July 13, 2007

(Ooh! Happy Friday the 13th!)

Workplace decided to buy every interested employee an iPhone, and on the day the phone became available everyone went down to the Apple store and waited in the long-ass line and ate pizza and played cards and reportedly had quite a fantastic time. Judging by the flurry of emails Sent From My iPhone that swirled around during the weekend that followed—ostensibly giving each other tips on connecting to home WiFi networks and configuring this and that, but they could all be boiled down to “I CAN HAS IPHONE zOMG!”—people were more than pleased with their music-playing, movie-displaying, visual-voicemail email SMS cameraphone hunks of burning burning love.

(Why did Workplace invest in all these shiny new toys? Occam’s Razor explains this generosity far better than the murky ‘business reasons’ cited: it’s a new gizmowhatsit from Apple, and it’s cool.)

I missed all the excitement, because we were off on vacation. Now that I’ve seen firsthand some of the sexy, sexy things the iPhone does (pinch zoom, slot-machine-like rolling calendar dates, rimjobs, etc), I’m of course DYING to get my own (suckily, I now have a 2-4 week wait), and I feel like a total DINOSAUR at Workplace where everyone’s ringtone is the iPhone chime noise and people are texting away and doing that side-turn thing to display photos and my own phone can only, like, place phone calls (how 2005!).

It’s true that I need an iPhone the way I need a very expensive pony, which is to say not at all, but who am I to deny Workplace’s well-meaning but inexplicable urge to outfit its employees with Apple’s latest gear? Also, what does it say about me that of all the iPhone’s whistles and bells, the feature I think I am most pants-peeingly excited about is the ability to read blog comments and emails—remotely? You know, as if I ever go anywhere.

In other news, after a sweltering 95+ degree day on Wednesday I woke up to thunderstorms this morning, and at the moment the skies are practically pitch black and making threatening, I-ate-too-much-pizza rumbling noises, and it just started pouring a torrential build-the-ark downpour, and what the HELL, Seattle? PICK A LANE.

We haven’t played the weekend game in a while, have we? Let’s do it: what are you doing this weekend? Me, I need to pack up my kitchen because in theory the walls are getting torn down very soon, we’re thinking of taking Riley to the Cougar Mountain Zoo (because dude: LEMURS), and I imagine there will be as always multiple trips to Home Depot, Ace Hardware, and Half Price Books (behold my rockstar lifestyle).

Your turn!


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17 years ago

I’m studying for the Bar exam :( Can I come play with the lemurs instead?

17 years ago

My long-distance relationship/soon to be husband is flying in from Scotland today, and talk about being pants-peeingly excited! I bet you can imagine what I’M doing this weekend, HA!

Lisa B
Lisa B
17 years ago

Ooo, we’re biking to see the Pie Goddess in Enumclaw. Mmmmm. Pie. http://www.menuism.com/restaurants/d-g26YU8Cr25N9abBlKsEs-cafe-panini-enumclaw-wa

Perfect for pregnant ladies, I hear. :)

17 years ago

I’m going to finish up the plumbing in the new laundry room I built in the garage. Geez copper has got expensive.

17 years ago

OK, slightly hating you with the imminent iPhone… however, there is no coverage in VT, so having one would be even more useless than a spendy horse because I wouldn’t be able to USE it.
Is your company hiring at all?? :)

We’re off to Boston to take P to the aquarium and to go to my friend’s baby shower. Have a good one!

17 years ago

1) I want to work where you do
2) Thundering on the Seattle side too – LOVE it
3) When you get your iPhone, can I come play with it? I’m trying to decide if I want one, and NO ONE I know has one – how is that possible? (Too many friends who work at Microsoft, perhaps…)
4) This weekend: cleaning the house I’ve been ignoring, going to see Ratatouille to see if it’s appropriate for the 5 year old, dinner w/girlfriends, brunch with different girlfriends, and about fourteen loads of laundry. All in all, good as weekends go.

17 years ago

There are Lemurs at the Cougar Mountain Zoo, I have a feeling if I tell this to my husband we will very likely be taking a trip there very soon. Unfortunately not this weekend, as he is bat shit crazy and riding his bike to Portland. I on the other hand am driving to Portland, 200 miles on a bike seat doesn’t sound like much fun for my ass.

