March 28, 2007

I had this feeling like I should change the subject (although holy shit you guys crack me up). Hey look! It’s Cat, baleful and no doubt plotting to eat the flesh from our faces:


And Dog, demonstrating all that is stupid and good in the world:


Also, the boy is suspicious (FOR A CHANGE):


So I could use your opinion on some kitchen-remodel stuff. First, what do you think of the paint color on the left?


That is Benjamin Moore’s Powell Buff, the right color is Golden Honey or something like that. Too yellow, I think. The granite color is in front, I think the Powell color looks pretty good with it but as I’ve stated before, I’m kind of a dumbass about this stuff.

We also have to decide what sort of built-in furniture we’ll be putting into the small breakfast nook that will be built. JB likes this style:


It comes from this website, we can basically ask the builders to match some existing design. What say you, would that type of nook seating go okay with the cabinet style we’re choosing?

Finally, I’d like to state for the record that not only is it never too early to start with the Red Bull, apparently in our home there exists a helpful Can Pickup Fairy whose job it is to trail the male adult all around the house tidying after his little aluminum remains. I can think of no other explanation, anyway, for THIS:



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17 years ago

Do I see a few white hairs in Cat’s sleek blackness? Back by her tail? Oh Cat, old age creeps up on all of us doesn’t it.

My stepsister’s family has a nook like you’re planning, and they absolutely love it – they camp out in it; the dining table is often forgotten. She has nice built-in seat cushions though, that makes a big difference. Same solid wood styling. Hers matches her cabinets exactly; perhaps (since you said you could have your builders match something), could you have them find wood that is the same surface and stain as your cabinets, and build your nook that way — with minimal added “decorations?” Maybe do the bench-chair backs straight/plain, rather than with the ornamental cutouts?

I wish we had room in our kitchen for a built-in booth. (Although we have a center island with stools, so that’s nice too. Built-ins are the way to go IMO.)

17 years ago

I like the one on the left. And given the great light you have in the room, I don’t think it would be too dark. But another color would also be nice. That particular yellow is wrong, but it doesn’t need to rule out yellow altogether, imho. I would choose something less matchy and go with a cool aqua. But that is MY taste.

I think an upholstered built-in eat area would be preferable. It’d help soften the room and bring in great color/style. If you played your cards right, you could also add huge storage. I think I’d vote for L-shaped built-in with table and add’l chairs/bench of your choosing.

17 years ago

If you want a good yellow color that isn’t too yellow-y, yet not too pale, Behr brand in the color “oatmeal” is a great, warm color. It looks totally different on the sample than it does on the wall, too…just FYI..happy decorating!!

17 years ago

I think our cats are twins, except mine is fatter. And that chair. I love it.

17 years ago

Hey! I have both those colors in my house. All of ours are pretty much from the B. Moore “historical selection” folder. I was going to go with the yellow in my kitchen, but it was too damn cheery and young. I switched to “Chestertown Buff” which is a deeper tan yellow. It goes well with the beige and tans in my neighboring rooms and with the red toile curtians. Maybe check it against your granite. If it is good, tell me the name of your granite because that is the next project in our house!
Best of luck!

17 years ago

Yellow paint makes the baby Jebus cry. Just thought I’d let you know. And I agree that the Mission built-in looks way too churchy and I don’t care for it at all. Gosh dang it, Linda, aren’t you SO THRILLED that you asked the wide wide world of web for assvise?????????

17 years ago

Buff. all the way. BUT the yellow is a good color, I have both in my home.
I die a little inside every time I see how big Riley is, it just reminds me that my little one is going to grow up like that too! AAAAAAAAAAKKK! He is beautiful.

Niki P.
Niki P.
17 years ago

OK- don’t love either color- the first is too bland and the yellow is too, well, yellow. I don’t see the table and benches going with the cabinets and I LOVE the cabinets. Big help aren’t I??
Love cat, love Boy no matter how suspicious he is but Dog.. oh Dog how I love thee. My own Dog, Annabelle, is 12 and at deaths door I fear. Give Dog a big hug for me.

Niki P.
Niki P.
17 years ago

Oh yeah- Behr has a great color website- It’s in my favorite places. Yes, I need a hobby!!

17 years ago

I love yellow to an unfathomable degree of infinity plus 1. But I have to say that you’d be better off with the Buff in this case. If you really want a yellow, you’ll have to find a different shade for that color granite. With the buff, you can use greens, reds, etc., in your kitchen to a really big effect. I hate to use the word “pop” but bold colors will “pop” ::cringe:: against the buff.

