Me: “Um, what the hell is this?”

JB: “What?”


Me: “This. On the sofa. The trap you left me. Where if I sit down next to those pillows a clawed foot will come out and hook me.”

JB: “That’s not a trap. I made a hive for Cat.”

Me: “A . . . cat hive.”

JB: “Yes. A cat hive.”

Me: “Cats don’t have hives.”

JB: “Well what else would you call that?”

Me: “A TRAP.”

JB: “It’s clearly a hive.”

Me: “I will ask my blog readers and if the consensus is that it’s a trap, you owe me twenty bucks.”

JB: “What do I get if they say it’s a hive?”

Me: “What do you think you should get?”

JB: *knowing leer*

The time for voting is NOW. Trap or hive?


(ETA: I’ve closed comments so I can laboriously tally the data. Thanks for your vote! Remember Cat in November!)


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Liz in Australia
Liz in Australia
17 years ago

Sorry, JB, but I have to vote trap.

17 years ago

These comments are cracking my shit up!

17 years ago

that is totally a trap….like oh here Sundry…come sit on the couch..don’t mind those pillows…or the evil cat claw that will dart out from underneath..causing you to possibly injure yourself while trying to move your preggo body out of the way….

17 years ago

Can I be difficult and say LAIR? said:
The den or dwelling of a wild animal. A den or hideaway. Obsolete. A resting place; a couch.
I rest my case.

17 years ago


Also: Trap.

Sorry, JB.

17 years ago

It’s an ass trap, as in, the cat is trapped, and if you sit your ass down, you are going to get zapped. A trap, definitely.

17 years ago


17 years ago

Oh, too bad you didn’t make this a poll ( This would have been awesome.

Anyway I, too, would like you to win. But the photo of the cat’s head popping up looks too cozy and comfy. I have to go with Hive.

So sorry.

17 years ago

Hive. Trap implies some kind of reliable mechanical operation; no device involving a cat could ever be described as ‘reliable’. Hive, on the other hand, seems to imply the dwelling some kind of pseudo-malevolent group consciousness. Sounds like a cat house to me.

17 years ago

I’d go with trap, knowing that things can happen when accidentally sitting near cats you didn’t realize were there. However, my hubby is siding with your hubby saying “hive” because when you have cats, you as human need to keep a better eye out for them and then they have no traps ever.

17 years ago

The way Cat looks there? Definitely a trap!

17 years ago

Wow, it’s looking pretty 50-50 to me, so I’d better weigh in. I wouldn’t call it a ‘hive’. Cats don’t have hives, like everyone else said, they have LAIRS. But although he may have worded it incorrectly, cat does seem to enjoy it. So…I’ll just shut up now.

17 years ago

Eee! I just read the clarification. TRAP! It’s definitely a TRAP!

17 years ago

Dude. That is so a trap. JB could have built a “hive” for Cat anywhere, but to put it on the couch where you are used to flopping down… TRAP.

17 years ago

It may be a hive for the cat (if cats even cared for hives), but it’s DEFINITELY a trap for you. So I go with trap.

17 years ago

If Cat were a sweet, innocent feline, then I’d totally say HIVE, but we all know that Cat is “the embodiment of evil” (as Susie said), so TRAP it is! Sorry, Linda.

By the way, as a black cat owner myself, I totally love how adorable Cat looks in those pictures.

17 years ago

Ah, I meant to put “Sorry, JB.”

Oh well.

17 years ago

Trap. Cats don’t have hives.

16 years ago

[…] Anyhow, I managed to unearth my one pair of fancy pants from a bag of dry cleaning that one of the cats had been using as a lair. The pants in question appeared to be made entirely of cat hair when I found them, but I recognized the label and knew that there was perfectly good black material underneath. After I had removed the worst of the furriness with duct tape, I hung the pants in the bathroom with the shower running in an attempt to steam out the 6-month-old creases. We do own an iron, by the way, but I am ashamed to say that it wasn’t until later in the afternoon that I even remembered the existence of such a fantastical, fabric-smoothing appliance. Luckily, the never worn button-down shirt I paired with the pants still had creases running down the arms, so I figured “creases” could be the unifying theme tying my outfit together. Missing from my ensemble was underwear, because I couldn’t find any. […]