Dog would like to know what you’re doing this weekend.


How can you refuse? YOU MUST OBEY THE SNOUT.

Me, I will be doing much of the same, but plan to escape the house at some point for a facial. And not the “protein mask” my husband likes to gleefully offer whenever I speak of such things, but the expensive spa variety where I get to lie back and enjoy a (hopefully) poop-free environment for an hour or so. CAN’T. WAIT.

Tell me what you’ve got in the works, okay? Or the snout will touch you.

PS. Is anyone planning to go to BlogHer this year? I might be attending for business reasons and I am wondering whose pantlegs I can nervously cling to.


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Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
16 years ago

Oh Dog, I would love to tell you what I am doing this weekend!

We are just hanging out at the house, maybe doing something Sat. night when the inlaws take Eric.

Tell Linda to enjoy her facial and poop-free time!

16 years ago

:mumbles something about steak and blowjob day and being on vacation:


I am hanging out in Chicago because I got Darren tickets to a Blackhawks game as a Christmas present. On Sunday.

Tonight its a Blackhawks game on TV (he is a fan, if you haven’t guessed by now)

Tomorrow, no plans. Maybe some shopping, because Filene’s? OMG. And I’ve already spent my money at Sephora.

(Hey, I’m Canadian. We don’t have those things in Vancouver :))

And the snout is adorable. Enjoy your spa. :)

16 years ago

I would not believe you if you told me JB doesn’t know that today is Steak & BJ day. So yeah, those are my plans for this evening.

I was actually a little embarrassed buying a couple of rib-eyes at Safeway just now. Especially because of the youngish hot guy also selecting steaks. I know he knows. He knows I know. I feel so dirty. (Not really).

I have no reason to go to BlogHer, ’cause I basically just read blogs but if I did and I saw you I’d probably get all tongue tied and goofy and look at my feet and pick my nails and go “errrrrrrrrrrrrr” because I’m articulate like that.

16 years ago

If I go, you can cling to my pantlegs, except that you’ll have to shake me off of yours, first. In fact, it might be frightening, the degree to which I will be velcroed to your legs. And I, too, may be going for biz reasons, which makes it all that much weirder for me.

Also HA, like Lara, dude, my weekend kicks off with Steak & BJ Day, yo. And good thing there’s an emphasis on the BJ, as I have a little somethin’ somethin’ unappealing for visits downstairs, if you know what I’m saying and I think you do and I ALSO think I just grossed myself out.

The rest of this weekend will be spent exploring Vermont. I love this part of moving to a new place.

16 years ago

We’ll probably hike around in the Santa Cruz mountains tomorrow. On Sunday, I’ll go to my regular yoga class, and afterwards my husband will bring the baby to meet me downtown, so we can get lunch and go to the farmer’s market.

I may go to part of BlogHer since it is so nearby. But if I do, I’ll be needing some pantlegs to cling to myself.

16 years ago

Saturday I am WORKING to make up for over 30 hours I’ve used (that I don’t have coming) in leave credits, having had the dreaded Influenza A/B and having had to stay home with the kidlet with the glazed and glassy eyes, the high fever, and oh-the-tyranny of a sick five-year-old, also oh-the-fear as the fever climbed and he lay around not even PLAYING, just lying on the sofa wanly watching cartoons. He’s visiting the Wicked Stepgrandmother, who will probably poison him or something. And I am working. And probably popping a corned beef round in the crockpot. Oh the fun, oh the gaiety, oh the life I lead!

16 years ago

The grandparents fly in tonight and we are already checking out Fandango, sizing up what needs to be seen. 10,000 BC and Vantage Point maybe? Actually, you could film a flower pot and put it up on the big screen and I’d be happy- away from children and eating popcorn for two hours with my husband? AWESOME.
So other than that we will enjoy my folks being in town, eat my dad’s famous pumpkin bread and generally be way too spoiled for our own good. I can’t wait!!!

Enjoy your er, facial. :)

16 years ago

Well he probably didn’t know it was Steak and BJ Day BEFORE now. THANKS A LOT GUYS.

Liz in Australia
Liz in Australia
16 years ago

Have already visited the farmers’ markets. Husband is about to take the two youngest kids out for a while, and I am waiting for the eldest to get back from her grandparents’. A very short window of opportunity to do sweet FA *g* After that – heh, a terribly exciting weekend of decluttering and reorganising to give the just-turned-3yo her own bedroom at last. Oh, and brunch with friends tomorrow (Sunday). Exciting, huh?