17 years ago

My husband finally got his iPhone on Wednesday. I will be watching him find new apps online (more are being created AS WE SPEAK) and making them all work. Now I want an one too.

17 years ago

I’m taking Jr to a birthday party, a party in which Hellion will be in attendance. Since Hellion was in my yard yesterday, playing with my kids I’m assuming it will be No Big Deal that my kids show up at this party. I also plan on getting as much sun as possible, maybe even going to the pool to do it and watching Order of the Phoenix. Again. Sunday I may even go to church, god knows I need it.

stephanie brown
stephanie brown
17 years ago

I am going to a pampered chef party (for my mothers sake). After that I’m meeting some friends at a coffee shop to carpool over to a “Friday the 13th party”. After that I am going to spend the night at my friends house and wake up to help her make a bday cake and decorate for a friends party that night. Before the party her and her boyfriend and I and said friend are going to go see Transformers (cause I’m about to peeee myself in anticipation!) and then go welcome the party attenders. I will probably leave somewhat early as I have church to attend the next day. Now that I have quit drinking I have realized how much fun it is being the sober one at parties….people do some really funny things! I hope you enjoy your weekend, I know I will mine! :)

17 years ago

I’m going to attempt to recover from my self-inflicted yoga injury (think I got a little too into the warrior three pose) by going on a road trip. Right now I’m making the iPod mix, and I can’t get off the arena rock kick. Sister Christian? YES PLEASE.

17 years ago

Some fellow flickr folks are coming to Glasgow and we’ll be photographing down at the River Clyde festival. Or the Highland Games. Or it’ll pour down rain all day and we’ll pop into a pub to get pissed instead.

17 years ago

Oh, Workplace! The iPhone is rather nifty, though. I get to get one when I come back from being a mommy in January (maybe I’ll wait until after Macworld in case there’s a rev. 2 announced! Geek!).

This weekend I get to head down to the lovely Bay Area to have baby shower with all of the female members of my family. Yay!

17 years ago

Oh, and who doesn’t need an expensive pony? Mine is certainly a joy! :)

17 years ago


Hm, the last half of my comment was eaten, possibly because I used a left french bracket. I will attempt to close it now just in case it’s screwing the coments up. My apologies if I screw them up further…

17 years ago

Wow. I’m lucky my Workplace doesn’t make us by our own paper clips and staples.

This weekend? If my dad and his wife feel like watching their ONLY GRANDDAUGHTER, we’ll go see Harry Potter. Yeah, I’m a total dork.

I’m having my annual contact lens exam tomorrow and we’re thinking about taking Maddie to the aquarium for the first time.

Talk about rockstar, huh? I love being a mom, but geez, talk about soul-rendingly-boring weekends. Hopefully as she gets older, we’ll be able to do more.

17 years ago

We’re finally, oh thank Christ, finishing painting the garage floor, seeing Harry Potter (don’t judge me) and otherwise preparing our house for sale. Who doesn’t love selling in a down, pathetic, depressed market?

17 years ago

Lemurs, huh? I had no idea they were that cool. You’ll have to let us know all about ’em.

This weekend involves 2 fabulous culinary excursions with the BF, skydiving (solo) and a baseball game (again with the BF).
I promise that normally? We do nothing. :)

17 years ago

After one too many mornings of digging through mountains of clothes and not finding what I looking for, I have decided to do a mass closet cleaning.

Eric's Mommy
17 years ago

Wow, that is too cool that your company bought everyone iPhones! I get nothing cool from my company, they even did away with the X-mas turkeys and hams…….oh wait we do get free icecream from the icecream truck every Thursday during summer.

This weekend I am expected to be present at my husband’s grandparent’s house since most of his relatives are up from Florida. I have a haircut appt. tomorrow morning and I am going to the barn also to see the horses that I normally ride and can’t anymore since I got thrown off and messed up my back.

Not too exciting.

hello insomnia
17 years ago

I’m going to Comedy Underground tomorrow morning and try out for the NBC Stand-Up for Diversity audition. I hope they think I’m funny and I also hope my hair doesn’t frizz.

