Can I just say how much I’ve been enjoying your movie star crushes? And with every comment I think, oh yeah, HIM TOO. How could I have forgotten Viggo as Aragorn, my god, or Orlando as Legolas? Mmmm, Man-Elfwich. Also, the bathtub scene in Out of Sight with George Clooney, Clive Owen in every-damn-thing, the FOX in Robin Hood (yes, yes, YES!).

I LOVE that one of you listed Philip Seymour Hoffman, by the way.

Let me cycle back to the tines-up/tines-down issue. I hear you saying that tines-up maximizes your chances of getting everything as clean as possible, but what about the hand-stabbing? Am I just clumsy, or what? Because I have had to wear a Band-aid two nights in a ROW as a result of being skewered by a upward-facing steak knife.

Also, unrelated to anything but because I’m halfway watching American Idol right now and Mariah Carey is warbling away: I have been compared to Mariah Carey more than once with regards to facial features. I don’t know how to say it without being kind of a dick but Mariah Carey? Not a pretty woman, in my opinion. Guess who else someone compared me to recently? Chloë Sevigny. Hmmmmmmm.

So my boy Dylan has grown right before my eyes since we’ve been here in Coos Bay. All of a sudden he can’t be crammed into his tiny newborn outfits, his size 1 Swaddlers are too tight, and he’s noticeably more aware and, I don’t know, sentient. He makes all these hilarious sounds: AWOO, AGOO, AWWW. He demands entertainment in the form of looming human faces or dangling toys and if left to his own devices he voices a loud complaint. I love the new, more interactive update (Baby V. 2.1.4!) but hoo boy, things are actually getting a bit harder, too, because he can’t be . . . um, stuffed in a corner and ignored anymore. Which is to say, OH SAY IT WITH ME: nobody puts Baby in a corner.


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16 years ago

LOL – see I knew my previous reference that movie would turn out ok!

Not so geeky now am I… ok so maybe I am!

16 years ago

p.s my two cents on the silverware issue – forks up, knives definitely down.

Or you could take a different approach and get someone else to unload the cutlery for you – works for me!

16 years ago

Ha. I was very tempted at one point to buy a “Nobody puts baby in the corner” onesie at one point last year.

16 years ago

oh i love a good dirty dancing reference. funny thing, i was just thinking of that quote today when i was tidying up the dining room and deciding where to put the high chair. i decided against the corner for obvious reasons.

16 years ago

On the silverware issue, I am all about maximizing the clean potential. I am so lazy that I honestly do not bother to pre-wash or sometimes even rinse, so I need the machine (the cheap, horrible, possibly centuries-old machine) to do all it can for me. Despite being a total klutz, I have never (yet) had any bad tine stabbings as a result.

As for TV Boyfriends, I am all about some Lloyd Dobbler, Spike on Buffy, and Vaughn on Alias. And, oh yeah, Colin Firth and Johnny Depp in anything.

I just realized this comment would probably go better on the previous post, but now I have typed it all here, so, um, here you go!

Also: I am so jealous of your OR Coast right now! Wish I were there.

16 years ago

Also was stabbed in the middle of my palm by a steak knife – worst place to keep a bandaid on and clean yet apparently I like to live on the edge because I still wash the steak knives UP, hmmmm…
I totally agree about Mariah Carey – not so good – but I actually love Chloe Sevigny’s looks when she’s not doing the Mormon thing- may be influenced by my love for indie actresses generally. But you don’t look like either of them!!

Melissa H
16 years ago

on the silverware issue, I’m a tines up girl on forks but STEAK KNIVES? Um, no. The silverware is a mix of eating part up/down to maximize washing and minimize nesting of like silverware but steak knives (all knives) are ALWAYS blade down. Especially with a toddler. Let your inlaws know the system ;) I had no idea I was so opinionated on this issue but I do have a definite system around here.
ANYWAY, glad you are having a fun trip.

16 years ago

Ever since a friend’s son got a steak knife stuck in his cute little 3-year-old tush when he stumbled backward onto the open dishwasher rack, I’ve washed knives with the pointy bits down! Somehow, forks seem less likely to actually slice into flesh, so they still go tines up for maximum cleaning potential.

16 years ago

jesus, i forgot about aragorn.

16 years ago

Prongs up!

In regards to yesterday: Will Ferrell in Elf, anyone?

I used to get compared to Alanis Morissette a lot, and that really BUGGED me. But not as much as the time my friend said her Dad said I looked like Monica Lewinksy. I think I can pinpoint the very moment I decided to lose some weight and bleach my hair blonde.