16 years ago

Hello Dog! How can anyone resist that snout?

Tonight I will be running to Costco and then home to watch Netflix and try to get to bed at a decent hour.

The rest of the weekend I will spend filming for my internet show.

I will not be attending Blogher, although I would like to go at least once to see what it’s all about.

16 years ago

This is a peak season at Walt Disney World, so I’ll be working nonstop, I’m sure, which leaves little to no time for things like grocery shopping, cleaning, or sleeping. But on my next day off (whenever it may be) I’ll definitely be going to the spa for the day! I’m a sucker for the hot stone massages….

16 years ago

Am packing! To go on holiday! Am excited! Snout no touch! : D

16 years ago

I am passing out fliers for my missing cat and getting my taxes done and writing thank you notes for the gifts received at my baby shower.

16 years ago

I will be attempting to drag my husband to a Home & Garden Expo on Saturday. Normally, this would not be a problem, since we bought this house (our first!) in October and haven’t had time to do much to it besides shovel snow. However, he has been gone all week because of work and will be getting home in a few hours. So he may just want to spend the day relaxing instead.

16 years ago

I will be stealing your Dog.


Tonight is a goodbye karoake night at HulaHula in Seattle.

Tomorrow is goodbye brunch with same friend at Cafe Flora and a trip to the Barleywine Festival in Fremont to celebrate another friend’s birthday.

Sunday is Lawrence of Arabia down at the Cinerama. And then collapsing out of exhuastion before getting on yet another plane Monday morning at 6 am.

16 years ago

I will be stealing your Dog.


Tonight is a goodbye karoake night at HulaHula in Seattle.

Tomorrow is goodbye brunch with safe friend at Cafe Flora and a trip to the Barleywine Festival in Fremont to celebrate another friend’s birthday.

Sunday is Lawrence of Arabia down at the Cinerama. And then collapsing out of exhuastion before getting on yet another plane Monday morning at 6 am.

16 years ago

I’ll be installing sod in my backyard. Have I ever done this before? No. Have I seen it done? Uh, no. Am I at all confident I won’t just fuck up $250 of sod putting it in, or maybe be crushed under a roll of it on the way to the backyard? Not really…

Also? Chipotle.

16 years ago

Zoo, mowing lawns, cleaning out drawers and pigging out on the couch in front of a DVD.

16 years ago

not much, home finally after mom’s 37 day hospital stay which = my 37 day live in with my brother, so I’ll probably be cleaning the house.

16 years ago

Weekend? Usual Friday routine of bottle of wine, movie, and attempt to get a few hours of sleep before the children crush my fantasies of waking well rested. Other than that, a big truckload of nothing.

Oh, and yes, I’m going to BlogHer and would be honored to have you clinging to my unworthy pant leg. :)

16 years ago

I’m going to read all the blogs in my reader. Read a book (maybe even two). Make peanut butter cookies. And I won’t be sleeping because baby-in-da-belly kicks like she’s a coke addict going through withdrawl between 10pm-4am….if I hadn’t read all those scary child birth books I’d take a sleeping pill hoping to dose my unborn child. That’s awful and true.

I shared the Steak Blow Job day with my husband…and then reminded him that as long as there is a child in me there is no such thing as a blow job. I’m new to this pregnancy thing…but somehow managed to work in that rule.

16 years ago

I will be skulking, scrunch-legged, in a back alley, possibly sleeping in my car, possibly happening upon a Super 8. I don’t know, but I am intent on twisting shiteousness into an adventure.

And, you already know I’m going to BlogHer and the offer remains open to cling to my leg, as long as you deflect my inevitable anxiety with your wicked funniness.

16 years ago

LOVE DOG…I will be cleaning my house to get it ready to go on the market….great timing huh? Hubby’s work is moving us back to Chicago (YEAH!!!)…so now to clean off all the dog hair that has accumulated on the baseboards over the last 2 years…

16 years ago

This weekend I’m launching my webcomic, Dingleberries. I still have to put the entire website together. On top of that, I have a t-shirt illustration that’s past deadline to complete and I’m curating a group art show in May so this weekend I have to get on everyone’s ass to make sure they’re actually doing work and going to make the deadline.

