Me: “Um, what the hell is this?”

JB: “What?”


Me: “This. On the sofa. The trap you left me. Where if I sit down next to those pillows a clawed foot will come out and hook me.”

JB: “That’s not a trap. I made a hive for Cat.”

Me: “A . . . cat hive.”

JB: “Yes. A cat hive.”

Me: “Cats don’t have hives.”

JB: “Well what else would you call that?”

Me: “A TRAP.”

JB: “It’s clearly a hive.”

Me: “I will ask my blog readers and if the consensus is that it’s a trap, you owe me twenty bucks.”

JB: “What do I get if they say it’s a hive?”

Me: “What do you think you should get?”

JB: *knowing leer*

The time for voting is NOW. Trap or hive?


(ETA: I’ve closed comments so I can laboriously tally the data. Thanks for your vote! Remember Cat in November!)


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17 years ago

It’s two cushions on a cat

17 years ago

Fort. It’s a cat fort. A fort built for the cat to enjoy and do whatever cats do in forts.

However, it does serve double duty as a cat trap for you. I agree with you on that point as well.

17 years ago

I would have said cat cave as a first choice…but of the options, trap is it.

17 years ago

TRAP! can you share the 20$?

17 years ago

[Admiral Ackbar] IT’S A TRAP!!! [/Admiral Ackbar]

I’m surprised at the diversity of opinion. I didn’t take count as I scrolled through but it looks pretty evenly split.

17 years ago

Come on! Anyone can see that’s a hive. It’s right there crystal clear before your eyes. I build hives for a living, and also run a side business trapping such wildlife as coons, pumas, foxes, giant wolf bears, ninjas, and leprechauns. So trust me when I say that I know the difference between a hive and a trap, ok? That is a textbook cat hive if ever I’ve seen one. In fact, I’m going to use that photo in my class where I teach people all about hives and hive related topics. And it just so happens that I have five hundred of my totally real and trustworthy friends here in my home, and I just asked them what they thought that looked like, and every single one of them said it looked like a hive and scoffed me for even suggesting that that could be confused for a trap of some sort. So this comment is really the equivalent of five hundred and one votes for hive.

If you had walked into your room, and the cat was in a bucket balanced on top of the door, now that would be a trap. If the cat had been sitting at the far end of a tunnel with pressure sensitive floors and walls that shot poison arrows, that would be a trap. If your cat was melwling for help in a pitiful manner because it was hungry and stuck in a cage in the middle of an open field riddled with craters, and that cage was sitting in the middle of a freshly painted target on the ground, now that would definitely be a trap. But the photo you just shared with us is in no way even similar to the farthestly fetched trap scenarios. (yes, farthestly is a real word, go look it up) I think you owe JB one long … knowing leer session.

17 years ago

Totally a hive. (Well, at least I can kind of see where he was going with the whole ‘hive/nest thing’.) Defintiely not intended to to ‘trap’ the human, which would likely result in a scratched bottom and JB sleeping on the couch.

Hive it is.

Wait, is JB nesting with the cat? I thought only pregnant WOMEN nested??

17 years ago

We generally call those kinds of setups “hidey-holes”. (we’re country that way). It looks kind of like a cat bunker for attacking the unsuspecting.

17 years ago

It looks like a cave to me…

17 years ago

I know I’m a total traitor, but I think it’s a hive.

17 years ago

If it was built as a trap it seems that one might as likely sit on the cat and do it harm. So if he wants to get rid of the cat, I would say trap, if not, hive.

17 years ago

I’d say it a cat trap. Bees live in hives, not cats!

17 years ago

I have to go with hive because I much prefer the idea that JB was thoughtfully creating a little safe place for Cat to the idea that JB was secretly plotting to have your ass get clawed.

17 years ago

It’s either a trap or the Cat Cave. Either way JB totally owes you.

17 years ago

It’s a trap!

17 years ago

I vote for trap. I know how husbands think (being as I’ve had one for a little over 20 years). JB was totally waiting to see you sit on those pillows so that he could see your expression when you sprang up after gettin’ your hiney clawed.

Janet (from Northern California)

17 years ago

Trap! Hidden cat + convenient opening for claw access to your butt on the couch = TRAP. No getting around it. Sorry, JB!

17 years ago

I’m gonna have to go with cave. but clever none the least.

17 years ago

That? That is clearly a TRAP.

17 years ago


17 years ago

trap, Trap, TRap, TRAp, TRAP!!!

17 years ago

I too, think Cat Cave would describe it best. However, given the choices, I go with hive. After all, you noticed Cat there… JB would certainly set a better trap than that!

