April 3, 2007
I see by my own handy web journal that I’ve been doing this dieting business for a little over a month now. I’ve also been dutifully exercising for nearly the same amount of time. My result to date as measured in actual pounds lost is fairly depressing—there has been annoyingly little progress on the scale. I weighed 139 this morning. AGAIN.
The good news is that my body has changed quite a bit. I can fit into all kinds of clothes that I haven’t worn in, well, years. It’s like having a brand new wardrobe! One that’s admittedly a little on the stale side of the fashion spectrum, but ask me how much I care about that. I shop at Goodwill, for crying out loud.
I bought a couple pairs of pants at Old Navy on Sunday, and I was eye-blinkingly pleased to find that a size 8 now fits perfectly. (Well, except for that one pair of jeans that I couldn’t even tug up past my knees, what the fuck, why must there be those anomalous styles that are sized using no discernible logic whatsoever? It’s like they exist specifically to make you hurl yourself to the dressing room floor and bray like a wounded donkey.) And here’s another dieting milestone: my belt is too big on its normal setting! I now wear it cinched one notch (a good-sized gap, maybe an inch and a quarter?) tighter, can I GET a hallelujah.
A couple weeks ago I just sort of stopped counting Weight Watchers points because I felt the initial process of analyzing everything I ate had served its purpose; I had figured out a rotating menu of meals and snacks that fit within the whole WW spectrum and I was sick of obsessively entering data into that slow-ass web tracker. I don’t know if I’d see different (faster?) results if I were adhering to the points-counting, maybe I’ll go back to it if I feel like I haven’t seen any progress for a while.
I think the biggest challenge so far has been letting go of the notion that losing lots of pounds is a requirement for getting in shape. It’s obvious to me now that I can make significant changes to my body without dropping a significant amount of weight (shout-out to Turbo Jam and its muscle-building, fat-burning workouts!) and yet every time I step on the scale I feel a little pang of discouragement. I know I should really ditch the scale altogether or at least squirrel it away in some unused closet for a while, but I can’t help myself.
I’ve also been doing the Inhale yoga workouts nearly every night, and I’m really liking how that’s going. When I first started I could only angle down a little bit while doing the butterfly stretch, and now I can put my goddamn forehead on the ground. Also, I can’t be completely sure about this but there seems to be some muscle in my ass now. Did you know the ass can contain muscle? I had no idea.
Those Inhale shows are a good workout but they’re a little annoying because 1) the host is kind of a dork, and 2) they seem to have paid for the copyrights on all of 5 songs, so they recycle the same music over and over and over. I’ve heard “Shy Guy” so many times I can actually tell you what the lyrics are:
But I don’t want somebody
Who’s loving everybody
I need a shy guy
He’s the kinda guy
Who’ll only be mine!
I don’t want to know this song that well, nor do I want to be intimately familiar with the smooth stylings of Marvin Gaye or Barrington Levy. So if you have a good yoga DVD to recommend, please do so. It would be nice to have some other home-yoga options, preferably without the easy listening soundtrack.
JB asked me what my end goal was for the dieting, and I said that I wasn’t sure but I hoped I would know when I got there. I had thought it would be tied to a number (125-130 lbs), but I’m less sure about that now. I can see where improvements can still be made (hi, saggy belly! WZZZZUP) and I like the feeling of getting stronger and healthier. My plan is to keep on with what I’ve been doing (although there’s a worrisome period coming up next weekend where we’ll be visiting JB’s family and all my familiar routines will be gone aaiiieee) and see what happens. If I’m not knocked up by summertime, then by god I want to be rocking a hot swimsuit. Maybe even a TWO PIECE.
You are an inspiration, even though you do shop at Goodwill. I was able to fit in the next size down pants – snug, but they could be closed AND worn out in public – but they were not a size 8. I doubt I will ever fit into a size 8. I’d be happy with a 14, thank you.
