July 25, 2007

I have a couple questions for those of you who are good at envisioning things, a talent that sadly passed me by along with the ability to fold a shirt without making it look like a crumpled snotrag (see also: multiplying fractions, correctly identifying the location of any of our nation’s states, and remembering which things are and are not okay to microwave).

First: here are some colors we’re considering for the new living area. I’m planning on using the extremely dark brown (Benjamin Moore’s “Marsh Brown”) for one wall, with the rest the neutral color down in the bottom left (“Powell Buff”—the other color on the top right looks too pinkish to me). Is this going to achieve my goal of a dramatic background to the room (wall and window trim will be white), or is it going to look like eighty-five monkeys came in and threw their wet feces at the wall?


And speaking of wet feces, I’m sick to death of my hair and I have a haircut scheduled for tomorrow. Here’s a semi-crappy photo of what it currently looks like (taken with new iPhone camera, SQUEE!)—without going too drastically short, have you got any suggestions for what I can do with this boring mop? For all the nonstop craziness being dished out by Britney Spears in the last several months, I’m starting to think she was on to something with that head-shaving business.


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17 years ago

I personally am a big fan of the cut you have, but a little more stacked (more layers) in the back to create more volume (see Jenny McCarthy’s current cut)
I will add a link but I dont know if you restrict that on your comments.


You already have the foundation for the cut, and it will remain flattering and face-thinning throughout your pregnancy.

The technical term to tell your stylist is the A-line cut.

17 years ago

lose the peachy pink swatch on the right. the other two are great.

17 years ago

the one on the right is way to pink eww. however i think you need maybe a darker color for your other walls…just a little darker and a little less pale boring pukey color. it is almost yellow. i vote for going one shade darker or going to the color on the top of the dark brown swatch!

17 years ago

Ok, I LIKE the pink. I’d be terrified to go with the monkey shit brown, though…

Aunt Linda
Aunt Linda
17 years ago

Good God, woman? Asking for advice on paint color? You’re in for a world of confusion now. Personally, I’d probably continue with the deep red you have in the living room as the drama wall. It’s a gorgeous color. And can go well with virtually any beige-y, buffy primary paint. AL

17 years ago

I like the dark brown a ton. I agree that the one, is too pink, it looks like peach to me. What color is your furniture? I love the white trim idea, and I think the more white you throw into the mix, the more dramatic and crisp and clean the room will look. White against those chocolately neutrals will be great.

Do you know what I would do if I had your hair? I’ve always wanted one of those cuts that only look good on people with straight hair that’s like a bob, angled so that it’s longer in front and shorter in back. Something sassy and angular. I like that your hair is darker, now, too. It looks nice with your eyes and coloring.

I doubt I was helpful.

17 years ago

Jenny McCarthy/Katie Holmes/that freak who is married to Beckham/the ditz from American Idol Pickler? – the hot new Hollywood look – I L-O-V-E it! I used to have my hair sort of like that and I thought it rocked. It takes some upkeep however (ie: most frequent cuts…) But it is a cool look with any colored hair thought that super Blondie blond that Jenny and Pickler are sporting is freaking kick ass… Sadly I am too lazy to care about my hair and its color so it grows long and out of control and ends up in a rat’s nest at the back of my head most days so I look like an aging college student… At least I don’t wear sweats with my sorority letters on the butt and a t shirt two sizes too small, okay.


17 years ago

Screw pink on your walls. That for Floridians with beach front property And plastic flamingo’s on their lawns. As for your hair, I think you should die it black with neon pink bangs. But that’s just me, I dig that sort of shit. I came this close (holds up fingers an eighth apart) to dating this punk rocker chick with a mohawk, and a tramp stamp of a zombie hand doing the shocker with a banner that read “hit it like a champ”. Maybe you should ask JB what he digs. I would bet it’s not the Brittney look. The cabeza is pretty much the only place women should never shave. (except for mohawks)

Operation Pink Herring
17 years ago

I like the Powell Buff — I think that will work great for an accent wall.

I also have that same shirt you’re wearing in the Iphone picture! I have it in black AND white. Woot! Gap whore, at your service!

17 years ago

Linda – I think your color selection will look smashing in the living room. the colors are warm and compliment each other well. It will provide a nice neutral backdrop for however you decide to decorate.

About your hair, it looks cute the way you have it but I understand wantng a change. I too have recently contemplated the Brittany

17 years ago

I like the Powell Buff vs the pinkish choice. Might I suggest Linen White from Behr instead of white for the trim. I have found it blends better and easier to clean.

