October 7, 2007

We went back to the Jubilee Farm this weekend (sadly, there was no hot trebuchet action during our visit, although there were small squealing piglets and also about a bajillion chickens that terrified Riley with their slow, menacing Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawk sounds, so in terms of non-gourd entertainment all was not lost), and now our house is filled with pumpkins. Man, I love October.












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17 years ago

Those photographs are just beautiful. They really reaffirm my dream to move out to the NW.

And Riley is really indescribably cute.

17 years ago

Um … since when is Riley a blond? Is it me?

And man, I love October as well. My heart’s a singin’, my blood’s a ringin’. I’ve got a fire going, and my husband’s watching the playoffs, the crockpot’s crocking.

And I LOVE your creepy pumpkins link, thank you. That’s how we roll in this house.

adoring fan
adoring fan
17 years ago

Oh, wow. He’s a kid all of a sudden. Is the blond more noticeable because you are going longer between haircuts?

17 years ago

You do so many cool things on your weekends.

17 years ago

We go to Jubilee Farm once a week for their produce share program…it has been so much fun!

Jenny H.
17 years ago


I love the pictures! We are going to the pumpkin patch next weekend. I can hardly wait!!

17 years ago

Ok, Riley is completely a lil’ boy version of you.

THis is me and my ‘mini-me’ if you’re interested in being on the other side of the fence and having a peek at one of your avid readers….


17 years ago

Gorgeous pictures… and Riley looks so much like you. Lovely.

17 years ago

riley is pulling the exact same face in the second picture this year as he was in the third picture last year. that kid is so damn cute, and looking more and more like you. you should come to australia so i can babysit him! hrm, that almost sounded creepy, i do apologise.

17 years ago

I too, love October. I spent most of the day baking mini apple crisps and these pumpkin cakey-cookie things. Mmmmm. I get very ‘nesty’ during the Fall and love a good blustery rainy day in the PNW. Remind me I said that in 4 months and I’m whining about the rain?

17 years ago

Holy MF’n hell I love the fall. I want to marry October and have babies with it. Down here, in the south east, we have what you might call the summer that never ends. Sort of like if C. S. Lewis got drunk and wrote “The Chronicles of Narnia” in some mosquito infested sweat box instead of a winter wonderland. And as it pertains to your blog, we also have our own regional october festivities. First off, apparently y’all grow some sort of tiny pumkin breed, cause your big ones look like our small ones. And also Sundry, you seem to be of a different mindsetthan myself: that pumpkins that aren’t orange are in fact horrid evil substitutes that should be immediately killed on the vine and for the love of God, never, ever cooked with. It’s unnatural.

Well we got a lot of construction around my neck of the woods. So when fall comes you basically have a lot of fucked up red necks who have nothing better to do than build their own pumpkin launching devices. It started out as a simple”Punkin Chunkin” but, due to our love for BBQ, quickly turned into “Pigs and Pumpkins”. Fear not ye hippies, pigs are not chunked, only vegetable matter.


17 years ago

Who’s a little punkin head? Riley’s a little punkin head, yes you are Riley!
That place is gorgeous, I love the trees turning colors. And I love chickens, and little pigs too. Fall really is the best time of year isn’t it?

Amy katrina
17 years ago

He’s a little lumberjack! The color your camera picks up is amazing. Is this the same Nikon SLR from a few years back? Very impressed – lovely shots. We have a new sony snapshooter and it’s worthless.

stephanie brown
stephanie brown
17 years ago

I loove fall. I love when a nice cool breeze blows and you can hear the leaves rustling as the wind catches them up and slides them across the ground.
It also helps that my bday is in the Fall (aka: today. lol)
My mom is quite the decorator and she dresses the house up for fall as much as she does for Christmas, so this is like the prequal to Christmas in our house…..and just what an amazing time of family and celebration and geeze, listen to me go on and on…

17 years ago

I love the 5th one down. It looks like the first step of Riley’s plan for world domination. “OK, I’m gonna take this gourd and then….”

17 years ago

I love the picture of your son walking in the field, holding the gourd. It’s beautiful.

17 years ago

I usually love October, except that yesterday it was pushing 90 with high humidity. Nothing like putting up Halloween decorations in what feels like mid-July. Never fear, it’s suppose to be 55 by Thursday …

He is growing up so much! Looks like you had a wonderful time despite the killer chickens :)

17 years ago

Wow, your photos are really spectacular. Have you photoshopped them? Do you have a lens filter? Or are the colors really that vibrant? Awesome. I love the one of you and Riley with the awesome sky behind you….