But, yay you! Keep it up!
Yoga for Surfers #2 is THE BOMB. It is available on Netflix. Not only is it a great workout for any level (as you can increase the intensity of any pose) BUT the scenery is awesome, and the chick doesn’t hurt your ego at all. She is an inspiration.
Hope you love it.
http://www.yogajournal.com offers some cds to work out to, I’ve never listened to them except for snippets here and there but what I’ve heard sounds very zen. And HALLELUJAH!
I *love* yoga. I have so many yoga DVDs it’s not even funny. My suggestion would be Baron Baptiste, his workouts are pretty good, a little more challenging too. Even MTV Yoga and MTV Power Yoga are good. Pretty much any Crunch yoga DVD, also Sara Ivanhoe’s 20 Minute Yoga Makeovers are good. I’d stay away from Yoga Zone because there are many creepy guys in short shorts in their workouts. Ick.
Might I suggest doing what I do and have a little separate workout queue in Netflix, and then you can try things out and not have to actually purchase them. It’s saved me from buying a bunch of crap!
Good luck!
Hallelujah! (And boo scales.)
I started Punch, Kick & Jam today; thanks for the recommendation! How often do you do it?
Congratulations!! It must feel great to actually see results. Am very jealous. This is my favorite yoga tape of the moment, I don’t find the music quite as annoying as most. But, um, I bought it because the instructor was a plus size model, and not teeny tiny so I didn’t get so disappointed with the way my poses looked versus the skinny itty bitty instructors poses. So you might not like it. Maybe it’s too easy for skinny girls? You, my friend, are a skinny girl! Congrats!
You are really inspiring me to get back to working out. The WW diet is going fairly well, but I still need to lose about 20 pounds. It is coming off so sloooowly. I need to get back to the Y where I pay $44 a month to, basically, drive by and wave to it fairly often. Or at least I need to walk around the block, for God’s sake.
Wow… size 8. That is really, really good. You should be proud of yourself!
I’m so with you on the weight loss, for real. I gained a lot of weight all at once, then when I finally started seriously losing it, I was deployed and there weren’t many scales to step on, so I just based my progress on how loose my uniform pants were getting. This time, I just bought my PT (exercise) shorts a size too small, and I figure that when they fit me right, my weight-loss goal will be met.
Also, even though this has nothing to do with anything: have you ever heard of Flight of the Conchords? They are HILARIOUS. Think Tenacious D, only sillier, and from New Zealand.
Congrats Linda! I find your story of improved health and progress inspiring! You’ll look fabulous…pregnant (and) in a two piece. Anyway – congrats on your hard work.
I will give you a HALLELUJAH!!! And a high-five and a straight up kick ass girl!!! Woo hoot! Since you asked, I think concentrating on your size as a goal (size 8) is working so great for you, stick with that. F the scale! I was at my thinnest the 2 years I didn’t own a scale. Go figure.
So so happy for you!
You bet your ass: has muscles! They’re the key to long days of hiking and cycling! Check out:
And I’m glad I’m not the only one annoyed with the WW slow website. Gosh, it was frustrating. So much so that I just copied the list of core foods and cancelled my WW online subscription after 1 day in the trial period.
However, thanks to yours and Jonniker’s inspiration, I’ve been doing the Core Foods WW diet for 2 weeks now, and I am seeing similar progress in the belt-tightening department. Same deal with the damn scale though – it gave me about a 2-lb loss and it has sat stagnant for a while now. But, zee pants, they are getting looser – whoop!
Thanks, and please keep inspiring me with your diet updates. I don’t find them boring at all!
I don’t know if you get this where you are but way over here we have a weird high number cable channel called FitTV and it has a show called Namaste Yoga. It’s half an hour, it’s a little fruity new agey but it’s pretty good.
Awesome! Sounds like great progress actually! Congrats for sticking with it!