17 years ago

I… don’t like the nook. I think it’s little stiff (someone said church-pewish, and I agree) and I’m not sure it’s modern enough. I love the Powell paint, though.

17 years ago

I personally like the yellow-y-er color more (maybe you can find a similar one that’s a little less yellow-y?) and don’t like the Mission style seating with the cabinets. But I’m a weirdo with a garage sale painting of a banana on a hot pink background hanging in my living room, so what do I know?

17 years ago

Oh, and Riley? The expression? Priceless. I love the Jack Nicholson eyebrow thing he does.

Jenny H.
17 years ago

Love the face Riley is making!! I am a fan of the yellow, my living room is painted about that same color. It is very cheery. Of course the rest of my house is quite “cheery”, too!!

Who am I kidding? We live in a Dr. Suess house! Hey, I lived in an apartment with WHITE walls for four years. Is it any wonder I went a leetle crazy with color? Right?

Anyhoo, love the color, love the face, love the table.

17 years ago

I definitely vote for the buff. Someone commented in an earlier entry that olive would be nice. At first I went “GAK” but now? I totally see it (I guess that’s why I’m not an interior designer; I have no VISION). That buff color with some olive undertones would make a fantastic contrast with the granite.

Ever since I read that comment, I’ve been eyeing olive tones with a new appreciation.

17 years ago

I like the buff with the granite. I do not like that particular yellow with the granite, perhaps another.
My humble suggestion is this beautiful warm maple we painted our liv/hall/bedrooms in when we bought our house last november. When putting on the first coat I was like ACK what have I done.. it was a burnished antique gold, but after 2nd coat and dry time it looks like carmel and if your kitchen is right off your living room then I think something like that might compliment each other.. thats a HUGE consideration making sure adjoining rooms compliment … not match.. just compliment. The carmel matches the wet coral ( really deep bold color) of my kitchen.
Good Luck!
Dog looks as ig he is channeling Teri Garr rolling in zey hey ! Adorable!

17 years ago

Dear sweet Jesus, I can only hope my poor children get more of the suspicious genes than I did. It’s quite fortunate that I survived thus far. And my brother is having his 21’st birthday today, so if I never post another comment at least you know I died happy. But seriously, I have no idea how the hell I haven’t killed myself. (accidentally, sp?)

On a lighter note, I also have a cat who plots my demise with every waking second. Which, by the way, she matches to be the exact time that I am sleeping.

Scratch dogs stomach for me, and pick something brighter than the brightest paint color you’ve seen so far. You can’t have a normal room next to your so-red-it’ll-head-butt-your-uterus living room. That just won’t do. From the street you can see maroon, blue, green, tan and purple in our windows at night. And that’s only because I haven’t got around to painting my room something better that tan. I’ve said it before, boring colors are for boring people, and we all know you aren’t boring Linda. Who else puts up links combining my love for zombies with my girlfriend knitting hobby? (she loved that by the way)

If there’s any way you can paint you kitchen peach, or maybe flourescent orange, that would be my suggestion, but I’m an opinionated person with (aparently) no taste. I combine hawaiian shorts combined with my Bob Marley shirt (black with Rasta colors) which my woman is trying to break me of right now! Not gonna happen. What do I look like, a popular person? F that in the A! Piledrive it!

Also, I’m going to see Tennessee Ernie Nord (not ford) wrestle this week. I will get the chance to curse at and pick on men who weigh at least twice my size in a setting where they can do nothing but take their aggression out on my semi-friend Tennessee Ernie Nord. Please wish him well, since he will be facing very pissed off enemies! Have a good weekend.

17 years ago

I’ve been clicking though links from other people’s blogs today, stumbled upon yours, and decided to read back a few entries.

When I saw that granite sample and your paint colors, I just have to comment.

My kitchen is a yellow color someplace in between the two colors you posted. It does tend to lean more towards the yellow but not as yellow as yours. I looked at that exact same granite from a sample that looks eerily similar. I immediately ruled it out because I didn’t think it would look good with my paint based on that small sized sample. The more I looked at the samples the more I didn’t like that one.

Luckily for me, my brother happened to get a temp job on an install using that granite. My brother kept trying to convince me that I’d fall in love with that granite if I just saw it in a full-sized installation. I kept telling him that he was probably wrong. Then … too bad for brother’s boss (but good for me), a vanity apron crashed to the ground and my brother was able to bring home a piece about 8×12 inches. I immediately changed my opinion. Those small samples often don’t represent what a larger piece truly looks like.

If you can, look at a full-sized installation and take your paint samples.