You guys, thank you so so so much for all your wonderful comments over the last few days. I’ve been wanting to update but we’ve been stuck in the hospital forever — seriously, they would not let us go until late this afternoon, despite everyone’s robust and gaseous good health, we started thinking we were going to have to jailbreak our way out a window or something — and now of course we have some major not-sleeping to do, as well as overcompensating with Riley for this horrifying new arrangement (“Hey Riley, let’s go buy you a MOTORCYCLE! Unless you’d rather have your very own HOOKER?”).
More actual blog content to come soon. Until then, some squishy newborn photos:
What a heartbreaker.
That last picture of Dylan… it is so adorable it makes me want another baby… even though we are so, so done having babies.
Wow, you look AMAZING and, uh, I’ve never seen such a perfect newborn! Ouch. My ovaries just exploded. Extra hugs to Riley!
*Snort* on the hooker comment. And he is so beautiful. Something about newborns that just make you want to kiss kiss kiss their little toes, and head, and nose… He has such gentle eyes. Congrats, he’s a lucky little dude.
Oh my – the droopy knees’ll get me everytime.
Oh! That picture- that BABY- makes me want YET ANOTHER NEWBORN, against all reason. They are so alert and soulful and perfect. Just remember all that when that perfect angel is keeping you up all night!
welcome home! he looks like such a little man already. many many congrats, and welcome to little dylan.
whee, wheeee, wheeeeee, he’s SO cute. Really!
Well done Linda, he’s beautiful. And I’ve actually been searching for that exact shade of lipgloss he seems to be sporting in the last photo, can you ask him where he shops? Congrats to you all.
Aww, he has such long LEGS!!!
His name reminds me that we have friends who have a daughter called Dillen Emma, quite similar :) Nate pointed out Dillen’s nickname would become Dilemma. Hehe. I think Dylan is a gorgeous name!
Anyway, congratulations to you all…I’m so excited to see how he grows up to look like, and Riley’s relationship with him…can’t wait to hear more :)
Oh, he looks so much like you! How cute! Congrats!
You know, many newborn babies are pretty ugly, but dare I say…Dylan is a CUTE newborn. He’s not channelling ET like many babies I see. He’s very cute.
But your freckles! I never noticed them before…you have those cute little freckles that scatter across your cheeks. I’m so jealous.
Awwww. From the bottom of my crusty old heart. I love bebes!
Sniff up his little head mmkay?
And he totally has your nose, exactly!
Wow, is he beautiful! He has your eyes, mama. And I think he’s a mama’s boy. Aww it was worth it afterall, wasn’t it? :)
As a mother of my own two little boys I feel a little bad to be saying this…but Dylan is the absoulte cutest baby I have ever seen! He is truly gorgeous. Congratulations.
And that picture with rolls by his knees…oh my gosh!
Enjoy this amazing time.
absolutely beautiful and perfect! congratulations!
Re the piccie of you and he together: He *so* looks like he’s, already, plotting out things that will make you say “huh”.
He’s gorgeous!
Congrats to all – and be well.
He’s gorgeous, and he looks exactly like you. Congratulations!
So, in the preschool I work at, there are a set of brothers named Dylan and Riley! I know that is not even a little exciting to anyone other than me but I TAKE MY THRILLS WHERE I CAN GET THEM.
Aw, man, he looks JUST LIKE you! Well, if you were a small, squishy-headed, pink thing, I guess. He’s absolutely beautiful. Congrats to all of you!
Dylan is beautiful! Congratulations to you and your family. My 3 week old grandson is named Dylan too! Great name. Don’t worry about Riley, he will be fine on the motorcycle!!
Now THAT’S a face that makes the whole thing worth it! He seems really calm, too. If he really IS calm, though I probably don’t want to know. Congratulations, Linda!
Absolutely gorgeous!!!!! You all look wonderfully happy.
I’ve never commented before, but have read you for years (seriously, forever, I love you, the end).
Congratulations! Dylan is just perfect! So sweet and squishy and adorable. Yay!
Two things:
1. How much do I love JB in his plaid flannel in the OR? So much.
2. If I didn’t have a blog crush on you, I would totally hate you for looking so goddamn cute after having your guts excavated.
P.S. Cannot stop looking at Dylan’s squidgy, wrinkly knees. *dies*
You all look amazing. Congratulations! Welcome to the world Dylan.
Sorry I’m a bit late jumping on the congratulations train, but aaaanyway, woo hoo! And once they get older, you will have the fiercest zombie-fighting team ever.
Also, that hooker comment made me emit a snort of roommate-waking decibel levels.
He is absolutely gorgeous!! And you look criminally good post-surgery. And JB looks so proud on that first photo. Dang you Internet, for making me care about complete strangers *sniff*. Welcome Home!
He is perfect!
Those days in the hospital after you give birth are brutal. It truly does feel like you’re imprisoned. Glad you’re home.
OMG, Linda, He is beautiful! What an angel I just want to hold him and smell him!
He is so perfect! Congratulations again!
HOLY BEEZUS FREAKIN CRAP, but you guys make beautiful babies. I have tears! TEARS! in my eyes.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful experience with all of us. He is so beautiful and you and JB look so freakin’ blissful! Congratulations again. Looking forward to hearing lots more!!!
Aww! He’s SO handsome! And suspicious! lol
Congratulations again!
what a sweet face! Welcome home :)
He is gorgeous! Of course I had to go and name my girl Dylan, so let me apologize right now for contributing to any gender ambiguity in what I agree is a lovely name.
Damn it woman! Now I WANT ONE!!
Seriously, he’s beautiful…wow. Congratulations!
He’s beautiful! Nothing in the world compares to teeny, tiny baby feet.
Oh my gosh in that picture of you two together he looks JUST. like. you. So beautiful.
I see a wealth of future blog fodder in those sparkling beautiful eyes of his. He is truly perfect!
And of course, one of the first thing I noticed is…he has Riley’s TOES!! Too adorable for words..
Congrats on your new son! Dylan has the suspicious look downpat…it must be in the genes. ;)
Looks like he’s already developing his own suspicious look… what a cutie. Congrats!!
He’s gorgeous, congratulations and welcome home.
Perfection!! He’s even cuter with his eyes open!!! Congrats Linda, JB and Riley! New babies are awesome.
(Except for the poo, the crying and the no-sleeping. The cracked, sore nipples, jealous siblings, postpartum recovery and the hormone roller coaster.)
Here’s to a smooth transition with a baby who sleeps, doesn’t cry much, easy transition for toddlers, breastfeeding miracles and quick recovery.
Awwwww…. I am sure people will understand if you take a breather and just enjoy being home and work on tagteam sleeping and diaper changes. I hope things go really easy for all of you.. and your recovery is speedy. Beautiful family.. I want two, but my son is 10 months and getting his molars and you know how that goes… after they come in, maybe in that 5 minute window before the next nightmare, we can TTC. xo to infinity!
He’s absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations!
That is seriously a beautiful little boy! Congratulations and I’m sure it’s great to be home!
Oh my gosh! He looks just like you Linda. He is beautiful and perfect and all that jazz. I need to go dig my ovaries out with a spoon now.