Pickles & Dimes
17 years ago

Lemurs? Almost as cool as Patas monkeys (the monkeys with moustaches).

This weekend, I’m taking my wedding dress in for alterations and picking out tuxes. And then to complete our Trifecta of Boringdom, we’re going to the DMV and to get my oil changed.


17 years ago

My friend and I are throwing a Pigluck Party. A combined birthday party for the two of us and her house (turning 100) with a bacon potluck and karaoke theme. Hooray for pig!!!

17 years ago

After having lived in Seattle for 4 years, I’m finally hauling the BF and trunk full of goodies down to Mt. Rainier for some camping. Hoping that the rain today and the holiday last week mean that it’ll be a little less crazy down there…

17 years ago

Cleaning house. Also, getting my period. If I don’t get my period, probably taking a pregnancy test. HAH!

17 years ago

Going to Bubblefest (don’t ask – local event for kids – I am hoping a 2 yr old will enjoy), going out to the country to a friend’s 30th b-day/drunk fest for them, cleaning the house, doing the laundry, working when I should not be, playing in the backyard with Matthew in the pool & sandbox, perhaps going to Target (’cause it would not be a weekend without a trip to Target…), grocery shopping which I have come to dread EVERY weekend and making a yummy Chicken Stroganoff for dinner tonight that is SO sinful tasting but it is from my Cooking Light mag so it cannot be SO bad right?!

Have fun with the lemurs!

I am still waiting to get an iPod what does that make me?!?!? The iPhone? It sounds like something from another world!!!

OMG and today I did something I have never done – stopped at a garage sale and bought my son a huge plastic bus for a dollar – which he now napping with upstairs he loves it SO much. GARAGE SALE and iPhones do not go together!

17 years ago

Moving… ‘nuf said. :o(

Amy—pack lots of bug dope. Not sure how bad it is up there but we were in the Cascade Range in southern Oregon two days ago and were almost carried away and eaten alive by swarms of mosquitoes. We called the outing Mosquitopalooza.

17 years ago

I hope you enjoy reading blog comments as much as we enjoy reading the blog. Blog blog blog. What a weird… word? So once again as Friday the 13th comes around I have to reach into the depths of my history-handicapped brain and try to remember what the deal is with it. Thoughts without checking are … something about Valentine’s Day and that’s all. So it turns out it’s something to do with a Norse myth and then also that since so many things are in 12’s that the 13th kind of tips the scales to, as one person put it, “a squirmy number”. I like that.

Anyway, my weekend is actually Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday, so today is my Tuesday. Plans consist of “give a massage, get a massage, get a smoothie, give a bunch more massages”. Not so bad in the grand scheme of things. Hope your day goes very very luckily.

laughing mommy
17 years ago

Not getting any rest. That is what I’m doing this weekend.

First, my daughters birthday party tonight.

Next, 6 house guests (5 of them teenage/preteen neices and nephews who can EAT) all weekend long… so I will be cooking, doing dishes, and um, cooking again x 1000.

Tomorrow, company picnic (fun!) and party at my sister’s house.

Sunday, cooking and more cooking again. And dishes.

Monday, more cooking and dishes. Then if I’m lucky maybe more dishes.

17 years ago

I’m doing the same thing I did last weekend, going to the beach to take turns lying on a blanket like broccoli and swimming all day long. (Before Corpus Christi changes lanes again and goes back to downpour mode on Sunday).

I’m with you on the cell phone, mine only makes calls. :) I’m ok with that.

17 years ago

It would figure that the one time I catch a weekend plan post before there are 500 comments, I have NOTHING PLANNED. Nothing other than work! Wah!

17 years ago

Tonight – a little housewarming girls’ night in – the first one in our bunch to buy a home in the ‘burbs has kicked out her husband for the night and offered to grill us turkey burgers and keep our girly glasses with curly straws filled to the brim with something sugary. Saturday – wedding shower – I am the bridesmaid in charge of the ribbon bouquet, the guest book, the notation of the gifts and … generally rocking the house, er … reception hall. Sunday – it’s beach and book. Reading “Sweet Francaise” by Irene Nemirovsky. It’s good. Real good.

