November 26, 2006

We are home, and just in time, because it’s been snowing all freaking evening long and if we had driven back from Oregon today like we had originally planned…oh man. We would be stuck on I-5 so long we’d eventually earn squatter’s rights and own a little chunk of freeway just north of Olympia. That’s after being forced to devour each other to survive, of course.

I posted a bunch of photos from our trip here, but these are my favorites:

Jetty at Bandon beach.

Lurking rocks on the Bandon coastline.

Driftwood with jetty in the background.

Shore Acres park, with some startlingly blue sky that only hung around for a few minutes before turning grey and imposing.

The family at Shore Acres, squinting into the sun.

Poised for turkey, just before our holiday dinner, moments before Riley demanded DOWN OMG LET ME DOWN NOW FOR REAL I AM NOT EVEN KIDDING, etc.

The boy and his tiny throne.

It’s hard to tell here, but at the bottom of the photo is a red spot from a laser pointer, which turned out to be a surprisingly entertaining method of scaring our young child. Muah ha ha ha!

Lastly, the boy wearing a teeny plaid shirt, like the world’s runtiest grunge rocker.


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Jen J.
Jen J.
17 years ago

The Shore Acres park photo took my breath away! So very beautiful.

17 years ago

Awesome photos as always, and I want to say that that orange-y red is definitely your color. Also if you want Riley to be not only grunge but retro-grunge, you should so rip the sleeves off of that shirt and put a tiny thermal on him underneath it. (I don’t know why I’m going there … maybe it’s because I watched Breakfast Club on TV this weekend.)

17 years ago

Awesome pictures! I love the Oregon coast. Lots of fond memories of the Yachats area- which I think is farther north than ’bout where you were. Still, it’s all gorgeous. You can walk for hours on those beaches. Are you the sand-name-writing-types? We are, cheesy as it may be. Now we mostly write E’s name.
Glad you got home before the big snow hit!

Also, what is it with people who don’t buy 2ply toilet paper? Shame, they make their ass pay the price.
I am all about Charmin Ultra from Costco. Amen.

17 years ago

You take the most gorgeous pictures. That coastline is amazing.

Glad you had a happy turkey day. What is it with little boys who don’t want to sit through a holiday meal? I had to let my son down after he hurled both a fork and a cup at my head. This year I was thankful his aim isn’t better.

17 years ago

Gorgeous pics. Gorgeous family.

Ms. Boombastic
17 years ago

I don’t think I have ever mentioned it, and I know you already know this, but Riley is seriously the most gorgeous baby I have seen. He also looks so much like both of you. So, so cute!

17 years ago

Love the pics. Especially the Bandon rocks one, with the impending storm in the background. Glad you made it home safe!

17 years ago

I absolutely LOVE the photos! I must go there.

17 years ago

I absolutely LOVE the photos! I must go there. Thanks for sharing.

17 years ago

We probably drove past you this weekend – we were down in Gold Beach with my mom. I just love the southern Oregon coastline. I have some wicked pictures that I took at Shore Acres once when it was stormy. We actually drove home to Everett late tonight and it was smooth sailing up I-5.

17 years ago

That last picture is adorable! “I’m a lumberjack and I’m okay…”

17 years ago

Does anyone else see a wee piggie when they look at the driftwood? No? just me?…just checking.

Fabu pictures, as always.

17 years ago

Some day I will get back to Bandon. Geeze, next spring it will be 20 years since I was there, but seeing the pictures instantly brought back such happy memories!

17 years ago

Those pictures are beautiful. I will definitely plan a vacation up there! Adorable boy, too!

17 years ago

That driftwood kinda looks like a crocodile with something in its mouth……
Oh, and the laser light-chase game…my boys like to play that, too — and they’re 9, 5, and 3!

17 years ago

Awesome pics. Riley just gets cuter by the minute!

17 years ago

The Bandon coastline photo makes me think of the end scene from Goonies. Is that where it was shot?

17 years ago

Gooooorgeous pics! And I see the piggy in the driftwood too!

17 years ago

ok, these photos just totally convinced me that i NEED the d70.


17 years ago

wow those are some gorgeous pictures! I love the coastline. And in the picture of Riley on this throne, I think he looks a lot like J.B.! My kiddo refused all things turkey as well, but the sweet potatoes were a big hit!

17 years ago

I cannot resist answering your Goonies question. I am a Goonie nut.
It was filmed in Astoria, OR which is farther north, right by the WA border. All of the coastline is gorgeous, so doesn’t really matter.

(Am such a GEEK)

17 years ago

I totally see a puppy dog in the driftwood. Up top, high, leetle bitty smiling head attached to humongous mutant driftwood.

17 years ago

Thanks honeybecke

17 years ago

Your photos are fantastic. So captivating.

17 years ago

Funny about the laser pointer. That is the way we exercise our golden retriever. She will chase the thing for hours, even up and down the stairs. Much easier than walking her when it is too hot, too cold or raining.

The photos are beautiful, by the way. That is one of the most adorable children I’ve ever seen. I just love his little face!

katie d
17 years ago

LOL; I totally heart the picture of you and JB smiling while Riley is all the Frowny Face of Death that clearly says, “Holy god, don’t you people have anything better to do than traipse around out here in the cold, taking pictures?” Also, that driftwood looks like a snaggletoothed prehistoric animal.