Oh, and I still have to figure out my own piece that I’m working on for said show.

I’m glad I stopped drinking.

16 years ago

Need to clean house and rid the homestead of copious amounts of cat hair. Windows need cleaning and I’m pissed as hell to be doing all this while hobbling on crutches thanks to this never-ending f*cking broken ankle. One more week and I’m off “the sticks”. In the meantime, husband keeps telling me that he finds handicapped chicks “hot”. I’m definitely NOT telling him about steak and BJ….WTF!?

16 years ago

Tonight my daughter (9 yo), my mother and I went our very a nice dinner (the nicest place I’ve ever taken my daughter – she said, “This looks like a fancy dancin’ place!”, but there was no dancing, I assure you) and then we went to a local youth theatre production of School House Rock Live. My mom’s friend’s 12 year old son was the “Bill on Capital Hill” and my daughter promptly developed a HUGE crush on him. She nearly SWOONED when she got to meet him after the show.

Tomorrow is my sister’s 28th birthday and I am taking her out for breakfast, shopping, lunch and a movie (27 Dresses).

Sunday is my day of rest. We’ll go to church and I’ll make frozen pizza for lunch and then we’ll all nap the afternoon away.

16 years ago

I swear I just took a picture of my dog that looks exactly like your dog, and it’s too late and the snout already touched me. All over. And she drools because she has leaky gaskets. I will email you one one of these days.
And I am watching the grandkids practice tball and little league. My granddaughter has a mitt that lights up when you catch the ball, and all of her gear is pink. (It’s girly enough to gag you.)
And them I am gearing up for our contract negotiations. Yay. Oh, and studying for a test in my spanish class.

16 years ago

Haha, I just sent my sweetie a text to tell him that I am sooooooo sorry he will be missing out on steak and BJ night since he won’t be home until after midnight…O shucks, guess you’ll just have to wait for next year…hahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahaha

16 years ago

My family and I, which includes my husband and I PLUS our 4 children (thank goodness for the dvd player in the car!!!!) are traveling about 4 hours north to this place you may have heard of- Seattle! =-) My cousin (who was more like a brother to me in my younger days) and his wife and baby are going to be up there visiting from New Mexico. So we are crashing the party because we rarely get to see them.

I must say that the boys are looking very cute and squishable and that I am so proud/jealous of you for your postpartum workout regime. I wish motivation was something I could buy at the store…

16 years ago

Haaa protein facial!

I’m taking photos of the Sgt. Major of the Army, and also covering some kind of aviation competition here on my camp. Should be fun.

Fuck. Am late for work.

16 years ago

Man, one benefit of the husband being deployed is I get out of Steak + BJ Day. SHEW!

Sorry Dog, I know you have silky cashmere virgin ears that I can only dream of stroking. I welcome your cold wet snout any day.

16 years ago

The Easter egg hunt we were supposed to attend was canceled due to the sudden appearance of a swamp where the park used to be. Also the risk that high winds might pick up the smaller children and carry them away to Oz. So we’re going to the grocery store and probably watching the second half of Flight of the Conchords.

16 years ago

I might vacuum, have to work out to burn the bazillion calories I just ate on my “cheat” day which lasted 48 hours, and watch Seinfeld reruns (call it an ab workout). And sleeeeeeeep, blessed sleep, without the alarm clock.

16 years ago

P.S. Oh man, I would feel blessed if the snout touched me.

16 years ago

Well, if those tornadoes downtown creamed the library, we might be picking up books from the streets of Atlanta. If it missed, we’ll be packing for our week’s vacation in Hilton Head Island, SC – which begins Sunday. :)

Heather B.
16 years ago

I plan to let the 1/4 Irish part of me let loose. Lots of cabbage. Good times.

16 years ago

We’re supposed to be going to a big St. Patrick’s shindig downtown, but I just checked the weather and they’re calling for severe thunderstorms all day. This is an outdoor event. So now I’m hesitating. We’re in our 30’s – too old to drink green beer in the rain.
I wouldn’t mind if Dog’s snout touched me. It’s how I wake up almost every morning.

bad penguin
16 years ago

Who can resist such a cute snout?!

I’m about to go try to run nine miles. I’ve never run that far before, so I’m a little worried about whether or not I can do it.