17 years ago

This will be a quiet domestic weekend–now that the two of us share an apartment, staying home has become blissful. There will be cooking, and wall-decorating, and perhaps movie-theater-going or eating out or gym-going so we don’t stay inside ALL weekend.

17 years ago

Delurking to give you the exciting news that I am renting a minivan with my husband and three college friends to drive up to a wedding in upstate New York! The husband, he’s not so excited.

17 years ago

Camping with my husband at his family reunion outside of Cottage Grove.


17 years ago

27.3 loads of laundry. Potty Training Blows.

17 years ago

Hosting a dinner party, cleaning the house, and then going to Australia.

17 years ago

My parents have gone to Disney World this week and they’ve asked me to look in on the cat for some reason I don’t understand (because I’m not the one feeding the cat). So I guess we might be going up to Pennsylvania for a day or two to, I don’t know, keep the cat company or something. I’m thinking of using the opportunity to take the 360 with us and “borrow” their HDTV . I guess it’s also a good excuse to check out potential wedding locales. So yeah, I have no idea what we’re doing, exactly. :)

Daily Tragedies
17 years ago

Hmmm. Nothing as exciting as LEMURS! I need to work. Trying to limit it to only one day and not both. For this evening, however, there’s a chocolate cake with my name on it. I might even consider sharing. =)

17 years ago

i’ve given him a list of two things he has to do every night (tidy the kitchen, help with general living area clean up) and even though he’s had the list for only 24 hours, he sucks at it. but its easier for me to nag at him to do it than it is for me to actually do it myself. well, actually, probably the other way around, but i am SICK of doing it myself. so nagging it is.

other than that, laundry, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.
tonight i plan on watching my son watch the spongebob squarepants movie on tv. spongebob makes me want to stab mysef in the eyes with a fork, so thats a pretty good testament of how much i dig my child, i think.
even if he is a spongebob loving weirdo.

17 years ago

i’ve got an afternoon at the pool followed by a BLIND DATE (in this case- the capitals=freaking out in the not good way) followed by me calling all my friends to freak out about the freaking blind freaking date.

sunday is 3 hours of boot camp (holy hell) and then sicko.

huzzah! weekend!

17 years ago

I’m not doing much as I’m sick at the moment…we were meant to be going out tonight (Saturday) but instead we’re going to sit in bed at Nate’s flat and watch the entire season 2 of Prison Break (OMG BESTTTTTTTTT SHOW EVERR)

17 years ago

Man…I thought my company was cool cuz they gave all of us a 30GB video iPod in celebration of our 5 year anniversary last may. Yours kicks mines ass!!

17 years ago

I’m working this weekend, because my one day off every two weeks got canceled due to no real reason at all. (And they ask me why I’m not planning to reenlist.) Just another lovely day of Winning the War.

Also, I am way jealous of your potential iPhone. All my Workplace got me was an automatic rifle, and I’m not even allowed to fire it. Boooo.

Melissa H
17 years ago

Packing up my kitchen and then tearing the walls down. Sound familiar? Oh, it’s going to be so much fun ;) Seriously, we’re hoping to have it mostly gutted by Sunday night…

17 years ago

Only thing cooler than LEMURS are meerkats? Have you watched the drama of Meerkat Manor? It’s like the Real World of Animal Plant. Seriously.

17 years ago

I am jealous of iphone owners, because I got to play with one briefly (my brother bought his girlfriend one) and it is SO MUCH FUN. Only, it costs like a month’s rent. So that is not so much fun.
This weekend? Six Flags for the two grown-ups, Fun Time with Auntie for the wee one, everyone’s happy. Sunday might be a beach day if it stays soul-suckingly hot here, which it threatens to.

17 years ago

Never EVER stop writing. “Suckily?” What a way with teh words, woman! You are hilarious. And I’m in love with your writing and its awesomeness.

17 years ago

Clean, spend some time with my daughter (who was gone all week and I missed her) and maybe go to the lake cabin on Sunday because it is supposed to be 90 or so.

17 years ago

Saturday I’m going to go for a run, then try to get ahead on my work for the week, followed by a laid back cookout with friends. Sunday I’m going to try to visit my family because I’m traveling for the next two weekends for work. :( Why do I have to go to Vegas every July? 112 degrees and I do not get along well.

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