Okay, I don’t want to gross anyone out too much, but I just want to say this for the record: although I do not know what it feels like to push a baby from my own body, I DO know what it feels like to go big Rudy lay some Alaska pipe drop the kids off at the pool stack some logs pinch a loaf go Number Two after the effects of hydromorphone hydrochloride have wreaked their internal havoc, and if childbirth is any worse than that, well thank the 8 lb, 6 oz baby jesus for the miracle of surgery because OH MY GOD THE PAIN THE PAIN KILL ME NOW.

Ahem. Onward, to the less unsavory blog content:

Dude, Cat is twice the size of the baby. That’s just wrong. Also note how she’s getting as much hair as possible on his pacifier. We’ll probably blow that off or wipe it on our shirts or something before cramming it back in his fuss-hole, we’re not unsanitary.

Riley would like everyone to know that he is still v. cute and charming, even though he suddenly seems about the size of a T-Rex.

SPEAKING OF CUTE. Hello, big brother kissing on the baby, could you DIE.

This last one is just in case you haven’t had your RDA of sucrose. I believe this child may be formed entirely of creme brulĂ©e. I mean, when he’s all angelic and sleeping like that, not so much when he’s making weird elephant trumpeting sounds from both ends at 3 AM.


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16 years ago

Beautiful !

Naomi in Oz
16 years ago

Dylan is just gorgeous, Linda. BTW, the 10 second rule SO applies to pacifiers. Just think of it as boosting his immune system.

16 years ago

Awww! Riley is the bestest big brother EVAH!

16 years ago

Your doctor didn’t send you home with a script for stool softener? It’s available over the counter as well. Ouch. I remember that pain well.
Dylan is gorgeous and Riley looks like he’s doing a good job as big brother.

16 years ago

When Riley was born I thought of him as “Cutest Baby on the Internet”. I think he’s been promoted to “Cutest Toddler on the Internet” and Dylan can have the former title.

Gorgeous pics of your gorgeous family.

16 years ago

On that last picture, my daughter and I both let out a big, Awww, and ohhh, and how sweet! Best to you all — glad to know the pipes are clean.

16 years ago

Look at that squished up little ear… it’s is just starting to unfurl! Like a flower blooming or something! So damn cute.

That pic of your two boys together is just precious.

16 years ago

What Lara said…and I can’t get enough of these updates and pix.

16 years ago

From one that did push the baby from her body; the first #2 after childbirth was definitely worse than the birth itself. They should give you an epidural for that experience, ouch!

The boys are precious. I swear the pictures of the baby might be enough to get my body back in working order and I’ll be able to skip right over the clomid this month–my ovaries are in serious ache mode.

16 years ago

gorgeous sweetness! *head explodes*

16 years ago

Great pictures! Riley giving big bro kisses to Dylan makes me realize that the world is good.

Cat looks like my Sam! Identical.

16 years ago

It’s not like cats have to TRY to get hair on things. We have cat hair even in places that I swear they’ve never been. The fact that the pacifier has at some point in time been wet only helps matters. Anyway… beautiful boys. Glad Riley is handling everything so well.

16 years ago

I have the big over-sized chair that matches your couch and it is my favorite! :)

Oh, and your boys? They are edible! Creme Brulee definitely!

Someone Being Me
16 years ago

He is angelic. So worth all the crazy body issues afterwards.

16 years ago

That last picture made me almost want another one.

16 years ago

Toddlers DO seem ENORMOUS when the baby comes, huh? Noone ever prepared me for that!

16 years ago

Oh my jesus, I just cannot get over how gorgeous that baby is. So perfect in every way!

16 years ago

Ahhhh…. Smooth, pink baby skin and downy, fuzzy head. I will now have sweet dreams.

Is it bad form to brag of sweet slumber to a new mother? But your beautiful baby induced it! That makes it OK that you’re bleary-eyed and stumbling, right?

Anne L.
Anne L.
16 years ago

Aww, creme brulee baby! He’s so awesome.

16 years ago

“lay some alaska pipe”

Haaaaa. I find that particularly funny.
I love a gal who can talk about poop. THEIR poop. Awesome!

Heck yah, big brudders look so big once you bring bebe home. Before that they still look like lil’ baby.

16 years ago

That last photo is amazing, I love it! :)

16 years ago

i mean this in the best and most complimentary way possible:
after looking at pictures of dylan, i want to stick his entire head in my mouth. he’s just that deliciously beautiful.

16 years ago

that brotherly love is pretty adorable while it lasts:)

you take such dynamic pictures…and riley is so photogenic!

16 years ago

Mmmm, creme brulee’ baby.

16 years ago

I don’t see enough Cat so I was mighty pleased to see her in this blog! She is huge + I love it!!! The last time I saw her she was on top of a cabinet “watching you masturbate”. I still laugh when I think of that picture + caption.

I had my C on the 2nd, been pooping like a champ all week. Didn’t mean to rub that in your face or any thing. . . I have been eating prunes. I heart the single wrapped ones; you should try them. They actually taste yummy.

