June 25, 2007
You guys have me good and whipped, because after reading several comments aggressively demanding kindly requesting some visual evidence of this so-called War Face, I spent my afternoon hovering over Riley with the camera, repeatedly shouting show Mama your war face, sweetie! like a total freakshow pageant mom. Of course, the boy completely refuses to perform on command, so this is the best I could do:
You’ll have to imagine something a little less shocked/dopey (“WHAFUCK?”) and a little more . . . war-facey. On the other hand, that’s a pretty good shot of JB’s war face. If he were an active duty pirate, that is. Yarrr, matey, this toddler’s diaper be smelling like Davey Jones’ locker, arrrrr.
that look on Riley’s face is pretty much how I face the world each day.
that’s fantastic!!!
Love that face! Actually both faces are pretty great!
WOW! That is so cute and hilarious. Thanks for sharing!
I have to say, that’s the funniest thing I’ve seen all week.
The whole thing is downright priceless, and JB’s face? OMG. HEH.
I loooooooooooooooovre it!!
Thanks for relinquishing the war face!
I totally want this on a t-shirt.
Brilliant pic! Thanks for acquiescing to the requests :) Sorry, just couldn’t resist continuing the pirate talk.
Oh my god. That is great.
Hahaha! Riley’s face is PRICELESS.
JB is preparing for years of “HEY YOU KIDS, GET OFF MY DAMN LAWN!”
Laughed so hard I crapped my drawers. Thankyouverymuch
Holy hell, that is funny. I’m still giggling…
I just about pissed my pants. That’s an AWESOME war-face!
Excellent. That’s fan-tab-u-lous
the hilight of my evening
as the brits say….brill. brill.
Awesome! Love even the “pseudo” war face! Too Cute!
Hee Hee! :)
Thank you for making my morning! I love Riley’s expression, even if it wasn’t the Official War Face© But don’t worry, you’re not a freakshow pageant mum yet… that is, you haven’t been putting curlers in Riley/JB/Dog’s hair and smearing vaseline on their teeth… right? Right?
And why wasn’t JB in Pirates 3?!
Just too cute….worth the wait!!
Can’t..breathe…still laughing!
Yarrr! According to my son, who weighs 59 lbs and was sitting on my lap when the “warface” picture popped up, your husband looks like “that guy who played on Dick and Jane.” I think he means Jim Carey, and I think it’s because of the weird face and the spiky hair. Jim Carey’s. And your husband’s. Not that his face is weird, he has a very nice face, normally. Your husband. Jim Carey’s face is okay too.
Love the war faces! I’m having lots of great images of the “Baby War Face Pageant”. Now THAT’s a pageant I could get excited about!
HAHAHA! That’s how my two used to look…right before they crapped their pants. Good times…NOT. Hey, can we have a tantrum face as well? Nothing stops a tantrum dead in its tracks (if only for a moment) like the flash of the camera.
Hilarious. I have one of those, too. Only she’s three. Something to look forward to – the ATTITUDE never goes away. They just get older and better at thwarting your “authority.”
precious..just precious…
how cute!! I admit, i saw you type “pageant mom”, and i totally read it as “pregnant mom”. yea, i was hoping. LOL
That face is priceless. You and JB should make life-sized color copies of it and wear it as a mask whenever Riley’s being extra howler monkey-like.
Love the almost War Face! I have a picture of my son making almost exactly the same face, at five months old. He still makes it at times, when he looks at you like he has NO idea what the hell you’re talking about.
Too cute! I love expressive toddlers/babies!
AWESOME! Thank you for this! :-)
What an unusually scatological series of comments.
Riley gets more Calvin-like with time — you need to get the boy a toy tiger and start reenacting some of the strips. Do they sell Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs in Seattle? Or would they automatically be Mocha flavored?
Is it weird that I’m kind of a little in love with you and your family?
Hey…so if JB ever pisses you off you can ship him over here to NY. I’d take that war face in!
Your boys are so adorable.
Ha Ha! That’s awesome, it looks just like Eric’s “Blue Steel” face.
How cute!
Hmmmm. I see. Not what I was expecting. Actually I enjoyed JB’s face more. If I hadn’t seen picture of him leaping small buildings in a single swat team bound, I would probably bust his chops for a weak pirate face. He just doesn’t look scary enough to be a pirate. Great face anyway.