Okay, if you had a 7 AM flight tomorrow morning and your iPod was smelling a little…not so fresh, what would you buy from iTunes tonight? The last things I downloaded were Snow Patrol, Imogen Heap, old They Might Be Giants, Nellie McKay, Ok Go, The Sounds, and Keane, to give you some vague sense of context for what I like (basically, anything except for super-twangy country).

Also, some images I’ve been uploading to Flickr lately:

From the Seahawks game last night that JB and Joe went to. MAN they had great seats, and it was a great game, too. I don’t even care about football and I’m pissed I didn’t get to go.

The Boy, being cute.

The Boy, being kind of a miserable S.O.B about wearing a raincoat. (But it was a green raincoat with a frog on it! Does he not understand the cuteness factor here? GOD.)

This is how Riley dances: by doing a bunch of deep knee bends. If only he’d learn to kick, too, so we could get some hot Russian squat-dance action going.

Heh. Stare all you want, bucko, that spoon trick only worked in the Matrix.

I just talked to my coworker who is already in San Francisco, and on his direct flight from Seattle to SF, the same flight I’ll be on tomorrow, the airline managed to lose his luggage. I am currently in the midst of defying the laws of physics to cram everything I need for a week of tradeshow mania into one small bag, which I had planned on checking (because do I travel with millions of bottles of various unguents, all of which are now banned from carryons? YES I DO), and if this thing gets lost…well, I’ll be the girl at Macworld with no extra clothes, no toiletries, and no deodorant. In other words, I’ll fit right in.

(Dear United: that statement was in no way meant to tempt you to send my suitcase hurtling into a black hole, never to return. If I am separated from my hairdryer for more than 24 hours I break out in giant hives, so please…think of the children.)


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17 years ago

The last album I bought on iTunes was Lady Sovereign’s “Public Warning”. Think: British female Eminem but without the misogyny and homophobia. A couple of the songs are meh, but on the whole I like it a lot. (Also: “Poison” by Bel Biv Devoe. There, now it’s stuck in your head too.)

17 years ago

For the download question, I recently got some of the music Dutch and Wood recommended on Sweet Juniper. The entry was from about a week ago I think. http://www.emusic.com has this free trial where you can download 25 free songs (or 50 if you type in /urbanoutfitters after the .com). At first I was skeptical, but I got a few albums, put them into my iTunes and am even considering keeping my membership. They don’t have as much as iTunes, but I found stuff I really wanted. Have a great trip — hope all of your underwear and hair product join you.

Anne L.
Anne L.
17 years ago

Hmmm… the latest that I downloaded from itunes is The Presidents Of The United States Of America: Love Everybody. I heard the title track in the movie 12 And Holding and had to have it! Very fun tunes. Also gotta say that for a long while I thought that Riley was a teeny little mini-JB. But in that b/w pic, I see you! Have a good trip!

17 years ago

I have recently found the band Psapp, specifically Cosy in the Rocket. Have a great trip and I’ll send some out some good vibes for a safe luggage arrival.

17 years ago

Nice wood floor. Boy is cute too. ;-)

17 years ago

I dig OK Go very much. They’re bouncy. The other day I randomly got a bunch of CDs from the library, including: old Beastie Boys, old RUN-DMC, Rachel Yamagata, Polyphonic Spree, and Pete Yorn. (And also that old Suzanne Vega album from when I was twelve.) I may actually sack up and buy an actual Missy Elliott CD one of these days, and I’ve been listening to an Australian band called Motor Ace, too. Wasn’t this extremely helpful?

17 years ago

PS to Scott: Lady Sovereign is totally my girlfriend, yet I did not know she had an actual album out instead of her EP, to which I listen to religiously. Everybody else: Lady Sovereign should be your girlfriend, too.

17 years ago

Well, we seem to have the same taste in music, based on the list. In fact I also just got Snow Patrol and Imogene Heap. I also recently purchased the new BNL.

Hope your flight goes well and I hope you see your hair dryer on the other side.

17 years ago

Might I recommend:

The Delgados, The New Pornographers (The Bleeding Heart Show is probably one of the best songs EVAR), The Eames Era, The Inklings, The Decemberists, The Submarines, Belle and Sebastian, and Tegan and Sara.

