He’s the most loving, protective, generous, engaged dad I know.
Also, he makes us all laugh. Especially me.
Happy Father’s Day, JB. You are one of a goddamned kind.
He’s the most loving, protective, generous, engaged dad I know.
Also, he makes us all laugh. Especially me.
Happy Father’s Day, JB. You are one of a goddamned kind.
Aww, all such sweet photographs!
Pics made my eyes prickle! You make me want to breed.
No, she makes us want to breed with JB.
LOL. Wish I would have with someone like him instead of the asswipe I did.
I love Riley’s little hands.
That is the cutest father’s day shirt you made him!
Happy Father’s Day, JB.
(Are those french fries?)
And um, I think you should dress Dylan in coloured stripes for life, because…Tres Cute!
Awesome photos, specially the trio on the chair (sniff, so sweet!) :)
awwww! you and your boys are lucky to have a guy like that. (and seriously, ‘kiss my hog’ ? – totally awesome!)
hope JB had a great father’s day. :)
What a gorgeous tribute! JB is lucky!
Great post – wish I could have done something like that for my guy.
JB – Happy Father’s Day – there is no doubt that you are a fantastic dad! Hope you enjoyed your day.
JB…good guy, great dad…..dylan and riley are very lucky!!
I almost shed a few tears, but then i sneezed (i’m serious!).
JB is a great dad, I’m glad that you do realize how awesome he is…your boys are going to love having him for a best friend as they get older. I know my brother and dad have an awesome relationship because of how great my dad was growing up.
Gorgeous photos, A+ daddy.
Resourceful too, what with the use of “Z” (and whatever that “i” is) in “kiss.”
Keep him.
Oh, what a sweet post- and I love the last picture with the baby-ish hands, and the big daddy shoulders and the father’s day 08.
What a nice tribute to JB and great pictures!
Aw, happy Father’s Day, JB!
JB rocks; Happy Father’s Day indeed!
Fantastic pictures. Also, you are gunning for wife and mother of the year with that t-shirt.
You have such an admirable family.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who got a little teary over that one!
Absolutely beautiful. Stopped me in my tracks!
You are ALL very lucky.
Absolutely lovely.
This post made me shed a few tears. Very touching!
Man, Dads are hot aren’t they? I mean that not so much in an “I’m hot for JB way” but more in a you’re hot for your husband and then they turn into Dad’s and you had no idea how much a man in a baby bjorn can just, do it for you.
these pictures are wonderful!
I think I figured out what JB stands for…
Just the Best!
He’s a keeper!
Very sweet. Seriously.
Are you in the business of training husbands? ‘Cause I’d like to sign mine up. Please.
I stayed dry-eyed … Until “KISS MY HOG.”
I can’t explain why more men don’t understand what kind of amazing aphrodisiac it is when they are being good dads…. honestly, there are some days when I see mine playing with the kids it just makes me want to jump him. We should write a book.
Awww!! How awesome!!! Great photos…so obviously a loving dad!!
Indeed you are Linda! Beautiful pics!
That last picture is perfection.
Oh Linda! You totally turned me into one big mess with that sweet and beautiful tribute to JB. He is indeed one spectacular husband/father. And you and your boys are indeed lucky to have him in your lives!
Happy Belated Father’s Day to JB!
And you must share, what are those letters made of? (Kiss my hog!? Fantastic!)
Aw, Happy Father’s Day, JB. Every kid should be so lucky.
So cute!
Love the “kiss my hog”
What a wonderful tribute!
Heh, a caption just occured to me for the first photo:
Dylan: “This dude here is my personal Sherpa.”
although its a little belated, HAPPY FATHERS DAY JB! when i see the pictures and hear the stories of your boys and their dad, im often reminded of my father. some of your pictures are eerily close to ones of myself and my younger sister with our dad. im blessed to have a wonderful relationship with my dad [aka “the dude”] and i hope your boys continue to have a great one with both yourself and jb.
i also echo everyone else’s comments as to what a wonderful tribute, linda! your boys (all 3 of them! teehee!) are lucky, indeed.
I hope it doesn’t make you mad because I do love our cyber friendship, but. . .
I have a crush on JB.
It makes me so sad not every little girl or boy can have a wonderful sweet doting father like himself.
Please tell me something, L-dog: You say all you do is aim your flash to the North + bounce the flash, but I do the same thing with my Nikon + don’t get the same results. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me your ancient Chinese secret. BTW I have a speedlight.
Maggie (born 2 days before Dyl) is meeting her grandparents for the 1st time on Friday + I need beautiful pix like the ones displayed here on this very blog that I love ever so much. :)
Yeah, blah blah blah. I bet you married him for his body. Just like my wife did. :-) :-)
You know, I often look at pictures of the stuff your husband does with the boys and think, now that one, he has it right, how do i get one in that model?
I’ve read your journal since diaryland days, and seeing that you’re happy and still making me laugh, inspires me. I’m 27 now, and have someone who I feel would be a great loving husband and father. I’m actually looking forward to having kids, when I’ve been so apprehensive about it. Good for you! in a non-sarcastic/South Park way. Life is good. : )
Oh, wait. P.S. Does that say “Kiss my Hog? Hooha?” What?! So lost. It’s a mystery!
oh man. tears. so darling. so happy for you, and for your children, who have the benefit of an amazing dad. yay JB!
You make me laugh. . . then you make me cry. . . . I’m thinking JB may have blinked away a few tears too. .
Your boys are doubly blessed.