I’m here at BlogHer and everything is going swimmingly, thanks for asking, except for a humiliating arrival where the cab driver informed me as he was pulling into the hotel drop-off that no, he did NOT take plastic, and then I got to embark on a panicked, endless search for an ATM that would accept my finicky, magnet-strip-compromised debit card, because how else was I going to pay for my cab ride, HOW?


(Although I really didn’t seem like his type, if you know what I mean.)

I have photos to post and more to blather about, but for now I’ll leave you with a picture I flat-out stole from Kristin’s website, because I am classy like that:



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Naomi the Streange
16 years ago

Have fun in San Francisco!

I’m going up to Tahoe this weekend to spend some time in nature :)

16 years ago

Have fun and report back lots for those of us who are missing it. (I’m only a few blocks away right now, but I can’t go. Sob.)

Mary O
Mary O
16 years ago

Oh, you two are so pretty. It looks like you’re having fun!

16 years ago

It must be KER-RAZY to see how all these bloggers compare to their blog photos!

samantha jo campen
16 years ago

I’m trying to not be jealous, but it’s not working that well. SO GLAD you’re having fun!!

16 years ago

I can’t believe I’m only an hour and a half away and still could not manage to pull my shit together to get to BlogHer this year.

Enjoy yourself! (And I hope you convince some people to join you at your ass crack o’ dawn yoga class.)

16 years ago

You have that glamorous tropical holiday look of joy. Also, phenomenal tans.

16 years ago

You look like you’re having so much fun! You deserve it! Baby-free, woot!

16 years ago

p.s. glad you didn’t have to blow the cabbie, regardless of his type.

16 years ago

Btw, in Vancouver when they say they don’t take plastic – and occasionally you run into one – they’re invariably lying. It’s cash under the table if you know what I’m sayin’.

16 years ago

Precious. My two favorite bloggers.

Um, this is ill-timed and so yesterday, but I’ve been meaning to tell you. Workout music: check out Girl Talk (if you haven’t already). I have been running to his Feed The Animals album and it is so great, it doesn’t miss a beat.

If you don’t know about him, dude mixes like crazy hip/hop and rock and pop music and totally reinvents the songs. His most famous mix is taking Notorious B.I.G. and backing it up with Elton John’s Tiny Dancer.

Anyhow, check it out and enjoy.

16 years ago

My 2 favorite bloggers!!!…cute

16 years ago

Hi Linda! Hope you are enjoying SF. If you find yourself with some extra time and want a GREAT workout – try the Bar Method. It’s in the Marina, so you’d have to take a cab but I promise you won’t be disappointed. The class schedule is online. Hope you all are having a fabulous time!!!

16 years ago

wow, is it okay that I am sort of star-struck looking at a picture of both you and Kristen…together!? Two fantastic writers…yay!

16 years ago

I know you live close-ish but man, I wish you lived closer. It was seriously awesome getting to spend time with you. Again! Soon.

16 years ago

I ditto Jolie, two of my favourite bloggers and you both look gorgeous.

Hope you’re having a great time (minus the 7 a.m. classes of course)

16 years ago

Heh, when I was 18 my car broke down in the middle of nowhere, with me and my ex-bf inside. It managed to drag itself to a petrol station, where I got a mechanic to fix it. Turns out it was only the thermostat (WHEW). My ex knew I had no money to my name (except $15, EXACTLY) and he went to the bathroom, while I found out it was $15 and paid the mechanic. He came back and said “How much is it?” and I said “It’s okay, I handled that.” He looked horrified.

10 years ago

my uggs bring all the boys to the yard laser speed detectors