He’s the most loving, protective, generous, engaged dad I know.






Also, he makes us all laugh. Especially me.


Happy Father’s Day, JB. You are one of a goddamned kind.


When I was in contract discussions for this writing gig a while back I was surprised to see that the client wanted to send me to BlogHer this year, presumably because no one had informed them what a braying, pants-wetting jackass I am in large social settings. Now that the conference is a month away I suppose I should be fretting over the fact that I’ll be leaving my precious babies for a few days but to be honest all I keep thinking is: HOTEL ROOM TO MYSELF. A FULL NIGHT’S SLEEP. PAY PER VIEW PORN.

(I’m just kidding about that last one. Unless “porn” = “room service dessert menu”.)

I should go ahead and confess that when I received a very nice email asking if I needed childcare for BlogHer I basically responded, “Ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa NO.” No, I will not be traveling to BlogHer with a 3-year-old and an infant, my GOD, and for those who ARE bringing the kidlets along, you are made of stronger stuff than I. See also: batfuck crazy. No, wait, I mean, to each their own. I’m sure your kids will have a lot of fun. Hey, who doesn’t remember those heady summer days of childhood, when you’d beg your parents: “Please, please, can we go to a 3-day blogging conference? Please can we learn about content syndication and advertising models?”

ANYWAY, I’ve been to San Francisco several times now on business but I’ve never had time to actually see anything but the blocks surrounding the Moscone during daylight hours. Since I’ll be arriving the Thursday before the BlogHer conference starts, I’d really like to do something touristy. It will be late afternoon once I get checked into the hotel and have spent a while reviewing and strategizing my porn late-night creme brulee options, so I won’t have a LOT of time, and it will probably be right at the most traffic-y part of the day, but for those of you familiar with the area: what would you recommend? Where should I go? What’s the one thing you’d do if you had a few hours to kill in the city?

Lastly, here’s the Weekly Elsewhere Blogging lineup:
• The ongoing search for exercise/diet motivation [Gather.com]
• A damn fine list of workout music, if I do say so myself [SundryBuzz]
Making small talk and things I can no longer do [ParentDish]
Awesome bath products [Work it, Mom!]

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