Polyphonic Spree is great, as is I’m From Barcelona (Not listed on iTunes). The song “We’re from Barcelona” is the ultimate happy song, and it’s sung by 29 Swedish people who live in a commune. How awesome is that?

Also, Joanna Newsom (the album Ys) is always amazing, but she’s a little…different than what’s in this list. Check her out just to say you’ve heard her voice.

17 years ago

I hate to do this, but I can’t edit my post, so this is the video to We’re From Barcelona:


17 years ago

This must make me the lone music pirate in attendance as I’ve never purchased music online. Now some of the music on my iPod was indeed paid for but I burned a bunch of my cds and the rest I found online. Soooo, if you’re interested in some free tunes let me know and I’ll shoot you an email. If not, were I you I’d get some Breaking Benjamin, Tori Amos, Evanescence and just to make it fun some Oingo Boingo. We’re not goning to see you on the next episode of Airline, are we?

17 years ago

My third comment in 20 minutes just to say to Keaton YES! The Bleeding Heart Show is such a fantastic song and everyone, including Linda, should listen to it a minimum of four times a day, five on Sundays. And of course there’s the delicious non-twangy solo stylings of Neko Case’s solo stuff as well. She, by the way, is totally on my top five list.

Okay, enough. I am so excited about music for some reason today.

Mary O
Mary O
17 years ago

Please download the Shins’ new single “Phantom Limb”. It is heavenly. Their new album isn’t available yet, but that one song is definetely worth it. I’ve also been loving John Mayer’s “Continuum”. Every single song is good.

Have a good trip!

17 years ago

I have no music recommendations. I am a mom-jean-wearing non-hip sort of person and you would laugh if you saw my iPod playlists. However, I have to say that that b/w of Riley is possibly the best child candid I’ve ever seen. How is that lit? Ceiling bounce? What a great capture.

17 years ago

I’ve been crazy about The Pogues lately, but if you’re not into slurry, intoxicated, political/insulting Irish music, then you should check out The Shins (anything by them is exquisite), Nada Surf, and, of course Jeff Buckley. If you’re looking for some more mellow stuff, try anything by Dead Can Dance or Nick Cave’s more recent stuff. His double album…. whose name is slipping my mind right now…. is phenomenal.

Have fun (?) at CrackWorld! Can’t wait to hear your updates.

17 years ago

If you’re looking for anything mellow, relaxing and oh-so pretty, download the Jose Gonzalez album, Veneer. It is gorgeous, especially track #4, Heartbeats, which is a cover of this techno-ish song by The Knife.

You can hear the song in this super-awesome commercial. (Maybe you’ve already seen it? I hear it is kind of old. I’m sort of behind the game like that). The makers o’ the commercial dropped 250,000 of those multi-colored bouncy balls down the streets of San Francisco. The effect is nothing short of magical. Anyway, love the commercial, luh-huv the song.


17 years ago

Andrew Bird!

17 years ago

Look at the eyelashes on that kid (prominently seen in the B&W shot).

17 years ago

We seem to have similar tastes. I’m going to a Snow Patrol concert shortly and just went to Imogen Heap last month. My music recommendations? Devotchka’s “How It Ends” album. Their early stuff is good too, but all has a similar gypsy sound, while their most recent stuff mixes it up a little. But, I’d also check out http://audiomap.tuneglue.net/

It’s an awesome site that lets you put in an artist you like, and visually maps other artists you might enjoy. It’s pretty rad.

Mama Ritchie
17 years ago

Dude – this is weird. I was just going to email you a music must-have suggestion, even BEFORE I read your latest entry. Weird. I need Thorazine, and I mean NOW!

Okay – Artist: Sufjan Stevens. The albums: Greetings from Michigan, the Great Lakes State; and Illinoise. The best song ever: “For The Widows In Paradise, For The Fatherless In Ypsilanti”.

Oh, and another great sone that I am INTO right now: artist – Gomez; song: “See the World”

And my favorite old song that reminds me of my gayboyfriend Miguel: artist – World Party; song: “Is it Like Today?”

Have fun! Maybe the feds will storm the place and arrest Steve Jobs for his insider trading. Now THAT would be excitement!