17 years ago

the paint color on the right is too peach (also see: color repeatedly chosen by my mom, no matter what i do to try to stop it.)
i did an acent wall in my “goffice” (guest room/office) a chocolate brown ( i believe i went with grizzly bear brown by benajmin moore, and it looked like pudding going on. seriously had a hard time not licking the wall. seriously.) very rich. very nice. funny enough, i also paired it with a beige similar to your powell buff. still love it.

Amy M.
Amy M.
17 years ago

I 2nd (3rd?) the Posh Spice angular bob cut. I wish I could get it, but my head is too round!

17 years ago

I agree with you on all points with the colors, except the feces part. The color is dramatic but not scary intimidating and the color on the right looks too pink compared to the brown. Lovely choices.

I fully endorse the Posh bob, but I would never have the guts to actually do it myself.

Jenny J.
17 years ago

Your colors are great! Way to be daring with paint!

Victoria Beckham and her hair both rule. (seriously. have you seen that special? she’s HILARIOUS. Love. Her.)

I have a very Posh-esqe ‘do right now, and it’s the easiest short style I’ve ever had. I don’t even have to do it on no office days and it dries nice (with minimal finger coashing.)

17 years ago

I’m leaning toward the brown looking like monkey poo. Maybe if it had more of a reddish tint …?

And haircut-wise, I always say Add Layers. Also, some rad choppy bangs would probably look pretty rockin’ on you.

17 years ago

Oooh, you will LOVE the dark brown. I just got through painting my ENTIRE new bedroom a similar color (Behr’s Espresso Coffee) and while it was scary putting it on there, with my hardwood floors and white trim I LOVE it.

As for hair recommendations… I’m the last person you want to ask for advice on that. I think I’m about to chop mine off to shoulder length, because I am just SICK of The Frizz. And also, The Triangle Head. Feh. The Beckham cut would look pretty cute on you, though, I’m thinking.

17 years ago

My bedroom is dark chocolate brown and I love it. It doesn’t make me think of poo at all, so I wouldn’t walk into your house and think monkey feces. At least not until someone brought it up.

If you like the two colours, I say paint away. It is, after all, only paint.

17 years ago

Not to sway you from using Benjamin Moore, but have you discovered Devine Paint? It’s absolutely fabulous and the woman who created it intially built her color palette specifically for the Pacific Northwest. There are several places in the Seattle area that carry it, but you do have to look for it. I love it – we’ve used it for most of our house and we’ve actually done a color scheme very similar to what you are considering: rich cocoa brown accent walls (Devine Cocoa) with her Devine Latte, which is similar to your Powell Buff, but a bit darker and a bit on the cooler side (I’m not a fan of the “pinky” neutrals). We also have white doors and trim. The paint is rich and creamy and looks beautiful up on the walls; you don’t need to use a primer, even with the dark colors. I did only two coats of the cocoa brown and it covered a white wall beautifully. I will admit to bias here, but I love this color combination – it’s very warm and inviting and when people see our house, one of the first things they mention is how much they like the colors. The other thing I love about this paint is that her palette has a limited amount of colors and they are all fabulous. (except for her reds…I haven’t found that perfect red in Devine.) Anyhow, you might want to check it out – she also sells the test pouches so you can see how it looks on the wall before you commit.

17 years ago

I like the colors that you picked, I think they’ll look really good. Nice and inviting, not at all like monkey feces.

And you could definitely pull off a cut like Victoria Beckham. Wish I could, but my hair is too thick and wavy. It would look like a ‘fro.

17 years ago

i was going to say POSH IT, before even seeing that it’s been mentioned infinity times already.

For sure with the Posh. I think it’ll look great.

17 years ago

Go to behr.com and play around with colorsmart. You can do a ton of stuff with color combinations. They will even find colors to coordinate with your favorite so you know all the paint will go well together when you get it on the walls.

17 years ago

I actually saw that Posh and Beckham moving to America show (or whatever it’s called) for the first time last week. I had no idea it existed, and vehemently protested watching it, for fear that it would be a brittish Simple Life. And honestly I would rather watch Playgirl man love commercials during a twenty four hour “The Hand That Rocked the Cradle” marathon than another episode of The Simple Life. But it turned out to be really entertaining, and as a bonus I actually know what a Posh cut looks like. And I agree that it would fit you well. (Especially in black and pink)

17 years ago

Definitely go with the dark brown. I did it and did not regret it. Lose that pink stuff, though. Ugh. The buff will look nice. No monkey feces. Very clean and cozy.

I think you should cut your frickin’ hair off. Like the others said, Posh’s style is good. If you’re a little hesitant about cutting it shorter, start with something like Posh that is longer in the front and short in the back. Cool cuts like that look fantastic with an excellent color job, I think. Over time, if you decide you like the shorter style, I guarantee you will go shorter.