16 years ago

I have an ongoing debate with myself about the cutlery, a problem which I’m probably not going to solve in this lifetime. I was raised to believe that tines up equals better cleaning, I am very, seriously, very clumsy and yet I can not bring myself to turn those knives around, oh my poor hands!

16 years ago

Ah, Mariah Carey. I was huge fan from “Vision of Love” all the way to “Heartbreaker.” Then she did Glitter, and it all went to pot from there. Though I have enjoyed a few of her hits since then, she’s definitely lost her luster.

Also, I agree she’s not anything special now, but when I was a kid and she was in her innocent ballads era, I thought she was beautiful.

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
16 years ago

Speaking of Philip Seymour Hoffman, have you seen “Love Liza”?

Also I DO NOT think you look like Mariah! you are much prettier then Mariah :) I have been told I look like Alanis Morisette and Liv Tyler.

Just from your pictures Dylan looks like he is getting so big! He is adorable, as is Riley.

16 years ago

According to Consumer Reports (yes, the studied this, too) all silverware EXCEPT knives should be pointing up.

Also, I don’t see Mariah Carey in you but you do look a lot like a girl I work with. I have been told I look like Courtney Love and Sarah Michelle Gellar. Pretty much opposite ends of the spectrum, no? And I don’t think I look like either of them.

Heather C
Heather C
16 years ago

Better than looking like Becca from Life Goes On.

Recently, though, a friend was looking at my wedding pictures and told me I looked like Kate Winslet. I can accept Kate Winslet.

16 years ago

Loved the baby in a corner ending to your post today!

Um, back in my 30s, I often was told how much I looked like Natalie Wood. I loved it, however untrue! I’m not so impressed with Mariah, but she does have a lovely speaking voice, dontcha think? The short hootchy skirts have to go, tho…ugh.

16 years ago

Oh, yes: KNIVES go down. Forks go tines up.

Someone told my mom she looked like Carol Burnett. She doesn’t. She is STILL unhappy about it. (This was about 25 years ago.) She actually looks like Alanis Morrissette, but I haven’t dared tell her so.

16 years ago

I’ve always put my forks tines-up and have yet to be skewered…and I’m clumsy. Are you looking at your unloading hand when you’re doing this or do you unload the silverware while the other hand is placing already unloaded silverware into the drawer? When I put the forks tines-down the tines get stuck in the botton of the basket.

Can’t wait to read you when Dylan starts to cruise!

16 years ago

Oh! That reminds me…Patrick Swayze is on my list!

16 years ago

In regards to the knives, we were told repeatedly by the salespeople and by the papers that came with our knives, NOT TO PUT THEM IN THE DISHWASHER. So how about that? Now you can just slice your hand open in the sink when you are washing dishes. On the same note, we are not allowed to wash our pots and pans. We have stainless but I have heard that the dishwasher doesn’t do good things to the Teflon coating. Just another little peice of cancer for us all.

16 years ago

we put our silverware all tines up except for the steak knives. That way you can’t gouge yourself! But – as stated above – you really aren’t supposed to put them in the dishwasher anyway. but tell me: who the HELL likes to hand wash anything?

16 years ago

Who knew this was such a fascinating issue…its a real close second to how you hang your toilet paper. I’m very firm in mys system on forks and spoons UP and knives most definitely DOWN.

I wonder what it says about me that I actually find incredibly interesting to read how others load the dishwasher?! My husband insists on putting all of our bowls on the top rack but for some unknown man-reason always puts the Gladware, etc. on the bottom which means I have lost about 38756 lids to the Melting Gods.

(Wow, that is an embarrassingly long comment on dishwasher loading, I guess my feelings run much deeper than I thought…)

ccr in MA
16 years ago

I put most of the silverware pointing up in the dishwasher, even butter knives, but steak knives definitely down. I too am on the clumsy end of the bell curve.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

16 years ago

I’ve always thought you look like Mira Sorvino!

Niki P.
Niki P.
16 years ago

Ummm, I can see the Chloe thing a little bit but you don’t have the smarm that she has. I could slap her every damn time. You, I don’t wanna slap. Funny.

16 years ago

um, i think mariah is actually very pretty, although was prettier in her younger days, before whatever she did to her face. and chloe is not exactly pretty but there’s something really magnetic about her. i can kind of see why people would think you look like chloe, but you are actually MUCH MUCH prettier than she is. i have to agree with anon at the bottom here, who says mira sorvino! she’s adorable. at least you don’t get sarah jessica parker. i do. i’ve also gotten sheryl crow (i also don’t like her). my nieces used to think i looked like daphne in scooby doo (the live-action version), who is sarah michelle gellar. i just had a trench coat and blonde hair; i think that was where the resemblance ended. they still call it the daphne coat.