16 years ago

Even from the very first picture of young Dylan, I have thought the resemblance of his older brother, Riley, was uncanny…even though, for the most part, for me, it’s hard to even tell if the newborn even remotely resembles more than a crumpled newspaper. I think those boys are going to look soooo much alike. I can’t wait to see more of these two delectable children.

As for the post C-section bowel actions. One word.


16 years ago

You make some very pretty babies! Riley was adorable when he was a baby, and Dylan is just as yummy.

Hubby and I are trying to be practical and are waiting until I can lose some extra poundage before embarking on the journey that is conceiving, but seeing all of this delicious cuteness is making me want another child, like NOW.

I have even been showing your pics to hubby in hopes that the cuteness will soften him, and he will agree to make a go of it like yesterday!

16 years ago

Beautiful baby – adorable big brother. That last photo – amazingly perfect. I can’t wait to watch Dylan go through all the same crazy stages that Riley did.

My little Tyrannosaurus is a few months behind Riley, and I swore I was done after him. Now I’m reconsidering if I find the right partner to make it worthwhile – but seeing Dylan makes me think it would definitely be worthwhile. Ahhhh new smooshy wrinkled babies.

Mrs. Breedorf
16 years ago

Oh gosh, the one of big brother kissing baby made my eyes prickle a little and then the last one! The way Dylan is turned towards his mama’s loving (but seemingly enormous) hand like a daisy to the sun! The perfection of his skin, his hair, his tiny features! Oh the sweetness, I can barely stand it.

16 years ago

JB has the unfocused look of some who might be just a *wee* bit short on sleep.

16 years ago

Precious!!! Keep showing these pictures, and I’m gonna seriously think about having one, and I am DEAD set against kids!!! He’s just the cutest baby– I loved the picture with the scrunched up crying face you posted the other day.

16 years ago

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. And for the record, it’s just as painful having those lovely bowel movements after a vaginal birth….yikes—it was more painful than the actual labor in my opinion.

16 years ago

I hope Dylan inherits Riley’s mischevious grin.

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
16 years ago

That picture of Riley kissing Dylan makes my teeth hurt! Adorable!!

You guys make some cute kids!

16 years ago


16 years ago

I love your baby blanket – the colors are awesome. And, yeah, another kissing picture, are you trying to destroy my ovaries with the cuteness? Jesus christ, woman, think of those of us who only have one child! Think of us!!

16 years ago

I have to pipe in to third what Lara and Leslie said…when Riley was born he was, in my mind, The Cutest Baby on the Internet. Now he hands over the reigns to Dylan. I know I’m one of many who have said this, but you have a gorgeous family and I wish you all the very best!

16 years ago

Oh, the brothers, they are so sweet. My eyes teared up a little at that one.

16 years ago

OMG the picture of Riley and Dylan just melts my heart!

16 years ago

I love the photos and the stories and the reminder that I will be doing all of this soon, VERY soon! Both boys are SO cute in a good sugary kind of way! Thanks for sharing.

16 years ago

The beginning of your post made me never wanted to have children (Alaska pipeline WHAT?) and by the end of your post I decided I want 15 of them right now, all piled up in a big family snuggle fest.

16 years ago

Cute kids!

After my C-section, I had to use Lamaze breathing to push what seemed like a dry grapefruit out of my bum. After that lovely experience, I was afraid to go so I think I held off so long I bound myself up. The grapefruit was followed by several dry loaves of french bread, if you know what I mean. I never knew it was possible to dread a BM as much as I did. Good luck with that.

Pickles & Dimes
16 years ago


So adorable.

16 years ago

Isn’t it funny how we relax a bit with number 2(I am referring to second child-HA)you should see with number three. The cat could be sucking ON the pacifier and we’d probobly still use it on a crying baby.

16 years ago

you should totally enter that photo of Riley kissing his brother into a contest. At Parade magazine or something. It captures so well the family experience. It’s making my heart ache a bit.

16 years ago

Abnormally cute kids. For real.

16 years ago

i am 8 weeks post c-section and colace and citrucel are a staple in my diet … and, it still hurts like a bitch to take a shit.

glad i’m not alone in this … but, i feel for ya.

16 years ago

Hi Linda, you and your family are simply awesome. Dylan is such a little angel and Riley, he’s such a great kid. My son is about 2 months younger than Riley and I will be having a baby girl in about 2 months’ time. Reading your blog inspires me and helps me feel less nervous about having two small kids in the house. Thank you for your blog, for your honesty and for all your kindness and non-judgmentalism towards people who do things or think differently from you.

16 years ago

I love your site. I enjoy reading about your family and I love your pictures. I’ve noticed when JB is in the pictures he ALMOST ALWAYS has a child or animal by him as close as they can get. That’s a sure way to tell that he is an incredibly nice man. You are all lucky to have each other. Keep posting Linda. You always brighten my day.

16 years ago

Dem bebes is gorgeous. And I just have to say on the post-c-section bm talk (hee) OMG!!!! It took me two hours and I straight up cried. It was the most horrific thing about child birth for me. I think my doctor had me on iron pills which hello?!?! Did not help. And I was clueless…sooo young….and so very clueless.