I randomly saw this show up in my tracking software today, and I don’t know what makes me laugh moreā€”the fact that someone typed that entire thing into a search engine and waited for the Internet Magic Eight Ball to cough back an answer, or the fact that this is the entry it linked to.


Also, dear mystery googler with gas that is both weird and loud: OH MY GOD JUST BUY YOURSELF A PREGNANCY TEST ALREADY.


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16 years ago

i hate it when i feel noxious.

16 years ago

I wonder if the wierd,loud ass fumes have been noxious too……

16 years ago

(gasping). i can’t tell you how funny that is.

16 years ago

So I went back and reread the post (soooo funny) and comments…and…ummmm…that second to last comment caught me a little off guard…as in WHAT THE SHIT? Did I read that right? *re-reads it* What a horrible, horrible…I don’t even know what to say except that I’m not sure that I’ll ever be the same..*SHUDDER* Serious heebie-jeebies. Serious.

16 years ago

*Noxious.* wow. That is…wow. Also, at what point does one’s gas become “weird” and “loud” enough to consult the internet as to whether or it’s an issue? My husband and I usually just refer to those as ‘tubas,’ as in “oh my god was that you or is there a tuba in the kitchen?”
Um, Happy Easter, I guess?

16 years ago

*Noxious.* wow. That is…wow. Also, at what point does one’s gas become “weird” and “loud” enough to consult the internet as to whether or it’s an issue? My husband and I usually just refer to those as ‘tubas,’ as in “oh my god was that you or is there a tuba in the kitchen?”
Um, Happy Easter, I guess?

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
16 years ago

You’re right! Just buy yourself a damn pregnancy test! EEEEEWWWWWW

All Adither
16 years ago

It’s probably a teenager who is too afraid to buy a pregnancy test for fear her mother will find it.

My gas is always weird and loud. I hope that doesn’t mean I’m pregnant. Again.

16 years ago

Hee, that original post was awesome! And I think the googler misspelled “nauseous”.

samantha jo campen
16 years ago

Okay. You can’t make that stuff up. That was hilarious.

16 years ago

Thank you for making me laugh today.

I have been getting numerous hits from people searching for “chinesse gender calendar”. I talked about it ONCE, like two years ago, and its accuracy. I continue to scratch my head in disbelief over the double s. Yours is much funnier, I have to say.

16 years ago

UM. Two things:

1.) as someone who is treated to a daily trumpet solo that only Wynton Marsalis could compete with, I would love to know what sort of gas merits both “weird” and “loud”

2.) “noxious” really? REALLY? i know some people are poor spellers, but this is all the proof i need that you should be required to pursue a license to reproduce.

16 years ago

Well she COULD be noxious. I didn’t realize that was a symptom of pregnancy though.

16 years ago

That fart post is too funny!

16 years ago

Loud, weird gas = pregnant? Holy crap, I think I’m knocked up. As is my boyfriend. And the dog. Although I don’t think I’ve ever felt noxious, so maybe I’m safe. But sometimes the boyfriend and the dog are OBnoxious…does that count?

16 years ago

Oh, dear. “Noxious” and “nauseous” sound similar, but is the gas really that bad? Yikes.

16 years ago

Lara: ROTFLMAO. My dogs must be pregnant too. Both the spayed female and the neutered male.

I’m really pregnant, and my gas is neither weird nor loud, but I would rate it noxious.

16 years ago

LOL. For some reason that gets funnier the longer I think about it. That poor woman!

16 years ago

Man, it must suck being a baby factory. When my gas is weird and loud I just use it to entrap my coworkers in uncomfortable and unsavory situations.