17 years ago


17 years ago

Like you need more vote, but I gotta go with hive/lair/fort/whatever. This whole thing is cracking me up. Good luck JB! Something tells me no matter what the outcome, he’ll probably get some anyway. :)

17 years ago

I think JB originally wanted to build a cat hive with good intentions, but it became a trap without his planning, and even though he knows it really is a deadly trap now, his fragile male ego won’t let him admit that you’re right. So he’ll defend that cat hive trap unto the bitter scratched heinie end.


17 years ago

it’s a hive!! (only i’d probably call it a kitty cave, but it’s not a trap–sorry man!)

17 years ago

I feel like I’m cheating on you by saying it’s a hive.

17 years ago

A trap for the unsuspecting behind! For shame!
(is that cat … winking?)

Carolyn J.
17 years ago

It’s a hive, albeit a collapsed one. We build these all the time for our black cat.

Although “lair” is also highly appropriate.

17 years ago

It’s a trap! “Hives” don’t come with extended claws.

17 years ago

I gotta say my husband will do this too, that is, find ways to bury/hide the cat – but he seems to do entirely for his own amusement (and arguably the cat’s, but I have trouble believing the cat enjoys it so much as simply puts up with it). Therefore I must vote hive – i.e. no malicious intent.

Kristin H
Kristin H
17 years ago

A hive? What in the hell is a cat hive? Clearly a trap.

17 years ago

a cat hive? are you SERIOUS? hello its a trap.

and i hope to god you get the $20 bucks because the other alternative…well…you know. ;)

17 years ago

Oh, man, that is totally a hive. Look at how yellowish and pointy it is. It is clearly bee related. I feel bad for betraying you as well, but it is, in fact, a hive.

Also, JB is awesome for a) making a cat hive and b) calling it a cat hive.

17 years ago

A cat is not a bumblebee; therefore it is a trap. If JB had said “cave” I’d support his knowing leer…

17 years ago

people people people…consider the NOUN

1.a shelter constructed for housing a colony of honeybees; beehive.
2.the colony of bees inhabiting a hive.
3.something resembling a beehive in structure or use.
4.a place swarming with busy occupants: a hive of industry.
5. a swarming or teeming multitude.

[I ask you, is cat a busy occupant or teeming swarming multitude except in her own mind? ever?]

Hive as a verb – as in “to hive” doesn’t count.

17 years ago


Really not Josh again, someone different.

Linda, give JB a little more credit. That would be a shoddy trap at best. You’ve seen him build stuff. He’s wicked capable. And if that were intended as a trap, then you are inferring that JB was incapable of hiding a cat under pillows in such a way that it would not be visible, and it would appear to only be pillows. You know he’s better than that. If you have faith in, nay, if you really love your husband, you will show him you believe in him. Don’t let your pride over shadow your love. This is how marriages end. Over half of all married couples get divorced in hive related arguments.

Plus I’m with one of the previous commenters who stated that in her experience, men just like messing with defenseless animals. It’s totally true, we do. Cat’s, dogs, babies, they’re all fair game for our sadistic games. It’s part of our basic mental make up. We can’t help it. I know I bury my cat in pillows all the time. Also fun, putting the freak under the very center of a heavy blanket. Awesome!

It’s a hive. JB gets his name backwards.

17 years ago

It’s a trap! Go collect your cash.

17 years ago


Cats don’t live in hives, dude.

17 years ago

Either a hive or a target for a cat who is really wants to be sat on and smooshed.

17 years ago

Either a hive or a target for a cat who is really wants to be sat on and smooshed.

17 years ago

Okay, it was a little hivey in the first photo….but the second? CLEARLY a trap. Cat’s pupils are HUGE which suggests one thing, and one thing only. Someone is about to get rabbit punched and gnawed on, after a fierce piercing of the skin on their arms with her needle like claws.

17 years ago

Also, I just went back and read all of the comments and LAWD they are funny! Josh makes me snort with laughter here and on The Back Nine.

17 years ago

I am totally going with TRAP here. Mostly because I HAAAAAAAATE “the look”. But you have an evil cat just like mine so I know that cat thought it was a nice trap also.

17 years ago

It’s a lolcat. It’s just missing the text.

However, I think ‘hive’ is a hilarious term for two pillows stacked on a cat, so my vote goes to JB.

17 years ago

Totally a TRAP!

17 years ago

It’s a hive….and with hives come “buzz buzz” which sounds a lot like a hummmer……Sorry:)

17 years ago

It’s obviously a trap. A very evil looking one, at that.

17 years ago

Hive hive hive…