I weighed around 120-25 in college, and thought I should be back there last time I went to loose weight. I was playing soccer and although I weighed 140-45 I was fitting into clothes that weren’t fitting at 120-125 in college. So, I came to terms with the way clothing fit was way more important that a number on a scale especially since that number meant I had muscle in the place of flab.
You could see if the local library has any Yoga DVDs to check out and see if you like them. Or Netflix some different Yoga titles to see what you like. I always forget that Netflix has that option at all!
Ah. When I was on the comment screen, there were no netflix comments. Now I see everyone had the same brilliant idea! Sorry to be repetetive… DUh.
a P.S. to my note above… I have been eating the SundryBuzz “shrink yer butt” salad every day for lunch, and I love it. More lowfat and delicious recipes, please!
I’m with Kizz on the Namaste Yoga. The voice over and camera angles can be a little creepy though. I think you just have to find what works for you and do it. Whereas doing something works and doing nothing – well, that seems to work the opposite of what we wish it would. (God, you can’t tell I’m a procrastinator, can you?)
Congrats on your skinny jeans!
i bought pants this weekend and they were completely a size 10. haha your the only one ive told besides bf who was there. i dont want to rub it in, is that sad? hehehe.
ps it would be fantastic if you asked fellows readers for workout videos (particularly ones those whom live in a thin-walled-apartment building could use). it would be beneficial for you as well. ;p
Jennifer: I think I’ll post a bunch of “recipes” (not really, more like “food combos”) on SundryBuzz in the next day or so, check over there!
I’m a total lurker, but decided to come out of the shadows to encourage you. It might make you feel better (or worse!) to know that I’ve been working out about 4 days a week for a year and have only lost between 7-10 pounds. I’m also a vegetarian and try to eat pretty healthy. That you’ve done so well in your first month should make you feel great. I’m 31, 5’5″, and currently weigh about 138. I’ve been trying to come to terms with the fact that this is where my body wants to be and that I’m healthier than ever. I would love to be 125-130, but I’m not sure that will ever happen. I think the challenge here is not so much the pounds, but changing how we feel about our bodies. Being healthy should be the number one goal, it’s just so hard to get there sometimes. Good luck, you’re doing great! BTW, I’m a former Seattlite and it’s so great to hear about my old hood.
When I diet, I like to try to make myself concentrate on clothing size rather than on pounds. Notice the word “try.” All my diets fail at the “maintain” point (if not way, way before), because it’s no fun anymore if the numbers aren’t going down.
These are great yoga videos – and believe me, I’ve seen a lot of them.
If you have an ipod there are plenty of yoga podcasts available for download. I live Alanna, the Jiva Diva, and yoga with wade zinter, and there are a lot of others. Warning though: most of them are pretty tough so be prepared! Good luck and i’m happy to read you are experiencing positive progress!
It sounds like you’re doing great! Good job!
Yoga – I like AM/PM Yoga by Rodney Yee. It came in a Beginner Yoga DVD set. I think it’s cool! It’s more relaxing than a workout though. I have some power yoga DVD that I have yet to try.
So what are some snacks you like? I’m heading into healthy “not a diet, it’s a lifestyle” territory myself and would love to know what others are eating.
i have never been a two piece girl. e v e r .
then i found this place:
IT IS WORTH A TRIP TO PORTLAND. it is the best bathing suit experience i have ever had. i left without any donkey braying, and in fact, giggled, laughed and BOUNCED in the dressing room (and yes, i realize that is a behavior pattern that no self-respecting 33-year old should EVER do, let alone in a public place).
also? i bought 2 (!) two-piece suits and almost bought a one piece as well, but managed to show some self restraint, considering i don’t swim, surf, sunbathe, or do any other activity that warrants swimwear. but i wanted it because it was cute and because it looked cute on me.
seriously, go. the website doesn’t do it justice.