Mama Ritchie
17 years ago

To follow Keaton’s lead – here’s Sufjan’s stripped down video for “For The Widows In Paradise, For The Fatherless In Ypsilanti”:


He’s a genius. And he plays the banjo. I’m in love, a little bit.

17 years ago

Try Regina Spektor. I have to be in the mood for her, but when I am, she’s great.

17 years ago

I feel for you Sundry, I H-A-T-E MacWorld, and anything that takes place in a convention center and involves walking miles on concrete, for that matter. Based on your recent downloads, I recommend the following. Most are pretty mellow and good for bracing yourself/chilling out in the airport and on the plane: The Foo Fighters accoustic album “Skin and Bones” is great. If you only want to download a few songs, I’d go with Cold Day in the Sun, Best of You, & Times Like These. Also, I love this song by the Old 97s called “The Question.” Also, anything on the Garden State soundtrack except Simon & Garfunkel. Far Away by Chantal Kreviazuk. Soul Meets Body by Death Cab for Cutie. Fix You Up, Tegan and Sarah.

17 years ago

RE: Music

Might I suggest The Decemberists, Takiro or anything Colin Meloy. Also John Vanderslice (you can download MP3s for free from his site http://www.johnvanderslice.com ), Harvey Danger, Nada Surf, We Are Scientists, Sense Field, Death Cab, Panic! At The Disco, The Killers, Sugar/Husker Du/Bob Mould, Bloc Party, that new Red Hot Chili Peppers double album, Hot Hot Heat, Postal Service.

They’re all great, I promise!

17 years ago

And ohmygod, my husband and I are flying United to San Francisco from Seattle next month. Here’s hoping all goes well! We decided not to fly Alaska as they’ve had some, ahem, issues recently.

Have a good time at Macworld!

17 years ago

What kind of camera do you have – it takes the most clear amazing pictures! I love the B&W one. I have no input for you on ITunes, it doesnt look like my recent Kenny Chesney and Aerosmith downloads fit with your tastes so much…. Sorry man. Have a great trip!

17 years ago

Insted of throwing even more options out there, I will just say that I second Sufjan Stevens, Old 97s (Question is indeed a classic), Pete Yorn, The Submarines. Okay, I lied. I’m going to throw out another option. The Lemonheads. An oddball name, but really fun music.

Emily Weise
Emily Weise
17 years ago

Hey, if you haven’t heard of Regina Spektor, go get “Begin to Hope.” Right now. Please.

I love her and I want everyone else to love her, too.

PS: I got to see Imogen Heap live. It ruled so hard.

17 years ago

For chillaxin music, Atheron’s Pale Summer is great. And for just great music, Margot and the Nuclear So & So’s is what I have been loving as of late. Have fun!

17 years ago

I downloaded a Frank Sinatra classics album. Can’t go wrong with Old Blue Eyes.

17 years ago

Julia Haltigan is my new favorite singer, and Flight of the Conchords is my new favorite comedy group evereverever and you should download their videos for your ipod INSTANTLY. Also, in case of airline misfortune, may I suggest: cram several hats into your carry-on.

17 years ago

There are so many great recommendations already, but I’d also recommend some DeVotchka, Calexico, and Iron and Wine. DeVotchka has sort of an Eastern European vibe. They were used a lot on the “Little Miss Sunshine” soundtrack recently. Calexico sounds very Southwestern-ish, with a lot of Mexican overtones. They may have some moments that are twangier than you might like, but at least check out their album “Convict Pool”. They do a cover of “Alone Again Or” that I lovelovelove. Iron and Wine is very mellow and gorgeous. I walked down the aisle to their cover of Postal Service’s “Such Great Heights”, so obviously, I’m a fan!

Good luck with your luggage. You know, it’s never a bad idea to throw one change of clothes (or at least undies) and a toothbrush into your carry on – just in case!

17 years ago

in celebration of your san francisco trip, i highly recommend Elephone. they are local, and amazing. i’m also going on a date with the singer on friday, so you know…maybe if i spread their aural goodness around, karma and the dating gods will smile upon me and provide a really good date, right? um, right!