17 years ago

After our emails about your camera/photography, etc., I was just thinking the other day that you had not posted many photos in awhile and I needed to hop on over to Flicker to see what’s new there…so, thanks for some new shots of the ever-darlin’ Riley. Gorgeous, beautiful photos and awesome scenery…thanks for sharing. Am loving the new Milk and Cookies blog and Purple is a Fruit is still one of my favorites, which is how I came to find All & Sundry in the first place! I always smile when I read your writing…and I am all about the smiling!

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
17 years ago

I love fall too, the smells, the baking, the cold but not freezing weather.

Your pictures are gorgous! I live in New England and I thought it was nice out here!

17 years ago

he looks like a completely different kid from last year! he’s insanely adorable.

is it odd that i completely noted your wearing of vest on both trips. haha.

17 years ago

Can I please come live with you? We’re supposed to have October weather here, but instead I spent yesterday soaked to the bone with sweat, moving around Chicago trying to find my friends in the damn marathon. It was 90 degrees, sunny, humid, and crowded. In short, my worst nightmare.

Being at a cool, dewy pumpkin patch would have been much better.

17 years ago

Ok, several things to mention, but I’ll try to be brief:

1) That first picture? The most intensely brown eyes on those boys of yours — just beautiful!
2) Sorry you missed the trebuchet action this year. You can live vicariously through us if you want: http://www.flickr.com/photos/susie_songbird/1479676827/
3) How frickin’ cute are you with your pigtails?! I’ve always wanted to tell you that I love your hair that way.

Amy M.
Amy M.
17 years ago

Love the pictures! We went to the pumpkin patch this weekend, too, but one of us (I’ll blame the hubby since he’s not here to defend himself) forgot to charge the camera. No pictures of my poor little 1 1/2 year old tromping around the fields in almost-90 degree weather, with his bright red face. Good thing the farm provided cider & apples! The weather you have looks far more pleasant!

17 years ago

Jubilee is our favorite pumpkin patch around. You can’t go wrong with the tractor ride, serious do it yourself pumpkin hunting and all the cute, albeit smelly, animals. Our trip is planned for next weekend. Hope they aren’t too picked over by then.

I am going to go have some apple crisp for breakfast, man I love fall!

Sarah Y.
17 years ago

October used to be my favorite month, but it seems like it’s getting hotter every year. Right now, there is a drought, everything is brown and crunchy, and it is a skin-melting 90 degrees. Your pictures (it’s green there! GREEN! And are those actual clouds I see?) make me miss Autumn more than ever.

17 years ago


17 years ago

Beautiful, just beautiful. We’re still looking forward to Fall here. We had a taste… just a taste. Then it’s been back to 85+ days and sweat.

Riley = edible. If your second one is half that cute, you’re sunk.

17 years ago

Given that I’m sweating my ass off, because it’s, I don’t know, NINETY BAJILLION DEGREES HERE, I shall live vicariously through your pumpkin experiences, and oh, how lovely they are!

Riley is a mini-you. It’s so cute to see.

17 years ago

beautiful shots as always!
Riley is really starting to look just like his momma. ;)

17 years ago

We went to the pumpkin patch this weekend too, of course it was about 90 degrees so we were all sweating our asses off. The kids got sunburned, because who thinks of sunscreen in October? But it was a lot of fun, and we got all the pumpkins my husband could carry for $20. (He could probably have carried more than we actually got, the he-man). Smart of you guys to take the clippers – we weren’t all that aware of how pumpkins are so dang prickly!

Great pictures – fall colors are the best!

17 years ago

oh, i love the second one; it’s like the ad to some delicious tv show.

17 years ago

I have serious pumpkin patch envy. Sometimes living in FL sucks.

17 years ago

Speaking of autumn and living in the Northwest, after spending a burning, hot, sultry weekend of 90 plus degree weather with horribly high 90 plus humidity, with no wind in sight this living in the south totally – totally sucks. All the jackets everyone is wearing, makes me so jealous. Can you tell we’ve had a really horrible several days here in north Louisiana and I’m looking for some ass deep snow? Bring on more jealousy pictures please…..

17 years ago

HELLO, you are doing something different with his hair and you have not TALKED about it. I clipper-cut my boys’ hair, so I’m always interested in hair talk.

My favorite picture is the one of you and Riley, with grey skies above. But I love that first one, too, with JB. And who DOESN’T like a good pumpkin-on-the-toddler’s-head shot?

17 years ago

I am so jealous. It is 90 degrees here in DC. And I’m 36 weeks pregnant. I wish we had an autumn this year.

17 years ago

Maybe it’s the hair? But Riley is looking like such a little BOY, and not so much a toddler. He’s growing up, Sundry! Isn’t there something you can do to STOP that? Like freeze him? That’s how I feel about my boys, anyway.

Your photos are, as always, beautiful.