I have a pixie cut and love it. Talk about easy and it is quite stylish. People get all weird about it – “oh, I could never wear my hair that short!” Yes, a lot of people COULD wear their hair shorter and look great but it takes some guts to do it from a longer style. I started with a longer short style and evolved to the pixie. Despite the folklore-ish, male-inspired crap about women should have long hair and women with short hair are masculine, blah blah blah – I feel more feminine and attractive with shorter hair and I still get plenty of attention from the male set (although I have also drawn the eye of a few girlz…. :-) Do whatever you want to do with it but I say – take a risk of some kind – it’s fun!!

17 years ago

My opinion? The dark brown should be on accent walls, not a major wall, or maybe not any wall. If one of the walls is mostly window or door or trim, dark brown would be good there. Brown would be bad on a big, flat, contour-less wall. It’s a good color, un-sh!t-like at all, but it’s very dark. You must be very careful with darks, esp brown, or it will turn your light-filled, spacious living room into a dank underground.

I like the color combo tho.

17 years ago

I just loooove the dark brown. I’m going to do my kitchen in dark brown and a cream colour. The dark brown is going to be the blinds though, not the wall LOL. I’m so not brave with colours when we decorate. I cannot see in my minds eye what the finished room will look like to save my life.

17 years ago

I think you could use some wax spray & flip it out…

17 years ago

I think your hair was super cute the last time you got it cut, and I agree with the A-line cut recommendation. I think that brown could be a little bit warmer.

17 years ago

I dunno about the Powell Buff, to be honest. It seems just a little too *rich* in tone to me. What if you dialed it back to a paler version? More of a cream?

Just a thought…

17 years ago

I am LOVING Katie Holmes’s new layered bob and you look like you have just the hair for it.

17 years ago

I was going to do the dark wall/light wall thing in my living room (also with white woodwork), but once I saw how awesome the dark color looked on a whole wall, I was happy to waste a whole gallon of the lighter paint and proceed with the dark color throughout the room.

That said, the buff color is nice, too, and it think it should be a good effect.

17 years ago

We have colors very similar to yours in our kitchen and it looks great (in my opinion). I also like your hair. I think it is cute. I have an appointment to get mind done before we take our boat to the San Juans and it makes me nervous. I don’t do well to hair cuts.

17 years ago

As for wall colors…I am useless….

However…I totally love Posh’s hair and think it would look fantastic on you….I’d do it myself..but am totally afraid I will cause a pregnancy hormone induces hissy fit if I can’t do it right the next day and end up lit Britney…..

17 years ago

You could do what I do when I get bored with my hair: chop it all off into a pixie cut. I do it about once every three years, and it takes my hair about 8 months to grow back. Of course, you could be wild and maintain the pixie cut, which I’ve never done.

Incidentally the last time I chopped off my hair, in 2006, was the first time I’d ever cut it since meeting my husband (he came along a year or so after I’d lopped it off the last time). He was horrified that I would cut it all off, but sometimes I think it’s just necessary to keep my hair healthy and strong.

Don’t do the Posh cut- I’m horrified to see how many people are jumping on that bandwagon, ala Aniston fever in the 90s.

Right now my hair is past my shoulders, which means I wear it in a ponytail or pigtails quite a bit. I’m thinking of having it trimmed a little, and getting hot pink highlights. I’m sure my mother-in-law would die, but wouldn’t it look great?

17 years ago

I’m going to be a minority chime-in on liking the peachy-ish one better…but the other’s good too. I’ve just spent too long in a grey-beige office, and maybe that’s why….the chocolate will be pretty, though, with the white trim. Me, I might just paint the whole room chocolate, although I do not need any reminders of glorious frozen Hershey bars, nosireebob.

As to the hair…I do like the “Katie Holmes” cut. Or the longer-in-front bob…I have a friend whose build/face shape are similar to yours, and that haircut looked sooper cute on her.

17 years ago

Okay, I’m loving the dark brown, I hate the pink and I’m “eh” on the Powell Buff. I like the Powell Buff but I think I know what you’re going for in the living room with one dark wall and I think the Powell Buff is a not neutral enough. It’s a little too yellowish for me. How about something a little more taupe? Less yellow and a little more brownish/gray but still keep it light, I like that.

I looked at the Benjamin Moore and I like Huntington Beige (or something along those lines). It’s hard to say though because the Powell Beige they had didn’t look like th Powell Beige you had. So I have no idea what the Huntington Beige will look like on your wall.