I really liked Hemalaya Behl’s Yoga for Urban Living, and Rodney Yee and all the other Yoga Journal DVDs that I’ve tried. The MTV yoga is fun, too, but it’s definitely harder and the instructor is Just! So! Peppy! I have another one I love called Yoga for Every Body, which is awesome because you can choose from a whole bunch of workouts with different focuses (loosening hips, relaxation, etc.), different skill levels (from beginner to advanced), and you get to pick if you have a half hour, 45 minutes, etc. to work out.
I second Meg on the AM/PM yoga workout with Patricia Walden and Rodney Yee – the PM workout is my favorite of many I own, it is very mellow and relaxing. There is also a Yoga DVD for Weightloss with Suzanne Deason that I love.
Good for you on your weight loss. I, too, am doing the whole move more, eat less thing and you inspired me to capture it all on a blog. So I am doing daily (well, almost daily) entries in a diary-style format but OMG I am putting front and back photos of myself on there, once a week, to document my progress. And no, I am not squeezed into some too small bikini – I am currently just doing a sports bra and cozy pant (velour sweats?) combination. Not even I am brave enough to show my dimpled ass on the Internet, even if it is IS just my mom reading the blog!! So I am right there with you. This week I decided that I am NOT going to weigh myself every day anymore – it is just too disappointing. I am going for once a week instead – less reason for me to say f*ck it and cave in to call of Digiorno.
I have a lot of work out videos but my favorite of all time is the Reebok Power Step video. It is ancient – their clothes are so awful – but it is a kick ass workout. I also have several Taebo videos which are very “fun” (people get sweat spots in some weird places, man) and a ton of FIRM videos that I must say are only for the hardcore. They are LONG and damned hard and require weights, a giant step, etc. I am not a Yoga person but have tried it. I suck at it – but I did have a pregnancy yoga video that was nice for a moment.
I think you and I are both going to be pregnant by the end of 2007. See, we are going to lose all of this weight and then blow back up but won’t it be nice to be thin to begin with? Well, maybe you were the first time but I was huge when I GOT pregnant so I look forward to starting lower this time. Keep up the good work – maybe you can do some before and after pics for us! But you have to wear your bikini because you are in a size 8 now, after all.
You should toss the scale. :) Go by how your clothes feel- if they start getting tight, ramp it up. If they fit, great!
Though if you’re in the market for a good, reliable scale, try this one. It’s $50 at Linens ‘n Things, which is a hefty chunk of dollars, but it works wonderfully.
I’m am in exactly the same situation. About 6 weeks ago, I decided it was time to lose some weight. I started running regularly and really watching what I eat. And I have really noticed the difference in my body. My jeans are really loose, I look vaguely presentable in my highly attractive legging things I wear to run in, the cellulite is getting less and generally, I look better nekkid :o)
I hadn’t been weighing myself, because I know how depressing that is, but the other day, I decided to go for the big weigh-in, expecting to have lost, oh I don’t know, tons! What have I actually lost? Half. A. Kilo. Thats like less than a bag of sugar. Whoopdidoo….
But, hey, the numbers don’t count, right?
Awesome for you!
I know how you feel about the weight loss – I’m still at 147 (grr…) but I’ve seen almost two inches disappear from my waist, so I’m not complaining TOO much. And my once really tight pants, fit perfectly right now.
So motivating.
You know, don’t stress too much about the holiday weekend. I always try to tell myself that even if I only do one good thing a day (snack on carrot sticks instead of chips, take a long walk, whatever) it is better than nothing, which is what I used to do. And all those little things add up so its good to feel good about them. Besides, alot of the diet things are probably becoming habits, like portion size, so you are doing them without even noticing.
I’ve found wearing a pedometer can be super helpful and might work for when you are at JB’s family’s. Even if you can’t do your normal workout, you can take walks and track your movement that way. I’ve found that’s the only way I can make myself exercise every day, is if I have a number of steps I’m trying to get to. It’s addicting!