16 years ago

Eek — all the silver goes pointy bits down in our dishwasher. I’d be hella sliced-up otherwise. Not so much with the hand-eye coordination, am I. It all seems to get clean, though.

I don’t see the Mariah Carey thing at all. *Maybe* a *little* of the Sevigny around the edges, but that would not have popped into my head at all. Mainly because you’re attractive and she… well. I agree that I see a lot more of Mira Sorvino! I get Melissa Stark, the sportscaster lady. I don’t see it, but I’ve gotten it several times, so there must be something to it.

Now I’ll go back to daydreaming about the man-elfwich.

16 years ago

OMG! That scene in Out of Sight! Laaaaaaawwwd! I love it!

And how could I have forgotten Clive. Sigh.

16 years ago

I’m a tines AND blades-up girl, or I was when I had a dishwasher. *wistful sigh*

Oh Philip Seymour Hoffman is DELICIOUS, even at his slobbiest. He is! He is! I wish I’d listed him because: YES. Especially in the Empire Falls miniseries on HBO. YES YES YES.

I see the Chloe Sevigny reference a little — not a lot — BUT I will tell you that I actually think she’s very, very pretty, and I actually like her, so for me, it’s a good thing. (Uh, anyone else see Big Love? She has her moments there! She does!)

But yes! YES. MIRA SORVINO, YES. That’s it.

16 years ago

Chloe is pretty if you can get past her outfits. I can see that, but I agree, much more Mira Sorvino.

I don’t look like anyone except my mom, who looks like her mom who doesn’t really look like anyone famous.

16 years ago

I fully agree that Johnny Depp is hot and all, but does no one else find him a bit… well… CREEPY? The dude’s creepy. Hot. Creepy.

I put the knives on their sides up in on the cups rack. Very clean, no stabbing.

16 years ago

Good post – so many comments for me to add! YAY!!

Ok, here goes:
1 – silverware/dishwasher issue. All items go tines up EXCEPT sharp knives! Spoons, forks, butter knives – ok. Sharp knives – definitely down!! No wonder the band-aid has been present for two days! :)
2 – looks issue. Chloe – yes, I can see this. Mariah Carey – not so much. And I agree, not so pretty.
3 – growth issue. My little girl is 4 months old and I certainly remember the OMG moment when she just seemed to instantly outgrow EVERYTHING. But that also just barely preceded the SO MUCH FUN stage that babies reach. Enjoy!
4 – nobody puts Baby in the corner. LOVE! My BFF bought me the onesie from Carter’s with this plastered on the front. Can’t wait to show her off in that! 6/9 months – here we come!! :)

That’s all. I’ll leave you alone now …

Have a great day and enjoy the rest of your stay in Coos Bay!!

(Ok, is it just me or did I totally just sound like a tour director/flight attendant/etc above? Yeah, sorry bout that.)

Amy M.
Amy M.
16 years ago

Hmmm… Mariah? I’m going with the general consensus here in that I can see Sevigny, but Mira may be a better comparison. Being Asian, there aren’t too many celebrities who I resemble. My hubby says Kobe Ty (sp?), the, ahem, adult movie star. Thanks, hon.

I’m a pointy-bits down dishwahser person as well. Never really gave it much thought. Everything seems to get clean, though.

16 years ago

I had to laugh at the celebrity comparison distress, because I, too, have been told recently that I look *just like* a famous actress. I was so flattered (I had once been compared to Neve Campbell in the Party of Five days eons ago), so I was so excited to hear who it was I could be mistaken for:

Kathy. Freaking. Bates.

Now that’s humbling.

When we had a dishwasher, the constant argument was not “tines up/down” but “sort the silverware into separate compartments in the dishwasher vs. just throw it in there already, geez.”

16 years ago

I am DEEPLY against tines up in the dishwasher. My biggest fear is ramming a fork tine under my fingernail.

Also, I dispute the “they get more clean” theory on the basis that it doesn’t matter if they are more clean if YOU HAVE TO PUT YOUR GERMY HANDS ALL OVER THEM TO GET THEM OUT! Whew. I feel better.

16 years ago

Tines down!

I have to tell you, I don’t see the Mariah thing. But funny you should mention it, I have been compared to her since 1991. DAILY. I hear it ALL.THE.TIME. But more of the Vision of Love era, not so much how she looks now.

eeekk.. Am I ugly?

16 years ago

Tines either way. Knives down always. I do turn some of the spoons up on purpose b/c there is nothing grosser than 2 spoons getting stuck together & it’s dirty in the middle.
You do NOT look like Mariah.
And since I didn’t get to weigh in on the previous post, I adore John Cusack.
MKB: Depp’s little moustache is what I think makes him slightly creepy these days.