17 years ago

I second Tegan & Sara, Regina Spektor, and Margot & the Nuclear So & So’s. For tracks, be sure to get Walking With a Ghost, Fidelity, and Skeleton Key, respectively. When in doubt, go for the Grey’s Anatomy soundtracks, because they pretty much rule.
My question for you: If you were moving to Seattle for a job downtown, and you were a new college grad, and thus, a little on the poor side, where would you live?

17 years ago

I’m also totally into Regina Spektor right now. My favorites on Begin to Hope are Fidelity, Better, and On the Radio.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed for your luggage!

17 years ago

I second Lady Sovereign, Andrew Bird, Psapp, Tegan and Sara, and Regina Spektor.

To those I add: KT Tunstall (find Black Horse and the Cherry Tree), Cat Power, Blue October (for the emo teenager in you, X Amount of Words is good, though Hate Me is on the radio more), Anna Nalick (get Breathe (2 am), Shiny Toy Guns (Le Disko and I Promise You Walls). Also Rihanna (SOS!!) if you want to bop around a bit.

17 years ago

I have no music suggestion, I just wanted to say OMG Riley just gets CUTER AND CUTER.


I hate United Airlines. With the hate hatenesss of ALL HATE.

But? GOOD LUCK with your flight and luggage!

17 years ago

regina spektor, muse-starlight

17 years ago

I’m pretty old-school and a big David Bowie fan. Download Ziggy Stardust tunes! You’ll thank me later. Also good (and new) is Corinne Bailey Rae. She is jazzy and hip and has a beautiful voice.

17 years ago

Have a safe trip. I hope you and your luggage travel well. : )-

17 years ago

I can suggest Nina Simone, Cat Power, and Nouvelle Vague. Also, for a random one-off song… Bang Bang by Nancy Sinatra. I saw both of the Kill Bills last night, and I can’t get it out of my head. Actually, now that I think about it, perhaps you’d better look at that whole soundtrack. Oh, and if we’re going to talk about soundtracks, Moulin Rouge is always the way to go. (Hello-Ewan-McGregor-singing-romantic-songs-just-for-me.)

17 years ago

Did you put MASCARA on your son? The cuteness is astounding, maybe it’s Maybelline, is all I’m saying.

17 years ago

The best I have downloaded is She Wants Revenge, especially the song Tear You Apart. It’s pretty hard-core, but it’s great driving tunes!

17 years ago

i add to the “regina spektor!!!” chorus.

17 years ago

As far as music goes, I listen to Jack FM in LA (www.931jackfm.com). They have a large playlist (> 10000) and I use that as a source for music to download. They have a section we you can listen to what they have previously played.

17 years ago

I think I mentioned this in an earlier thread but you should definitely download the new (first?) Jim Noir album. It’s wonderful (quirky, like Andrew Bird) and you can support local record label Barsuk Records in doing so! I’m also digging the band Vetiver and singer/songwriter Jose Gonzalez lately, they both keep coming up on Pandora.

Pickles & Dimes
17 years ago

He’s been around awhile, but I love Butch Walker. He writes amazing lyrics. Check out “Suburbia” to see what I mean.

I also really like Bowling for Soup, especially their newest “High School Never Ends.” You’ll never get it out of your head. (I think MTV played it ad nauseum for their end-of-year award show promo.)

17 years ago

Dunno if they’ve already been mentioned, but I’m quite fond of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. “Fever to Tell” is a pretty good album–a little on the angry side (the lead singer does a good bit of screaming, heh). “Show Your Bones” is their most recent album (and my personal favorite), and it’s a little more mellow than “Fever to Tell.” Anyhoo, there’s my vote. :)

17 years ago

Ooh, also, try Damien Rice.

Girl con Queso
17 years ago

Oh dear. That game wasn’t so fantastic if your husband is an enormous Dallas fan. I mean,… my husband’s not enormous, but he’s a huge fan. Also, my son is about a month younger than yours, he has the same fab frog raincoat, and he also refuses to wear it. And also, I love all those bands/people you mentioned, and here are a few more suggestions from me: Ocean Colour Scene (A Hyperactive Workout for the Flying Squad), Kings of Convenience (Quiet is the New Loud), Guster (Lost and Gone Forever) Doves (The Last Broadcast) and Josh Rouse (Nashville). Cheers.