I also recommend the Rodney Yee yoga videos. He’s very earnest and wears a tiny little bikini, but once you get over giggling about his package, it’s a really good yoga video.
Good for you on getting into shape!
I really like the MTV yoga workout…I like the attitude of the “instructor,” the background music is BT, so it doesn’t distract and is rather mellowing to hear, and it doesn’t have that clunky, cheesy New Age-y feeling to it. It is also a pretty good challenge, especially if you invest in the Power Yoga video too. I checked Amazon…they have a four-pack of their pilates and yoga series that I might have to invest in.
You have inspired me to purchase Turbo Jam. Can’t wait until it arrives. Started back with the Tae Bo tapes until I get TJ. Also started eating healthier. Looking forward to your new recipie posts :)
I too have been working out, but I have an opposite problem from you. I’ve dropped 4 pounds, but I have not yet seen any changes in how my clothes fit. I’m eating good too!
Anyway, go you. I’m taking my inspiration from many places, and you’re one of them.
Hurray for you! you are doing so great with your fitness weightloss!!
just one thing though….i’m not saying anything against the TurboJam product…but did you order it online?? you might want to check your credit card statements…i have been reading some real horror stories!!
Nope, I ordered my two DVDs from Amazon, and that’s what I would recommend doing for anyone who’s thinking of buying Turbo Jam. eBay has some good deals on used DVDs too.
Hi Sundry,
I have to be rude and not read the other comments since I am at work and should be, you know, working. So forgive me if these have already been mentioned.
When I first started yoga, I happily did the Ali Mcgraw Yoga Mind and Body DVD for a long time without getting sick of it. The man who leads it has a calm voice and the scenery is beautiful, outside in the dessert. It’s about 50 minutes long. The music is instrumental.
After that I moved on to the Total Yoga Flow Series. There are three that come in a set. These are led by a lady with a nice soothing voice, although she does have a slight southern accent which made me giggle a little at first. These also have instrumental music. I like these because you can decide what level you feel like doing. The hardest one, Fire, still kicks my butt. It has some really advanced poses in it, but you can always modify.
I am very easily annoyed by the wrong music or a lame teacher, so if these don’t get on my nerves even after doing them hundreds of times, they are worth the investment.
Good luck! Isn’t yoga the coolest?
Those Old Navy jeans suck. I know the exact style. I gave in and bought the 10 and within a few weeks the pockets started pulling away from the jeans and the belt loops started to give way from all the tugging up over my ass.
The numbers on the scale are not moving because your weight is already where it should be for you to be healthy. Your body doesn’t want or need to be thinner. Of course, you can MAKE it be thinner if you insist but it’s more of a struggle when you’re already at a healthy weight.
Congratulations on the weight loss!! I’ve been working out since January and, evne though I am fitting better into my size 12 stuff (I’d love to get back into size ten) and I can feel the firmness of my body, and my husband has noticed, that scale seems stuck. I think the size goal and the fact that you are feeling better, more energetic, or something like that is a better goal to stick to. You are doing well; I don’t care what that lying scale says. *smile*
Your excitement and dedication in the weight loss/exercise department have really encouraged me to get off of my own ever expanding backside and go to the gym. Thank you!
Oh, how I love Old Navy’s sizing. I have two pairs of the exact same style, size, and color of jeans from them and one is significantly looser and longer than the other.
Do you guys have digital cable with OnDemand? Under the Sports and Fitness menu (or whatever they’re calling it now) there’re a bunch of exercise videos for free, and I think there was a whole yoga section last time I looked.
oh, i am late, but i really have a wonderful Yoga DVD to recommend! i was thinking about this last week actually when you mentioned Yoga, so now that you’ve asked…check out my husband’s website above. I’ll send you his DVD gratis – it will kick your ass but you will love it, I promise. email me with info if you are interested.
Very useful reading. Great post, I look forward to reading more of your posts.
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