16 years ago

I will be spending the next 24 hours locked in a room with idiots :D. BGSU Cartooning and Comic BooK Club’s 24 hour comic book day. We have to make a page an hour for 24 hours. At the end of it, hopefully we’ll have 24 pages. Last year I got like 14-16.. most of us conked out at 5 am…

16 years ago

I’m doing a dinner with girlfriends, a 40th birthday party for my cousin, and … an 18 mile run. I’m training for the Boston Marathon and this is the second highest mileage we practice before the big day on April 21. Eek.

Enjoy your facial!

16 years ago

I’m not telling because I want to touch the snout. Please.

That picture reminds me of the dogs I visit when I go on my daily walk. I know which ones are friendly. They poke their snouts up to or slightly out of the fences in their backyards so we can talk and I can scratch their noses. (My dog is too arthritic to go with me.)

16 years ago

HA! Hahahahahahahahahha! Protein mask! JB is the man. I love that guy, in a totally hetero way, mostly. Anyway, my weekend. Well, I’ve got a wicked St. Patties day rager to go to tonight. Last night was supposed to be a stay in party with my brother and sister in law, but despite the fact that they sit at desks all day, and I actually do hard work all day, EVERY FUCKING DAY OF MY ADULT LIFE, they passed out at eight thirty, a whole half an hour after I got there. So instead of having traditional fun, I took shots in the dark while writing a blog post about falling in love with a woman I met online. But tonight: party city! Or maybe it’s just a cookout. Actually I heard about this thing through the grape vine, so I probably ought to get off my ass and find out when it is and what I need to bring.

Sunday will be focused on something more constructive, like sleeping a lot, or looking up porn.

16 years ago

I’m taking my daughter to the zoo with a friend and her two kids. I’m way too excited about it. It’s sad that this is the highlight of my week. Ah, the plight of the SAHM.

16 years ago

Awwww! I love your dog! I’ve been wondering how your beasties have been adjusting to Dylan’s arrival. Great to see a picture!

Today I’m meeting up with friends at Radio City to see some Celtic performance. I had no idea I was going to this until, well, right now actually, and I’d kinda rather stay at home and avoid all the St Pat’s day crowds. But we shall see. Hopefully the drunken tomfoolery won’t be too bad. On a Saturday night. In NYC. In midtown. GOD I’M DOOMED. Send reinforcements.

16 years ago

Today is mostly gone and I’m still in my pjs. I just heard it raining, so between that and a cranky knee the garden weeding and lawn mowing may be out. But maybe not, I might get motivated. :)

When I’m not doing yardwork to make my front yard look less like ass, I’ll be dusting, vacuuming and dealing with papers to get ready for our new lateral file to be delivered Monday. I’ll also be prepping for my new show which kicks off Sunday. :)

16 years ago

I’m turning 37 and celebrating with some pampering at Spa Nordstrom this afternoon, dinner out tonight and tomorrow, for a Birthday Weekend Extravaganza! Whee!

16 years ago

I hung out with my kiddos last night, had a Pampered Chef show this morning, my daughter has a birthday this afternoon at 3 PM and then I have to go to church to help paint and clean up for services tomorrow (we have been doing major renovations there this week)and then tomorrow there’s church and napping and such.

16 years ago

Oh I forgot, I’m also balls sick this weekend with some sort of cold cough dealio. And having slept in the living room of my brothers house last night, while sick, I can officially tell you that no matter how cute a puppy may be, it only has to wake you up by stomping on your face two times before it eats fist. Not that this will deter it from continuing said stomping for the rest of the night and morning and early afternoon mind you. Apparently puppies never sleep … or learn. No wonder they call them bitches.

16 years ago

Well, today (my day off) I will be doing nothing. I started off the day by sleeping until 11:30, so I’m off to an excellent start. Perhaps some house cleaning. I am seriously amazed at how dirty I am willing to let things get before I clean them…ew.
Tomorrow will be another day workin’ for The Man. Sweet.

I hope your facial is excellent, relaxing and everything you’ve hoped. You deserve it!

Denise V.
Denise V.
16 years ago

Dirty trick using Dog to manipulate readers! But obviously I know well enough to obey Dog. I’m actually taking my dog for grooming Saturday (her spa day) as we are only her humble servants.