Hey, I got that 40K calorie dessert after all!


That right there is basically a giant slab of tiramisu. It came with a selection of new books, a generous spa gift certificate, a toddler blowing out my candle for me and sweetly announcing HAPPY BIRFDAY MOMMY, and a baby who slept peacefully during the festivities. Who could ask for more? 34 is off to a good start.

More recent photos:

I’ve been trying to get a decent family photo of the four of us, but man is it ever hard. Someone’s always squashed-looking, or not looking at the camera, or NOT WEARING A SHIRT, etc.

Dylan sometimes smiles in his sleep. It’s almost cute enough to make me forget all the 2:30 AM “Eh, eh, eh, EHHHHHHHhhh” wakeup calls. Almost.

Look at that smoochy kid. Just don’t piss him off.

Lastly, a shot of tonight’s lunar eclipse, taken around 7 PM.


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16 years ago

Great shot of the eclipse! Almost as beautiful as the two shots before it :)

16 years ago

Eh, who needs a shirt anyway? :D Happy, happy birthday!!! Also, your kids better stop being so darned cute or I will CHEW ON THEM. Nom nom nom… mmm… cheeks…

Jill O.
16 years ago

You’ve got such a beautiful family. Happy Birthday, Linda! I love the shot of the eclipse!

16 years ago

Wow, that shot of the eclipse belongs in a scientific journal. (I am so getting a Nikon D70!)

Many happy returns, and mmmmmmmmm that dessert is making my dieting stomach crumble.

16 years ago

I love the photo of the baby smiling in his sleep. Also the lunar eclipse photo is good! :)

16 years ago

Happy Birthday, Linda! Hope you had a good day with both boys and a moment or two of “me time” somewhere ;)

16 years ago

Holy hell, that baby is adorable. Every time you post a picture of him, I’m compelled to comment.

16 years ago

WOW! Excellent shot! I just posted about the eclipse too…

Your adorable kids make me want more of my own. Or grandkids. Or something. I am SO “between generations”!


16 years ago

Oh, I love the sleep smiles!

And you’re looking pretty good for someone who recently had a baby. I certainly never looked that attractive in between volcanic spit-up eruptions.

16 years ago

I seriously have to ask you. How long did you wait, camera in hand for that perfect “angel kiss” (what my grandma calls it when newborns smile in their sleep) pic?
It is so precious. I was never fast enough on the trigger to get one of Rylan. Now he is nearly 8 months and smiles on demand, which is great too but oh for those sweet little sleeping smiles! :)

16 years ago

My son still smiles in his sleep (9mo)when I go into check on him before I hid the bed (every night, yes, I still can’t break the “is he breathing” anxiety habit). I love it. He senses I’m there and just moves a little, not waking up, cracks an angelic smile and sticks his pacifier back in his mouth. Breathtaking. And so is your angel baby.
That pic of the eclipse is awesome. I tried to take one, but my little panasonic is sorely inadequate. To echo another poster, I am SO getting a Nikon.
Also, mmmmm, tiramisu. I hate dieting.

16 years ago

Um, that would be “hit” the bed. And “when I go IN TO check on him.” Sorry, the english major in me couldn’t let that go.

16 years ago

So glad you had a good birthday — look at your beautiful family!

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
16 years ago

Happy birthday again Linda!

As for the family photo with Riley not wearing a shirt, if my son doesn’t have to get dressed he is in undies all day, he hates wearing clothes.

I wanted to see the eclipse last night but sadly we went to bed at 8:45. It would have happened around 10pm for us.

Enjoy the “birfday” presents!

16 years ago

Happy belated birthday!

Katie (The Yap)
16 years ago

Happy Birthday! I love that Riley isn’t wearing a shirt in the family photo. Too funny!

I tried to take a photo of the moon last night and…um….it didn’t look ANYTHING like that. How do you do it? Great photography!

16 years ago

Nice pics. I got a few pictures of the lunar eclipse, too. Other side of the country, though so it was at approximately 10:00 pm. Froze my ass off, too!