Katie (The Yap)
17 years ago

I think the chocolate and peanut butter combination will look truly delicious on your walls!

Damn. Now I’m going to have to spend the next three hours googling Posh’s haircut. Damn you internet!!!!!

17 years ago

I like the brown but view the “neutral” as being too yellow. Yellow and brown…not the best choice, me thinks.

Agree the other one is pink.

These restoration hardware “flax” toned samples may help.

17 years ago

Beckham and McCarthy cut!! Dark Brown and sample below it!!

17 years ago

I would take the one on the bottom, mix it with the one on the top and paint one wall, and may be even all the walls with that…keeping the white…the one on the right would go in the trashcan. And the one in the rear got drafted… Sorry I couldn’t help myself. I just reread this and got a vibrant image of Johnny Cash.

Marie Green
17 years ago

With white trim, your colors will look great, and not at all like poop. I really do think you’ll like it. However, I am not good at envisioning things either, so your “painting a square of color on the actual wall” technique is genius! (Jeebus, did I ever spell genius right?”

Good luck w/ your hair- I’m also getting my hair cut tomorrow… No idea what I will do either!

17 years ago

Okay, not to dissuade you from the Posh-McCarthy, but oy, I’ve had it, and while it looks fabulous at first, really it does, its beauty is dangerously fleeting. It grows out SO FREAKING FAST, and what you’re left with is a mess of what was once an angular masterpiece with some raggedy-ass layers poking out of nowhere and maybe a hairy neck.

So if you’re willing to commit to haircuts every four weeks (which is what I do, because, well, you’ve seen how damn short my hair is), I’d advise against it. BUT, I think it would look hot, as would a lot of layers near your face.

17 years ago

I think maybe I am the only person ON EARTH who despises that whole shorter-in-the-back-longer-in-the-front haircut. Every time I see someone with their hair angled like that, I think it looks like someone just smacked them really hard in the back of the head a fraction of a second earlier. And the sharper the angle, the harder someone just smacked them. Ugh. But clearly, that is JUST ME.

17 years ago

I suck at paint choices, so no comment there.

I’ve had the Posh cut for the past couple of years and got lots of positive comments…but having all that hair in the front, by my face, is annoying. I don’t use a lot of product in my hair because I can’t stand how my hair feels by the end of the day when I use the gooey stuff, and allergies prevent me from using hairspray. So, I’m stuck with whatever I can put in while it is wet and so far I haven’t found anything that really does the job. I think the cut would look great on you, but I know what it is like to have little ones and personally I could not stand the hair always hanging in my face. I’m currently hunting for a new style.

17 years ago

I like the combo up & down instead of side to side if that helps. But I don’t know if it’s because of the lighting or not.

I’m no help when it comes to hair…my usual solution to wanting to take dull scissors to my mop is to tell my lovely stylist to “fix it!” She’s figured out that I want to be able to tuck it behind my ears but be able to have it short & easy to deal with. I’d show you how cool I look now, but I didn’t play with a blow-dryer this morning and I’m a week away from the dull scissors point.

17 years ago

I really dig both colors of paint that you showed. The one on the upper right does look a little pink, wasn’t sure if that was just how it photographed, or if it really is pink-y. The dark brown and the beige are complimentary of eachother, and will make a beautiful frame for your windows looking outside to such lovely greenery. I think, anyway. Nice choices!

I like your haircut, but I understand how you might need a change. Beware any drastic hair changes during pregnancy! ;-) I waited until my son was born and THEN lopped off 8 inches of hair. At the time I liked it, but looking back on the photos……not so much. Could you get some choppy/piecey layers cut in all over? Maybe that would give it enough movement that you’d appreciate the change?

17 years ago

I am clueless on the paint, but I think the Jenny McCarthy type bob would be awesome. I’m trying to grow mine back out to such. Stacked layers in the back with the angled bob towards your face would be nice, you’d have the look of the length, but the back just lays nice without having to screw with it.

17 years ago

The bottom neutral looks much better than the pinky shade. I painted all my living room walls deep chocolate about 8 years ago. Trust me when everyone I told about it HATED the idea! (same as when I went burnt orange in my sunroom) As soon as they saw it-well, let’s just say I’m not one to say told ya so …. Honestly though you need to post pictures of furniture and accessories for the room. Then we can get down to some color choices!!!

17 years ago

I would make sure the brown does not have too many red tones in it, you could end up with a chocolate bar looking wall. And I agree with some of your other readers that the buff is a little too yellow, it needs too be lighter with more beige tones.

Other than that great choice HA!!

17 years ago

don’t be afraid of dark! The two colors you have picked are perfect & will be great!