(Hi, I’m still talking about career stuff and work situations and whatnot, so if you’ve had enough of this blather may I recommend visiting this website instead, which, if you’re like me, will leave you shaking your fist at the screen and mumbling darkly about how that is too a wizard, you know a goddamn wizard when you see one.)

I have wasted a big chunk of my life succumbing to inertia. Whether it was drinking, not getting in shape, sticking with an unrewarding job because it was too much work to make a change, not pursuing my personal interests beyond cursory distractions — it’s only been in the last few years that I really feel like I’ve started to break out of my holding patterns.

A big part of that has to do with parenthood. For me, the sea changes parenthood brought to my life have been so challenging it’s helped kick my ass out of my comfort zone. It’s reminded me that big rewards often require big sacrifices, it’s helped me realize that I am able to accomplish so much more than I tend to give myself credit for.

For the first time I truly believe I can do more, careerwise, than I’m doing now. I believe in my abilities and I believe I am marketable. I believe that given the right set of circumstances I could take the big terrifying step into freelancing full time — and for once, fully owning my professional success. My career aspirations boil down to this: I want to get out of it what I put into it. I believe the path for me to achieve that goal is working for myself.

There’s little to complain about with my job as it stands. I have a good salary, I get cushy benefits, I have a completely relaxed and malleable schedule. If I were to make any big adjustments I’d have to face all kinds of challenges, starting with the financial ones — if I made less than I do now but spent the same on childcare, the impact on our budget would be significant, maybe even insurmountable. I know from my experience being unemployed or on maternity leave that being at home full time has the potential to make me unhappy: lonely, resentful, and downright weird. I harbor no illusions that eliminating the physical separation between work and home would be without its difficulties when it comes to maintaining a sense of schedule and focus.

On the one hand, I think, why even consider trading comfort for the unknown? Why take on the dangerous possibility of making a change for the worse, especially when I’ve got my family to consider?

On the other, the knowledge that success takes hard work and risk.

I could tell myself that I’ll pursue my dreams at some later date, maybe when the kids are older, but why? There is no better time for me. I am strong and capable and I can do it all — I can be a great mom and I can make a happy life for my family and I can delight employers and I can run my own business. I know this.

I also know this: you can’t sit back and wait for good things to happen. When it comes to anything worth doing, you have to be willing to step up. I’ve gotten my shit together in so many ways over the last few years. The question I’m mulling over is, what else am I capable of?

Do you have a story about taking on risk in order to pursue a dream? I’d love to hear it.


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15 years ago

почему в нынешние времена поэзия не популярна?

15 years ago

спасибо за интересный сайт

15 years ago

где держать деньги во время кризиса?

15 years ago

У нашего старосты четыре радости: лошади пропали, коров не найдут, два

15 years ago

Нельзя никак, а сам и руку назад (т. е. нельзя ли как?).

15 years ago

Что воскресенье, то новоселье (т. е. шатается).

15 years ago

Была бы пыль, да люди б сторонились.

15 years ago

Любил дед чужой обед. Чужой и хлеб слаще калача.

15 years ago

Кабы бог не дал топора, так бы топиться давно пора.

15 years ago

Заветного не продают. На завет и цены нет.

15 years ago

В нитку вытянулся. Кости да кожа.

15 years ago

Не всем чернецам (или: Не всякому старцу) в игумнах быть.

15 years ago

Была бы изба нова, а сверчки будут.

15 years ago

После казанской дождь пойдет – все лунки нальет.

15 years ago

Не все то золото, что светит (блестит).

15 years ago

живи. Пропади мой лихой, не изведши меня, а изведши меня и пр.

15 years ago

Либо слушать, либо ничего не слышать.

15 years ago

У бога выслужишь, у людей никогда (о неблагодарности).

15 years ago

Нет лучше брани, как: Никола с нами!

15 years ago

он является во сне.

15 years ago

Пил мадеру, да досталось и спине и мундеру (солдатск.).

15 years ago

при Самозванце).

15 years ago

Недалеко до молочка: всего одна ночка (с последнего дня поста).

15 years ago

Кто донских лошадей объезжает, тот отца и мать не почитает.

15 years ago

За косу выкуп, а смотрины даром (свадебнsq обычай).

15 years ago

Муж за чарку, жена за черпалку.

15 years ago

Пришел гость из гостей, съел барана без костей; гость сыт и баран цел

15 years ago

Не велика птица колпица.

15 years ago

Плохо, что худо; а и того плоше, как и худого нет.

15 years ago

Стар да упрям, ни людям, ни нам.

15 years ago

Пуля виноватого найдет. Стреляй в куст, пуля виноватого найдет.

15 years ago

Писаные лапотки да пестрые онучи, так и подымай ноги покруче!

15 years ago

Хлеба хлебом не перевабишь (или: не перезовешь).

15 years ago

Торгу на три алтына, а долгу на пять.

15 years ago

Злому человеку не прибавит (или: не продлит) бог веку.

15 years ago

Что в сердце варится, на лице не утаится.

15 years ago

К ненастью соль волгнет (сыреет).

15 years ago

Согнута в дугу, летом на лугу, зимой на крюку (коса).