16 years ago

Holy crap, you are a good photographer.

16 years ago

I wish I had a photo of my son smiling in his sleep. He did it all the time and I never had the camera handy when I needed it. That shot of Dylan is so darn cute!

16 years ago

I also took a picture of the eclipse, but over here on the east coast it was at 10:30. And my picture looks like crap compared to yours.

16 years ago

I remembered about the eclipse and then passed out during the most boring American Idol ever. Damnit. Thanks for getting a picture!

Family photos are impossible. Give up now. You will be happier in the end. :)

16 years ago

Happy Birthday, Linda!! Er– I hope you didn’t have to share that deliciously gooey treat with the male faction of your family!! :-)

16 years ago

What a terrific family you have. I thought it from the beginning, but it is becoming more and more apparent that Dylan is going to be the spittin’ image of Riley.

Happy belated birthday.

Marie Green
16 years ago

Yes, you ARE a gooooooood photographer. Also, which books did you get? I always love knowing what’s on people’s nightstands…

16 years ago

Happy birthday. I love how the toddler paws are creeping close to the tiramisu…. ever so stealthly….

I want some.

Yeah, what books?


Someone Being Me
16 years ago

Yum! Happy Birthday. Looks like a great day. I love the family picture even without a shirt.

Missy k
16 years ago

There is nothing sweeter than a smiling, sleeping baby. And I love the little hands tensed up by his head. Thanks for sharing.

16 years ago

Did JB wrap those presents? Assuming he did, I am impressed. When my husband wraps my gifts, they look like something he fished out of the garbage and covered with 30 rolls of tape.

SemiDesperate Housewife

You look wonderful! I can’t believe you just had a baby, via a C-section, even! Darn you, I was still living in pajamas or maternity clothes at that point.
Your family is lovely. I think you should do one with everyone topless, though. Kind of a modern version of the whole Olan Mills theory, in which everyone wears white or black turtlenecks so you focus on FACES instead of CLOTHES.

16 years ago

Happy Birthday to you — and us, Linda. You’ve brought so many smiles and guffaws from me (and I can probably say us, your readers) that you are a gift yourself. I celebrate YOU — thank you for your selflessness and countless gifts — in the form of your words, your honesty, your pictures, sharing your life with us. (Hey, it’s your birthday — I’m allowed to be a little squishy, okay?!)

16 years ago

Man you are good with that camera!

Happy Birthday! Your children are delish!

16 years ago

1. Yummy!
2. darn your kids are adorable!
3. Beautiful moon photo… how do you do it?

16 years ago

Ohh Riley has a good ANGRY Face!

16 years ago

Happy birthday! What’d you get?
Love your boys, and love my nikon d80, but alas, there were clouds.

16 years ago

I LOVE that he isnt wearing a shirt. That is so random. Your camera takes beautiful shots. I took a pic of the moon and it was the size of lint.

16 years ago

Has anybody else noticed that Riley has really adorable shell-like ears? So cute!

16 years ago

Happy birthday! :D

16 years ago

Happiest of birthdays to you! Glad 34 is off to a great start! :o)

Also, SO jealous of your camera/moon shot! WOW!

16 years ago

I had a baby a week before you. A c-section, too. I’m still looking for my face. Yours is clearly glowing and you are all sorts of slim. Luckyyyyy.

16 years ago

Your husband and Riley have exactly the same expression on their face in that shot. Hilarious.

16 years ago

Tiramisu is my favorite and a perfect way to start a new year. Happy Birthday!

16 years ago

This is a great, funny blog. My friend just sent it to me. As a mother of a two year-old and a nine month-old (18 months apart), I understand what you’re going through. When your second one is about 6 months old, you will feel much, much better. So many people have told me, “It DOES get better,” but it was hard believing them. Keep plugging along–you’ll feel more like yourself sooner than you think!

16 years ago

Oh, so that’s what tiramisu looks like. I always thought it was a pudding dish that you baked. Odd.


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