16 years ago

My husband does that tines up thing and drives me batty. Whatever, it SO does not make difference. I have experimented and the food is stuck either way if you do not wash it in a timely manner. I too stab myself regularly so I just turn them all down when he is not looking ;)

I was compared to Cameron Diaz once from the nose up??? That was also when I had blond hair but still, I look NOTHING like her. Maybe we have the same color eyes??! This I even highly doubt. I do agree with the person who said Mira Sorvino with reference to you.

16 years ago

I was a clumsy idiot of a child, emphasis on idiot. Dishes/flatware were my chore, and when it came to the flatware I ALWAYS impaled my pink little hands on whatever vaguely pointy or stabby implement of doom presented itself first. I eventually started to complain about it and suggest that the family do something about it by like, putting things death-side down, for instance. It never took. Nobody changed anything and I was stuck with the piping hot fork tines and a basket full of steak knives glistening moistly at me. Sure enough it took words from my sage grandfather to straighten me out. He suggested that instead of grabbing ’em from the top… I go at ’em from the side or even underneath… and voila. NO more bandaids. Seems trivial and silly to have to have had it TOLD to me, but as I said, I was an idiot.
In my home now, we are all points down, but still I come at things from the side of the basket (even after usually taking the flatware basket OUT of the machine) just in case I or my main squeeze was sloppy and got a knife in the wrong direction.
So – when all else fails, grab ’em from below. (“Don’t pick the fork-flower by the bloom, rather by the stem”.)

Aunt Linda
Aunt Linda
16 years ago

You’re thinner, prettier, and as far as I know, can sing better. I’ve never been fully convinced that you really are a member of this family. AL

16 years ago

umm..I get Kirstie Alley ALL THE TIME….now I should mention that I am 5’7″ and weigh in at 145. So NOT Kirstie Alley…

Sarah Y
16 years ago

On the dishwasher: Forks and spoons up, stabby stabby knives DOWN.

Naomi the Strange
16 years ago

it was ME who said you look like Chloë Sevigny… is that an insult? I didn’t mean it to be. I think she’s cute. :) I meant it as a compliment MAN! jeesh!

Anyway, Mariah Carey is fucking annoying as fuck and SO NOT CUTE!

Naomi the Strange
16 years ago

it was ME who said you look like Chloë Sevigny… is that an insult? I didn’t mean it to be. I think she’s cute. :) I meant it as a compliment MAN! jeesh!

Anyway, Mariah Carey is fucking annoying as fuck and SO NOT CUTE!

I’ve had people say I look like Scarlett Johanssen (I don’t, but it might be my lips..) and Angelina Jolie (I fucking WISH…) and Liv Tyler…

I think I look like ME. and I’m totally happy w/ that. I’ve never seen anyone that looks like me… I’ve yet to meet my doppelganger…

16 years ago

I hear ya on all those hotties. I could go on and on forever. YUM-MY!

I do tines down. Because I couldn’t afford to buy the jumbo box Band-Aids from Costco every week.

16 years ago

I agree with the others… I’ve always thought you look like Mira Sorvino. And that’s totally a compliment, because I really like her. :)

16 years ago

I think you’re way prettier than Chloe or Mariah.

Operation Pink Herring
16 years ago

I hadn’t discovered you at the time of the man-Elfwich, and that just made my day.

My fiance insists that spoons need to go handle-down in the dishwasher in order to get clean, but thankfully he doesn’t feel the same way about forks. When utensils are face up, you need to touch the part that goes in your mouth to pull them out, and doesn’t that defeat the purpose of them getting so sparkling clean? Wow, that makes me sound like a germophobe.

16 years ago

ok, i TOTALLY missed yesterday’s post. not sure how that happened. but my alltime movie star crushes are: vin diesel in pitch black and hugh jackman as wolverine. i’m sure there are others, but those two just, well, DAMN!

as for the tines up/down…i find i HAVE to put them face up if i want them even a little bit clean, however, i INSIST that all knives be face DOWN! i am not a fan of hand-meat stabbing.

mariah carey, i think she’s okay looking, but the crazy factor negates any beauty on her part. also, you don’t look like her. at all. and i don’t even know who that chloe chick is. i have been compared to whats-her-name judd. no, not Ashley, the pretty one. the other one…the FAT one. ya. *sigh* lucky me.

16 years ago

My knives have been blade-down since a run-in I had with our new steak knives.

And for what it’s worth, I would take being compared to Mariah Carey over BLOSSOM (!!!) any day, my friend. A good friend of mine gets Gene Wilder. We’ll be sitting over here on our sad sack log if you want to come visit us.