “the gloves of luxury”. All my knit gloves are crying in the drawer as they will never see the light of day again.

17 years ago

Poor mama and Riley. I hope the worst is over for you all.

The two things I have recently purchased that I LOVE and get a little joy from every time I use them were both items for my 1 year old, E.

Robeez booties. LOVE THEM! When I don’t feel like wrestling to put socks on? Eh, no big deal! I just slip these on (sooo easy to put on) and off we go. We live where it’s COLD, too!

The second thing we couldn’t live without is a Snack Trap.

I make it even more convienient by adding rings to it so I can attach it to a stroller or backpack (ba pa!) so even if my little turkey drops it, it’s still attached. The “lid” is soft rubber and allows for little hands to reach in for snacks, but the snacks won’t fall out- even in my purse! AWESOME. I buy these for birthday gifts and I think I have a few new best friends.

17 years ago

I bought a Tamrac camera-bag/day-pack combination (the… shoot, something 7) and I LOVE it. It carries just enough of my camera stuff for a walk or a hike, and it has a compartment above big enough to hold a sweatshirt, my wallet, sunglasses, and keys, and a couple of library books. It wouldn’t carry a Riley, though.

My sympathies with you on the puke problem. The unfortunate thing is that puke only gets nastier as they get older. On the plus side, though, sometimes they’ll make it to the toilet with it.

17 years ago

The last really great thing I bought for myself is a closed-toe, round-toe, black patent leather platform pump. It’s by “diba” and it’s called “Mardi.” It’s insanely cute, sexy, stylish, yet sweet and NOT trampy looking, very comfortable, and makes me like, five inches taller. I tower over the men I work with — heee! It’s a super, super high shoe that, thanks to the platform & round toe, doesn’t kill my feet AND it doesn’t make me look like a hooker. Can be worn with (overlong) pants, skirts, suits.

17 years ago

Heh. This will probably win for the dorkiest self-prezzie, but! I bought myself a bunch of luscious pure silk yarn and knit myself a shawl out of it: Not that I wear gorgeous silk shawls, with a 14-month-old. But it’s sitting in my drawer, smelling all fabulous and silky, waiting for that mythical future day when I can think about a flirty summer dress again.

Sorry to hear about Riley’s stomach bug. :( We’re dealing with the glories of canine teeth today, I think. I feel your pain.

17 years ago

$75 worth of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab perfume. Which actually gets me a whole lot…it’s just now I have to wait about a month for it to be made and shipped here. :-)

17 years ago

Oh my god, I’m so sorry. The only–ONLY–good thing to say about a barfing child, is that when he stops barfing your usual life will look so blissful. The twins got some sort of barfing thing and I thought I might actually go insane.

17 years ago

Oh, and what I bought for myself was a Burger King Spicy Tendercrisp Chicken Sandwich, with extra spicy sauce. Oh jesus those things are good.

17 years ago

The last really great thing I bought for me is a CD/MP3 portal player and small set of speakers. I have been trying to get by with a waek ass radio that only picks up elevator music so I burnt a CD of my favorite MP3’s and got this thing and I am in music heaven now. I have thousands of MP3’s on my external drive at home and can not hook it up here at work so this is the next best thing (no this is the BEST thing). The speakers amplify also so when no one is around I can really jam. I have rechargeable batteries so it’s all good. I will be burning more CD’s soon. I just love it.

17 years ago

I hope Riley feels better ASAP!!! Hang in there, I know it is rough!
I haven’t been able to buy much for myself lately, being 7 months pregnant, don’t want to waste too much $$ on maternity clothes – they are pathetic I have to say. I did buy a really cool basket from Restoration Hardware that hasn’t arrived yet: Figured it would be cute for toys.

17 years ago

Last week, with my husband’s blessing (he was practically pushing the “purchase” button for me), I bought a ticket to visit my best friend in San Diego in January — one last “just us” weekend before Baby arrives in March. (Now we just keep hoping and crossing our fingers that nothing about this pregnancy changes and I’m actually able to fly at week 33…) We may do nothing at all — I
m pretty sure wine tasting and Disneyland are out this year — but it will be four days of doing nothing at all in a place slightly warmer and drier (hopefully) than my beloved Pacific Northwest.

17 years ago


Found your blog through another that I read. Awesome job!!! I am completely addicted to this one, your mom blog, and sundrybuzz. I look forward to reading them everyday. I have a 10 month old son, so I know where you are coming from. Your little boy is absolutely precious.

17 years ago

Latest thing I bought for myself.. actually new Erasers. I love nothing more than a clean eraser when it comes to my art. :3

I may be treating myself to some major starbucks with friends soon too. It’s cruel, It’s mean, but we’re horribly sick of our dear ‘friend’ (used to be now we can’t stand her) having pregnancies scares and not seeking help/alternative birthcontrol/a brain. For the record – We’re sophemore college students. She comes from a strong religious catholic background and has no tact and often insults us with the things we say. God why did I room with her?! Becuase I didn’t think she’d become this.. ANYWAYS. We all have starbucks bets on if she becomes pregnant before the end of the school year. :3 I’m looking forward to a chai-latte and perhaps some common sense for her.

I am so going to hell.

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